Optimal motorcycle tire pressure calculator

Wheels and tires

So that newcomers and amateurs in our motorcycle fraternity do not get confused in terms, we have prepared a short information about the general differences between motorcycle tires.

What types of motorcycle tires are there? What are they for?

All motorcycle tires are divided into 4 large groups: slicks, road tires, dual-purpose tires and off-road tires.

Always wondered what these colored stripes are on tires? Now we'll explain everything.

The question arose about finding sliders, not for a pit bike, but for a full-fledged motard. A bunch of different options were reviewed, but even branded sliders from top companies were either not suitable or were clearly made with the expectation of one micro-drop, after which they would simply fly off in an unknown direction! AND THE PRICE LIST. it's just awful! And they were all cast, that is, vacuum molded. In short, hard, brittle plastic with a huge price tag.

A towing device was installed on the rear wheel immediately after purchasing new rims, because due to the specifics of the rubber and the crazy grip, the tire simply turned on the rim and naturally tore out the wheel spools. In addition, in winter it is necessary to keep the tire pressure to a minimum; for example, last winter I drove at a pressure of 0.7 At.

There were no problems with the front wheel, as the tires were so-so, and the brakes were completely original. But after installing good tires, a PRO caliper, a Wenchel reinforced hose, and a Brembo brake machine, the chambers began to break through once or twice. This is because now, due to the increased grip and powerful braking force, the front tire also began to rotate on the disk, tearing off the spool valves.

Actually, once again, the front wheel camera died, this time the reason is unknown. The first time driving at low pressure killed the camera. The second time, the camera came apart along the seam, apparently the salivary composition of the glue was not very good (the flimsy Chinese went). Well, now the spool has just come off and hello. In general, this situation got to me, plus the closer winter gets, the lower the pressure needs to be lowered, and I decided to buy a reinforced SAWA chamber as an experiment.

And so the wheel is broken and needs to be repaired. To do this, you will need two pry bars, a cap to unscrew the spool, and preferably silicone grease. And so we turn out the spool. Next, you need to completely deflate the tire on both sides so that the seating edge of the tire completely moves away from the seats on the rim. all this so that the tire has free play and is easy to bead. You need to start beading on the opposite side of the spool, so that when the tire tension is still at its maximum, you do not damage the tube, in the place where the spool is usually thickened, as a rule, where the spool is soldered. To start beading, you will need one large pry bar, which we use to pry up the tire.

As we all know, pit bikes were originally created more as entertainment than serious sports equipment.

But time passes, everything changes, and from toys for entertainment, pit bikes have formed their own established class and occupied a full-fledged niche in motocross.

Of course, in our country, the level of competition can hardly be called professional. For the most part, amateurs go to cross-country tracks on amateur-class pit bikes.

So, we all know that motard wheels currently exist in two main sizes: 12, which are cast and spoked, and 14, which are only available in spoked versions. 10 wheels are also very rare, but there are only a few of them.

Irbis TTR 125 - off-road conqueror at an affordable price

Good pit bikes are made not only in China. This is confirmed by the Russian brand Irbis, born in Vladivostok in 2001 . In addition to pits, the company produces scooters, snowmobiles, ATVs and components for them. Separate departments also develop accessories for bikers.

One of the most popular models of the company was the IRBIS TTR 125. A pit bike that organically intertwined the capabilities of a large touring enduro bike and its small size , allowing even schoolchildren to easily handle it.

A special highlight is that Russian legislation does not require a license to drive such transport, and it is impossible to register it.

Calculation of the recommended value

How to use the calculator?

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The Irbis TTR 125 is equipped with a fairly high-quality and reliable suspension for this class of motorcycle. Of course, it won’t survive hard jumps and tricks, but it can cope with fast and dynamic driving on a dirt road. When tuning, motorcyclists often equip their bike with new shock absorbers, similar in their characteristics to the standard ones. The advantage of the motorcycle design is the presence of footrests that automatically retract when falling, making them impossible to bend or break.

