HomeHow much does it cost to clear a motorcycle from Japan to Russia through customs: calculator

The constant increase in the number of cars, endless traffic jams and the frantic pace of life are increasing the demand for motorcycles in Moscow and other large cities of Russia. Fans of motorcycles are divided into two armies: those who prefer to make a purchase at a showroom, and those who order bikes abroad. The second method provides more opportunities in terms of choice (the markets of the USA, Asia, and Europe open before you) and price (you can buy a decent used model, the characteristics of which are superior to the new one from the showroom). The only question that remains is “Is it difficult to clear a motorcycle through customs in Russia?” We will discuss in detail below how much the procedure costs and what stages you need to go through to become the happy owner of your dream.


  • When is it worth importing a car from abroad?
  • How to clear a car through customs
  • Customs clearance procedure
  • What determines the amount of customs duty?
  • Calculation of customs clearance costs
  • Features of importing an electric vehicle
  • Customs clearance of a car from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia
  • Customs clearance of cars from the USA and Europe
  • How much does it cost to clear a car from Japan through customs?
  • "Autocode" for customs cleared cars

In 2022 (from January to October), according to the Federal Customs Service, more than 288.3 thousand passenger cars and almost 27.3 thousand trucks were imported into Russia from abroad. Why do Russians bother so much and go to other countries to buy a car? Together with a customs clearance expert, we will figure out what are the advantages of moving a vehicle, from which countries it is more profitable to import cars, and how to properly carry out customs clearance.

How to confirm?

When calculating the cost of customs clearance of a motorcycle from Japan, the 2022 calculator necessarily takes into account the price. It must be confirmed with government agencies.

To do this, you will need to provide bank statements and checks for payment of the vehicle. Any documentary information confirming that you purchased this “iron horse” at a certain price can be useful.

At the customs of Russia and Japan, the papers are carefully studied. Considering that they can be faked, in some cases an independent examination is appointed. Then it is the appraiser who makes a verdict on what the real value of this “iron horse” is. As a rule, an examination is appointed if documents for a vehicle are missing or doubts arise about their authenticity.

When is it worth importing a car from abroad?

It is worth moving a car from another country for several reasons:

  • if you want to save money on buying an imported car;
  • get a reliable car from the manufacturing country;
  • purchase a rare model that is difficult to buy in Russia.

It seems that bringing a car from abroad is simple. I bought it and returned with the long-awaited new thing to Russia (or brought it with the help of an intermediary).

In fact, you will have to go through several stages of customs clearance, otherwise you will not be able to register the car with the traffic police, and therefore not use it in our country either.

Alena Khotmirova, customs clearance expert:

– Not so long ago, the business of transporting cars from abroad, clearing them through customs and then selling them on the territory of the Russian Federation was a very profitable business. In recent years, due to increased customs duties, importing cars from abroad does not bring significant profits. And compliance with all formalities during customs clearance (insurance, GLONASS, etc.) can be difficult.

For illegal movement across the Russian border, a fine of three times the price of the car is provided. The most severe punishment faces transporters who evade paying customs duties (if we are talking about non-payment of 1 million rubles or more). Here you can already earn a half-million dollar fine or go to jail for up to two years.

It is worth bringing from abroad only what is profitable. These are used cars from three to five years old, for which a minimum customs duty is established. Consider cars with an engine capacity of up to 1,800 cubic meters; they also offer loyal payments. Relocating more powerful vehicles older than seven years is considered the most expensive.

Alena Khotmirova, customs clearance expert:

— Considering that the import duty depends on the year of manufacture of the car, it is now most profitable to import cars that are 3-5 years old. At the same time, choose those manufacturers who do not have production facilities in our country, but are popular among car enthusiasts.

