BlackSmiths Biker Rules of Life. Club President Vitaly Yakush - about motorcycles, women and discipline

The very concept of a “motorcycle club” and its fundamental principles begin its history back in 1924 in the USA, when the AMA - American Motorcycle Association was created. A few decades later, the format of the organization underwent significant changes after, one might say, a historical event. In 1947, at the next AMA convention, unrest occurred, which resulted in the defeat of the small Californian town of Hollister.

The then president of the AMA inadvertently said that only 1 percent of the total number of bikers are problematic, while the rest are absolutely law-abiding, “white and fluffy.” It's no secret that motorcycle fans have always been famous for their freedom-loving and somewhat anarchic disposition. As a result, the words of the head of the AMA caused discontent, and the community of motorcyclists was divided.

Opposition bikers, who do not suffer from excessive morality and love of bureaucracy, announced their withdrawal from the AMA, calling themselves “one percenters.” Over time, the morale of the followers of the 1st percent faded somewhat, and opposition to social norms and laws became more of an image feature than a real dogma.

Soon, the fashion for creating a motorcycle club migrated overseas and communities of bike enthusiasts began to appear throughout Europe. Russia did not stand aside either. There are a huge number of similar communities in the vastness of our country.

Russian motorcycle clubs are not as principled and harsh as their Western counterparts and are more communities of interests than aggressive groups. The rules for joining such clubs also vary.

There is a belief that in order to become a member of such an organization, you need to undergo serious testing and testing, but in reality everything is a little simpler, although members of the motorcycle community do not always admit this.

08.02.2021 General information about the biker movement

There are a huge number of biker clubs in Russia. Russian motorcycle clubs are not as principled and harsh as their American counterparts, and are more communities of interests than motorcycle gangs. Russian bikers rarely become heroes of crime reports. On the contrary, if you look at the activities of some domestic bikers, you get the impression that these are some of the most socially active citizens of the country.

Each association has its own characteristics, and the rules for joining vary. Applicants must take the principles of brotherhood and mutual assistance seriously, be experienced drivers and motorcycle enthusiasts. All members of the motorcycle community must respect the symbols and participate in meetings and motorcycle rallies. Compliance with the internal code and subordination is another requirement for participants.

Every community has a charter - a kind of collection of general rules of behavior and morality. Newcomers are introduced to the charter, after which they confirm their solidarity with the voiced values ​​and priorities. Anyone who disagrees is closed to the organization. Many bikers associate themselves with the bearers of ancient Russian traditions and believe in Russia and God.

Biker clubs in Russia

The most popular community in Russia is the Night Wolves biker club in Kaliningrad. It was registered in Russia in 1995. Members of the movement have since taken an active part in many events and strongly support V.V.’s policies. Putin. The club has received worldwide recognition and is considered the most powerful, independent club that maintains the country's traditions.

The most popular motorcycle communities in Russia

  • Dobermans MCC Moscow. A relatively young community uniting Moscow bikers. The club opened in 2012, and since then its members have been actively organizing motorcycle seasons in the Moscow region. The emblem depicts a Doberman, the inscription Moscow and a modest MMC patch. Despite their status, members of the motorcycle community are distinguished by a high degree of responsibility.
  • Syndicate MC Russia. The private club began its existence in the same year as Doberman. Members maintain friendly relations with other bikers, but prefer their own path and do not enter into any alliances. Their morality is the desire for independence and free choice. Club members adhere to Orthodox traditions and oppose drug use.
  • Motor Brotherhood MCC. The community was created on the basis of the sports and technical club “MOTO-X”. Located in the city of Klintsy, Moscow region. Participants are organizers of motorcycle races. The motorcycle brothers have their own home club and cafe.
  • Legion MC. He began his work in St. Petersburg in 1999. Participants in the biker movement actively participate in various events. In 2006, representatives of the movement built a full-fledged Club house, where the community is based to this day.
  • Free Brothers MC. The history of the Saratov club began in 2003. The motorcycle community was distinguished by its strict policy towards road users. At that time, the club had many restrictions on joining the biker ranks. The motorcycle club organizes various events and contributes in every possible way to the development of the biker movement.
  • Leaving into the night MCC. The community brings together people from different social backgrounds. It was formed in 1996. Branches operate in Moscow, Krasnodar, Aprelevka and Cyprus. Members of the motorcycle community regularly hold various events and participate in motorcycle rallies. The basic principles of “Going into the Night” are male brotherhood and mutual assistance.

There are a large number of biker organizations in Russia. Russian bikers are true patriots of the country who support the ruling regime and do charity work. Recently, many clubs have acquired official status and become politicized. Every year, bike rallies and festivals with the participation of rock musicians and famous personalities are held throughout the country.


What is "MS" club? Structure of biker "MC" clubs.

