Scooter engines: review of Chinese models 139QMB and 157QMJ and D1E41QMB

The 157QMJ 150cc engine is a fairly common type of engine, which is now installed on Chinese scooters and is a copy of the Japanese Honda GY6 engine. The characteristics and service life of this 4t engine allow it to be subjected to tuning.

In this article, we present to your attention the tuning of the GY6 engine using the example of the YIBEN YB150T-15 scooter, namely an increase in piston volume from 150 cc to 170 cc. It is worth noting that the modernization of the scooter was carried out in Australia, which introduces adjustments to the prices of spare parts for tuning. The so-called collective farm is minimized here, tuning can be called bourgeois and scooterists who want to save money will not be suitable.

The marketing name of the prototype scooter in Australia is Ozooma 150 Maxx, released in 2007, however, this is not important, since these engines are installed on many models of Chinese cubic scooters, for example Viper Storm 150. The moped owner does not need to upgrade to a more powerful scooter model with 250cc engine. The purpose of upgrading the motor from 150cc to 170cc is to add a little top speed to the scooter, up to about 100 km/h without spinning. An untuned Yiben 150 scooter can travel approximately 80 km/h over a long distance without the risk of causing damage to the power unit. Another goal was to complete this entire upgrade without removing the engine from the scooter.

Tuning of Chinese scooters 2t, 4t, 50cc, 150cc

Writing about tuning scooters is like ignoring Kozma Prutkov’s warning and trying to embrace the immensity.
Therefore, in this material I will touch on a narrow and topical topic - tuning four-stroke “Chinese” ones. First, I’ll warn you against possible reproaches, like Chinese technology cannot be tuned, it falls apart on its own, etc. So, in large letters: THE CHINESE MOTOR INDUSTRY, IN THE PERSON OF ITS BEST REPRESENTATIVES, HAS GROWED TO THE SOLUTION THAT ITS MOTORS DO NOT FALL UP AFTER THE TUNING PERFORMED ON IT. At least right away. Realistically, without joking, this is an achievement; if you had written like this a couple of years ago, they would have laughed at you. Another digression - a few lines of educational information, this is for those who are far from the topic, or have just embarked on this thorny path. Experienced tuners (or tuners - as you like, but not to be confused with toners and tuners) can skip this block without damage to themselves.

LIKBEZ Globally, scooter tuning can be divided into measures for: – increasing engine power , from removing standard “stranglers” (if any) to, first of all, increasing its cubic capacity; – transmission settings for changed engine parameters or when the manufacturers themselves “messed up” (that is, they did not properly adjust the variator). In both the first and second directions, the components and parts for tuning two-stroke and four-stroke engines are fundamentally different. What I mean is that it would be nice to know what it is.

Here is a short list of what they usually put their hands on when professionally tuning an engine: CPG, that is, the cylinder-piston group (it includes a piston with a cylinder, and the pin, rings, stoppers like them), cylinder head, carburetor, air filter, exhaust system and reed valve (for two-stroke engines), electronic ignition unit. In the transmission, the following are subject to tuning: the variator clutch assembly, weights, belt, rear half-pulleys, driven pulley spring, springs and the “bell” of the centrifugal clutch. In addition, they carry out tuning of the chassis (suspension, tires, brakes) and decorative tuning, also known as styling. And one more thing: it is impossible to achieve tangible results (except perhaps with a minus sign) by tuning one engine and without interfering with the operation of the transmission.

Now let's move on to what is on our market. I think I won’t discover America for anyone (but I can’t help but say this): all Chinese “air” four-stroke engines are practically the same. Their prototype was a Honda engine coded GY6. What is it?

Here it is, the original - the Honda GY6 engine.

As you know, Honda Motor Company improved the design of the scooter engine in the 1960s. Relying on that technology, the more advanced Honda GY6 engine was produced in the 1980s. It is four-stroke, single-cylinder, air or air-oil cooled, standard with two overhead valves. Power in the stock version of 125-150 cc models ranges from 7.8 hp. (5.8 kW) to 12.4 hp (9.2 kW). And forced engine modifications can develop up to 14 hp. at 12,000 rpm.

The GY6 engine is coupled with an automatic CVT transmission (variator). This engine was initially produced in capacities of 50, 125 and 150 cm3 and was installed on scooters of the (CH125/CH150) Elite and Spacey families.