Also read: Review of sites for selling used cars: pros and cons for sellers

The procedure for customs clearance of motorcycles

You visited a Japanese motorcycle auction, saw motocross bikes there and picked up one of them for sport. You don’t have to register it - minus the problem. But you will have to bring it home from abroad and go through customs. Start working according to the following scheme:

  1. First, be sure to study all the technical characteristics of the vehicle. Are these 600cc models or are they weaker? In which country exactly was it produced and in what year. What power does the engine have? All these parameters are very important for customs;
  2. Select the appropriate delivery method. This is not only a separate budget item, but also new certificates required at customs. Will you transport it yourself in a trailer or using a special carrier for transportation, or will a special company do this? Or are you even going to take transit numbers and go on your own? All this is extremely important and this delivery needs to be thought out in advance;
  3. Remove the vehicle from registration (this means the country where you are buying it. It is extremely important for buying it second-hand and you need to do this together with the owner. Alternatively, the owner can do this himself and give you the necessary documents);
  4. Register ownership. You will not be able to clear a motorcycle through customs without these purchase and sale documents. Alternatively, this may not be a purchase, but an inheritance registered in your name (for example, if you actually inherited his vehicle from a relative) - such a document will also be needed to establish how legally the bike was received;
  5. Pay duty at customs. Registration of a motorcycle in the “native” traffic police without this document is simply impossible if it was brought from abroad;
  6. Receive confirmation from customs. This document is issued after the vehicle has completed the entire procedure.

It is noteworthy that if you clear a motorcycle through customs with the help of a special company (customs broker), then most of these problems fall on the shoulders of their specialists.

How to clear a car through customs

Customs clearance is carried out in order to legalize a car for use in Russia. It includes an inspection of documents and the visual condition of the car.

If you want to move an imported car, first find out how much it will cost to register it. You can calculate the cost yourself using an online calculator, or contact a customs broker. Then you need to pay for customs services (customs services), which guarantees trouble-free crossing of the Russian border. Its amount is equal to the approximate cost of the car.

Funds are transferred to a customs deposit three to four days before departure abroad. After receiving the funds, the driver will be given a customs receipt. If there is an overpayment, the money will be returned upon the driver’s request within 4-6 weeks.

Alena Khotmirova, customs clearance expert:

— If the driver drives himself, he needs to fill out the passenger customs declaration TD-6. If it will be transported by container, TD-6 is not needed. You need to inform customs of the ship's name and container number.

Also read: Rules for selling a car 2022

How to clear a motorcycle through customs, what is needed for this and how much will it cost

When purchasing motorcycles in Moscow, even foreign ones, you do not have to face many problems - you just need to choose the right bike, make payment and register. After which you can safely start riding it. But what if your Honda Gold Wing 1800 is straight from Japan, or you purchased a native American chopper made in Canada? In this case, you will have to think about how to clear the motorcycle through customs.

Fortunately, the modern customs code has been somewhat simplified, but this has led to some changes, without knowing which you can draw up documents incorrectly and, as a result, run into penalties. To prevent this from happening, it is much better to draw up them, either after consultation with an experienced lawyer, or even entrust the procedure to a special company. But if you decide to save money, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend some time collecting the necessary certificates and understanding how much it costs to clear customs of the motorcycle of your chosen model.

Customs clearance procedure

The verification is carried out in several stages.

Stage 1: filling out the customs declaration. The document contains information about the owner and the vehicle. After filling out the declaration, you will be assigned a registration number, which will later be entered into the database.

Stage 2: transfer of the declaration and documents for the car to the inspector. When crossing the border you will be inspected:

  • Original documents for the car and the sales contract (we recommend making copies in advance).
  • Customs receipt and certificate. Issued at customs when the driver provides security for customs clearance (at least 5 days before entering Russia).
  • Insurance. It cannot be done in advance, but it can be easily completed online at the representative office of the insurance company abroad or at the border. You do not need to be present in person or transport the car to obtain insurance.
  • Sensor and button ERA-GLONASS.
  • Vehicle Design Safety Certificate (VSSC). Some certification organizations issue it without the fact of installation, but with a signed installation agreement. The registration period is 1 day.

Inspectors will also be interested in the purpose of importing the car to check whether there are benefits in paying duties, and the mileage of the car.

Stage 3: decision making by the customs service. After checking the documents, the inspector will send the car for inspection. If the documents are not available, the employee will ask you to deliver them.

Stage 4: vehicle inspection. The check is carried out at a special site in the presence of the driver. The customs officer will check the accuracy of the data from the declaration. If violations of the rules for importing cars are discovered or the authenticity of the documents raises doubts, the inspector will draw up a protocol on the violations and send the car to a temporary storage warehouse. The car can stay there for no more than two months, during which time the driver needs to complete customs clearance.

