SYM Wolf T2: technical specifications and features

When creating the SYM Wolf T2, Taiwanese engineers clearly focused not on Chinese competitors, but on Japanese ones. This has led to an increase in the cost of the design when compared with budget motorcycles from mainland China, but from a technical point of view the bike is much closer to the “Japanese” ones. And the price still held back from a sharp rise, and this model became almost an ideal choice for those who do not have the money to buy a Japanese motorcycle, but do not want to deal with the budget “Chinese”.


Sim Wolf T2 looks quite aggressive , but not pretentious, and looking at it, it’s hard to guess that this is a Chinese motorcycle. Refusing to copy and imitate, Taiwanese designers have developed a modern look for it, attractive and catchy, thanks to which the bike immediately stands out in city traffic. Each element is worked out in detail, and all together they form a coherent style.


In terms of characteristics, the brainchild of the Chinese concern is comparable more with Japanese competitors than with other motorcycles from the PRC. A powerful engine, dynamic brakes, a generally balanced design and well-thought-out ergonomics are an excellent set of qualities , especially if you remember that it is offered to customers at a low price.


The 249 cc single-cylinder liquid-cooled injection engine behaves flawlessly and starts up properly in any weather. Power is rated at 25.6 horsepower at 7,500 rpm , which is excellent considering it doesn't even vibrate in a way that's noticeable until 8,000 rpm. The maximum speed that the SYM Wolf T2 motorcycle can develop is 150 km/h .


The modern and technologically advanced 6-speed gearbox deserves all praise. The first 4 gears are short, so you will have to change them often when driving around the city, and most of the time you will be driving in fifth. Sixth gear acts as an overdrive, and you can’t count on vigorous acceleration in it. But, having picked up speed in fifth, you can safely switch to sixth - the engine speed will drop, and along with it, fuel consumption will decrease.

Chassis and brakes

The engineers distinguished themselves here too. Taking a simple steel frame , they installed good suspensions, albeit slightly outdated. The front end received a telescopic fork, and a monoshock absorber with adjustable stiffness was installed at the rear. For Russian roads, the quality of which is no secret, there are enough of them even if there is a passenger. The brakes are, without exaggeration, excellent, and all they lack is ABS. The front wheel has a brake disc with a powerful 4-piston caliper, and the rear wheel has another disc with a 1-piston caliper.


Having designed a very successful model, Chinese engineers wisely decided not to complicate it. This helped to keep production costs at an affordable level and at the same time facilitate any service operations. Electronics in the “Taiwan Wolf” are minimal, and it won’t be difficult to understand it by simply looking at the manual and arming yourself with the necessary tools.

Weight and dimensions

Dry weight – 173 kg . The center of gravity is low, so subjectively the bike seems quite light, and it’s easy to roll it around the garage or parking lot with your feet. The dimensions can be called compact - just 200.5 cm in length and 79 cm in width at the extreme points. Ergonomics are thought out to the smallest detail, and even a tall driver will be able to sit comfortably, which cannot be said about the passenger. Alas, Sim Wolf T2 was clearly not designed for long trips for two people.


The clever design gives the SYM Wolf T2 excellent maneuverability, and in the hands of an experienced pilot this bike can work wonders. It easily changes lanes, brakes effectively, quickly picks up speed and confidently takes sharp turns. On the move, its weight is not felt at all, and such refined handling can be called one of its main advantages.

Fuel consumption

Officially declared fuel consumption averages 4 liters , but owner reviews often claim that it is actually lower, from 3 to 3.5 liters . Considering the volume of the gas tank is 14 liters , the power reserve when driving on the highway can reach 400 kilometers! The engine runs on AI-95 and AI-92, and most owners of this model prefer to use the latter in order to save money, since it is cheaper.


The SYM T2 Wolf motorcycle is rightfully considered an excellent option for the urban jungle, because you just need to get used to the habits of the “wolf” a little, and it is already able to fit like a knife into butter into dense traffic flow and overcome traffic jams and congestions between cars. A powerful engine and responsive gearbox can make your driving style more than aggressive - there is an irresistible desire to squeeze even into a small gap between cars. The narrow steering wheel does not limit this desire, and excellent maneuverability only contributes to it. The velvety hum from the muffler does not irritate either those around you or the driver himself. Excellent brakes do an excellent job of their duties, if you need to make an emergency stop, just a little effort is enough, and the motorcycle stands rooted to the spot.