The execution of “125” and “150” differs slightly from that of “fifty kopecks”.

Scooter of the CH125/CH150 Honda Elite family.

Today, Honda no longer uses these engines in their scooters (they have moved on - liquid cooling, fuel injection), but Chinese, Korean, and Taiwanese clones of this engine are produced in huge numbers. In China alone, where there are more than a hundred scooter companies, each has a copy of the GY6 in its arsenal. Because of this engine's widespread suitability and low cost, Asian ATV manufacturers began using GY6 clones in their children's ATVs and buggies (from road go-karts to off-road vehicles), 150cc youth quads, and even children's snowmobiles.

Due to the wide distribution of the engine in both older Honda models and new Asian imports, you can find a lot of information on the Internet about modifications, available components and parts. User forums such as buggy news go karts and off road buggy forum or scootdawg forum allow you to discuss the problems of these engines, repair methods and tuning (though for those who are fluent in English). Users on these forums have experienced many modifications from third party countries, such as four-valve heads with high compression ratios, big displacement kits, upgraded CVTs, CDI racing ignition units, carburetors, and exhaust kits.

I would like to express my respect to Chinese manufacturers: the country has introduced a clear standardization system in designations, and all manufacturers follow it. Otherwise there would be such confusion! Here are the basic types of Chinese scooter engines : 139QMB (bore x piston stroke 39x41.5 mm, displacement 49.6 cm3), 152QMI (52.4x57.8 mm, 124.6 cm3) and 157QMJ (57.2x57.8 mm, 148.5 cm3). As you can see, in their digital code, if you remove the one, the diameter of the cylinder is encrypted. Within each type, the main parts of the cylinder-piston group (CPG) are interchangeable, and with minimal tolerances. That is, you can safely install parts from one manufacturer on a unit from another. Thanks to this property, you don’t need to bother searching for parts (either for repair or for tuning) for any specific brand.

Lifanovsky clone 152QMI.

Now, perhaps, about the most important thing - who produces the desired sets and how accessible they are . Previously, advanced scooter riders were familiar with tuning kits (they are also called “whales”, from the English Kit - set) of Italian (Polini) and “Malossi”. Their range is extensive, it includes not only repair kits and tuning kits for European two-stroke scooters, but also for common Japanese cars. However, all this tuning from “Malossi” is expensive, from “Polini” it is even cooler, despite the fact that the “whales” still sailed from China and Taiwan. And besides, today there are an order of magnitude more new “Chinese” on our roads than vehicles from Europe or Japan. It is not surprising, therefore, that “whales” began to sail to us from Asia directly, and not from Europe, bashfully covered up by famous European brands and at European prices. Let everyone know where the tuning drummers live - on the island of Taiwan. Why in Taiwan? There, the highest degree of scooterization of the population (21 million scooters per 25 million inhabitants) has given rise to a special attitude towards this technology, and Japanese and European technologies make it possible to maintain a high level of production. In addition, the lack of heating costs and people’s unpretentiousness in everyday life and food make the price of products humane even for such a poor country as Russia has become. Remember these brands Koso, CM Racing, YMS Racing, RPM, NHRC, perhaps they (or dozens of others) will soon surpass the “Italians” in popularity.

A small part of the abundance from Taiwan is available in Russia.

Almost all available kits for the “Chinese” include kits to increase cubic capacity, most of them in the “fifty kopecks” group. So, instead of a standard piston and cylinder with a diameter of 39 mm, you can find them with a diameter of 44 mm (under 63 cm3), 47 mm (72 cm3) and 50 mm (81.5 cm3). It seems that the most extreme set has appeared - with a diameter of 51.5 mm and 86.2 cm3. And yet, what comes to us for Chinese 4T engines cannot be compared with the racing high-tech that is produced for European or Japanese two-stroke scooters. There they are sharpened for racing at a high, almost professional level (to be even more precise, tuning there is usually divided into three levels). All tuning of the “Chinese” actually comes down to an increase in cubic capacity and a corresponding (God willing) increase in power and torque, and then the simplest adjustment of the variator. The rule applies - the greater the deviation from the nominal value, the more extensive the “whale” (or something else needs to be purchased) and the greater the amount of work. So, if with a 44 mm piston you can leave the original cylinder head, then for a 47 mm piston you need a different head and the jet must be recalibrated.