If no violations are found, the employee will put an o in the declaration, sign it and affix a stamp. Then he will make an inventory of the documents in two copies and transfer them to the customs clearance (CTS) and currency control (VC) department. There they will check the cost of importing a car and the cost of transporting it to the Russian border, sign each copy of the inventory, put down dates and send the documents to the customs payments department (CPD).

Having calculated the total amount, the OTP employee will put a personal stamp, signature, his full name, the date of inspection, then transfer the package to the car registration department. Information about the car will be entered into the database, after which the driver will be issued an import certificate and vehicle title.

Also read: State duty for deregistration of a car in 2022


To find out how much customs clearance of a motorcycle costs, you can use the calculator on the Roscustoms website. When clearing a motorcycle through customs, the owner will face the following costs:

  • The actual cost of the vehicle paid to the seller;
  • Costs of transportation, loading, if you go under your own power - fuel;
  • Payment for the services of a broker or company accompanying the transaction;
  • Insurance;
  • Payment of taxes and customs duties.

Customs clearance occurs according to the scheme of guaranteeing payment by making a deposit into the customs account. This means that at the place of registration of the motorcycle owner, registration will be carried out under customs control and duty payment verification.

The funds must be transferred to the customs accounts before the buyer leaves the Russian Federation, and amount to 41.6% of the estimated value of the motorcycle according to international catalogues. A guarantee certificate will be issued as a document certifying the payment, which will be needed when importing the vehicle.

Calculation of customs clearance costs

Payment No. 1: recycling fee

This is a mandatory payment for all cars imported into Russia. Using this money, the car will be scrapped in the future. The one-time fee amounts are fixed. They do not depend on the size and power of the vehicle. Only age affects:

  • 3,400 rubles - for new cars (less than three years old);
  • 5,300 rubles - for a car (over three years old.

Payment No. 2: money for installing the ERA-GLONASS system

All cars crossing the Russian border must now have the ERA-GLONASS security system. She independently calls rescuers in the event of an accident. If the car is not initially equipped with EROY-GLONASS, you will have to spend about 30 thousand rubles plus for installation.

Payment No. 3: customs duty

Customs fees are charged for processing documents. It depends on the cost of the car.

Payment No. 4: Customs duty

The final price tag for customs clearance, as mentioned above, depends on several characteristics of the car:

  • car prices;
  • Year of release;
  • engine power;
  • carrying capacity (applies only to trucks).

Rates in Russia:

Let us show with an example how much it costs to clear a car through customs. For example, you buy a Renault Logan 2022 with a 1.2 liter engine for 4,500 euros. Less than three years have passed since its release, which means we use the first table.

In terms of cost, the car ranks first (up to 8,500 euros), calculations are made from 54% of the price, at least 2.5 € per 1 cubic meter. cm.

We first calculate by percentage. We multiply the cost of the car by 54%: 4500 euros x 54% = 2430 euros. Then we multiply the cost per 1 cubic meter. cm per engine capacity: 2.5 euro x 1200 cc. cm = 3000 euros.

Of the two amounts, it is better to choose the larger one, since the amount of the duty is constantly changing. In case of overpayment, after the inspectors calculate how much it costs to clear the car through customs, the amount can be returned back.

Payment No. 5: excise tax

The larger the engine capacity and the older the car, the higher the excise tax. This is an indirect tax that is levied during customs clearance.

Payment No. 6: VAT

Value added tax is also calculated separately depending on the year of manufacture, type of fuel, and so on.

Calculate how much it costs to clear a car through customs in Russia, taking into account taxes, excise taxes, etc. not so easy. The approximate cost can be calculated using a special calculator or contact a customs broker. He charges 10-15 thousand rubles for his services.

Alena Khotmirova, customs clearance expert:

– Considering the innovations in the legislation regarding the mandatory installation of the GLONASS button, insurance and other things, I would advise you to contact professional brokers. It is extremely difficult to clear customs on your own.

Also read: How to register a car sale

Customs clearance of motorcycles and cars in 2020


Unfortunately, the motorcycle market in Russia is not represented by a very large number of models, both domestic and foreign. Therefore, some fans of this vehicle prefer to buy it abroad, where there is much more choice.