What pressure should be in motorcycle tires? How to determine it correctly

To determine what pressure should be in the wheels of a motorcycle, moped, scooter, or sportbike, let’s consider the factors that it influences:

  • “contact spot” is a section of the wheel surface that interacts with the road surface. The larger its area, the better the grip;
  • suspension working load;
  • controllability and maneuverability;
  • fuel consumption.

With cold pressure, everything is relatively simple - it makes sense to stick to the values ​​​​recommended by the motorcycle manufacturer. Manufacturers are jealous of the performance characteristics and quality of their products. Thorough bench and sea tests carried out by them guarantee the selection of the most balanced indicators, which are indicated in the accompanying documentation.

For convenience, a reminder sign is usually placed on the arm of the pendulum. The parameters depend on the brand of motorcycle, model, weight and can vary between 2.0-2.5 atm. for the front wheel, 2.2-2.9 atm. for – rear.

Hot pressure depends on many factors related to the riding style of a particular rider. The best values ​​that provide the required ride quality must be selected individually and empirically. This can be done in several steps:

  1. Before driving, inflate the wheels to an average of 2.0-2.3 atm. The pressure gauge reading for the rear motorcycle tire should be 0.3 atm. more than for the front.
  2. Re-measure the pressure in both tires after 10-15 minutes of driving at your normal speed on your usual surface.
  3. Compare the readings with the “cold” values ​​specified by the manufacturer. If they are much different, lower the wheels; if they are lower, pump them up. Repeat the procedure, achieving your most successful values.

Important! The “hot” pressure in the rear wheel tire should not exceed the figures recommended by the manufacturer.

This way you will determine the best settings for your riding style.

Practical recommendations

To quickly set the tire pressure, you should use the rule - the pressure in the rear tire should not exceed 2.1-2.2 Atm. Pump up 2 atm in a cold state, then drive for 10-15 minutes in your usual mode on the road. Then, measure the pressure; if it exceeds 2.2 Atm, lower it; if not, pump it up. As a result of this step-by-step procedure, optimal pressure can be achieved.

A common mistake made by inexperienced bikers is overinflating the tire due to the fact that when starting to move, the pilot feels discomfort and excess tire grip. If everything is done correctly, the discomfort should go away after the air in the tire warms up. You should also not rely on the indicators of pressure gauges; sometimes inexpensive devices get knocked down and debris gets into them. In fact, on some pressure gauges the error can reach up to 0.5-0.8 Atm, which is a lot.

In addition to the level of tire inflation, it is important to pay attention to other characteristics of the wheels.

Speed ​​indexMaximum speed, km/h

For example, the correct tire pressure for a Kawasaki motorcycle must also correspond to the tire speed index chart. In order to save money and due to lack of awareness, motorcycle owners can install low-index tires on motorcycles capable of accelerating to a speed of 240-280 km/h, which is strictly prohibited and can lead to tragic consequences.

What is the effect of tire pressure when used incorrectly?

The incorrectness of tire inflation when riding a motorcycle cannot be underestimated. In addition to technical problems, it poses a threat to traffic safety and the rider himself. At the same time, excessive and insufficient pressure in the tires of a motorcycle, moped, or sports bike lead to different consequences.


When pumping tires, the following effects occur:

  • the contact patch with asphalt decreases, the load on the suspension increases, vibration and rigidity appear, and driving comfort decreases;
  • Due to the decrease in adhesion to the road surface, skidding when cornering and sliding during braking are observed. All these troubles are aggravated on a wet road;
  • rapid wear of the rubber occurs in its central part, punctures become more frequent;
  • In hot weather there is a risk of a tire exploding if the wheel hits an uneven surface.