To some extent, "MS" are a product of our time. At the forefront of the “MS” is order, hierarchy and a set of laws called the internal charter. Much attention is paid to long-distance travel, expanding ties with friendly clubs, as well as holding various kinds of promotions. All “MS” with a serious application for carrying out significant actions are registered by definition. Due to the fact that otherwise they will be at the level of children's circles since they will not be able to solve their financial and organizational issues, which will accordingly affect their authority in the bike environment. Now motorcycle clubs, as a matter of principle, do not engage in criminal activities, because... Because of their official registration, they are constantly in full view of the authorities. MS members bear little resemblance to motorcyclists riding from cafe to cafe. Members of the “MS” cannot be women and representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation (“MS” are always same-sex). To be recognized as a full-fledged motorcycle club (among motorcyclists and, especially, among other “MCs”) you need the following:

  1. Number of seven people wearing full colors.
  2. Availability of "CLUBHOUSE".
  3. “MS” stripes (colors) of the accepted sample.
  4. Hosting an event.
  5. Availability of motorcycles and “RUN`S” (trips)
  6. And, most importantly: “MS” are people connected by friendship, common views on life in general and on motorcycle culture in particular. This rule is not public, but everyone understands it even without it “MS” is just a get-together based on interests.

What is "RC"?

"Raiders Club" This is a club of people with a love for motorcycles. The main idea of ​​the club is mainly motorcycle tourism. For the most part, these are people who do not comply with strict regulations, but have a certain set of simple rules, mainly relating to the rules of behavior on the road and driving in a convoy. "RC" has women in its ranks as full members. As a rule, members of riders clubs are law-abiding and good guys who will always help on the road. It’s not uncommon for riders’ clubs to be clubs for owners of a particular brand or model of motorcycle (an example would be a “gold wing” club).

What is "MSS"?

"MCS" - "Motor Cycles Club". "MSS" as a rule does not require official registration. The essence of “MSS” is to unite people on the principle of friendship and love for motorcycles, for joint leisure, communication, travel, etc. “MSS” is an extremely democratic organization; all club members decide what the club will do and what rules it will have. In most cases, anyone can become a member of “MSS,” regardless of age, gender, or social status. Many MSS have women in their ranks as full members. Usually a person becomes an applicant, and after a certain time (for different clubs from 3 months to 2 years), he becomes a full member. Most MSS clubs are small (10-30 members) and not many have branches. As a rule, MSS does not have its own Club-House. Meetings take place somewhere at a certain time each week. These are open meetings and are not mandatory; MC members may attend. But once a year there is a mandatory members-only meeting where club issues are resolved. "MCS" have three or more elected positions. These are “Chairman” (Chairman), “Treasurer” (Treasurer) and “Secretary” (Secretary). As a rule, the "Chairman" has less power than the "President" of the "MC". "MSS" wear the club logo on the front of a leather jacket (vest) or on the sleeve, etc. MSS are apolitical and neutral. They do not participate in conflicts between “MS” clubs, have no territorial claims and ambitions for dominance, and as a result have no friction. MSS is a type of club where people ride motorcycles for fun, enjoy life and party...

What is "Club-House"?

“Club-House” - (club house) is the holy of holies of “MS”. “Club-House” is usually called a room that belongs exclusively to this “MC” and no one else. Strangers cannot cross the threshold of the “CH” unless they are invited by the “MS”. For every stranger in the “CH” premises, any member of the “MS” bears personal responsibility; in case of improper behavior of a guest, a member of the “MS” may suffer serious punishment. SN holds quarterly and emergency meetings. The "MS" banner is kept in "SN". Also in the premises of “CH” the documentation and material resources of the club can be stored, used for carrying out various kinds of actions. “CH” very often houses bike repair boxes and equipment (especially if this “MS” has its own sports teams that take part in drag racing or motocross.).

What is "Colors"?

“Colors” are the “colors” and coat of arms of the motorcycle club, its graphic design of the name and location, as well as the letters “MS.” Flowers are chevrons that are required to be worn by MC members at all official events and road raids. "Colors" are usually made in several colors. For example. Colors “Hell's Angels MC” (USA) - red and white. The chevrons are worn on the back of the motorcycle vest and consist of three parts. The top rocker is named after the club. The lower rocker designates the city or other locality where the club is located. Between the upper and lower rockers there is an image of symbolism, which is the main idea of ​​the club. An arched patch is worn on the front of the vest. This rocker is worn on the left front part of the vest at the bottom. The name of the country in which the club is located (chepta) is written on such patches. Copying, use and stylization of the graphic design of the coat of arms and name by non-members of the motorcycle club is prohibited. In this regard, clubs that are “MS” undergo mandatory registration, since it is easier for official organizations to defend their interests in court, and there is also the opportunity to register their symbols, protecting them from cloning and desecration. Almost all serious MCs register their rights to symbols.

What are chest and other badges?

Breast stripes are usually made in club colors. The stripes inform members of other “MCs” and people close to the bike community about their membership in any club and their position in it. On the right, in the direction of travel, there is a patch with the name “MS” on the chest. On the left side of the movement there is a patch on the chest indicating the position (position) in the “MS”. Under this patch is sometimes worn an additional patch on which the name or nickname of this person is written. There is also a large list of additional stripes that speak about informal events in which their owner participated or about his merits in this “MS”. There are also a large number of stripes that speak about views and lifestyle (such as FTW). A huge number of badges and signs are also used, the first of which speak about those shows, rallies and countries in which their owner took part (the more there are and the cooler they are, the farther and cooler their owner is). Other badges tend to highlight milestones in life that the wearer is proud of (for example, service in elite forces such as the Airborne Forces). The order of the stripes may be changed depending on the decision of the club.

How is "MS" based?