In order to cross the border without any problems with the purchased motorcycle, you need to calculate and make all the necessary payments for it in advance. Money is deposited into the account of the customs authority either by the buyer himself, or by his representative or intermediary. The procedure is as follows:

1. Direct purchase of a vehicle. In this case, the seller must provide all the necessary documentation for the transaction:

  • for individuals – invoice (or bill of sale);
  • for legal entities - a contract indicating all the terms of the transaction.

2. Determination of the customs code of the vehicle. It consists of ten numbers, and it is not difficult to determine them yourself. Further payments will be calculated based on this code.

3. Calculation of required payments. These include VAT, excise tax, duty and customs duty.

4. Drawing up a declaration and making payments.

When calculating, you need to be careful, because the lack of even one kopeck or ruble will lead to the fact that the motorcycle simply will not be allowed through customs. After all these steps, the vehicle is ready to cross the border.

What payments need to be made

All payments required for payment can be divided into two groups:

1. Mandatory – those that must be entered in accordance with legal requirements. These include:

  • customs duty;
  • duty;
  • VAT;
  • excise tax (paid for motorcycles with a power above 150 hp).

2. Additional – the buyer has no direct obligation to pay them, but he will still have to do it. These include:

  • payment for broker services - it is quite difficult to carry out the customs clearance procedure on your own, so you will have to use intermediary services;
  • certification.

It is worth considering in more detail each of these payments, as well as the procedure for calculating them.

Customs clearance fee

This fee is the lowest in cost, its size depends on the type of buyer:

  • for individuals the fee is 250 rubles;
  • When importing a large consignment of goods, legal entities will pay a fee calculated on the basis of the total cost of all vehicles.


The basis for calculating the duty is the customs value of the motorcycle. It includes two components:

1. Purchase price of the vehicle. The buyer must confirm the declared value with relevant payment documents. If the customs authorities have any doubts about the reliability of this figure, the cost of the motorcycle will be determined by them independently. This is done on the basis of an assessment, data from trade catalogs of companies selling products, or using other methods available to the customs authority.

2. The cost of transporting a motorcycle to the border.

Example of customs duty calculation:

  • motorcycle cost - $2,300;
  • the cost of delivering it to customs is $400;
  • the interest rate of duty is 16%.

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Duty = (2300 + 400) * 0.16 = $432

If the buyer does not agree with the reasonable value of the motorcycle, he can turn to a procedure such as an independent examination. It is carried out at his expense and lasts at least 3 days. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in cases where the cost calculated by customs officers is much higher than what was actually paid. If the difference is small, the buyer may be left at a loss, because additional costs are associated with the examination:

  • payment for the examination itself – from 2000 rubles. and higher;
  • the cost of storing a motorcycle at the customs terminal, payment for forced downtime.

Value added tax

The tax rate is 18%, and the tax base is the sum of the customs value of the motorcycle, duty and excise tax (if any). For the example mentioned earlier, the procedure for calculating VAT will look like this:

VAT = (2300 + 400 + 432)* 0.18 = $564

Brokerage fees and certification

A customs broker is an intermediary who will help you interact with customs authorities, correctly calculate all payments and fill out a declaration. The specific cost of brokerage services depends on the region of the country, but on average it is 5,000 rubles.

In addition, the broker will help with motorcycle certification - the cost of this procedure is about 3,000 rubles.

Technical side of the procedure

Before the vehicle arrives, the buyer must ensure that all necessary papers (invoice, registration certificate) are handed over to the broker. Based on this documentation, the intermediary draws up a customs declaration and sends it to the place of expected arrival of the cargo (that is, the motorcycle). The number of this declaration must be provided to the driver or other person whose responsibilities include accompanying the vehicle. After full prepayment of all payments (which is a mandatory condition for the passage of a motorcycle), all that remains is to wait for the cargo to arrive and independently meet it at the appropriate customs point. There you will also have to fill out certain documents and papers, which will be discussed in more detail on the spot.

If the entire procedure was completed correctly and in compliance with legislative requirements, the owner can only register it with the relevant authorities and register it. The complex customs clearance procedure ends here, and the buyer can operate the purchased vehicle under general conditions.

