Message on the topic: “Modern biker subculture” - the emergence and description of the movement

The biker movement is one of the most powerful and widespread in the whole world. It exists in every country and unites people of all ages. But a bike and black leather are not the only things that make bikers stand out from the crowd. Their lifestyle contributed to the emergence of a separate style of clothing with special symbols. The rock style played a major role in its formation, which is where leather and metal fittings came from. But these are not all the important details of the special biker world, which emanates both brutality and romance.

Biker philosophy

The word “biker” itself comes from the English lexeme “motorbicycle”, which means “motorcycle”. Although bikers use this particular type of transport, they have a different ideology. You can’t just call them motorcyclists, as this could offend members of the subculture.

For a biker, a motorcycle is not just a means of transportation, but a real philosophy. It has a name borrowed from the 1969 film: “easy rider.” The ideology is based on three principles:

  • Liberty;
  • honor;
  • loyalty.

Bikers prefer freedom - they get rid of any responsibility. Most often, representatives of the subculture do not have a family or children. Every careless rider observes all points of a kind of code. He is forbidden to humiliate his colleagues, offend the weak and women, but he is obliged to help newcomers and those in need. The motorcycle driver is responsible for all his actions, so he must adhere to old traditions.

Transport is of great importance for a biker. He is cared for like a pet. The motorcycle may display the symbols of the gang, which emphasizes its individuality.

Motorcycle clubs

It is common for bikers to form clubs. Despite the fairly widespread stereotype, such associations are currently, in the overwhelming majority of cases, peaceful in nature.

Emerging after World War II, over time motorcycle clubs acquired a more or less standard structure. It may differ depending on the specific charters of clubs, on the country, on local conditions and traditions, but in general it has a number of similar features and traditions.

The path of a new member to the club is usually quite long. It all starts with a personal acquaintance with an existing member of the club. If the newcomer inspires confidence, then he introduces himself to other members of the club, and the presenter (guarantor) is automatically made responsible for all further actions of the protégé. If he makes a positive impression on the club members, he is assigned the status of support. After a certain time (this could be a year or more, depending on a number of circumstances), if the “support” has positively established himself in the club, the question of his admission to the club is raised at the general meeting. If the “support” has a guarantor, the issue can be resolved positively and he is assigned the hang around rank.

Hang around is the first, lowest rung in the biker hierarchy, followed by prospect and member. Club leaders are selected or appointed from the “members” (full-fledged members of the MC): president, vice-president, treasure (treasurer), sergeant at arms (head of the security service and the first instance for resolving disputes between club members), road captain (road captain, performs duties for conducting “outings”, organizing routes, determining the necessary costs, etc.) and other officers.

Each MC has its own symbols (colors). Usually these are three stripes on the back of a leather or denim vest - the upper and lower “rockers” and. “Hang around”, as a rule, has the right to wear only the lower rocker, “prospect” lower and upper, “member” - all three. While the Hells Angels hang around only wears a small "fake" patch on the left side of their vest, the prospect gets a lower back patch, and the member also wears all three. Officers wear a special rank patch on the left side of their vest. Sometimes there is also a patch with the name or nickname of the owner.

Relations in the club are built on the principle of a strict hierarchy - the “hanground” is subordinate to the “prospects” and “members”, the “prospect” is subordinate to the “members”, and all three categories are subordinate to the requirements of the charter, officers and the president. The main figure is the president, who heads the club and leads meetings. In some clubs he has the right to an additional vote. The President and officers form the Club Council, which has executive, legislative and judicial powers, can make changes to the charter and impose disciplinary sanctions on club members and “supports”. The main incentives are rapid advancement up the hierarchical ladder and exemption from membership fees. Punishments include unpopular work, a fine, temporary deprivation of rights and privileges, and expulsion from the club. The latter is considered the most serious and takes place at a general meeting of the club if the accused is of low rank, or at a meeting of only “members” if the misconduct of a “member” and especially an “officer” are being considered. Everyone admitted can express their opinion, but in any case only the “members” have the right to vote. If a decision is made to expel a club member, he immediately takes off his vest with “flowers,” leaves it and leaves the club building.