Photo report: How to check a scooter's generator?

Just like that, without minimal knowledge of electronics, at least at the school curriculum level (like mine) and a simple multimeter tester, you won’t be able to test the generator, don’t even dream about it.
Before taking on such work, you should at least be able to use a tester and understand that current can be alternating or constant, know what an electrical impulse is and what resistance is. Do you know all this? Have you held a tester in your hands? If yes, then let's not hesitate. Checking the functionality of the generator should begin with measuring the voltage that the generator itself must generate and transmit through wires to consumers. We look at where the wiring harness from the generator comes out of the engine - we move along it until we reach the connector with which the generator is connected to the on-board network of the scooter.

On the vast majority of scooters, the alternator connector looks something like the picture. In the common connector, there is one plug and two wires that are connected to the scooter’s on-board network through round terminals.

The plug combines the connectors of the two main windings of the generator: The working winding (yellow wire), which ensures the operation of the headlights, turn signals, lights and other consumers. And the control winding (white wire), the control winding provides voltage control in the main winding of the generator. That is, when the voltage in the operating winding of the generator increases above the specified limits, the relay-voltage regulator supplies current to the control winding of the generator, due to which the voltage in the operating winding of the generator drops to the specified limit. When the voltage drops, the reverse process occurs.

In this generator, the main windings are wound with thick copper wire on six coils.

The third winding of the generator, which is usually called high-voltage or inductive, and the magnetic induction sensor of the generator are connected to the scooter’s on-board network through round terminals.

High-voltage winding of the generator - ensures the generation of high alternating voltage (the voltage in this winding can reach 160 V or more), which directly enters the switch where it is rectified, then accumulated in the capacitor and at a certain moment in the form of a pulse is supplied to the ignition coil.

In this generator, the high-voltage winding is wound with a thin copper wire on two coils. The high-voltage winding coils are carefully insulated on the outside.

There are generators in which the high-voltage winding is wound on only one coil.

A small clarification: ignition systems in which a DC CDI type switch is installed, the high-voltage winding does not participate in the formation of a spark charge on the spark plug, so there is no point in checking it. Scooter manufacturers install a generator with a high-voltage winding, but do not use it (meaning ignition systems with a DC CDI switch). It's just wound on the generator and that's it. I will say more: due to the fact that the winding is not loaded with anything during operation of the generator, over time it simply burns out.

An example of a generator, on two coils of which a high-voltage winding that is not involved in operation is wound. I checked this winding - the tester showed an open circuit, which confirms the above.

The resistance of the generator's inducing winding is always greater than that of the other windings. The wire coming from the inducing winding of the generator is almost always red and black.

The magnetic induction sensor, when a special ledge on the generator rotor passes past it, generates an alternating pulse that opens a theristor through which the switch capacitor is discharged to the ignition coil.

Sensor in person

Ledge on the generator rotor

The wire coming from the magnetic induction sensor is almost always blue-white.

A small educational program: Traders and collective farm tusks, magnetic induction sensor of the generator, CDI ignition systems - called the Hall sensor. My dear ones... Maybe that's enough already. Where does this illiteracy come from? Magnetic induction sensor of the generator, CDI ignition system, namely this system is discussed in this article - has nothing to do with the hall sensor! And don’t listen to these hucksters and “gurus” who say the opposite...

We switch the tester to the alternating current (ACV) measurement mode to a range of 200 V and no less. We remember that the voltage of the inducing winding can reach 160 V or more, so the measurement range of the voltage of the inducing winding must be at least 200 V.

We disconnect the plug and round terminals of the main harness - connect one probe of the tester to ground, connect the other to the terminal (black-red wire) of the inducing winding of the generator. Turn on the ignition and turn the engine with the starter. A fully operational pickup winding should produce approximately the following values.

Cleaning the cylinder from carbon deposits and filing down the cylinder window

After their first season of riding a scooter, many people have a desire to start upgrading the hardware. Some, having disassembled the engine and seeing that everything is in excellent condition, stop there. But if you look closely (especially in the case of a Chinese scooter), it is quite possible to detect casting defects in the exhaust channel and carbon deposits stuck to the rough surfaces (as happened in our case, see photo). In this case, it is simply necessary to polish and clean the cylinder (carbon deposits create resistance to the flow of exhaust gases, and therefore reduce power).