To start, you need seven people with motorcycles. Why seven people? Yes, because there is a certain hierarchy in the club, which requires the required number of people to distribute positions. There are two options for creating a motorcycle club. Both options imply the existence of a group of people who are ready to do anything for the sake of the MC and each other. The first option: a new MC opens with his own “Colors”, developing independently. Official registration allows you to hold various kinds of competitions, auctions and bike shows with the permission of local authorities. There are groups of people calling themselves “MS” clubs, but they have not been registered.

How many “MS” can there be in a given area?

If "MC" already exists in the area. its members have a negative attitude towards attempts to open a new club, since the interests of motorcycle clubs will certainly intersect in the future, which will lead to inevitable conflicts, and therefore to responsibility before the authorities. Sometimes there are exceptions: over the years, warriors and prison MCs have become accustomed to each other (for example, Hell's Angels MC and Banditos MC), although conflicts continue to arise with varying frequency.

What type of motorcycle should I have if I want to become a member of MS?

Any. But exceptions are possible: some “MS” give preference to certain brands of motorcycles. Also, clubs of owners of certain brands and riders clubs can put forward certain requirements regarding the brand of motorcycle. A good motorcycle, as a rule, costs quite a lot of money, and many clubs filter out applicants by model, brand, and cubic capacity. The main idea of ​​the bike is that after the club and chevrons, this is the main value for the biker and a reliable friend and brother. In addition, a real biker’s motorcycle must always be in excellent technical and ideal visual condition (in terms of cleanliness, it must simply sparkle). As a rule, motorcycles made in the style of rats or those owned by dirty monsters who have nothing in common with bikers are not ideally clean. Also, the guys on “RAT” motorcycles try to ensure that on the road their bikes are the dirtiest, most unkempt and the most disgusting among all the others. Everyone rides the motorcycle they deserve.

What is "Chapter"?

“Chapter” (“branch”, “branch”) according to the principle of transcription - “chepta” is a branch of a given motorcycle club, founded in another area, consisting of at least 6 bikers. A separately organized club, developing independently, can ask any “MS” to join it as a chapter using symbols. In such a situation, the MS board of directors can make either a positive or a negative decision. The name of its location (city, etc.) is printed on the lower rocker of the chevron of the chapter member. Joining the “MS” as a chapter without using its symbols is not possible. Its chapter cannot exist in one city.

What hierarchy exists in MS?

The “MS” defines a group of people called “Officers”. The highest level of the hierarchy is the president. On his vest there is a special patch - “President” or “Pres”. The next one is the vice president (patch - “Vice President” or “Vice Pres”). automatically becoming president upon resignation or death of the incumbent. Secretary - conducts all “paper” work in the club. “Road Captain” is the most competent person in MS regarding planning trips along a specific route. That is, he must know this road very well, all the gas stations and rest areas on it. For each new route, a new “Road Captain” can be selected. "Treasury" - cashier, financial manager of "MS". “Sergeant of arms” (“military sergeant”, “armed sergeant”) is a completely tough figure. The authorities are showing special interest in him. Always, even on vacation, he keeps order in MS. Determines the punishment for the offenders. “Member” (“full member”) is a member of a motorcycle club, the name “Full Member” may appear. His vest has all the colors and stripes sewn on it. "Prospect" ("candidate", "promising newcomer") - a candidate preparing to become a "Member". Does not yet have the right to vote at meetings and the right to make decisions. His “Colors” does not contain the name and coat of arms of “MS”. “Hangaround” (“hanging around”) is a possible “Prospect”, currently doing “rough” work in “MS”. Only the name of the region is sewn on his vest. “Supporter” (“supporter”) is an active candidate for the “Prospect” club, supporting the club in any endeavors and living by the laws of this club. On his vest, only the region and status are sewn on the chest.

What is a club vest?

The vest can be leather or denim. The vest must have a certain degree of adjustment, both for wearing it in the heat (almost on a naked body) and for wearing it in colder periods (on a jacket). As a rule, it depends on the location where the club is located. In warm regions, where the temperature is quite high and rain is rare, wearing denim vests is possible. In our region, leather is practically necessary, which is caused not only by weather conditions, but also by safety reasons. If it falls on osphalt, the skin has the property of sliding and this is practically without loss of appearance (after appropriate processing, of course). In addition, the skin is practically not blown through. The skin practically does not get wet, with appropriate treatment. Today, there are also denim clothes with woven Kevlar thread, without which it becomes just an archaic element. Chevrons and badges are applied to it for special distinctions, if any. After applying the first chevron rocker, the vest becomes the property of the club. It is unacceptable for a vest to end up in the hands of a non-member of a motorcycle club.

Is there a special road route in MS?

Exists. The scheme is very strict, it is always followed, because the MS is always in motion, the speed is high, movement occurs in any weather, and failure to comply with this scheme can lead to an accident. “Road Captain” goes first, followed by “President” and “Vice President”, parallel to each other, followed by “Officers” in pairs, “Full Members” in pairs behind “Officers”, then “Members” in pairs, then in pairs “ Prospects" and for "Prospects" - "Hangarounds". The “Hangarounds” are followed in pairs by the “Supporters.” The club bus brings up the rear.

How to become a member of "MS"?