History of the movement

In a short report or essay about bikers, you need to write about the history of this subculture. The first motorcycles were created by the Germans Daimler and Maybach in 1885, although in 1884 a similar model was made by the Englishman Butler.

Soon this transport gained popularity among the masses, and motorcycle clubs appeared in America. They included representatives of the lower strata of the population - the unemployed or factory employees. But the bikers subculture had not yet formed; there were only lovers of motorcycles and a free lifestyle.

The movement arose only in the second half of the 40s, after the end of World War II. According to legend, the squadron of American pilots was then disbanded. They couldn't cope with losing their jobs, so they created a motorcycle club.

The first representatives of the biker subculture were considered to be from hell, real demons. They were hunted by the press, law enforcement agencies, even politicians . And later a number of films were made about this movement:

  • "Motor Psycho";
  • "The Wild Angels";
  • "Hells Angels on Wheels";
  • "Wild Rebels"
  • "The Hell Cats"

Although they showed bikers as dirty hooligans, alcoholics and rapists, these films had the opposite effect on the public. New clubs attracted romantics, lovers of a free life and thrills.

What is a “leather jacket” and who invented it?

A biker jacket is usually called a short leather jacket that has a narrowed waist and a zipper installed diagonally. It is made from very thick horse or bovine leather, but today you can also find inexpensive synthetic options. There are folds on the back of the biker jacket that are made specifically so that the jacket does not interfere with a person’s movement. The sleeves of a biker jacket are often very long, so much so that they cover the arms even after being fully extended. The slanting zipper, long sleeves and in general all the details of this element are made in such a way that a person can move freely and not be afraid of cold, wind and even injury. Outwardly, such jackets resemble military uniforms - there are especially noticeable similarities with clothing from the times of the American Civil War.

Biker jackets have a unique appearance, so you can’t confuse them with anything else.

The creator of the leather jacket is fashion designer Irving Schott. In 1913, he was an ordinary worker in the clothing industry, but then, together with his brother Jack, he rented premises and opened his own factory, Schott Bros. At first they produced raincoats with shearling trim, but then the man learned about the motorcycle culture and in 1928 introduced the first version of the iconic biker jacket. Gradually, jackets became better and began to completely protect motorcyclists (not yet bikers) from the wind. Due to their uniqueness, leather jackets under the Perfecto brand could cost $5,000.

One of the very first leather jackets


The description of the bikers' appearance deserves special attention . You can also write about this in an essay about subculture. The choice of clothing is influenced by the way of life and belonging to a particular club.

Bikers prefer to wear outfits made of thick fabrics that will not turn into rags after riding at high speed. Usually these are jeans or leather pants, T-shirts and T-shirts with images of rock bands or skulls. The top layer is a biker jacket, which is slang for a black leather jacket. It is decorated with stripes and club logos.

Biker girls (women can also ride motorcycles) dress in corsets, leather shorts or pants. For footwear, massive boots with a thick platform or army combat boots are preferable. Standard accessories include bandanas, leather studded wristbands, chains, and fingerless gloves.

Common symbols include the confederate flag and the 1% sign. The first does not indicate political activity, it is considered a challenge to the bourgeoisie. And the 1% symbol is associated with the Holister rally held in 1947. Then the head of the American Motorcycle Association said that only 1% of bikers are outcast lawbreakers. But today this patch only indicates a love of freedom.


Motorcycles are dangerous. So that's partly why you want to buy a bike?

Wearing the right equipment can help reduce the danger. However, it is also a matter of style. My Vanson leather jacket shows clear signs of being in a half-dozen accidents—and every time it has saved me from serious injury. In it, I don’t just look like a guy in a nice leather jacket, my clothes actually scream about the dangers I’ve endured. If you want to look like a biker, be a biker.

My clothes really scream about the dangers I've survived.

Good, safe equipment will allow you to ride more and come out of trouble better, not with injuries, but with exciting stories.