Questions and answers

Andrey Recently cleared his car through customs. After that, I was given a temporary passport for the vehicle. How long can I ride with it?

Ivan I purchased a car in the Moscow region this year. Next week I'm going to take her to Georgia. Tell me, will I need to clear it through customs again?

Alexey moved from Kyiv to Moscow this month, arriving in his own car. I am currently in the process of obtaining a temporary residence permit. How long can I drive with Kyiv license plates?

Evgeniy I would like to complete the procedure for customs clearance of a car using borrowed funds or a loan. How to do it?

Alexander I am bringing a car from France, how much will the customs clearance procedure cost?

Vladimir Tell me, how does the customs clearance procedure happen if I am coming from Ukraine? Where will I have to pay the money?

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Features of importing an electric vehicle

The procedure for customs clearance of electric vehicles is almost no different from customs clearance of conventional cars. The difference is possible only in the amount of customs duties, which consists of the following indicators:

  • customs clearance fee (tied to the customs value of the electric car): from 500 (at a price of 200 thousand rubles per car) to 100 thousand rubles (at a price of 30 million rubles per car);
  • import duty 15%;
  • VAT 20%;
  • standard recycling fee;
  • excise tax rates calculated from engine power.

Also read: How to communicate with a car buyer by phone

What payments need to be made

All payments required for payment can be divided into two groups:

1 . Mandatory – those that must be entered in accordance with legal requirements. These include:

  • customs duty;
  • duty;
  • VAT;
  • excise tax (paid for motorcycles with a power above 150 hp).

2. Additional – the buyer has no direct obligation to pay them, but he will still have to do it. These include:

  • payment for broker services - it is quite difficult to carry out the customs clearance procedure on your own, so you will have to use intermediary services;
  • certification.

It is worth considering in more detail each of these payments, as well as the procedure for calculating them.

Customs clearance of a car from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia

These countries are members of the Eurasian Economic Union and provide for a single customs territory. Belarus and Kazakhstan have the same amount of duties. After paying for them, upon entering Russia, all that remains is to pay the recycling fee and equip the GLONASS system. Belarus is also popular because of its proximity to Europe; good models go there.

There will be no significant savings with Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, although preferential customs clearance rules apply there. But at the border with Russia, you will most likely be asked to pay the remaining amount for registration, recycling fees and installation of GLONASS.

Customs clearance of a bike from Germany

Due to the fact that the country is located on the same continent, there are not many difficulties either. Of course, you will have to travel through several countries, so it is better to use either air or sea transportation. The railway would also be a good option, but this is transit, so think for yourself. In any case, the delivery itself will be more expensive than from Belarus, but not that much. And the new BMW R1200RT is strong.

Customs clearance of cars from the USA and Europe

Importing cars from America and European countries is considered profitable, because prices on the secondary market there are much lower than in Russia. At auctions in the USA there are even very budget options. For example, a Chevrolet Bolt with all customs clearance costs will cost 16-18 thousand dollars. This is a little more than a million rubles. It is difficult to buy a model in Russia, and the price tag for it is set at around two million.

Customs clearance of cars from Germany is also in demand. For example, to drive a German Volkswagen Polo from 2010, you will have to pay about 4,200 euros (about 370 thousand rubles). The total, including the price, will be about 600 thousand. Due to the exchange rate, this is not very profitable now; cheaper options can be found in Russia.

Alena Khotmirova, customs clearance expert:

– Many foreign manufacturers have opened production facilities in Russia. Therefore, if you compare the cost of a foreign car plus customs clearance and the cost of a similar model assembled in the Russian Federation, it turns out that the difference is small. In some cases, used models are even cheaper on the Russian market.

Also read: How to prepare a car for sale: expert advice

Customs clearance taxes

The most popular question among amateur motorcyclists is how much does it cost to clear a motorcycle through customs? It is impossible to answer this unequivocally - it’s easier to visit special customs websites in advance and see the cost. Which will depend on a number of fixed payments:

  1. Excise tax. Here everything depends directly on the engine size (we talked about power earlier) and the lower it is, the cheaper customs clearance will cost. However, a standard sports bike, as well as road models like Kawasaki, are quite affordable;
  2. Customs duty. Here everything depends on the cost of the bike itself, because all motorcycles are taxed at exactly 10% of their cost (if you purchased a cool vintage motorcycle of some celebrity, then the duty will be deducted from this price, and not the market average for the model);
  3. VAT. Without changes - exactly 20% of the total cost of the bike (this includes all available taxes).