First of all, you need to have a motorcycle and some conviction. You need to get in touch with the local “MS”, whose representatives, having considered your candidacy, will put forward certain requirements and assign a probationary period. At the end of the probationary period, you will either be accepted into MS or you will be rejected. To be a member of "MS" means to prove one's masculinity or to fight for the freedom that the road implies. Being a member of a club means communicating with people who think the same as you, participating in club raids and events. It's the freedom to express yourself in the only way that's right for you. Joining a club is not that easy, you have to earn your right to become a member of the club and wear the club colors. It should be said that women and representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation cannot be members of the MS.

What is a friendly club?

A friendly club is considered to be a motorcycle team that has its own colors of the established order “MS”. We have really friendly relations with this motorcycle club. Clubs take an active part in each other's activities and events.

What does the digital abbreviation mean?

In different clubs, for one reason or another, there is a need for a brief indication of club membership. To do this, a digital code is used, which originates from the first letters of the upper rocker with the name of the club. Since the names of clubs have historically been written in English, it is necessary to count according to their alphabet. Thus, a club with one word in its name is written with one single-digit or two-digit number depending on the alphabetical order, and a club with two words in its name is written with two single-digit or two-digit numbers.

What is support clothing?

Support clothing is clothing on which images of symbols close to the club's are applied, possibly in colors close to the club's, as well as with a digital abbreviation. Support clothing can be worn by both ordinary people and sports teams that represent the club in various competitions or show loyalty to this club, etc... It is not uncommon for ordinary people to purchase support clothing because of interesting design solutions. Caliper clothing is usually created to support the financial base of the club and gain greater popularity in the bike community. Support clothing under no circumstances gives the wearer the right to be called a supporter; these people, as a rule, are considered fans, since the status of supporter is one of the steps in the status of club members. Under no circumstances can there be an image of a central rocker on support clothing that is not intended for club members, and this is basically the only rule.

Who is a biker?

This is a real man, on a real motorcycle, in a club, proudly wearing the colors and abiding by the rules of his club. Anyone who starts rummaging through hyphens, suffixes and transcriptions, or shouting with foam at the mouth how many screws he has screwed up in his life, as a rule, customizing this definition to suit himself, is unlikely to be one. A biker has a need to belong to a group. Bikers don't like to feel isolated, so as a result they form official clubs. To be a member of the club means to be free from rules, to do what you like and when you want it. Wherever a biker goes, he always remains what he is - a biker. Bikers never try to give the impression of a person belonging to any other subculture. They do not try to behave by adapting to others, bikers are always bikers, and this is the main rule that guides them.