Music and paraphernalia

The biker music style matches their lives. Most motorcycle owners are rockers. They prefer fast and driving music. Popular groups:

  • Iron Maiden;
  • Metallica;
  • Motörhead;
  • Manowar;
  • Led Zeppelin.

These groups look just like the bikers themselves: they wear long hair, dress in leather, and adorn themselves with tattoos, wristbands and chains. Rockers and subculture have a lot in common.

You don't have to buy a biker jacket and combat boots to become a biker. It is enough to be distinguished by a rebellious, aggressive character, love for the iron horse and rock and roll. A biker will remain himself even in a business suit or a ridiculous uniform.

But still it can be recognized by its appearance. Most often, bikers grow hair and beards. Girls dye their hair black or bright colors. Dark clothing, rough shoes, leather or metal jewelry. You can do any activity, but pay enough attention to being a biker - taking care of your motorcycle, communicating with other carefree riders, and complying with the requirements of the code.

Features of the biker style in clothing for girls

The main biker style clothing for girls was and remains the biker jacket. Today it is presented in a variety of options, which differ in length, volume and decor. The only feature that always remains is the bias zipper. The length of the jacket is often shortened so that it looks more like a bolero.

The biker style of clothing for girls in the photo looks just as brutal as the clothing for men. The jackets have metal buckles and spikes, as well as fringe and decorative zippers. On T-shirts you can see applications with the corresponding symbols. Among the features of the biker style in clothes for girls, several more features can be highlighted:

  • Palette. T-shirts and tank tops are mainly available in grey, blue, black, as well as shades of chamois, dark khaki and beige.
  • Fabrics. Mostly leather is used, including patent leather, even brown. It is often complemented by denim and knitwear.
  • Shoes. For girls, biker boots with grooved soles, platform shoes, combat boots or sneakers are suitable.

Sunglasses and, for example, a daring skull bracelet, various rings, chains and other large metal jewelry will help complete the look. In addition to trousers, girls can wear shorts and skirts made of genuine leather. An original handbag, belt or fashionable cap will complete the look.

Differences from motorcyclists

Bikers and motorcyclists have a lot in common, but they are still different. If the latter simply choose a two-wheeled vehicle for transportation, then the former make it an object of adoration . The vehicle for brutal men and freedom-loving women is a real idol, which they almost worship.

In short, the biker subculture differs from ordinary motorcyclists in that it has individual views on life and prefers freedom. Anyone can become a two-wheeler driver. But not everyone turns it into a cult.

Bikers cannot imagine their life without their own motorcycle. They decorate it so that there is no other model like it in the world. A bike is an essential part of any happy-go-lucky rider. Freedom-loving men and women devote their lives to motorcycles. They meet similar people, join clubs, spend many years on the roads, moving from one city to another.

Some of them still work and even start families. But careers are usually associated with travel, and marriage partners are also in love with bikes and the road. Such couples rarely have children, because they need stability. But bikers are not only a youth movement. Rather, on the contrary, this lifestyle is chosen by mature people who are tired of routine and lack of freedom.

Pros of leather clothing

But, as stated at the beginning of the article, leather clothing is needed not only to give a brutal appearance. To a greater extent, it is necessary to protect against “asphalt disease.” Among motorcyclists and even bicycle enthusiasts, this is the name for the phenomenon when, after falling on asphalt, large abrasions and other lesions appear on the skin. No one is safe from falls, because even if all the rules are followed, there may be those on the road who violate them and expose others to danger. Therefore, to protect their bodies, motorcyclists use clothing made of thick and durable leather. Only some of them ignore wearing a helmet, which should never be done - protecting your head can save your life.

Motorcycle helmet after a fall. The man survived

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In general, a motorcycle is one of the most dangerous types of transport. Motorcyclists are 29 times more likely to die in a terrible crash than motorists, according to 2022 data. So it is very important to wear high-quality equipment - it can save a life even if you fall from a motorcycle at a speed of 346 kilometers. Don't believe me? Read our material.

