Road rules for scooters in 2022

Good afternoon, dear reader.

One of the previous articles on discussed whether a scooter driver needs a helmet. However, this is not the only question that arises among two-wheeler owners.

Even though a driver's license is required to operate mopeds, many scooter drivers do not know the traffic rules that apply to them.

This article discusses in detail the traffic rules for scooter drivers in force in 2022:

  • Scooter and moped in traffic rules.
  • Using low beam headlights.
  • At what age can you ride a scooter?
  • Is it possible to ride a moped without a license?
  • The location of the scooter on the roadway.
  • Features of transporting passengers on a scooter.
  • Prohibitions for scooter drivers.

Where you can ride:

Moped drivers must move along the right edge of the roadway in a single file or in the lane for cyclists .

Moped drivers are allowed to move along the side of the road if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

Lane for cyclists ” is a lane of the roadway intended for the movement of cyclists and mopeds, separated from the rest of the roadway by horizontal markings and marked with sign 4.4.1 in combination with sign 8.14 located above the lane.

If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk, pedestrian path, shoulder or within pedestrian zones endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount and follow the requirements provided for by these Rules for the movement of pedestrians.


  1. A scooter is the same as a motor scooter.
  2. Depending on the power, engine displacement, and maximum speed, you will need a category A, A1, or M driver’s license to operate it.
  3. You cannot ride a scooter without a license!
  4. Foreign driving licenses are valid if additional conditions are met.
  5. You can drive a scooter belonging to categories M and A1 from the age of 16; A - from 18 years old.
  6. The procedure for obtaining a license for a scooter is similar to the procedure for mopeds, motorcycles, and quadricycles.
  7. The average cost of training is about 10,000 rubles.
  8. The practical exam in the traffic police is taken at the race track without going into the city.
  9. For driving without a license, a fine of 5,000 to 30,000 rubles is imposed, depending on the circumstances of the offense.


(Features for mopeds in addition to the general traffic rules):

  • violate the prohibition signs
  • move on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet.
  • move on pedestrian sidewalks
  • roads marked with signs: 5.1 and 5.3
  • drive on the road without low beam headlights on.
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads that have more than one lane for traffic in a given direction. Moreover, it does not matter where the tram tracks are located (in the middle of the roadway or on the side behind the sidewalk). Turning and turning around is prohibited in any case. The scooter driver always has the opportunity to stop, dismount from the vehicle and roll the scooter across the crossing and become a driver again.)
  • drive a moped without holding the handlebars with at least one hand;
  • It is prohibited to tow mopeds, as well as tow with bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer designed for use with a bicycle or moped.
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • transport passengers if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;

Scooter and moped from the point of view of traffic rules

Please note that within the framework of traffic rules, the concept of a moped includes the concept of a scooter, i.e. Traffic rules for scooters in 2021 are similar to the rules for mopeds. Well, from the point of view of the rules, a scooter and a moped are the same thing:

“Moped” is a two- or three-wheeled mechanical vehicle, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km/h, having an internal combustion engine with a displacement not exceeding 50 cubic meters. cm, or an electric motor with a rated maximum power in continuous load mode of more than 0.25 kW and less than 4 kW. Quadricycles with similar technical characteristics are considered equal to mopeds.

Note. Mopeds include only scooters whose engine capacity does not exceed 50 cc. cm, and the maximum speed does not exceed 50 km/h. If your scooter has a larger engine capacity or can reach higher speeds, then it is a motorcycle.

First, I want to consider the traffic situation that I observed several years ago.

A six-lane road in the center of a Russian city, midday. There are quite a lot of cars driving along the street. The traffic jam is still a long way off, but there aren’t that many empty spaces between cars.

Among other vehicles, a small scooter is moving in the traffic. He attracted my attention from afar. This was due to the fact that the driver was using low beam headlights. “Wow,” I thought then. “But someone knows the rules of the road.” As the scooter approached, my surprise only grew.

The scooter was driving right in the center of the six-lane roadway, and right along the double solid marking line. At this point I smiled: “Does the driver really think that the double solid road is a path for scooters?”

Nevertheless, it still remains a mystery to me what was going through the minds of the scooter driver and his two passengers (all 12-13 years old) during such an amazing ride...

I suggest you count how many traffic rules are violated in this example. Well, after reading this article, you can do the calculation again. It is possible that the results will differ.

Let's get straight to the rules for scooter drivers.

Stop and Parking

Stopping and parking of vehicles is permitted on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - on the roadway at its edge and in the cases established by paragraph 12.2 of the Rules - on the sidewalk.

