How to draw a motorcycle step by step. How to draw a chopper step by step

Broom! Broom! Just look at this one of the loudest and most powerful motorcycles. This noise just goes right through you when these motorcycles pass by, even if they are going very slowly. I'll show you how to draw a Harley Davidson motorcycle step by step at its best. The chopper has one of the loudest sounds when applying gas. Just a small press on the pedal and the air shakes to attract the attention of spectators and scare away every living thing in the area. They make more noise than necessary, but that's what big tattooed guys in leather jackets like when they go on a long trip. Have you ever wondered why these “big bikes” are called choppers? Let me try to answer this question because one day last summer I asked the same thing to a giant gentleman who parked near my house with his own chopper and took up the entire parking space because the car was big. He said something like: “A chopper is nothing more than an ordinary bicycle that has been stuffed with a couple of modifications and added a horn and a big headlight.” I still don't fully believe this guy. Although, if you delve deeper into history, it turns out that in the days of black and white cinema and the lack of refrigerators in every home, cyclists began to ask leading bicycle manufacturers to make the handles larger and further away. They raised the handles and in doing so replaced them with monkey hangers. A little later they added a motor and small parts and said: “It’s some kind of chopper, not a big one...”. In this drawing lesson I will show you how to draw a chopper/motorcycle with easy steps and instructions. When you're learning to draw a motorcycle, it can seem tricky because of all the mechanical aspects of it. But we are new to drawing, and we need to take advantage of it and fill our heads with such nonsense. We can draw anything and always blame it on our inability and ignorance, and at this time we ourselves will begin to understand what professionals never go to, so as not to spoil their reputation. So, I advise you to get a tablet, which many sites for drawing lessons, like ours, but which do not bother us seriously, do not even mention. But we all must keep up with the times and save it as much as possible. And a graphics tablet will help you a lot with this. So let's start drawing a motorcycle!

How to draw a motorcycle step by step. How to draw a chopper step by step

Tony Tony Chopper drawing "step by step"

Konichiwa everyone~

Today I would like to show you how to draw a cute Chopper :relaxed:

For this drawing I needed the following materials:

1. Sheet of A4 paper

2. Simple pencil

3. Eraser

4. Black pen/liner (in my case these are size 0.2 and 0.5 liners)

5. Colored pencils (in my case it was “Koh-i-nor” and “Sanet”)

6. Good mood~

Stage 1

We draw a circle - this is the future hat, with an oval at the bottom base - this is the face. And from them to the bottom the triangle will be the body.

Stage 2

On the face we draw the eyes, nose, eyebrows and mouth. When drawing the mouth, extend the lower lip downwards. We draw pupils in the eyes. Next is the hat. Draw the bottom of the visor, and then the top. A cross and a semicircle around it. To the end and points.

If you don’t get it straight right away, then erase the failed part with an eraser and draw it as needed. Don't worry about such trifles!

Stage 3

Now the details! Let's draw the horns, but remember that Chopper's left horn is broken and we need to draw .."rivet..?", you get the idea. We draw ears under them. We outline the upper hooves, and then draw them out. And hat straps. Let's move on to the body! We outline a T-shirt with pants, lower legs and a backpack. And we try to draw as accurately as possible.

Stage 4

There are only stripes left on our Deer's T-shirt. At this stage, you can review your drawing as a whole and correct any shortcomings.

Well, it only gets more interesting from there :smirk:

Stage 5

Now we take a black pen/liner in our hands and trace our purring drawing. :relaxed: When the lines are clearly drawn, wait 1-3 minutes for the pen to absorb. This is necessary so that when you erase the pencil, the pen does not blur. It should work out something like this.

Ps I was in a hurry and messed up a lot, so please don’t rush when you draw :blush: .

Stage 6

We'll start coloring our Chopper~ BUT. Here opinions may differ, because... someone will want to draw a black and white picture, and someone in color. And therefore, below there will be b/w Chopper for those who will draw him in pencil.

/Advice from Yuri. Start drawing from dark places, moving to lighter ones, so as not to cover the light places while drawing the dark ones.

So on, now those who will draw with colored pencils. Take a sheet of paper as a palette for you, it will be more convenient to select similar colors

Stage 7

/!\You can draw in the sequence that you like best, but here I will describe how I drew.

I started with stripes on the T-shirt, pants and wool. Ocher is suitable for wool. For the T-shirt, yellow, and for the pants, orange/light orange.

Stage 8

We draw a blue hat, a light purple backpack, horns with a rivet on them, a pink mouth and a purple-blue nose.

Stage 9

We are approaching the culmination of our drawing! All that remains is to paint the inside of the semicircle on the hat, the visor and the details. Such overachievers as I can still draw shadows, but here I messed up with them too...

Congratulations, my dear friends, our drawing is finished! Here's the Chopper I made :green:

If you are interested in me, then let me know in the comments by showing the Chopper you drew with me.

But who needs it... Oh, okay, I just hope you liked my post~~

See you soon :wink:

Difference between chopper and cruiser

There are enough differences between these classes. The models offered by dealers are mostly cruisers. And the chopper is a stripped cruiser from which a whole bunch of spare parts have been removed. Serial choppers are found on sale, and they come in a variety of varieties; there are even Chinese mopeds, but these are rare. So if these beautiful bikes do not leave you indifferent, and you want to ride a chopper, then go ahead - your happiness is in your hands. Buy a cruiser, drive it into the garage, invite your friends and turn an ordinary production motorcycle into a unique masterpiece of customization, the photos of which will be drooled over by thousands of other motorcyclists floating around the Internet.


Chopper is one of the types of motorcycles. Choppers are not designed for high-speed driving, they are more for leisurely walks with a breeze. Those who choose a chopper emphasize their solidity. These motorcycles are intended for serious and prominent men.

Its distinctive feature from other motorcycles is its elongated frame and front fork. The founders of choppers were American soldiers, who began converting motorcycles after World War II. They removed fenders, headlights, bags, and replaced them with lighter materials to make the motorcycles accelerate better. This is where the name chopper comes from. From English “chop” is translated as “to chop off, chop off.” That is, everything unnecessary was removed from the motorcycle.

And by the sixties, it became fashionable to remake them beyond recognition so that the chopper stood out from the others. That’s when the frames came into play, and the angle of the front fork changed noticeably. The greater the angle, the more confidently the chopper walked; control on a straight road was possible without the help of hands. But when turning and various maneuvers, difficulties arose. In the United States of America there are even laws that put a taboo on forks that are too long and handlebars that are too high.

In modern times, the appearance of a chopper is a real art. Customizers remodel and decorate motorcycles, from the engine to the passenger backrest. The chopper is heavy, relatively large in size, and has a powerful engine. The chopper parts are mostly chrome plated. A distinctive feature of this type of motorcycle is the teardrop-shaped gas tank. During long trips, leather bags or trunks are attached to the sides. A stepped saddle, forward footrests, soft suspension - all this provides the driver with a comfortable ride on the chopper. The main technical characteristics are a powerful engine with low speeds, a wide rear wheel of reduced diameter and a narrow front wheel of large diameter.

The chopper is designed for leisurely trips. The motorcycle should not be driven at great speed along the track, but should float along it, so that everyone can admire its brilliance and impressive roar. On a chopper it will also be a pleasure to embark on an exciting and exciting journey and enjoy the road to your heart's content. Harley-Davidson is a classic chopper. It has a simple V-shaped engine with two cylinders. And the streamlined shape makes the chopper memorable and bright.

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