history of Jupiter 5 (transition) and plans for restoration

Hello everyone, dear friends. So, absolutely by accident, this guest appeared in my hands. For me he is well known. Our turbulent youth is connected with this motorcycle, when we just got on an IZhi. This is the motorcycle of my good childhood friend, or rather his first and only motorcycle at the moment. How much this motorcycle has seen and how much it has experienced... oooh, when I remember it, I really want to relive that time. Well, I ask everyone to come under the “cut”. First, I'll tell you how it all started. I’m walking like this to the store and bang, a familiar figure is walking from afar. I took a closer look, and it’s Max! Has he really arrived after all? Previously, literally from the first years of our lives, we lived on the same street across the road; there were four of us friends who always stayed together. but life turned out in such a way that in 2006 I moved to another house, and Max moved to the other side of Russia - to Anadyr, oh how. And this is not very close. And after all these moves, he came only for the summer. Summer 2008. The holidays have arrived. Max has arrived. As I remember that day, I was sitting playing Heroes 4 when a motorcycle stopped at the house. I go out, and Max drove there. I was happy! We met and hugged. Word for word, he says, he bought a motorcycle from his grandfather for 8000 rubles with documents, we’ll ride now. And at that moment I had never driven Izh. And so we went to the field to learn how to ride, here is a photo from just that day, the day we bought the motorcycle.

And then our first rides began. We didn’t have rights then, of course. The mileage at the time of purchase was 2300 km, almost a new motorcycle! Since we drove without a license, there were also chases from law enforcement officers, then Jupiter always came to the rescue. Then we passed our license and began to drive without fear. Also, every summer we rode, had fun, took the girls for rides, and in general there was a lot of fun!!! At that time we didn’t know how to repair anything, at most change the oil, tighten the chain and change the pads, that’s all! Then, after 3 years of carefree driving, a dark streak began... Jupiter did not drive, the ignition went wrong every day with new contacts. (at that time, only disposable fists were sold in our village). No matter how much we suffered, out of despair Max put it in the garage and did not kick it out until that time. The motorcycle sat motionless for almost 7 years, my friend almost forgot about it and began to come less often, since his studies did not allow him to travel often. And when I saw the garage from afar, my heart bled from thoughts of how Jupiter was doing there... And then the idea came to my mind to buy it. And when, by chance, I met Max at the store, it was an absolutely amazing meeting)) We hadn’t seen each other for quite a long time... We met in the evening, and I somehow casually asked about the motorcycle, like if you were going to sell it. And I remember when we just got our first motorcycles, we promised to keep them for our children, apparently the brain hasn’t forgotten this)) And so Max says, if only he could fix it, who would do it... And I tell him that now I’m working on Izhami will take it without any problems. His eyes lit up... The next morning we came to the garage, which had already begun to rot... The bridge almost collapsed. They opened the doors, and there... The Phantom of the Opera.

How long did he stand here? They rolled him out onto the street and began loading him into a trailer, since he could no longer drive under his own power. Oh, one misfortune - some nonsense stole the saddle with the number! Freaks! Well, at least they didn’t get around to the other one anymore, and that’s good.

The mileage is funny at first glance, but during this time we beat it up a bit. It’s a pity for the old man, now it’s our turn to bring him back to strength.

We brought it home and wanted to have it after so many years. The revival quest was considered open)))

A huge layer of dust, cobwebs, oil... Eh, it feels like they found some kind of fossil))

Of course, they didn’t start poking right away. It was necessary to clean the entire power system and adjust the ignition.

There was enough dirt here) The gasket between the carburetor and the pipe turned into a ball of paper. Everything around was covered in oil, it was not even clear where it came from.

We started cleaning everything. Oh, and it’s not for nothing that we did this.

The float chamber was full of oil.

There is just a layer of white powder in the faucet sump.

We adjusted the ignition and everything was ready! Started with 3 kicks. Oh, we haven’t heard it work for a long time... now it was clear that there was a knock in the cylinders, the work was a little unstable. In general, cap. repairs are guaranteed. They started it up, remembered its work and began to prepare for analysis.

I removed the tank and the different coils immediately caught my eye.

Now according to the thumbnail diagram)) I start from the front.

I am pleased that the motorcycle is complete and has all the original parts; this makes life very easy and eliminates long searches.

