Enduro 200 DD motorcycle: technical specifications, photos, videos


I bought BaltMotors (BM) Enduro 200, also known as Qingqi 200 GY, Sundown STX 200cc, Skymoto Motador and so on for the first season, to decide what I needed and to gain initial skills in driving a motorcycle.
I deliberately took a motorcycle of Chinese origin, assuming there were some bugs, and scoured the relevant forums.

I'll try to sort out my impressions.

1. Aesthetics, appearance, control.

The motorcycle looks good, especially at first. But, pretty soon, all the bolts are covered with rust, the exhaust manifold looks extremely unpresentable - no matter what I do to it, it rusts. On new versions with a 250 cc engine it is made of stainless steel, I think it will be much better. Aluminum parts are covered with a nasty coating.

The plastic is thick but fragile. The side plastic will not withstand serious falls - at most, a soft fall into the sand. The scutes of the upside-down fork fly off like leaves from autumn trees, and without them it’s also not good.

At first the suspension seems soft, but a little later you realize that it is unacceptably soft and does not work very well. I want to try pumping up the rear shock absorber (it has a nipple). The front shock absorber is more difficult. Most likely, you need to change the little one to a thicker one, top it up to the required level, and perhaps add washers or small springs to increase the rigidity of the fork, which breaks through during any even small flights and bites terribly when braking.

Theoretically there is a headlight, in practice it is a size at best. The headlight adjustment does not work, and it shines high into the sky, slightly touching the road with the lower edge of the light spot. The high beam illuminates the tops of the Christmas trees with a narrow bright stripe. Theoretically, the headlight can be adjusted with a screw in its lower part, while its lower part should move inside the muzzle. But behind the headlight there are wiring harnesses and when the screw is twisted, its position does not change, it rests against the wires.

There is no trunk, instead there are passenger horn handles made of some kind of aluminum alloy. However, they can be replaced by installing, for example, a trunk from the first version of the endurka.

I liked the tidy, which shows the number of the gear engaged. It’s a pity that there are no indicators for engine overheating, overspeed, or at least some kind of fuel sensor. I confess, I forget about gasoline, and I’ve already had problems because of this a couple of times. The speedometer, when working, does not lie much, at 106 km/h it shows about 115. The tachometer needle dangles at high speeds and within a thousand and a half revolutions in each direction. It is easier to understand by the sound of the engine whether it is good or not.

The endurka's sofa is low (for my height), hard and narrow, the maximum I can withstand is 100 kilometers without stopping. I drove 250 intermittently, and it’s already hard to do more. It’s hard and the vibrations are annoying.

Speed ​​and consumption

The absolute maximum is probably about 115 km. per hour (more than 120 according to the speedometer), but this is not the speed at which you can drive for a long time. It deflates, chatters, it’s very hard for the motor. Comfortable travel speed is about 90 km/h, but it’s also blowing, thanks to the vertical landing. Up to 80 km/h acceleration is quite brisk (relative to a family minivan with an automatic transmission)), up to 100 acceleration is slow and sad, anything more cannot be called acceleration. This is a smooth increase in speed.

Here I’ll tell you how I bought my BM Enduro 200, produced in 2006, with a mileage of about 7000 km, blue. I will write for myself, so that I can read and remember later, so those who are interested should be ready for the “water”). I have long wanted to buy a motorcycle and dreamed about it a lot. Oddly enough, the impetus for the purchase was surgery on the left shoulder joint to correct my habitual dislocation received after an accident. The fact is that the operation was planned for December 24, 2012, and after it I had to walk for a month and a half in an orthosis, with my left arm rigidly immobilized. Then, for about another month, carefully develop the muscles and the joint with foreign objects in the form of titanium “screws.” In total, three months will be lost from active life, and it will be April and prices for motor vehicles will begin to creep up. After April, May is actually the season in full swing, and the purchased equipment still needs to be prepared, equipment purchased, in general, there is no way to be in time for the opening of the season, despite the fact that you will still need to work and set up things left for the rehabilitation period. Reasoning in this way, I called my friend, part-time neighbor, and asked if it was possible to leave the planned motorcycle in his garage at the dacha until the summer. To which, having received an affirmative answer, I called another friend of mine who works for Ford Transit and, miraculously, he was free the next weekend. Then, sensing the proximity and reality of the purchase, I began searching for a motorcycle with renewed vigor.