Motorcycle price

A new bike can be bought from dealers for 180-190 thousand rubles. On the secondary market there are offers from 120-130 thousand, but the choice is small. When buying this bike, you should take into account the low liquidity of the model - it will not be easy to sell it when you get tired of it. Despite all its advantages, the Taiwanese brand is not very well known in Russia, and therefore its products are not very popular.

Repair and tuning

An inexpensive motorcycle should also be inexpensive to maintain, otherwise there will be little point in buying it. This is what’s good about the SYM T2 250 Wolf - it doesn’t cost much more than most Chinese competitors, being two heads above them all in terms of quality, and spare parts and consumables for it are cheap. The choice of non-original parts, however, is small, since the motorcycle is assembled not in mainland China, but in the Republic of China, but the prices for originals are not high.


Despite the completely modern design, there is nothing particularly complicated about this bike, so repairing it is not difficult. Some components can be repaired if necessary, while others will be easier to replace. Any motorcycle mechanic can easily figure out all possible problems, which, according to reviews from owners, arise very rarely. Surely this is partly due to the small age of most SYM Wolf T2 copies, but five to six years are enough for most other “Chinese” models to begin to crumble on the go. But for some reason the brainchild of the Taiwanese company is in no hurry to break down.

Spare parts

The easiest way to buy parts for this model is from official dealers, of which there are plenty in Russia. They are inexpensive, the quality is excellent, and residents of the regions can always order them through the Moscow representative office of the company. You can buy everything from consumables like oil seals and gaskets to a new gearbox. Although no one has yet heard of global problems with the engine, transmission and other important components on SIM Wolf T2.


Due to the virtual absence of any proprietary tuning, one has to be content with universal options. And there is room to turn around! Mufflers, windshields, saddlebags, tank bags, grips, footpegs... The quality of body kits produced in China varies from case to case, but the prices will pleasantly surprise any thrifty motorcyclist.

Interesting details

SYM Wolf T2 has already firmly established itself in our market. After all, few will be able to pass by such an interesting model: a huge stainless steel muffler, a radial caliper with four pistons - such equipment is not very often seen on motorcycles of this class. The hexagon-adjustable steering wheel allows a person of any height to sit comfortably - no one will have to reach for this control. The control panels on the SYM Wolf T2 are also very user-friendly. You quickly get used to them, since they are made in a classic manner and do not violate the unwritten canons of the industry. The activation of the buttons is very clear and responsive, there are no burrs or cracks on the plastic - it is smooth and pleasant to the touch. The design of the stand is somewhat non-standard. A thin rod is welded to the lever that is retracted under the motorcycle, with which it will have to be fixed. Let's take a closer look at the features of this vehicle.

Advantages and disadvantages

When most people hear the words “Chinese small-capacity model,” they immediately think of something extremely budget-friendly, hand-made, archaic, and generally second-rate. But the SYM Wolf T2 motorcycle shatters these stereotypes - assembled with attention to detail, technically quite modern, attractive and cheerful, it also costs reasonable money. Against the backdrop of a whole horde of cheap bikes from China, a native of Taiwan looks like a confident and strong fighter, capable of competing even with the products of famous European and Japanese brands.


  • Amazingly high build quality . Even the levers are covered in chrome!
  • Excellent dynamics for a small motorcycle.
  • Easy adjustment of braking force on the front brake lever.
  • Spare parts are usually available from dealers and are cheap.
  • Gripping brakes that effectively stop the SYM T2 at any speed.
  • Low gasoline consumption and a solid power reserve.


  • Complete lack of wind protection . And due to not fully thought-out aerodynamics, the headwind begins to cause inconvenience already at a speed of 110-115 km/h.
  • Inconvenient place for a passenger .
  • The water pump cover is poorly positioned and often suffers when dropped on its side.
  • The stock mirrors are difficult to adjust correctly, especially if the pilot is tall and broad-shouldered. The problem is solved by replacing the mirrors.