As you can easily understand, the last tax is the largest. Therefore, it is advisable to make really cheap purchases.

How much does it cost to clear a car from Japan through customs?

There are also auctions in Japan where you can bargain and bring a car to Russia through an intermediary. But this is not always beneficial. For example, a resident of Irkutsk managed to get a Japanese Toyota Aqua for 670 thousand rubles including all customs expenses (at that time the price tag in Russia was approximately the same). Plus, the entire process of delivery and customs clearance took 3.5 months.

But in Japan you can find cars that are not officially supplied or have ceased to be supplied to Russia (Toyota Succeed, Nissan Serena, Toyota Mark X and others).

Alena Khotmirova, customs clearance expert:

— Where is the best place to drive your car from depends on your location. If you live in Vladivostok and plan to sell cars there, then, of course, it is more profitable and convenient to import the Japanese auto industry. Europe is suitable for central Russia. As for American models, it is worth carefully calculating the logistics. Due to long distances, transporting a car can be quite expensive.

Also read: How to increase the price of a car when selling

How to clear customs a motorcycle from Europe (Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Germany)

If your choice of motorcycle is the German BMW R1200RT, it makes sense to pay attention to used models from Europe, since the price from an official dealer may be too high. The state duty for importing equipment from Europe can range from 40%. The customs value will be calculated according to the Eurotax catalog “SCHWACKE” (popularly “Schwacke”). Please note that the Shvaka price may be higher than what you paid for the bike. Therefore, in Europe it makes sense to order, for example, what you will not find in Japan. So it’s better to look for a 125 cc Yamaha or 600 cc road Honda in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Import ban

In 2022, the ban on imports of certain goods from Belarus was “legalized”. This primarily concerns dairy products.

Also, a ban was previously introduced on the import of fruits and vegetables from the following countries:

  1. Liberia.
  2. Kenya.
  3. India.

The main reason why the ban on the import of dairy products was introduced is the forgery of certificates. It is suggested that low-quality dairy products came to Belarus from those states in respect of which Russia maintains a food ban.

Now, if the origin of dairy products is not confirmed, then further imports will be stopped and existing goods will be destroyed. This fate has already befallen several large supplies to Russia from Belarus.

Reports that Belarus supplies dairy products using fake certificates have appeared before.

Harmful cheeses

There is another serious reason for the ban on the import of dairy products from the fraternal state. Not long ago, Rosselkhoznadzor employees discovered a considerable amount of harmful food additives in Belarusian cheeses. According to Rosselkhoznadzor employees, dairy products in Belarus contain large amounts of sodium nitrate.

Today, based on the results of the tests, Belarusian cheeses were removed from sale in stores in Tver. Employees of the interregional veterinary laboratory came up with the corresponding initiative. Now there is an import ban on the following cheeses from Belarus:

  1. "Eltermani".
  2. "Russian Shchuchinsky".
  3. "Tilsiter".

Sodium nitrate, also called Chilean nitrate, is used as a preservative and coloring agent. This element is also commonly used as a color stabilizer. If the norm is exceeded, then consumption of the product that contains this additive becomes dangerous to human health and life.

People suffering from heart and vascular diseases are especially at risk. There is also a real danger for people suffering from diabetes and various intestinal pathologies.

Another ban

According to the latest data, a ban on the import of Belarusian fruits came into force in 2022. This decision also belongs to Rosselkhoznadzor. According to department officials, “sanctioned” products from the countries of the European Union are being imported from Belarus into the territory of the Russian state under the guise of vegetables and fruits. In 2022, these bans continue to apply.

The situation when pears, positioned as Liberian, in all respects resemble Belgian products, seems very strange.

A little earlier, the authorities of the Pskov region temporarily limited the import of Belarusian pork. This decision was explained by the fact that the virus of the most dangerous disease - African plague - was discovered in the previously imported meat . The African plague arrived from Poland, neighboring Belarus.