12.2. It is allowed to park a vehicle in one row parallel to the edge of the roadway, with the exception of those places where the configuration (local widening of the roadway) allows for a different arrangement of vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the roadway is permitted only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in places marked with sign 6.4 with one of the signs 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6 8.6.9.

Using low beam headlights on a scooter

19.5. During daylight hours, all moving vehicles must have low-beam headlights or daytime running lights on to indicate them.

As practice shows, mopeds and scooters are extremely rarely equipped with special daytime running lights. Instead, the driver must use low beam headlights. The driver must turn on the headlight immediately after he has taken his place in the seat and has firmly grasped the steering wheel.

This rule is very important from a safety point of view. It allows drivers of other vehicles to notice a moving scooter or motorcycle in advance. Therefore, the safety of the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle directly depends on turning on the low beam.

Let me remind you that starting November 10, 2010, drivers of all vehicles must turn on low beam headlights.

After receiving the work assignment, the Delivery Specialist must:

  • check the technical condition of the vehicle, paying attention to the serviceability of tires, brakes, steering, wiring, headlights, brake lights, direction indicators, sound signal, instrumentation, rear-view mirrors;
  • refuel the vehicle with fuel and other technical fluids only at gas stations and service points;
  • check the operability and serviceability of the engine at idle, lighting and instrumentation, and also check the operation of the brakes and steering at low speed;

Is it possible to ride a moped without a license in 2022?

Clause 2.1.1 of the traffic rules obliges the scooter driver to have a driver’s license:

2.1.1. Carry with you and, at the request of police officers, hand over to them for verification:

  • a driver's license or temporary permit to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category;

Please note that the driver must have a license of category M or any other category for the scooter. In this case, the certificate should not have a special ML mark.

Scooter license

The delivery specialist should not travel under the following circumstances:

  • a malfunction of mechanisms and systems has been detected in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited;
  • discrepancy between the characteristics of the vehicle and the characteristics of the cargo in terms of volume, carrying capacity, length and other parameters;
  • absence or malfunction of lighting fixtures, rear-view mirrors, signaling devices.

If violations or malfunctions are detected, the delivery specialist is obliged to inform the person responsible for the release of vehicles about the technical faulty condition of the vehicle, as well as the director of the restaurant.

Registration of a driver's license

Having learned the answer to the question of whether a license for a moped or scooter is needed, it is important for a citizen to understand how they are obtained and in what order. Driving without a valid ID is illegal and punishable.

How to get a license for a scooter:

  1. Contact a specialized institution for training.
  2. Learn the theory of traffic rules and master practical driving skills, including on city roads.
  3. Pass the exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate (the same place where national and international licenses are issued).

The training must be carried out by a specialized institution with a license to carry out such activities. The exam consists of two parts: passing the theory and performing practical actions. If a person fails to pass one of them, he is allowed to retake only after 7 days. A certificate is issued after paying the state fee and providing all documents, for a period of 10 years.

Features of moped control

It is prohibited to start driving without using personal protective equipment.

Motorcyclist landing.

When boarding a moped, the main point of support is the motorcyclist's legs, namely the inner thigh, which rests on the surface of the saddle, gas tank and foot. When driving a moped, the motorcyclist’s body is supported by the work of the abdominal and back muscle groups, while the arm muscles are relaxed. Hands serve only to control the moped, but are not a fulcrum.

Moped control.

When driving a moped on public roads, the motorcyclist holds the steering wheel with both hands with a normal grip.

Taking a turn.

Correct turning: the moped is tilted towards the turn, the body is also shifted towards the turn, the head is turned towards the exit point of the turn. When entering a turn, your gaze should be constantly directed towards the exit point, i.e. the motorcyclist looks where he wants to go, and not in front of the moped. The head turns towards the exit point, not the eyes!


When braking, first press the rear wheel brake, then immediately press the front wheel brake handle - the rear wheel brake serves to redistribute the weight of the motorcycle along the axles, loading the rear axle of the moped, and the front wheel brake stops the moped. The front brake handle is released in 2 stages: - free play of the handle is selected; — smoothly squeeze the handle all the way, without intermittent movements, and hold it until the moped comes to a complete stop. Maximum effective braking is achieved by using the moped's braking system and engine braking. When braking a moped, the motorcyclist's torso is held by groups of abdominal and back muscles, the fulcrum is the inner side of the thigh and foot. Hands are used only to control the moped. When braking in a turn, using the front wheel brake, the moped tilts inward of the turn. When using the rear wheel brake, the moped is leveled. It is not allowed to use both brakes when turning - this technique will lead to a U-turn and the moped falling! When entering a turn, it is not allowed to release the gas - this technique will lead to blocking and skidding of the rear wheel and, as a result, the moped will fall.