A story about how I almost killed myself, my spendthrift. And thoughts on the topic: Is it China or is it itself to blame? Preface. I bought SYM wolf t2 back in May. I was really fired up. Production December 2011. It was only used for a year before me. The mileage at the time of purchase was 4500 km. There was no driving experience (except for a bicycle) and no teachers. After reading a huge amount of information about the condition of the moto, I checked and bought it. I’ll add that the kit includes: reinforced brake hoses, 4-piston front support (it’s possible to make a stoppie if you try), rear disc brakes, an injector, excellent dynamics (26 horses) and a cool appearance. The downside is that it's a healthy mass. 174kg dry weight (excluding petrol and liquids)

In general, I studied, drove through the fields, learned to brake, turn figure eights, learned to control the throttle. He brought his actions to automation. And only then, in mid-July, I went to the special stages.

Don’t spit, this post is not about how I drove without docks. I only went to motorcycle school in August - it was so late because of the queues there. And to no ordinary motorcycle school.

For a fairly modest 8k, I was taught not only exam exercises, but also sharp braking on the verge of skidding, braking with only 1 of the brakes, with 1 hand, and maneuvering at speed. They talked about the position of the rider in the saddle, about the position of the legs and told why it was this way and not otherwise. And they suggested checking it with different options to make it clearer. I was satisfied.

Passing the exam: There's not much to say here except that it was easy. There was no need to wave your arms; if you drove crookedly (without gross mistakes), you were allowed to repeat 1 element. There were no cones on the 8th, you didn’t even need to get into neutral. Result: PASSED on 1 try.

Now about how I closed the season... Here is a small copy-paste of the story that I told my friends on a well-known social network:

Last Friday I went to the city on business. Things are urgent, the weather is nasty. The asphalt is slippery, the temperature is +4 degrees. I drove carefully. And my rear shock absorber rod broke. At the bottom base. While driving. And the shock absorber fell apart. In the plan, the spring flew off. The rear blocked the wheel, falling on it. I skidded along happily. How I didn’t fall, I don’t know. How they didn’t fly into me, I don’t know. I don’t know how I didn’t drop it while I was dragging it to the side of the road...

There was an accident in the morning. I returned home only at 20.00. It began to rain and the city immediately froze. And during the day I urgently needed to be somewhere else. Therefore, they began to rescue the spendthrift only at 5 pm.

I analyze the situation. How so? 1 thought - Fucking Taiwanese guano!!! 2nd thought - stop! But I could have broken this pin!

So how? 1. A month ago I flew into an open hatch at 80 km/h. It was evening, nothing was visible. the front one flew over, the rear one received such a serious blow. 2. A couple of days ago I skated with number 2. Also, the asphalt on the unlit highway had been removed a couple of hours earlier. And not just in a layer, but in places. And deep enough. That is, after a good one, a hole began, a couple of meters long and 10 centimeters deep. With the second number it turned out to be very, very tough.

After that, my suspension softened and became completely flimsy. And today, driving along rails protruding from the asphalt, I heard a wheel scraping. After driving a couple more kilometers, the suspension flies out on a small bump...

Here's a photo of the whole thing:

The official asks for 8700 for this noname. The specifications are: length - 340 mm (between the centers of the mounting axes) and 375 mm total, hydraulic type, with standard rigidity.

And here is the result:

It's a shame! Now I think who is to blame? Me or is it quality?

In the comments, tell me analogues of the shock absorber at an affordable price.

Owner reviews

A peppy motorcycle that surprisingly doesn’t lose momentum even with a passenger. True, for a passenger it will be torture to drive it for more than 20-30 km - the legs are lifted up to the ears, the seat is hard, the wind blows over the pilot’s head at speed so that it tries to break the neck. But the quality of the bike is up to par, the gaps are all even, the plastic is thick and flexible, there were no problems starting the engine even at +2 degrees, although the bike is stored in an unheated garage. Sometimes vibrations start to get annoying, but they appear at 8000 rpm and above, that is, at a speed at which you rarely drive anyway due to the lack of a fairing. The instrument panel is readable and even shows the battery charge level. Sergey, Omsk.