Moscow and Moscow region
* Asgard MC * Assholes On Wheels MCC * Bandidos MC * Black Bears MC Moscow Chapter * Cyclops MCC (+7-925-248-8020) * Daredevils MCC * Falcons CMC (Moscow) * Free Biker * Ghosts MC Domodedovo ( founded 2012, +7-903-009-2929) * GoldWing Club of Russia * HammerHeads MCC * Heavenly Horsemen MCC * Hells Angels MC * Hydroclub Solntsevo MC * Long Way Riders Club (Shchyolkovo) * Moscow Brotherhood MC * Club of Suzuki lovers and owners Boulevard.
* Moto-Invasion MCC * Moto Maniacs MCC * Outlaws MC * Proebikers MCC * Riders (Dolgoprudny) * Road Wings MC * RED SQUARE CHAPTER RUSSIA * RoadHawks MCC * ROLLING ANARCHY MCC INTERNATIONAL * RUSICHI MC (Sergiev Posad) * Star Riders Russia * STEEL HAWKS MC MOSKOW * StepBrothers MC, (Khimki, Moscow region) * TEMPLAR MCC * Veterans MC * VICTORY RUSSIA MCC * White Ravens MC * Wild Cossacs MC * Wild Wheels MC * Wildriver Club RC * Wolves MC * Japan Motorcycles Owners Club * Vyatichi MSS (Mytishchi) * Road to the North MC * Zlatoverst MSS * M8 Mytishchi MC (Mytishchi) * Motor Rodnya MCC (Pushkino) * Motorcycle Family MCC * Moto-Chaos MCC * Night Wolves MC * Association BUNE (Noginsk, Elektrostal) * Scumbags MFC * Pantheon (Podolsk) * Pilgrims MCC * Real Boars (Wild Hogs) * Knights of the Wind MCC DOMODEDOVO * Owls (Khimki) * Slavs (Pushkino) * Three roads MC (Zelenograd) * MCC Altai Territory
* “Opposition” MCC (g .Rubtsovsk)
Amur region (Blagoveshchensk)
* 25th chapter MCC * MOTORS CITY MCC * “Opposition” MCC
* Steel Ghosts MS (Aksakovo) * Steel Claws (Beloretsk)
Veliky Novgorod
* Front-53 MCC * Novgrad
* Iron Tigers MC
* Wild Wind MC
* Motodvizhenie 36 MS * Gargoyles * Lucky Brothers MCC
* “Black Knives" * TOTENKOPF MG * TRASHERS
* Black Shark * Crazy Region MC (Shuya) * Idols MC
* Bike-all MC * Black Bears MC Irkutsk Chapter
* TRESPASSERS MCB (Motorcycles Brotherhood)
* Heart is a fiery motor (Kostomuksha) * Night Riders (Petrozavodsk)
* Iron Kaput (Novovyatsk) * Order of the Transfiguration MC (created on August 19, 2000 on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord) * Beer Putsch MC * "El Gringo" MCC * Hawks Vyatka MC
* Winds MC
* Centaur MCC * PEGASUS (Lesosibirsk)
* Dusty Roads, MCC (Solntsevo village) * LEGION MCC * SHADOWS MC (Kursk, Sudzha) * STEEL HOGS MCC (Rylsk) * branch of The Hooligans MC St. Petersburg (Kurchatov) * KUDEYARY, EK (Makarovka village) * Mustangs, KGOO OST * Spartans 46 MCC
* NORTHERN VAGRANTS (Apatity) * Murman Riders MCC (Murmansk, international club, including members in Norway and Sweden) * Northern Order of MS (Murmansk, Zapolyarny, Polyarnye Zori, Severomorsk) * Rain Riders (Olenegorsk) * Flying Sicles (Kovdor) * Los Murmanchanos (Murmansk, Moscow) * Northern Flock (Severomorsk)
Naberezhnye Chelny
* Golden Horde * Steel Monsters * Free Dogs
Nizhny Novgorod
* Black Bears MC * Free Birds MC * Dogs from the City Outskirts MCC * PITBULL MCC * CHEMICALS MC (Dzerzhinsk)
* 99 percent * Wildriver * Wheels of Doom
* Angels of the Night MC * CREWMOTORY (Motorcycle movement (stuntriding)
* Positive Mechanics
* FIRE MOTORS * DANGER (Taganrog) * DRIFTERS (Krasny Sulin) * HUNDRED MC (Volgodonsk) * MCC61RUS * MOTO BROTHERS MC (Azov) * MOTO TRAMPS MFC * RUSSIAN CHOPPERS (Bataysk ) * CUSTOM SHOCK (Volgodonsk) * Wild Wheels MC (Novocherkassk)
St. Petersburg
* Alcoride MCC * Bedouins MCC * Biker Boyz Tosno MC (Tosno) * Busy Riders * GRIM ROVERS MC * Luga Motors MC (Luga) * MotoClan * Motoclub RISK * Moto-M Motorcycle Technical Club * NEAR AFOOT MCC (Vyborg) * Night Hunters MC * ROLLING ANARCHY MCC INTERNATIONAL * STORM RIDERS MCC * Vulcan Riders Russia * WEREWOLF MC * Brotherhood BUSY RIDERS * Brotherhood VERY PATH * VARYAGI MC * Nevsky Lions MCC * Russian Motor * Steel Meridian (Volosovo) * WANDERER (Meadows) * Penal Battalion Military-Patriotic Motorcycle Club * The Hooligans MC * The Bullies MC
* Free Brothers MC Saratov * Legion MC (Engels) * Motorcycle Empire MC
Sakha (Yakutia)
* Amaka MC ( Mirny)
* Sakhalin Orphans MCC (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) * Shatun MCC
* Islanders
* Highway Tribe (Budennovsk) * Travelers Stavropol * SOUTHERN CROSS MCC
* Black Bears MC Komi Chapter
* Vikings MC * Brotherhood of Motors MCC (Vyshny Volochek, Udomlya)
* Steel Wind
* Outlaws * Moonshiners * Black Legion MC * Soldier Of Fortune
* Siberian Hawks * Liferoad * Ermak * ROLLING ANARCHY MCC INTERNATIONAL * Ferrum Art Customs
* Iron Tigers MC
* RAIDO MCC (Surgut) * Road Shark's (Nefteyugansk)
* Iron Heart (Ozersk) * ROLLING ANARCHY MCC INTERNATIONAL * Wings motor club
* Legion MC
* Motor club "Old School"
* Black Bears MC (Yaroslavl, Rybinsk) * Sapsan (Pereslavl-Zalessky)

Motorcycle clubs of Belarus

* Nashorn Freeriders MCC (Grodno) * Devoid of Rights MCC (Lida)
* Goldwing Club Belarus
* Road dogs MC (Vitebsk)
* Rolling Anarchy MCC * Live to Ride MCC * Desperados MC * Iron Brothers MCC * Moto Maniacs MCC

Motorcycle clubs in Kazakhstan

* Wheels Brothers MC (Atyrau)
* R19 MC
* Riders

Motorcycle clubs of Ukraine

* Night Wolves MG (chapter) * Nichni Ptahi MC
* Balamut Brothers MFC
* Hells Angels MC
* Padonki Uzhgorod MCC
* Bandidos MC * Motor life MC
* God`s Squad CMC