Replacing a 157QMJ engine generator on a scooter with a three-phase one

After installing a voltmeter showing the voltage of the on-board network, it became clear that the standard generator and voltage regulator leave much to be desired - with the headlights on (two 35W lamps), the voltage at idle was only about 12V, while driving on the highway - about 13V. Which led to a constant undercharging of the battery and a lack of peace of mind for me :). The light on the scooter is constant, the pinout of the standard generator and LV are as follows:

Generator – 3+1+1 connector, in the green 4 pin block the leads of the power windings and ground are separated. Separate terminals go to the ignition sensor and the ignition winding output. The voltage regulator has a 6-pin connector.

To replace it, a generator (stator + rotor), 11 coils and a pH with a 6-pin block were purchased from the store. All three phase. RN without markings, most likely something from a scooter (in this store most of the spare parts are carried from this supplier).

Modification of a Chinese scooter, a little about spare parts

Many scooter owners already after the first season have a desire to start modifying their pet . Tuning in our country has long become almost a national pastime. Owners of Chinese cars are no exception to the general rule. They try to increase their power, reduce weight, and improve other performance indicators of their pets. To do this, they equip their equipment with various additional parts. In addition, tuning can also include replacing standard components and mechanisms with better ones.

Chinese scooter tuning and prices

Scooters produced by foreign manufacturers have a number of design limitations. First of all, the restrictions relate to the speed and power of the engine. For European consumers, the scooter's speed is limited to 50 km/h. Scooter tuning is designed to remove these restrictions. For what? To break traffic rules? Not at all.

The factory-limited power helps the engine operate in a gentle mode. And, consequently, its service life increases, the mechanical load on components and mechanisms decreases. Tuning scooters or tuning a moped definitely reduces the reliability and life of the engine .

Scooter engines: review of Chinese models 139QMB and 157QMJ and D1E41QMB

Despite all the variety and variety of Chinese scooters on Russian roads, their engines belong to only two categories. This is a two-stroke scooter engine and a four-stroke one.

These categories differ greatly in the number of models produced, so let's start with the largest category - the 139QMB four-stroke scooter engine. Its history began at the end of the last century, when in the 90s the Honda branch developed the first such scooter engine model, and today it is called KYMKO. Ten years later, China adopted this development and, together with Honda, began mass production. How good the final version turned out can be judged by the fact that scooter engines labeled 139QMB are regularly purchased from Japan and sold there under the Honda brand.

The 139QMB scooter engine has already become a legend in the motorcycle world, and Hongling Corporation, which officially produces it, installs this engine not only on motorcycles of its own brand, but also successfully sells them for assembly at prices of other motorcycle brands. The recognition of this scooter engine is simply colossal: the marking is located on the left side of the crankcase. The serial number begins with 139QMB, followed by the product number in the production batch.

The 139QMB scooter engine is practically flawless, it can be treated with some degree of carelessness or negligence (but, of course, in moderation). The warranty usually covers the first 5 thousand kilometers. This distance is necessary for the scooter engine to allow grinding in of all its units and components. Once the initial parameters are passed, the lifespan of which the 139QMB scooter engine is capable is about another 20 thousand kilometers. And this is at an average speed of 90 km/h. The engine power is more than enough for a full-size 2-seater scooter.

Some Chinese corporations decided not to look for easy ways and created their own unit. This scooter engine is marked 1P39QMB, and in terms of its external characteristics it is an exact copy of 139QMB. But if you look in more detail, the differences are clearly striking. The 1P39QMB scooter engine is assembled without adjusting the clearances in all valves. The same negligence can be seen in the carburetor, which requires mandatory adjustment and cleaning before starting. In the hands of an experienced scooter rider, the engine will, of course, work, but its main purpose is to make the scooter even less expensive. All budget options that are good for several trips are equipped with just such engines.

The engine of the scooter model 1P39QMB will not have proper dynamics if it has not been run in before use. Only after 2 thousand kilometers does it enter the optimal phase of operation, but after 10 thousand kilometers its performance drops sharply.

The 157QMJ scooter engine models can be produced in two volumes - 150 and 125 cc. see. They are installed on more expensive scooters “BM”, “Honling”, “Forsazh” and others. In terms of reliability and functionality, the 157QMJ scooter engine is an absolute copy of the 139QMB. Also, many design details in it are reminiscent of mass-produced Japanese analogues.