Belarus has introduced temporary “sanctions” on the import of pork meat from Poland and Ukraine. Crimea also came under Belarusian “sanctions,” where pork also came from Ukraine.

Customs clearance from Poland

The same situation as with Lithuania. However, there is one significant nuance here - in this way you can try to clear through customs any bike purchased in the EU, regardless of the country. Which can be a little cheaper than working directly with Germany. Of course, you can look for high-quality 125 cc German models, which you will buy from a Pole. In this case, it will be easier to collect documents and go through customs. Again, the country is close enough and nothing will prevent (except bad weather) from traveling on transit numbers to your home country.

We are conducting operational

  • customs clearance of scooters, scooters, mopeds when imported to Russia
  • customs clearance of scooters, scooters, mopeds when exporting from Russia
  • temporary import of scooters, scooters, mopeds
  • temporary export of scooters, scooters, mopeds
  • and other customs procedures necessary for you and your company

We will place a scooter, scooter, moped under any customs procedure, and the most popular ones are:

  • Release for domestic consumption (customs clearance for import);
  • Export (customs clearance for export).

We work with any participants in foreign trade activities:

  • Individuals
  • Legal entities
  • Individual entrepreneurs

Documents and information for customs clearance of scooters, mopeds, scooters at customs

  1. List of documents for registration of an individual at customs (View)
  2. List of documents for registration of a Legal entity at customs (View)
  3. List of documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur at customs (View)
  4. List of documents for customs clearance “Import” (View)
  5. List of documents for customs clearance “Export” (View)

Filling out an application

Domestic companies are quite actively purchasing products from Belarusian counterparties. Today, those involved in this field prefer to enter into contracts in foreign currency. At the same time, the Russian ruble is moving somewhat into the shadows. Against this background, payment for imported products by the domestic importer occurs in dollars or euros.

The application must be completed correctly. A person must fill out all the fields regarding the payment of indirect taxes and the transportation of products. You must submit an application to the tax office in advance. This is necessary in order to have “insurance” in case of failure.

A person who submits an application on time has the opportunity to pay “import” VAT.

If tax officials discover an error or inaccuracy in the application, a mark on the application that would confirm payment of indirect tax will be refused. Without this mark, it will be impossible to deduct VAT that was paid when importing Belarusian products.

Filling Features

The application must be submitted in two copies. Both copies must be submitted to the supplier. An application must be submitted to the supplier to confirm the zero VAT rate.

Procedure for filling out the application:

  • entering a currency code;
  • entering the cost of the imported goods;
  • note about additional expenses;
  • indication of the amount of taxes paid.

The completed application must be certified with a personal signature.

Question of currency

The application does not have a separate column intended to indicate the official exchange rate of foreign currency in relation to the Belarusian ruble. Against this background, the applicant undertakes to indicate the foreign currency code in the 5th column. It is indicated on the basis of the invoice.

In the 6th column, the person undertakes to indicate the price of imported products in foreign currency. In columns 7-16, except for columns 9,10,13 and 14, it is necessary to display currency indicators in Russian rubles. There is no need to indicate the exchange rate when filling out the application.

The procedure for filling out an application for importing products from the Russian side was established by employees of the Belarusian Tax Ministry.

Belorussian rubles

International transportation and delivery of scooters, mopeds and scooters

Our company “Universal Freight Solutions” provides services for the international delivery of scooters, mopeds and scooters from any country in the world. We work with all customs posts of the Russian Federation and are ready to clear any scooters, mopeds and scooters through customs within 1 day!

We use different types of transport:

  • Automotive (truck)
  • Railway (combined)
  • Aviation (air)
  • Multimodal (combined)

We provide international transportation of scooters, mopeds and scooters from any country in the world: America (USA), Asia (Japan, China, Taiwan), Europe (Germany, Italy, Spain). We also provide international delivery of scooters, mopeds and scooters to any region and city of the Russian Federation: to Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Smolensk, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Moscow and many other cities and regions of Russia.

general information

The agreement concluded by the leadership of Belarus and the Russian Federation became relevant 11 years ago. It was ratified by the relevant law of the Russian state.