BIKER SUBCULTURE – Analysis in the structure of American society. Material provided by IMC - International Moto News navigator online Author: Ryan Brewerton Translation: navigator Do you remember how it all began ANALYSIS OF THE BIKER SUBCULTURE. To understand what biker culture , you need to understand where it all began and trace how this culture developed. The years 1868-1900 were the era of the development of the motorized bicycle. The first mention of a motorcycle dates back to 1868, when a Frenchman named Louis Perot built a model he called the Velocipede. The Velocipede was a bicycle with a steam engine installed on it. Perot patented his creation on December 26, 1868. But motorcycles really began to develop only in 1885, when the German Godfreid Daimler installed an internal combustion engine on a bicycle frame. Daimler tested his model several times, but when one day his son's pants caught fire due to a malfunction, he decided to abandon his idea. He said that motorcycles have no future. Although he was wrong about motorcycles, his company eventually became one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world, and is now known to us as Mercedes-Benz. Soon after this, companies appeared in America that highlighted the development of motorcycles , among them: Pope, Yale, Excelsior, Indian and Harley Davidson. Harley began operating in 1903, and today it is the world's oldest motorcycle manufacturer still in business. The entire biker subculture stems from American culture. Not long ago, a Frenchman criticized the United States: “America is a lost country, a cultural desert, you Americans have no culture at all, the only thing you have given the world is rock and roll and Harley Davidson.” In response, Peter Fonda, a famous actor, staunch Harley-Davidson advocate and spokesman, said, “Yeah, maybe that's true, but again, that's all there is to it.” (both quotes taken from the American video Motorcycle 1993 Daru Films). It's a lifestyle It's worth noting that when the average person thinks of bikers , they don't have associations with Honda or Yamaha; instead, it's Harley-Davidson that comes to mind. The entire biker culture was formed thanks to Harley. Butch Tucker (tattoo artist) from Washington, D.C. says about the Harley-Davidson: "It's a lifestyle, you live it, breathe it, think and talk about it, it's one of the few inanimate objects that people so often want to see tattooed." on your body." Of course, Butch means that Harley and the biker subculture is something that has become part of what you eat, what you drink, it's with you when you sleep and when you're awake. It affects everything you say and everything you think. In addition, the image of Harley is the most popular tattoo in the world after the well-known skull and dagger, which are also associated with the biker subculture . To be a biker, it seems, you only need two things: 1. A motorcycle (you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out). 2. Love of rock and roll. However, a biker has a need to belong to a group. Bikers don't like to feel isolated, and as a result they join together in clubs, including Crox Crue, Hell's Angels, Satan's Sons, Blood Brothers, CMA, King's Men, and so on. Joining a club is not that easy, you have to earn your right to become a member of the club and wear club clothes. Often, to achieve this, bikers do various reckless things. For example, in order to become a member of one of the clubs, a candidate must ride at high speed between two motorcycles rushing towards them. This all happens at night, the candidate must have his headlights turned off, and he is guided only by the headlights of oncoming motorcycles. One of the candidates realized too late that the two glowing landmarks belonged not to two motorcycles, but to one eighteen-wheeler truck. There is no need to explain how such an initiation ended for the candidate. But what is it like to be a member of a biker club? I spoke to a friend of mine who is the President of the local Crox Crue club in Kempton Park. “Being a member of the club means being free from rules, doing what you like and when you want it. To be a member of the club means to prove your masculinity or femininity, to fight for the freedom that the road implies. Being a member of a club means communicating with people who think the same way as you, participating in club rides and events. It's the freedom to express yourself in the only way that's right for you." Wherever a biker goes, he always remains what he is - a biker. Bikers never try to give the impression of a person belonging to any other subculture. They do not try to behave by adapting to others, bikers are always bikers, and this is the main rule that guides them. David Crosby (of Crosby, Stills and Nash) says: “For me, riding a motorcycle is a way to keep my sanity when the rest of the world seems to be going crazy. You are completely focused only on yourself and on the road, and at such moments everything else loses all meaning.” Constant risk is also a lifestyle. The late Malcolm Forbes (the multimillionaire who owned Forbes magazine) once said about the dangers of being a biker: "You can't live life completely safe from danger, life is dangerous, everyone dies sooner or later." . On his grave is carved the inscription: “While he was alive, he lived” (just in case: he did not crash on his motorcycle). Image of a biker When we hear the word “biker”, the first associations that are born are rebel, hatred, racism, cruelty. This is the image of a biker created by the average person. When one hears of the Hell's Angels, one automatically thinks of a group of people who worship the devil and go out to destroy our property and rape our children. But how did such an image of a biker form in the minds of the average person? How many people know that the name Hell's Angels comes from the 1930 Howard Hughes film of the same name and was founded by army officers returning home after World War II? The first known incident of biker violence occurred in Hollister, California (during a bike rally) on July 4, 1947. Several bikers, who had had too much to drink, lost control of themselves and began racing through the streets. Soon others joined them, and then it was no longer possible to control the situation. After reports of this emergency appeared in the press, film industry magnates quickly released the film “The Wild One”. In the film, bikers were portrayed as ruthless people, ready to destroy any city that comes their way, who drink as much as they want, try to turn everything into chaos, and treat the population as they please. Soon after the release of the film, some representatives of the biker subculture began to live, imitating the image created by the