Well, that's it, the front is almost disassembled. The fork, of course, is broken, but the feathers are not bent or rusty.

The fork, of course, is broken, but the feathers are not bent or rusty. They would have rusted under a layer of oil)) I even remember where we pierced the fork. When we went for a swim one summer, we didn’t notice, baaah, and everything, glasses began to leak.

Now you can remove the engine.

When I started to unscrew it, it turned out that the front fastenings were not properly tightened. And when I removed the right cover, the drive star was slack, and the chain was very loose.

Well, that's it, get off the frame)) We'll treat you soon.

There is very little left. Somehow I quickly dismantled everything... Well, how long did it take to skillfully) And at the back there are 3 more engines from other Jupiters. Interesting season. That year they sent almost only planets and 2 Jupiters, but now, on the contrary, only Jupiters and 1 planet. Now there are 5 engines from Jupiter in the garage, not including this one, and another one at the entrance from Syktyvkar. Wow.

Oh, the corrugation is over... There is dirt everywhere again, rust is starting to come out in some places.

The shock absorbers are worn out and the cups are a little rusty. In general, the idea came up to submit some parts for chemical metallization to give them a new look. There are not many such parts, but when the motorcycle is assembled with them, the look will immediately change. And it’s cheaper than having it galvanized.

There is no wiring, now mere trifles remain. I'm glad that the frame is intact and there is no need to weld anything anywhere. Otherwise, anything can happen.

But the problem is a loose rear wheel. Under strange circumstances, there was no bushing that fits into the retaining bolt of the decorative trim. There is no seal or bushing here...

We put everything we removed into separate boxes. Wiring and everything connected to it in one box, all the black small parts in another. And the same with fasteners and other little things.

The disassembly process is complete. Everything is somehow fast this time. Instantly, the motorcycle became a disassembled construction kit and found a temporary home.

So here we have another project for the winter, and now there are already 2 of them. And what is the second one? I'll tell you a little later. I can’t even put into words how glad I am that the motorcycle came to me and will be restored. It is almost as dear to me as my first motorcycle. After all, these are the ones we used to ride on and they never let us down. Well, good luck to us)) At the moment, all the parts are being prepared for painting and soon the assembly of the chassis, reassembly of shock absorbers and forks, as well as engine repair will begin - all this will be discussed in the next part.

On this note, I say goodbye to you, everyone can skate the season without any problems and put their horses into hibernation. See you soon)))

Restoring the IZH Planet 3 motorcycle

Retro is a rather abstract art-historical term used to describe various categories of antique things that have some cultural and/or material value, and, as a rule, are rarely encountered in modern everyday life with its deliberate practicality and the desire to get rid of “extra” details .

I wanted to try to restore an old motorcycle. A 1973 IZH Planeta 3 was at hand. The motorcycle was in very good condition, i.e. all parts were in place and the engine was working. So the restoration came down to painting. For this purpose it was disassembled, prepared and painted.

The process of such recovery brought a lot of emotions and a lot of good mood. Although there were those who, looking at this process, could not understand why bother with such “junk”.

But despite the sidelong glances, Planet 3 booms pleasantly with its pleasant-to-the-ear exhaust and brings a lot of pleasure to weekend drives.


The motorcycle was disassembled and brought to the garage.

In the garage, each spare part was processed: the old paint was removed, puttyed, and primed.

Separately, I would like to talk about the repair of the wings. Since IZ Planet has one cylinder, vibration does its job. So the wings had cracks in some places. Due to the lack of a good welding machine at hand, these cracks were repaired using tin plating. The cracks were cleaned to bare metal, etched with soldering acid, and tinned with tin using a powerful soldering iron. Tin cans were soldered on the inside to give rigidity.

In general, for tinning, it is better to use a gas torch, heat the soldering area with it, and fuse the tin rod onto the metal. And then reheat it well and rub the tin with a dry cloth. This way it will cover the metal with an even, thin layer.


The wheels were in good condition, but the chrome was rusty and they were dirty. I had to lift them to the fifth floor and bathe them in a warm bath))) The chrome was cleaned of rust with foil. Which carried out a fine abrasive, there was no other way.


The frame was welded shut because it had burst in several places. Washed and removed from old paint. Some elements had to be boiled in boiling water, since dirt and oil are very difficult to wash off. And the priming began.

