From heaven to earth - Stels scooters and mopeds

If you start talking about scooters from China, you inevitably begin to remember low-quality scooters from the Middle Kingdom, which caused a lot of problems for their owners. But this trend is far behind us. The fruitful cooperation of Chinese specialists with major European giants and the adoption of Japanese quality have borne fruit. It should be said right away that in the development of some individual elements, engineers from China are still lagging behind, but this is unlikely to last long.

Many factors can affect the cost of a new scooter. Unlike the first, imperfect models, modern “Chinese” ones have become much more expensive, but at the same time their quality has also become noticeably higher. One of the most sought-after and popular models on the Chinese market is the modern Stels Vortex 50 scooter

Every single stroke, relief and element of this model speaks of the desire for fast driving, and the aggressive appearance and sophisticated lines are very similar to many European designs. But despite such a formidable appearance, there is absolutely nothing sporty in this modification, the wrong vector of development.


  • Everyone says that two-stroke engines have low engine life. Approximately what? On average, according to owner reviews, for this model it exceeds 10,000 km. Replacing the piston with a new one is inexpensive.
  • Do you need to fill it with gasoline already mixed with oil, like in a Soviet motorcycle? No, the oil is poured into a separate tank, from where it gradually enters the combustible mixture in the required quantities.
  • I'm going to change the CPG to a new one, I want to plug it into 100 cc, will I need to run it in again? Yes, but not as hard as at first, since the engine has been broken in for a long time. But for the first 500-700 km it is better to drive at a moderate speed, without high revs, and after the break-in is completed, you need to change the oil again.

Weight and dimensions

It is worth noting the small dimensions of the Vortex 50, which allow it to easily find a parking space even in a parking lot crowded with cars.
Its length is 183 cm and width is 69.3 cm. Its height without mirrors is 114.5 cm. The seat height is 74 cm. Dry weight is 91 kg, and maximum endurance is 247 kg.

The weight of the Vortex 150 model is 106 kg, which also makes it not a particularly heavy vehicle. Based on the characteristics of Stels Vortex, it is quite massive. However, this does not affect maneuverability and operating comfort. The dimensions of the scooter are also quite compact. Length is 180 cm, width 69.5 cm, height 116 cm.


The heart of the iron horse is a single-cylinder 2-stroke air-cooled engine. The Stealth Vortex 50 engine is located transversely. The power of the Stealth scooter is 49.8 cm3. The fuel system is carburetor. The manufacturer recommends powering the engine with AI-95 fuel. The engine is cooled by an installed air cooling system. You can start the main power unit using an electric or kick starter. Controlling the scooter is extremely simple, transmission: V-belt variator. The belt performs the function of the main drive. Scooter layout: rear drive wheel. The entire load falls on the motorcycle frame, in this case it is made of high-strength tubular steel. The dry weight of the scooter is 96 kg, the maximum load on 2-wheeled vehicles should not exceed 261 kg. The permissible technical load on the rear and front axles is 152 kg and 110 kg, respectively. The fuel tank capacity is 4.8 liters. The ignition is electronic, the system of which is contactless. The exhaust gas processing system consists of a muffler, inside of which special neutralizers are mounted, which provide maximum environmental protection. Rear and front wheel sizes respectively: 130/70-12 and 120/70-12.


Arrow 50 Benelli: RUR 51,520
Arrow 50 Benelli: RUR 51,520

The design of the “Strela” is so aggressive and futuristic that it seems that if you touch the throttle, the front wheel will fly away. Alas! - it only seems so. In fact, acceleration is somewhat duller than that of the Alpha, even though the engine is one-tenth more powerful. But the scooter itself is as much as 11 kg heavier. “Strela” not only looks advanced, but is also equipped with very high technology. There are LED turn signals and lensed optics with good light. The simple analog instrument panel looks somewhat archaic against this background. Utility is alien to this scooter. Not only do the two tiny glove compartments in the front panel not lock, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to put anything larger than a pack of cigarettes in there. There is also not much space under the seat. And you can’t put anything between your legs—the tunnel is in the way. However, this tunnel has almost no comfort: there is enough space for the legs. And the advantage of a “naked” steering wheel is the ability to adjust it. Arrow is a good base for tuning. If you replace the cylinder-piston group, carburetor and gearbox, you will get a decent racing projectile. True, depending on the depth of “interference in the design,” your wallet may lose the cost of another scooter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Comparing the Stels Tactic 50 with other similar scooters, it is difficult to identify any distinct strengths or weaknesses. But we’ll still try, although this is just another extremely budget moped, the whole purpose of which is to carry its owner and, if possible, not cause him problems.


  • A small mass, not reaching even a hundred kilograms.
  • Very low price of both the scooter itself and all spare parts for it.
  • Abundance of available tuning.
  • Economical and low maintenance costs.
  • Simplicity and maintainability.


  • Low service life of a two-stroke engine.
  • Small gas tank volume.
  • Low quality plastic, which can crack not only from a fall, but also from vibrations or driving on uneven roads.


It is logical that Velomotors has singled out very budget equipment into a separate brand (Orion), but the one that is more expensive and with a double name (Stels-Benelli) differs from “just Stealth” even more - both in design and quality. There are probably even more reasons to separate it into a separate brand. But, be that as it may, the wide range of small-capacity equipment completely covers the “mass” niche - and is capable of more than successfully competing with Chinese (or even Taiwanese) analogues. This was shown by both our test review and the growing number of Stealth and Orions on Russian roads.