The service life of such engines is already an order of magnitude higher and amounts to 25 thousand kilometers. It has powerful acceleration coupled with very high speed. Their main drawback (if this can be considered a drawback) is their higher cost compared to the previous model. But having bought a 157QMJ scooter engine once, this purchase will serve faithfully for many years, without requiring major intervention in its operation.

There is only one two-stroke scooter engine made in China. Its model is D1E41QMB. It has a chain reverse gear, which fundamentally distinguishes it from all other representatives of this class of units. Reliable operation of such a scooter engine is achieved by adding oil to gasoline (proportion 40 to 1). The engine's lifespan is short - about 10 thousand kilometers, and subsequent repairs are required. It is necessary to replace the rings, which in terms of monetary investment will not be an expensive process. This scooter engine cannot handle speeds that exceed 50 km per hour.

Approximate prices for tuning Chinese scooters in Moscow

This is what the SEARCH EXTREME service writes on its website, but this is cheap chatter; you can’t achieve this with such a sum. And this is just a trick, it’s better not to contact them at all, they can only ruin your scooter.

The first and most important thing in tuning scooters is to find and correctly remove speed limiters and “chokers”. In principle, Chinese scooters supplied to Russia may not have such limiters at all, whereas according to European laws, a scooter that does not have the right to reach speeds of more than 50 km/h is equipped with such devices. Therefore, tuning of Chinese scooters supplied from China practically does not concern speed as such.

When starting to tune a stels scooter, it is important to identify the speed limit method. This could be a limiter in the variator, a limiter in the commutator, a chip in the carburetor. Some manufacturers restrict the exhaust pipe (tuned pipes also have this), inserting draft-reducing whistles and catalysts there. In the last two cases (a chip in the carburetor or a whistle in the exhaust pipe), the initial tuning of the scooter is not very difficult.

Thanks to tuning, the moped stands out in the crowd and significantly gains in power. Transforming a standard model into an exclusive one will probably cost more than purchasing a scooter of a higher class.

Once the speed limiters are eliminated, we can say that the original goal of tuning a scooter has been achieved.

Scooter tuning is not performed to violate the speed limit. Most “jammers” choke the engine, preventing its owner from “getting everything out of the scooter.” Riding a moped with such a “jammer” is equivalent to driving a car at two speeds or with a half-clogged exhaust pipe. But besides the technical aspects, you want to enjoy riding a scooter. This is why scooter tuning is done.

Source: scooter digest, ironhorse, scootermag, scooter-news


Engine tuning 157QMJ GY6

The 157QMJ 150cc engine is a fairly common type of engine, which is now installed on Chinese scooters and is a copy of the Japanese Honda GY6 engine. The characteristics and service life of this 4t engine allow it to be subjected to tuning.

In this article, we present to your attention the tuning of the GY6 engine using the example of the YIBEN YB150T-15 scooter, namely an increase in piston volume from 150 cc to 170 cc. It is worth noting that the modernization of the scooter was carried out in Australia, which introduces adjustments to the prices of spare parts for tuning. The so-called collective farm is minimized here, tuning can be called bourgeois and scooterists who want to save money will not be suitable.

The marketing name of the prototype scooter in Australia is Ozooma 150 Maxx, released in 2007, however, this is not important, since these engines are installed on many models of Chinese cubic scooters, for example Viper Storm 150. The moped owner does not need to upgrade to a more powerful scooter model with 250cc engine. The purpose of upgrading the motor from 150cc to 170cc is to add a little top speed to the scooter, up to about 100 km/h without spinning. An untuned Yiben 150 scooter can travel approximately 80 km/h over a long distance without the risk of causing damage to the power unit. Another goal was to complete this entire upgrade without removing the engine from the scooter.

MAGNETO PULLER 4t 125-150 cm3 152QMI,157QMJ

MAGNETO PULLER 4t 125-150 cm3 152QMI,157QMJ

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What spare parts to buy for tuning 157QMJ

4 valve cylinder head with sport camshaft, consisting of a new head, head cover, rubber seal, four long studs, metal spacer and large cam chain.

Sports carburetor 157QMJ CVK Racing 30mm complete with 30mm intake manifold and gasket.