On the eve of the summer, having once again fallen apart due to the fact that I still had not realized my dream of a motorcycle, not caring about everything, I almost bought one Ural, a very beautifully made Ural:

But still, reason prevailed and I put this idea aside, realizing perfectly well that I had nowhere, nothing with which to repair it, and no desire at all. I would like to learn in the first season, feel the buzz, and gain self-determination. At that time, my desire was limited only by money. I didn't know what I really wanted. I decided to start from the fact that I love nature, simplicity and utility in mechanical products. Those. I absolutely didn’t want to deal with some kind of breakdown just because it can’t be fixed by purchasing additional spare parts in most motorcycle stores, and you have to wait a month for delivery. Spoil beautiful motorcycles such as choppers, cruisers, etc. with this attitude. I don’t like it either, I’ll just worry, so the choice has narrowed down to cross-country, enduro and motard. Further - easier. I looked through the ads, read the reviews and discovered that spending 150k+ is not necessary. At first I liked the Cartridge Strike, but upon learning about its features I rejected it irrevocably. In the end, Lifan and VM remained. Ironically, while helping to register a friend’s car with the traffic police, a few days before the “H” time, I saw the guys in the parking lot waiting with Lifan. I came up and talked about it, I looked at it and, in principle, then I was convinced that I would probably buy the same one. On the “H” day, I made a chin from several addresses of Lifan owners, diluting it with a couple of VMs. After calling everyone the next day, the sequence of the trip was formed, in which the first spendthrift turned out to be VM.

It was December outside, -21 degrees outside. Without a second thought, my friends and I drove up to the agreed upon place and got out of the car to warm up in search of garages. But there were no garages, and my arms and legs began to stiffen. A few minutes later we saw a guy on a motorcycle coming towards us... I repeat, winter, -21, ice, snow, Russian roads near Moscow. We said hello, talked, my more experienced friend even risked making a circle around the parking lot, after which we came to the conclusion that we should take it, we all liked the bike) The bike also drove under its own power to the second-hand store, while the DCP was being drawn up, 15-20 minutes passed. All this time, the VMchik stood on the street and at the moment when we stuffed him into the back, it started up with just a push. I don’t know whether this is an indicator of good condition or bad, but I was not at all sorry to empty my pocket for it for only 40,000 rubles.

As a result, I am full of joy and happiness) Afterwards, we took him to the village, where for the first time I managed independently and was responsible for myself and the iron horse. Despite the terrible roads with tens of centimeters of ice and snow, I drove around the village until my knees went numb from the cold and never got sick)) They put it in the garage, where it stood “as is” until the end of April. Apparently from an excess of emotions, I didn’t think at all about the fact that I should have at least removed the Akum and filled the gas tank up to the neck, but for good measure, I should have read in more detail about winter storage. In April, expectations were not very positive, just like April itself, which stubbornly refused to let go of the cold weather. But you can’t overcome passion, especially when you don’t have to fight hard)) My hand more or less returned to normal and for a couple they began to itch before maintenance and field tests) To my surprise, the Akum not only didn’t sit down, but also twisted much harder than mine machine He stoically withstood all my half-hour attempts to start the BM with a closed choke and did not give up until I remembered that it needed to be opened) Afterwards the engine sneezed a couple of times and started briskly. At that moment I felt that my dream had come true!)

Baltmotors Enduro 200 is a typical lightweight all-terrain vehicle

The Kaliningrad company Baltmotors launched a typical Enduro : the motorcycle engine capacity is Enduro 200 is a joint product of Baltmotors and the Chinese company Qingqi .
The modern Enduro 200, like many modern motorcycles, is a dual-purpose bike. It is mainly used for driving on difficult city roads and traveling over rough terrain.

The engine capacity of the motorcycle will not allow you to gain high speed, and this is not necessary, because the main thing for Enduro is to successfully overcome road obstacles.