A person importing goods across the customs border of Belarus is obliged to pay VAT at customs.

The procedure for paying VAT involves five important steps:

  1. Determination of the tax base and calculation of VAT for the import of goods.
  2. Payment of VAT for the import of goods.
  3. Report on the import of goods from the countries of the customs union.
  4. Acceptance of VAT deduction for import of goods.

Sometimes situations arise when the cost of delivery when importing goods is highlighted in the contract with a red line. In this regard, many are interested in the answer to the question of whether there is a need to include expenses in the VAT base.

The VAT base is the contractual value of the transaction. This is the amount that must be paid by the person importing the goods. The legislation does not provide for an increase in cost when importing.

Even more subtle situations occur when importing goods. Some imported goods sometimes turn out to be of poor quality. If the person who imported paid the VAT, he may try to make the tax amount a little less.

Technical side of the procedure

Before the vehicle arrives, the buyer must ensure that all necessary papers (invoice, registration certificate) are handed over to the broker.

Based on this documentation, the intermediary draws up a customs declaration and sends it to the place of expected arrival of the cargo (that is, the motorcycle). The number of this declaration must be provided to the driver or other person whose responsibilities include accompanying the vehicle.

After full prepayment of all payments (which is a mandatory condition for the passage of a motorcycle), all that remains is to wait for the cargo to arrive and independently meet it at the appropriate customs point. There you will also have to fill out certain documents and papers, which will be discussed in more detail on the spot.

The next stage after the motorcycle crosses the border is its delivery for customs clearance. A few days are allotted for this, after violation of which the buyer can expect serious problems: a fine, a lawsuit, and even confiscation of the motorcycle. So there is no point in delaying this process, especially since all the main formalities have already been completed, the vehicle has been paid for and the last stage of its legal registration remains to be completed.

If the entire procedure was completed correctly and in compliance with legislative requirements, the owner can only register it with the relevant authorities and register it.

The complex customs clearance procedure ends here, and the buyer can operate the purchased vehicle under general conditions.


The basis for calculating the duty is the customs value of the motorcycle. It includes two components:

1. Purchase price of the vehicle. The buyer must confirm the declared value with relevant payment documents.

If the customs authorities have any doubts about the reliability of this figure, the cost of the motorcycle will be determined by them independently. This is done on the basis of an assessment, data from trade catalogs of companies selling products, or using other methods available to the customs authority.

With such an assessment, the cost of a motorcycle is usually always higher than the real one - its current condition is not taken into account, customs officers take the value indicated in catalogs for new models. If the purchase price does not match the catalog data (for example, it is $500 higher there), a larger figure will be taken into account to calculate the duty.

2. The cost of transporting a motorcycle to the border.

Example of customs duty calculation:

  • motorcycle cost - $2,300;
  • the cost of delivering it to customs is $400;
  • the interest rate of duty is 16%.

Duty = (2300 + 400) * 0.16 = $432

If the buyer does not agree with the reasonable value of the motorcycle, he can turn to a procedure such as an independent examination. It is carried out at his expense and lasts at least 3 days.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure in cases where the cost calculated by customs officers is much higher than what was actually paid. If the difference is small, the buyer may be left at a loss, because additional costs are associated with the examination:

  • payment for the examination itself – from 2000 rubles. and higher;
  • the cost of storing a motorcycle at the customs terminal, payment for forced downtime.

How much does the motorcycle customs clearance process cost?

Let's say you want to deal with cost issues yourself. You are interested in the brand new Kawasaki GTR 1400 on the Asian market and you want to clear customs for a really cheap motorcycle. You already have an understanding of exactly what payments will need to be made. Now it is important to take into account additional expenses, namely delivery, registration, commissions (and there will be several of them), certification.

You need to find out the cost of all these procedures from the companies you will use (the cost can vary especially greatly among different carriers). In addition, it is quite difficult to calculate the cost in such a simple and easy way - there are a lot of additional nuances. Therefore, it is recommended to contact specialists - brokers who deal with this. It is not necessary to draw up an agreement right away (or conclude one for delivery and customs clearance in general) - just request a consultation on this topic, and you will be able to find out an almost exact figure.

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