How can the traffic police prove your guilt?

If the driver does not agree with the description of the traffic situation in the protocol, traffic police officers will have to prove his guilt. For this purpose, witness testimony is used. All possible details at the scene that can shed light on the situation are recorded and then provided in the form of photo or video materials.

A description of the scene of the incident is drawn up. In large cities, CCTV cameras are installed on many roads - recordings from them can be used to prove the driver’s guilt.

Safety requirements during operation

1. During work, the Delivery Specialist is obliged to:

- carry out maneuvering only after first making sure that the maneuver is safe for surrounding pedestrians and that there is no interference for other vehicles;

2. The delivery specialist is prohibited from:

- be at work, drive or be behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated, under the influence of drugs, as well as medications containing alcohol;

- rest, sleep, eat food while in (on) a vehicle.

3. When operating a vehicle in unfavorable atmospheric conditions, the Delivery Specialist is obliged to:

— during fog, heavy snowfall or rain, use fog lights if available, move at a speed that allows safe movement, unless necessary, do not overtake vehicles moving in the same direction;

— when descending a slope, apply engine braking and apply the service brake;

- move on the ice of rivers and reservoirs only if you have permission from the traffic safety service and on specially equipped ramps and roads, lined with milestones and having signs and road signs.

4. Follow all electrical safety rules.

5. Parking a vehicle is allowed only in permitted places, in compliance with parking rules. It is prohibited to park a vehicle in permitted parking areas if it interferes with other road users, interferes with any repair work, or is exposed to a visible danger.

6. Leave valuables in the pizza box when parked.

7. At the end of the working day, the vehicle must be parked at a place agreed upon with the shift manager, and the keys and documents from the vehicle must be handed over to the manager for signature.

Seasonality and weather conditions

It is better to use a scooter in the warm season, when there is a stable daily above-zero temperature outside. This is, of course, in summer, late spring and early autumn. During this period, riding two-wheelers is a pleasure. But if it rains, it is better to refrain from traveling for the following reasons:

  • bad visibility
  • the driver is forced to slow down and, as a result, may become a nuisance on the road
  • the road becomes slippery and the scooter often skids, especially when braking

Therefore, in rainy weather it is better to travel by car or public transport.

For safety reasons, we also do not recommend riding a scooter in winter.

It is technically not suitable for this time of year. In the cold it is difficult to maintain balance on ice, and the plastic on the scooter becomes brittle and even with a slight impact breaks easily. We advise you to forget about the scooter during the winter period.

Safety requirements in emergency situations:

1. If parts or assemblies of the vehicle fail, the Delivery Expert is obliged to move off the roadway (where permissible) and turn off the engine.

.2. In the event of a fuel fire, the delivery expert must take measures to extinguish the fire using fire extinguishers, felt mats, tarpaulins, sand and other available means. If it is impossible to extinguish the fire independently, the forwarding driver must call the fire department in the prescribed manner and inform his supervisor.

3. In the event of a road traffic accident, the Delivery Specialist involved in it is obliged to:

  • Immediately stop and do not move the vehicle.
  • Turn on the hazard lights, wear a safety vest (if equipped), and display a warning triangle.
  • Do not move or secure objects related to the accident (shards of glass, soil falling off tires, etc.).
  • Call the immediate shift manager, in his absence, his replacement (deputy director of the restaurant (any category), shift manager (any category)) and the head of the transport department.
  • Take measures to provide first aid to the victims, call an ambulance by calling 112 (toll-free, it is possible to make a call without a SIM card), and in emergency cases, send the victims by passing transport, while recording their details (full name, address, contact number phone). Upon arrival of the ambulance team, specify the substation number and the place of delivery of the victim.
  • Report the incident to the traffic police by calling 112 (toll-free, you can make a call without a SIM card), write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses.
  • NECESSARILY!!! Take photographs of the accident site and the damage to all participants with general plans from all sides (location on the road in relation to traffic lanes, markings, signs, traffic lights and intersections) and close-ups.
  • Find out and write down the names of all participants in the incident.
  • Wait for the arrival of traffic police officers or emergency medical services.

Registration conditions

We would like to remind you that a scooter up to 50cc belongs to the category of mopeds, has restrictions on movement on the road and does not require state registration. And if the engine capacity is from 50 to 125 cubic meters, then it already belongs to the category of motorcycles. And then all the rights and responsibilities of a motorcyclist apply to the owner of a powerful scooter. In this case, registration of the vehicle and obtaining a state license are required. numbers.

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