The reliability of the engine and
gasoline consumption of 2.6 liters per 100 km allow you to make long country trips.
The motor is Qingqi QM200GY , a copy of the Japanese Suzuki, licensed in ROSS and assembled at a Russian enterprise. These data guarantee a high motor resource.

The design and small engine volume allow the driver to count on the safety of possible falls. The power unit has durable aluminum protection, a double steel frame, and a narrow bench seat allows the driver to move around freely and stand up to his full height.

Alex Motors 1161 units of equipment sold. You can trust us!

What a pleasure it is to work with Chinese manufacturers. They develop motorcycles, sell them to dealers, and after some time they go around the dealers and ask questions: “What do you like, what don’t you like? What are your clients' wishes? Any breakdowns encountered? They will listen, write everything down in their notebooks and tablets, and also say thank you. And all these records are then sent to the enterprise’s design bureau, where EVOLUTION takes place.

Not long ago, the 250th motard appeared in the showroom, and now it has been joined by two more 250s (Enduro and Street). The first copies went flying! Less than 3 days have passed, and 7 motorcycles are no longer there.

Prospective buyers want to know: “What's new in the 250? and Is this new thing worth an additional 15,000 rubles?”

Let's take a closer look at motorcycles.

Putting the 200th and 250th motards/enduros side by side in the first 5 seconds, you can notice the following differences: the color of the feathers, the chrome muffler, the color of the engine, the all-metal toothed footrests for the passenger, different turn signals, the material of the seat upholstery. Motorcycles have really become more beautiful, and this is already nice.

We consider each node separately.


The 200 has a copy of the engine from the Suzuki DR 250 motorcycle (smaller), while the 250 has another engine of the same family. The crankcase has become larger, the “head” is completely different and… the oil cooler! The power unit will now be better cooled, and accordingly the engine life will increase. The engine looks beautiful, but how does it work? Turn the key in the lock, the starter button - the engine comes to life. I can’t say that the sound has become “a hundred times richer” due to the additional 50 cubes, but it sounds “TRUE”.

The technical manual states that the engine produces 21 hp. (like the “old lady” Honda Degree, recognized as one of the best lightweight ENDUROs). This is 5 horses more than the 200. How does it feel on the road? It’s quite predictable: the bottom end has become better, and this is important for motard and enduro, the top end is also more fun, and the maximum speed has grown.

An important addition - it’s very cool that despite all the changes, the dry weight remained the same as that of the 200 - 126 kg.

The new engine has a different carburetor, but it is still “Mikuni”. The design of the air damper is somewhat different and the adjustment knob (if you can call it that) is more convenient.

Another nice touch is better access to the spark plug on the 250.


Brake discs from 200 are out, although they coped with their tasks. They were replaced by larger disks (radial). The brake pads and two-piston calipers are the same.


When you see a new shiny pipe, don’t be fooled - it’s still the same pipe from the 200, only in chrome and one more important addition: it is laid a little lower in the engine area and it’s not clear why this was done.


On the passenger's motard there are just other, toothy ones. On enduro - like the 200.


The former 428th chain, which stretched for 5000 km, gave way to the 520th! Three cheers!

Steering wheel:

There is no more padded jumper. The shape of the steering wheel is the same, just a different color.


No more unnecessary seams. The seat is now monolithic. In theory it should be more wear-resistant. We obviously won’t find out now.

That's basically everything in a new way. There are no major changes, with the exception of a different engine. Let's call it intelligent evolution.

Wheel disks:

The 200s had discs with stiffening ribs; the 250s already had load-bearing ones, which are stiffer.

We repeat the question: do changes cost 15,000 rubles? The motorcycle has become faster, brakes better, the chain should not stretch out so quickly and the motorcycle has become more beautiful (this is important for a motard).

Everyone must answer this question for themselves. I'm sure yes.

The decision is yours!

Baltmotors Enduro 200DD

Enduro is a motorcycle for all occasions, a motorcycle for any road. The ENDURO 200 is easy to control and feels confident in the city, on the highway, and on broken dirt roads. This two-wheeled all-terrain vehicle will help you get to the most beautiful and inaccessible places in your region. A specially designed reinforced suspension will allow you to easily overcome fields, forests, and ravines. Roads are no longer needed - choose a direction and go! With this technology, any trip will become a pleasant adventure!