Insufficient pressure

Too poorly inflated wheels bring their own troubles:

  • controllability deteriorates, maneuverability decreases, the motorcycle sways, “floats”, speed suffers;
  • the contact patch increases excessively due to the side parts of the tire, in these places accelerated wear of the tread occurs, deformations, ring breaks, and cord detachment are possible;
  • grip on the road surface increases, driving dynamics deteriorate, fuel consumption increases;
  • For motorcycles with tube tires, spontaneous wheel disassembly is possible.

Short-term riding on underinflated tires using special devices - towing devices - is allowed for motocross motorcycles when performing stunts and driving off-road. But driving such equipment on ordinary roads is prohibited, so non-professionals should not take risks.


Inflating tires of motorcycles, scooters, scooters and dirt bikes is allowed in two cases:

  • during long-term – more than 1 hour – driving at high speed;
  • when the load increases, for example, when transporting a passenger.

Pitbike Irbis TTR 125

The Irbis motorcycle is a budget model of pit bikes produced by the company of the same name, which produces enduro class vehicles. The model is almost universal, since it can be used both in urban areas and off-road. Motorcycle enthusiasts note that the TTR 125 motorcycle is lightweight, compact in size, powerful engine and durable steel frame. The pit bike is equipped with a universal suspension, thanks to which you can not only ride it, but also perform various tricks. Despite this, moving around the city may require a little tuning of the TTR 125.

Pit bike tuning

Fans of tuning will not like the Irbis TTR 125: the minimal design does not allow for any improvement. The engine installed on it has maximum power, it is almost impossible to increase it. Experts advise equipping the rear shock absorber with protection, since it quickly becomes clogged with dirt when driving off-road. You should resort to visual tuning only if you plan to use the motorbike for other purposes than its intended purpose. For his own comfort and convenience, the owner can replace wheels, tires, install mirrors and additional lighting.

Reasons why a carburetor may leak

Gasoline often drains through the shut-off valve, which is located at the bottom of the carburetor. If you notice a leak in time, you should immediately close the tap located immediately under the gas tank of your motorcycle immediately after arriving at your destination. This problem can especially often arise on a Chinese moped, since Chinese carburetors are not of high quality. Other causes of carburetor leaks look like this:

  • The carburetor is simply clogged and should be cleaned;
  • Loose connection between carburetor and manifold. Usually it's a matter of the spacer between these elements;
  • The floats in the carburetor need to be adjusted;
  • Gasoline leaks through the heat-insulating gasket;
  • Fuel may leak through the carburetor cap;
  • The carburetor is leaking through the fitting.

Each case must be analyzed in detail, but first the carburetor must be removed.

Why do you need carburetor adjustment at all?

For stable operation of the ATV, it is necessary that the engine receives the optimal amount of fuel mixture corresponding to its speed range. Otherwise, the following problems may occur:

  • Difficulties with the factory, the engine constantly stalls.
  • Weak power characteristics, sluggish response to the throttle trigger.
  • Poor dynamics when accelerating from the bottom, accompanied by spontaneous jerks when moving.
  • Dips observed mainly during overclocking.
  • High fuel consumption.
  • Excessive formation of carbon deposits on the walls of the combustion chamber and, as a result, overheating of the engine.

What needs to be done in this case:

  1. Adjust the idle speed using the mixture quality screw and the number of revolutions.
  2. Adjust the quality of the mixture using a needle.
  3. Adjust the fuel level.

Important! Make adjustments only when the carburetor is cleaned inside and out, and when the engine is warmed up to operating temperature.


The TTR 125 pit bike differs from classic motorcycle models of the same class in its dimensions. Seventeen-inch wheels are installed at the front, fourteen-inch wheels at the rear, unlike conventional pit bikes, which are equipped with ten-inch wheels. Thanks to larger diameter wheels, the Irbis can be ridden not only by teenagers, but also by adults, with one limitation: the driver’s height must be between 160–180 centimeters.