film. Since then, the biker's image has become increasingly negative. It is sad that certain representatives of the biker culture themselves contributed to the deterioration of this image. Bikers came to be seen as cocky people who didn't give a damn, who did what they liked, when they wanted, and the way they wanted. This image began to attract people who wanted to be exactly that - rebels and badasses who didn't care about anyone else. Today's image of a biker is not much different, but the bikers themselves are to blame for this. Bike festivals are similar to each other: a standard set of competitions, during which everyone gets drunk until they pass out. At one of the Hell's Angels shows in Walkerville, I saw one guy get so drunk that he was walking, hit his forehead on a tree, stopped and started apologizing to the tree. Bikers try to be sociable and relaxed people. They are not interested in much other than their motorcycles, places to ride and speed. There are exceptions, for example, the guys who ride RAT motorcycles try to ensure that on the road their bikes are the dirtiest, most unkempt and the most disgusting of all the others. If you are a biker, then you are part of an international culture, regardless of which club you belong to. Bikers like to be free from authority and don't like to take orders from anyone, which is perhaps why biker festivals so often end in total chaos. Beliefs of a Biker A biker believes in two things - himself and his motorcycle. This, however, can become a problem when the bike fails its owner. In this case, the whole world and the entire belief system collapses. Bikers are generally atheists, although there are some who worship the devil and some who are Christians. Conclusion In conclusion, bikers are resilient people who want to be free from authority and rules, want to express themselves freely, and they want to be listened to. They come from all walks of life, and bikers accept each other for who they really are. BIKER PHILOSOPHY is friendship, to a certain extent transformed into brotherhood. Brotherhood in spirit, interests, views. Below are some personal opinions on this matter. ** ViRUS (Pavel, St. Petersburg) In Russia, one of the most frequent disputes among people riding motorcycles is the dispute about the concept of the word “biker”, and how does this concept differ from the word “motorcyclist”. Funny? But such disputes still take place! Let's try to figure it out. This is what is clear from the dictionaries: bike - colloquial. 1) bicycle 2) motorcycle; scooter; moped biker - colloquial 1) cyclist; 2) motorcyclist bike - noun; decomposed; abbr. from bicycle; bicycle - 1. noun bicycle Syn: cycle 2. Ch. ride a bicycle It turns out the following: Bike is a two-wheeled vehicle. It can be called a bicycle, moped or motorcycle of any size. Biker is a person who rides a bike. In a word, bike and biker are general concepts and do not specify the type of two-wheeled vehicle. The concepts bicycle and motorcycle are more specific. As you know, cycle is a circle, and in relation to a vehicle it means a wheel. Bi – as part of the word means two-... So bicycle is two-wheeled. In colloquial language, the concept of two-wheeled means a bicycle first of all, since the bicycle was invented first, and then the motorcycle. When a motor was installed on a bicycle, it became known as a motorcycle. A person who rode a bicycle was called a bicyclist - a cyclist, and a motorcyclist - a motorcyclist - someone who rides a motorcycle. Where did bike and biker come from? English-Russian dictionaries say that bike is a colloquial form of the word bicycle, which means biker is a colloquial form of bicyclist. One thing remains to be understood - what is the difference between the concepts of “biker” and motorcyclist”? You can argue on this topic endlessly. Let me make an analogy with motorists. What are they called? Drivers, chauffeurs, drivers, etc. Essentially, there is no difference. Each word has its own history, its own origin, and only one of them is Russian - driver. Why is no one indignant at the buried word “blatnyak”, but the word “chanson” was gladly accepted into circulation? Evolution, you say? May be so. Or maybe it’s a tribute to the fashion for foreign words. In our case, it’s more complicated - neither “biker” nor “motorcyclist” are Russian words. Therefore, the opinion that “bikers are in America, but we have motorcyclists” cannot be considered correct! It seems to me that this is far from a matter of the concept of words, but of an attempt at meaningless and unjustified rivalry. A kind of protest against a “hostile culture.” Russian people have developed a certain vision of a person called a biker, and only from hearsay or from films. For some reason, we consider a person wearing a biker jacket to be a biker, and a person wearing a touring or sports motorcycle suit to be a motorcyclist. For some reason they think that if he has a chopper or a cruiser, then he is a biker , and if he has a sport, classic or enduro, then he is a motorcyclist. Rave! I believe that this is a “purely Russian” disrespect for dissenters and an eternal revolutionary mood in the blood. This is a dispute about nothing, and it’s time to put an end to it. There is one thing that unites us all - a love for a motorcycle (bike)! And this is the most important thing! There are many companies that produce motorcycles, there are many trends and styles, there are a huge number of models, and this is not a reason to come up with a million names for a person who has given preference to something specific! There are also traditions and cultures of the motorcycle society that have developed over the years. And it doesn’t matter at all in what country and what words people who love motorcycles call themselves, but I assure you that the word BIKER is used most often in the world!!! Whether you like it or not. NAVIGATOR (IMC - International Moto News navigator online, Igor, St. Petersburg): First of all, it is necessary to note the uniqueness of Russia (ex-USSR) against the background of the rest of the developed world. No one doubts that the “Russian” word “biker” comes from the English “biker”. Here, too, everything is simple, the usual rules of the English language apply: a suffix is ​​added to the word “bike”, turning the verb into a noun. In the early stages of motorcycle development, there was no such word at all. There were bicycles. When engines began to be installed on bicycle frames, it was necessary to introduce a new word that would distinguish a bicycle from a bicycle with a motor. The simplest solution was to add a “motor” to the “bicycle”, this is how the name “motorcycle” (motor + (bi)cycle) appeared, and the person who rides it began