Entertainment and shows

Bikers hold important events twice a year - the opening and closing of the season. They last for several days, during which motorcycle owners gather in a certain place and talk about their successes.

Holidays take place in a large space - in fields, squares, special sites outside the city. All these days, bikers drink beer and other alcoholic beverages, and eat a lot of meat and meat products. They are surrounded by beautiful girls who are partial to motorcycles and subculture.

Seasoned riders boast about the number of cities they've ridden or the unique features of their bikes. They tell each other interesting life stories and anecdotes.

The holidays are accompanied by competitions. The most popular ones are called “Sausage” and “Barrel”. At the first one, the biker gets on his motorcycle with the girl. While moving, she must eat a sausage hanging on a rope. And when participating in the second competition, the motorcyclist needs to roll a metal barrel as far as possible along a straight road. He can only use his own transport.

Basics of the Bosozoku style

The typical bōsōzoku style centers around overalls known as tokko-fuku. They are carefully tailored and resemble the uniforms of kamikaze pilots from World War II or the uniforms of workers. Many embroideries include army slogans, patriotic rising sun spots, ancient Chinese characters or even manji. These overalls are often worn open to reveal sarashi or bandages wrapped around the torso. Pair them with baggy pants and combat boots.

Accessories often include hachimaki or headbands with rebellious slogans, round sunglasses, surgical masks to protect the rider's identity, dangling earrings and tasuki belts. Hairstyles prominently feature 1950s pompadour-like hairstyles, perms, and rockabilly-inspired hairstyles. Hair is also often bleached, although not always.

In the beginning, the bosozoku style and subculture was dominated by men. However, by the 1980s, women began to join them, mostly girlfriends of male racers. Today there are female gangs and mixed-sex gangs, in addition to the stereotypical all-male riders.

The women's bosozoku style is long, dyed hair with excessive makeup. The average bosozoku girl also wears high-heeled leather boots. Some modern girl gangs also introduce long nails, pink colors and other "girly" things into fashion while maintaining the basic style.

Tattoos are common among both men and women in bosozoku gangs.

Situation in the modern world

At first the subculture appeared in the USA, but soon they began to “biker” all over the world . Festivals related to motorcycle riding and rock music are held in different countries. There is a similar movement even in Japan, only there it is called “bosozoku”.

Bikers are closely associated with rock and roll, alcoholic beverages, smoking, and a riotous lifestyle. But more responsible people who have built careers and started families can belong to this subculture.

The first bikers appeared in Russia in 1983. All their behavior was copied from Western motorcyclists. Easy Riders have formed two clubs. They were called "Night Wolves" and "Cozaks MC". And in May 1989, for the first time, the Russian club was represented on the international stage.

Domestic bikers often meet with foreign comrades. And motorcyclists from other countries note that in Russia their colleagues are particularly united. The older generation always comes to the rescue of newcomers, helping with everything: from choosing a bike to conquering new roads.

The biker movement is not as popular as other subcultures. After all, it requires significant financial costs - motorcycles and uniforms for them are not cheap. But this does not stop true lovers of roads, rock and roll and speed. Some assemble their bikes from several old ones, paint and decorate them themselves. Clothes, shoes and other paraphernalia can also be made with your own hands.

The subculture attracts new romantics every year. Roads, speed, freedom and a special way of life attract them. Some people start riding bikes in their teens, and all gender prejudices have long been erased. Both men and women can become part of the movement.


Particularly attractive is the wide variety of accessories in the “bike” style. If you can't decide to wear a leather skirt and a bias-cut jacket, start with themed accessories.

Unusual and daring handbags, backpacks and caps will lift your spirits and give you positivity. A belt of this style will look no less original.

Accessories as important elements of daring style

It is believed that biker clothes are only for young people. This is a misconception; many style elements can be used in your image regardless of age. A sense of freedom and drive is inherent in people of all genders and different generations.

Bike style items are ideal for a determined girl with high self-esteem. A brutal and at the same time feminine style will add brightness to the image and emphasize the natural attractiveness of the fair sex.

A little more about what to pair a biker biker jacket beautifully with in the video:

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