Cylinder and piston , diameter 61 mm, complete with piston pin, two retaining rings, 2 compression rings and an oil scraper ring with retainers, as well as a paper gasket.

Dismantling the engine 157qmj 150 cc

As you remember, I set myself the goal of disassembling the 157qmj piston engine without removing the power unit itself from the scooter.

So, we remove the carpet, the seat, the trunk (toilet), the plastic near the seat, and then the exhaust pipe, leaving the muffler in place.

I advise you to tighten all the bolts in place, since some of them are of different lengths, and it is simply impossible to remember the location of each of them!

Now remove the air filter assembly and carburetor. By the way, we will also replace the filter, since its throughput will be insufficient for a 170cc cubic capacity. Instead we will install a red 38mm UniFilter.

Removing the 157 QMJ carburetor is easy, just release the fuel hoses from the clamps, disconnect the throttle cable and the starter enrichment wires. We are also replacing the stock carburetor with a 24mm intake pipe.

The QMJ 157 engine is covered with plastic casings - this allows additional circulation of the cooling air flow and protects the engine from dirt. By unscrewing a few screws we can easily remove the plastic. I advise you to throw old rags on the floor, which would absorb drops of oil from the engine and also prevent dust from rising. The workplace must be clean!

We remove the cover with the rubber gasket of the 157 qmj gy6 cylinder head by unscrewing four 8 mm bolts. The breather hose that was originally connected to the air filter will now be connected to the new oil trap (more on that later).

We unscrew the four nuts (12 mm) securing the camshaft bed, cylinder head and cylinder. Carefully remove the upper part of the camshaft bed, holding it.

Before removing the camshaft, unscrew the chain tensioner adjustment cap and loosen the tensioner itself (with a small flat-head screwdriver clockwise) and remove the timing chain from the camshaft sprocket.

Unscrew the two bolts and remove the tensioner.

In order to remove the 157QMJ cylinder head, you need to unscrew two more 8 mm bolts. Carefully remove the cylinder head.

Remove the cylinder from the studs. The metal gasket cannot be reused.

Using thin pliers, remove the piston pin retaining ring and separate the piston and connecting rod.

Due to the greater height of the 4-valve cylinder head, it is necessary to replace the 4 studs on which the CPG and cylinder head are twisted.

How to correctly install the studs of a 157qmj cylinder? The original studs are unscrewed using two nuts screwed onto the stud. You need to unscrew the bottom nut counterclockwise. When screwing in new studs, lubricate the threads with blue thread sealant. The two bolts on the right side of the engine that secure the cylinder do not need to be replaced.

Engine 157qmj 150cc technical specifications

Y0121 Engine 157QMJ 150 cc

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Around Moscow

Delivery of equipment in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road - FREE!*

Delivery of equipment to the nearest Moscow region - 2000 rubles + 35 rubles/km from the Moscow Ring Road. The equipment is delivered assembled or in packaging at your request. You can pay upon receipt to the driver in cash or at the store cash desk. It is also possible to transfer to a Sberbank card or pay by invoice and through electronic wallets.

To the regions

Sending is carried out through Transport Companies: PEK and SDEK to the TK terminal in your region. Free delivery of equipment only in original packaging. It is possible to send assembled equipment by prior agreement. By prior agreement, we can send the goods to other shipping companies at your request. You can pick up the cargo using your passport at the TK terminal or order delivery to your home from the TK (the client pays).

Spare parts, consumables, and accessories are delivered according to TK tariffs. EQUIPMENT - delivered free of charge within the Russian Federation*

Motor assembly 157QMJ

Installation of gaskets and rings

The most important part of the assembly was making sure the spacers and rings were aligned correctly. Pay attention to the channel in the cylinder - install the gasket without blocking this channel, as it allows oil to lubricate the cylinder head. The gaskets were treated with a special Hylomar sealant, which provides a good seal and prevents engine oil leaks.

compression rings have a designation (T1 - upper, T2 - lower), with which they need to be installed towards the top. The bottom three rings (not marked) form the oil scraper ring, a wavy ring sandwiched between two metal rings. All three rings must be placed so that the gaps between them are at a distance of 120º. This can be achieved by conditionally dividing the piston into three even parts (approximately like the letter Y). The main thing is to ensure that none of the ring spaces coincide with one another, to prevent compression and oil leakage.

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