SYM Wolf T2 is my first bike, I switched to it from a 125cc Chinese scooter, it feels like heaven and earth. The dynamics are crazy for a small car, we measured it with a stopwatch - acceleration from 0 to 100 is about 7 seconds, but I'm a so-so driver, so, probably, this figure can be reduced even more. The brakes grab tightly, even if you set them to the lightest position. The assembly is pleasing, I didn’t even have to change the stock parts - the standard tires are standard, not a plastic donut, the headlight shines at a solid 5, the original battery is already in its third year. The only thing I will say is that the chain stretched quickly, so I replaced it with another one after 5-7 thousand km, I don’t remember exactly. I touched the motorcycle on its side once, but the plastic held up. Then I installed sliders, it’s somehow calmer with them. Vladislav, Rostov-on-Don.

I skated one season on a Taiwanese car, sold it because I wanted something more vigorous, and ended up buying a CBF600. But I only have the most pleasant impressions about Wolf, the bike never let me down, although I didn’t get it with 16k mileage, and almost 20 more passed under me. Of the replacements, only a dead clutch, tortured by the previous owner, and a pump cover that was damaged when it fell on gravel road My opinion is that the motorcycle is good, but most pilots will get tired of it within a season or two simply because of the low power. If squeezing adrenaline on the road every day doesn’t interest you, then maybe you won’t get tired of it)) Alexey, Moscow.


  • Do Chinese online stores have spare parts for the Wolf? In reality - yes, officially - no, since the bike was produced in Taiwan, which has had a diplomatic conflict with China for more than a hundred years. But in Russia there are SYM dealers through whom you can order anything.
  • I heard that its brakes are too harsh and there is no ABS. Isn't it dangerous? No, it's not dangerous if you drive carefully. And the brakes can be adjusted to suit you in half a minute.
  • The Wolf T2 250 is noticeably more expensive than other 250 cc Chinese models. Is it worth overpaying? This is a completely different level and a different quality. By the way, Sim Wolf T2 was developed in South Korea, simply by order of a Taiwanese company. And this is not another copy of some “Japanese” product, but a completely independent development.


The Republic of China makes not only good cars, but also good motorcycles. The SYM Wolf T2 motorcycle is 250cc of a completely modern engine, attention to detail, high build quality and good technical characteristics , and all this is offered at an affordable price . Friendly and flexible, this bike is equally suitable for both the novice motorcyclist and the experienced biker who needs an inexpensive two-wheeler at an affordable price. It is distinguished from most other Chinese motorcycles by its well-thought-out design, the absence of any “inherent problems” and a nice design created from scratch. In addition, this model has been sold in Russia for a long time, and it can already be called time-tested.


Maximum engine power:25.6 hp at 7500 rpm HP
Working volume:249.4 cm3
Motor type (cylinder arrangement, number of strokes):1-cylinder, 4-stroke
Number of cylinders:1
Number of valves:
Intake type (Injector / Carburetor):
Bore and stroke:
Starting system (Electric starter, kick starter):
Maximum speed in km/h:150 km/h
Cooling system:Liquid
Transmission (gearbox):6-speed
Clutch (Dry / Wet):
Drive unit:Chain
Frame:Steel tubular
Suspension (front/rear travel):
Brakes (Front/Rear):
Wheels / Tires / Rubber:
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions (Length / Width):
Seat height:
Ground clearance:
Curb weight:
Wheelbase:1320 mm
Weight:173 kg
Fuel tank capacity:14 l.
Battery capacity:
Year of release:
Country of Origin:

Spaciousness and safety

It is also important to note the tires installed on the SYM Wolf T2. Owner reviews of PromaxStreet from Maxxis have repeatedly confirmed their validity, because this tire has won the trust of moto and cyclocross pilots. The tires hold up well on dry surfaces, which is helped to a certain extent by the stiff suspension. At the rear of the motorcycle there is a lock that can close the passenger seat. The battery is hidden there and there is some free space for luggage. The seating position for the passenger on this motorcycle is classic - the legs are raised almost to the ears, and the chest rests against the driver’s back. However, it does not hinder travel over short distances. Even two people can move around without much difficulty.

Adjusting the motorcycle mirrors provides good visibility and decent passive driving safety. All switches and toggle switches are located ergonomically and in standard positions, so you won’t have to get used to the ultra-modern layout.

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