Off-road tires, a disc brake system on both wheels and spoked wheels not only give the motorcycle an original appearance, but are also characterized by increased efficiency and do not require any maintenance. The disc brake system compares favorably with the drum brake system due to its greater efficiency and better braking in difficult road conditions: rain, snow or mud. When braking, accelerating and off-road driving, the special cross-country tires installed on the Irbis TTR 125 motorcycle also provide considerable assistance.

Most dirt bikes are not equipped with lighting equipment for several reasons. Firstly, it significantly increases the weight of the vehicle, and secondly, it is easily damaged when dropped. The simplest headlight is responsible for the safety and convenience of movement in the dark. A motorist can remove it at any time, replacing it with a special plug. The front fender of a motorcycle is often replaced with a higher analogue.

The Irbis motorcycle can be used all year round - both in winter and summer. Since such equipment is not intended for use on general purpose highways, it does not need to be registered with the traffic police. A category A driver's license is not required to operate a bike.

Where can I buy an Irbis bike?

The minimum cost of an Irbis TTR 125 motorcycle is 30–33 thousand rubles. The price may vary depending on the dealer selling the bikes.

It is quite possible to purchase this model for 15–20 thousand rubles. The cost of a used pit bike is affected by the mileage, year of manufacture and general condition of the vehicle.

Irbis TTR 125 is a good cross-country motorcycle of domestic production and Chinese assembly.
In its category it is one of the best in terms of price/quality ratio. The pit bike is distinguished by its technology, attractive appearance and excellent handling and is suitable not only for teenagers, but also for adults both for educational purposes and for conquering off-road terrain. Irbis TTR 125 is a lightweight cross-country motorcycle with Russian-Chinese roots.
It is assembled in Russia from components produced in China, and, having been sold in showrooms for several years, enjoys quite impressive popularity for a Chinese motorcycle. However, the reasons for this popularity are quite clear. While not a very modern or technologically advanced bike, the Irbis TTR 125 is different - a captivating combination of good quality and low price. We mentioned quality for nothing. There are plenty of reviews online from Irbis TTR 125 owners who report that after the purchase they had to personally tighten all the loose bolts and collect the dangling wires in untidy “snot.” Alas, there are sometimes problems with the build quality, but the quality of the parts themselves is quite up to par, not to mention the fact that, in general, consumables and spare parts for the Irbis TTR 125 are really cheap. Thus, the Irbis does not fit into your pocket when it comes to maintenance and service.

Technically, the motorcycle is very simple - a steel tubular frame, a 4-speed gearbox and a 1250 cc four-stroke air-cooled engine producing 8 horsepower.
Quite a bit, but the Irbis TTR 125 is enough. Firstly, the dry weight of the motorcycle is less than 70 kilograms. The Honda XR250 immediately comes to mind ... Well, secondly, short gears contribute to the good dynamics of the motorcycle.
The maximum speed of the Irbis TTR 125 on a flat road is limited to 90 km/h, but for a lightweight and, at the same time, very budget motocross motorcycle, this is not at all critical. But thanks to its low weight, the Irbis is much easier to handle in its usual habitat - off-road. However, an inverted fork is adjacent to the simplest frame, engine and transmission. Such a system is rarely found even on noticeably more expensive motorcycles, so in the case of the Irbis TTR 125 this is a definite plus. Another advantage of the motorcycle is its solid endurance. This lightweight Chinese “cross bike” can withstand a lot, the main thing is to look after it and service it on time. The Irbis suspension can withstand quite serious tests. Sitting on a motorcycle is, of course, tough, but you shouldn’t go on trips on it, right? And the volume of the tank, which is only 3.2 liters, is also slightly puzzling. Due to its modest dimensions, the Irbis TTR 125 may prove inconvenient for a tall motorcyclist, especially if its weight fluctuates around a hundred kilograms. But for lighter and not particularly tall beginner cross-country athletes, the Irbis will seem both convenient and at the same time easy to control. So for those who want to join the world of two-wheeled conquerors of mud and forests with swamps, the Irbis TTR 125 can be a very budget-friendly and at the same time quite high-quality solution. Source

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