“Everyone will ride enduro!” — motorcyclists joke. Although this joke is only part of the joke. The enduro class is experiencing unprecedented popularity. And Baltmotors ENDURO has everything you need for off-road driving - high ground clearance, long-travel suspension, brake disc protection, flexible plastic and aluminum crankcase protection. At the same time, universal tires, powerful brakes, modern optics and convenient mirrors allow you to move comfortably and safely on public roads.

ENDURO is available in two versions: with a 200 or 250 cc Qingqi four-stroke engine, manufactured under license from Suzuki. These are time-tested engines that have received recognition all over the world. In combination with a Japanese Mikuni carburetor, the engine develops high power and produces high torque from low revs.

The ENDURO is balanced and easy to handle on both roads and rough terrain. All you have to do is choose a direction and go! This two-wheeled all-terrain vehicle will take you to the most inaccessible places and give you a lot of pleasant emotions.

Aluminum crankcase protection reliably protects the motorcycle from impacts from below. High ground clearance will give you confidence when driving over rough terrain.

Reinforced brake hoses are an additional guarantee of the reliability of the braking system during aggressive use of the motorcycle.

Soft anti-shock plastic is resistant to damage, bends and does not break when impacted, maintaining the appearance of the motorcycle

The instrument panel is equipped with a speedometer, tachometer, odometer, turn indicators and current gear speed with a clear indication of data, providing you with constant control over the motorcycle.

Reinforced inverted long-travel front fork and rear pendulum suspension with monoshock absorber will reliably hold your motorcycle on any road.

High-quality off-road tires with optimal lug placement give the motorcycle incredible stability when moving on any terrain and ensure off-road capability. The self-cleaning tread pattern is suitable for any type of road surface.

Detailed description

Specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice and may vary depending on requirements and conditions.

* Average fuel consumption, which may vary depending on driving style, driving speed and other factors.

  • Aluminum crankcase protection reliably protects the motorcycle from impacts from below. High ground clearance will give you confidence when driving over rough terrain
  • Reinforced brake hoses are an additional guarantee of the reliability of the braking system during aggressive use of the motorcycle.
  • Soft anti-shock plastic is resistant to damage, bends and does not break when impacted, maintaining the appearance of the motorcycle
  • The instrument panel is equipped with a speedometer, tachometer, odometer, turn indicators and current gear speed with a clear indication of the data, providing you with constant control over the motorcycle
  • Reinforced inverted front fork and rear pendulum suspension with monoshock absorber will reliably hold your motorcycle on any road
  • High-quality off-road tires with optimal lug placement give the motorcycle incredible stability when moving on any terrain and ensure off-road capability. Self-cleaning tread pattern suitable for any type of road surface
  • Comfortable footrests for the driver and passenger will make movement more comfortable
  • Reliable front disc brakes with two-piston brake calipers will significantly reduce braking distances and give you confidence when driving at high speeds.
  • Rear disc brake makes emergency braking even more effective
  • 21" front and 18" rear wheels allow you to move comfortably over rough terrain
  • A narrow and comfortable seat will surprise you with its comfortable fit and allow you to easily ride while standing
  • Modern optics will attract the attention of other road users even during daylight hours, which will make your trip safer
  • Thanks to the lock in the tank lid, your motorcycle is reliably protected

“Everyone will ride enduro!” — motorcyclists joke. Although this joke is only part of the joke. The enduro class is experiencing unprecedented popularity. And Baltmotors ENDURO has everything you need for off-road driving - high ground clearance, long-travel suspension, brake disc protection, flexible plastic and aluminum crankcase protection. At the same time, universal tires, powerful brakes, modern optics and convenient mirrors allow you to move comfortably and safely on public roads.

ENDURO is presented with a 200 cc Qingqi four-stroke engine, manufactured under license from Suzuki. These are time-tested engines that have received recognition all over the world. In combination with a Japanese Mikuni carburetor, the engine develops high power and produces high torque from low revs.

The ENDURO is balanced and easy to handle on both roads and rough terrain. All you have to do is choose a direction and go! This two-wheeled all-terrain vehicle will take you to the most inaccessible places and give you a lot of pleasant emotions.

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