Motorcycle painting

After priming, parts of the motorcycle were painted. I took the paint from Stepanych, he is one of the best at selecting paint, and secondly, he conducted a mini master class on paint and painting technologies with automotive enamels. He gave me the treasured jars of blue and fawn paints and a jar of varnish. He also gave me a can of thinner and gave instructions to dilute it only with it and not with any solvents.

Technology of painting old motorcycle and auto equipment

Before painting IL, I watched a bunch of videos and read various tips. But no matter how you adopt someone else’s experience, you still need to master everything with your own hands. After reading the literature about painting and from personal experience, I formed my own technology in my head.

Before painting, you need to prepare everything; preparatory work is the most time-consuming and labor-intensive. To paint a gas tank on a motorcycle, most sites advise: “Yes, it’s as easy as shelling pears, we turn the bulges into holes with a hammer, and cover the holes with putty. We prime and paint.” Indeed, what could be simpler, use a hammer to make a hole all over the gas tank, apply a centimeter layer of putty, which will then fall off. As it turned out, everything was a little more complicated. In order for the quality of the paint to really be at its best, you need to do things a little differently, be it the gas tank or any other part.

First you need to remove all the paint, since the old paint was mostly nitro paint. And under the new paint, she can behave unpredictably - take on a fur coat. Therefore, the old paint must be removed. This is a very labor-intensive process; here you can try heating it and then scraping it off with a spatula. Wire brushes are only effective on rust and loose paint; they are not effective on tough paint. Since in order to remove paint, you need to process the surface longer, it, in turn, heats up, the paint melts and smears. Also, the metal from the brush transfers to the metal of the processed part, which subsequently leads to corrosion and swelling of fresh paint.

Foam abrasive wheels, which you can buy on Aliexpress, work very well for removing paint. Since in hardware stores. I didn't find any such products.

All irregularities need to be straightened, bulges need to be upset, and dents need to be “pulled out” with a reverse hammer. You need to straighten the surface so smoothly that you use as little polyester putty as possible. Instead, the unevenness could be filled with a “thicker” layer of epoxy primer and treated with sandpaper. Since the primer is like a “shell” that completely envelops the part, it will stick to the part much stronger than putty.

Straightening is a labor-intensive process that some people don’t bother with, but the further quality and service life of the part being painted depends on it.

Irregularities on the putty are treated with sandpaper P360 - 500. Then we degrease, it is necessary to degrease after each operation, this stage in the repair cannot be neglected, since a non-degreased surface after painting will manifest itself as some kind of hemorrhoids.

For irregularities that could not be removed with a straightening tool. And there will be some, since old equipment is often in poor condition, and sometimes it is necessary to apply patches, which leave welded seams. You need to apply putty and sand it with sandpaper, first P180 and then P360. When all irregularities are removed from the surface, it is matted with P500-600 sandpaper. Afterwards we apply acrylic primer. Once dry, sand it with P400-600 sandpaper. Degrease and apply paint. You can use the paint that suits your taste and price. But the main thing is also not to “cheap”, so that all the work does not go down the drain.

The paint system can be different, sometimes there is regular (cheap) paint without varnish, and sometimes with varnish. These paints are very different. Those without varnish are more durable in themselves. And those that are varnished, the paint itself without varnish is not durable, it must be covered with varnish. This makes the surface to be painted durable and better in color than one without varnish.

Sandpaper can be ordered from Aliexpress, where it is much cheaper than in our auto stores.

Key points when painting:

  • Rikhtov, you need to align all the parts as best as possible at the initial stage;
  • be sure to remove the old paint and clean the surface to bare metal;
  • the first layer is an epoxy primer, putty is applied only to it; putty cannot be applied to metal;
  • before the paint layer, you need acrylic primer;
  • Each layer must be degreased, only after degreasing apply a new layer;
  • the putty layer should be as small as possible;
  • follow the technology recommended by the paint manufacturer;
  • For paint and primers, use only thinner; solvent is prohibited.


After the varnish had dried, the motorcycle was assembled and began to please the eye with its appearance and pleasant sound from the exhaust pipe. The saddle was reupholstered with new dermontin, but just as hard as it was from the factory))).

After recovery

A video about how a motorcycle is not running on a dead 12V battery for a year, thanks to the fact that the motorcycle is powered by 6V. It starts well even from a “dead” battery.
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