to be called (again according to the standard rules of the language) “motorcyclist” ( motorcyclist). Then everything becomes more complicated, because (paradoxically!) Americans love to simplify everything! Gradually, the words “bike” and, accordingly, “biker” , which mean exactly the same thing as “motorcycle” and “motorcyclist”, but are of a more INFORMAL nature. Gradually, the line between these words begins to blur, but in parallel, associations of motorcyclists, various groups, clubs are being formed, and their members do not want to be called by the formal, official word “motorcyclist”. This reflects the reluctance to have anything to do with the formalized, official, state, and the spirit of freedom, rebellion, and, in many cases, the criminal, hooligan nature of the groups. By the end of the 50s, all these trends reached their apogee, and the last straw was an incident in the town of Hollister, after which the US media formed a certain stereotype of a biker in the minds of the nation - a person who does not obey any laws, does not bring any benefit to society, but, on the contrary, he only destroys, robs, rapes, and has a very limited range of interests (bike, bikers, alcohol and chicks). For several decades, this image continues to dominate in the minds of not only Americans, but also in the minds of other nations influenced by American culture. The difference between the concepts of “motorcyclist” and “biker” at this time goes in two directions at once: on the one hand, there is a “cleansing” of the “biker” stereotype imposed in the 50s and the blurring of the line between the official, formal word “motorcyclist” and informal “biker” , on the other hand, motorcycle clubs still consider themselves only “bikers”, and “motorcyclists” are those who use a motorcycle as a means of transportation (in Russian it would be “motor enthusiast”, similar to “car enthusiast” or , if you like, a “teapot”). Accordingly, a “biker” professes a certain cult of the motorcycle, leads a certain lifestyle, a motorcycle for him is not just a means of transportation in life, but the very essence of life, everything and everyone is determined by a motorcycle. Over time, however, the word “biker” not only moves from the category of informal, but also displaces the word “motorcyclist”... DANILA (Vice-President of the Vulcan Club, Moscow): Thank you, Pasha, for a rather interesting opinion on difference between Biker and Motorcyclist. I agree with you on everything. Maybe I’ll just strengthen the emphasis on the nature of the origin of this difference in Mother Russia. And therefore, two essentially identical words are not always used correctly. Maybe, indeed, the problem is only in the richness of the Russian language, and even more so now, when the number of borrowed words begins to tend to infinity and their use in everyday life often does not correspond in meaning to the original. But that’s not about that now. I prefer to be called simply a motorcyclist; I don’t want to associate my friends and acquaintances with the image of a biker (metalhead) formed by our cinema and journalists. And I myself do not get pleasure from the sight of men stinking of the whole spectrum of odors from sweat to fumes, while swallowing another portion of water, and being consumed by memories of yesterday or the day before yesterday, a super-mega or other drinker. At the same time, they proudly call themselves the Biker Brotherhood. Unfortunately, the cultivated image seemed to have left the TV screen, having, as usual, absorbed all the worst. I hope this is just a growth disease and, having illuminated it, domestic bikers will at least somewhat resemble European or American bikers. At least there will already be a huge achievement if they stop shitting where they sleep. I visited the biker party in Garmish (Germany). There were about 10,000 people. You yourself understand that people are completely different, but with one idea of ​​love for a motorcycle and everything around it. But, as usual, even the feast song after the megalithras of the beer did not look like a shabash of witches in a brothel, but as just a cheerful party, where a smile did not adjourn with a drunken grin. And everyone was glad for you only because you have the same hobby. In general, we still have to grow and gain experience, but for now, let me call me a motorcyclist. Ivanovich is a free botanist and moron in the eyes of the layman For me, a motorcycle is only a bike, and nothing else. Can you imagine a motorist in a helmet? No ... and in a helmet with horns? God forbid…. And with a shield on the back, with a drawn skull in a wild grinder, yes in the Shutovsky cap? IMPOSSIBLE! But on the motorcycle? This is natural, normal and unique somewhere. Why is this normal for a biker, but is it unacceptable for a driver or a motorcyclist? It’s very simple - the very concept of “biker” implies free -thinking without prejudice and far -fetched moral templates ... Protest, a challenge, if you want, a banter over the brakes named Convention, grinding and the narrowness of thinking and your own restriction of freedom ... Didn’t you have to turn over at least once in your life at least once in your life Everything upside down? Reconnect yourself honestly - it was, more than once, because right? And what makes you live differently? Again, the same notorious conventionality ... Isn't it easier to be yourself? Easier. Nowadays, we are ready to steam in a tinning bank of glass and metal, we are ready to sit in traffic jams for hours, and poison the ecology with exhausts of malicious CEO for the sake of satisfying our own ego with a steep car, be grayness of the same and take at least two places of motorcycle. And self -expression? The person sits in a convertible, exploring fucked up, nervously pulls the gashter of gas, and what? A cork equalizes all, and where you, nah, will not go, there will be only a wheelbarrow in the mind. And you? Just belonging to exclusive. But we retreated from the meaning of bikers and bikes. Now there was an opinion that a biker is a drunken opposite in Russia, and a bandit in America, ready to kill everyone and be rechargeed by steep caps introduced into a party. It's a shame, brothers, where is our honor and pride? Where is the meaning of movement on two wheels? Where is the spirit of freedom, created by the envious minds, unable to destroy the stereotypes of a person who is ready to get carried away with folly in the soul? In an attempt to find out, to find ways to improve our movement, the site was created with the biker temple Come, express your doubts or offer a practical, or simple, but in the case, unlocked for the stupidity of this idea

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