From heaven to earth - Stels scooters and mopeds


This model was assembled from what was found from spare parts suppliers at the lowest prices. There is nothing modern about the scooter except its appearance, and in terms of design it is similar to its counterparts produced at the end of the last century. But we can’t deny it decent dynamics, and we won’t discount maintainability either.


The scooter received a 2-stroke air-cooled engine QJ1E40QMB-4, well known to all motorcycle mechanics who work with equipment from the Middle Kingdom - this motor is installed on many models from different manufacturers. It has a shorter lifespan compared to 4-stroke models, but has good performance, producing as much as 5 hp. at 49.9 cu. see volume. You shouldn’t expect much agility from it, but it provides good dynamics by the standards of the moped class, accelerating the bike to a maximum speed of almost 70 km/h according to the speedometer. Torque – 3.5 Nm at 3400 rpm.


The most common variator, slightly “braking”, but quite reliable. This unit usually does not require the owner’s attention, especially if it is maintained according to the manual. It works quite noisily, and when picking up speed it emits a low hum, which, if you’re not used to it, can even make you think about some kind of malfunction, but in reality there’s nothing wrong with it.

Chassis and brakes

The front wheel has a brake disc with a simple single-piston caliper, the rear wheel has a classic drum mechanism, which has not changed for the last 50-60 years, and is of little use. However, the front brake works satisfactorily, and this somewhat corrects the situation. The same cannot be said about the suspensions - on uneven road surfaces it seems that the scooter does not have them at all, and every pebble on the road is fully felt by the fifth point. You can, of course, change the shock absorbers to more efficient ones, but the costs will be disproportionately high compared to the price of the moped itself.


An ordinary generator, a 12-volt low-capacity battery, lighting equipment and, perhaps, that’s all. Electronics in Stealth Vortex 50 are no more complicated than in some “Vyatka” or “Voskhod”. Considering the low quality of many small parts made in China, this is for the better - the simpler the design, the less chance of unexpected breakdowns and malfunctions.

Weight and dimensions

The Stels Vortex 50 weighs less than 100 kg (just over 97), comparable to hundreds of other similar lightweight bikes. Physically, any driver, even the most inexperienced, can handle it, and you can store it in the corner of the garage; it won’t take up much space. The length and width at the extreme points do not exceed 183 and 69 cm, respectively, and thanks to this compactness, this scooter is an excellent tool for cutting through city traffic jams.


The scooter handles excellently, and its short wheelbase plays into its favor. But due to the small-diameter wheels, it is sensitive to the quality of the road surface, and on bad asphalt you constantly have to “catch” the steering wheel in order to prevent it from leaving the trajectory of movement. The turning radius is small, not much longer than the length of the bike itself.

Fuel consumption

Two-stroke engines, designed using advanced technologies from half a century ago, have never been particularly economical. So the Stealth Vortex 50 shamelessly consumes 2.5 liters of gasoline per 100 km, sometimes even more. The quality and octane number of the fuel do not matter; it can run on any gasoline, but you will have to refuel often - the tank volume does not exceed 5.2 liters.

Review of Stels Stels Vortex 150 (2012)

Positive Chinese

Review of the StelsVortex 150 scooter (2012):

Good day, dear friends.

I have some free time at work, which is why I wanted to while away it by writing a review about my two-wheeled friend, and perhaps benefit the dear visitors of this resource.



Once upon a time (in the mid-90s) I owned a miracle of the Soviet motorcycle industry - Voskhod “3M” (Voskhonda:))). I used it exclusively in the village. In those years when there was no car yet (and no driver’s license either) - owning a motorcycle, especially in rural areas, was considered something cool, at least it seemed so to me then, and this feeling was enhanced by special attention to the owners of the iron horses of the representatives of the fair sex. Some of my friends also had motorcycles, and almost every day we organized mass rides around the village itself and its surroundings. Oh romance - motorcycles, girls, the group "Aria" ...

In general, I liked the motorcycle, it was light and quite easy to maintain, but not a day went by without something needing to be repaired, corrected, changed, modified, adjusted, etc. and so on. However, all this in no way overshadowed the feeling of pride from owning, albeit not the best and most prestigious, but still a motorcycle.

Time passed - my body matured, and my brain gradually fell into place, when suddenly at one fine moment I realized that I had lost interest in motorcycles. Maybe this happened because I got my license and my grandfather gave me his old Moskvich M-2140, to which I began to devote almost all my free time, or maybe because of something else. Although who am I kidding, in fact I just felt scared, scared for my life. In youth, the threshold for awareness of the threat and perception of fear is very high, which is why we allow ourselves to do such things, remembering which now my hair stands on end even in those places where they were not joyfully))). In general, I sold my iron friend, which I don’t regret at all now.

Ambula - by analogy with reviews about AUTO:

The agony of choice and purchase:

Arriving in the village, in addition to the classic relaxation (beds, barbecues, vodka-beer, bathhouse), from time to time there is a desire, and sometimes the need, to move your (and not only) body from point “A” to point “B”, for example, closer to a pond , in order to swim or fish or somewhere else for some “business”. Yes, there is a desire to move to many other places, but it is not always possible. I don’t want to drive a car for such purposes, and to be honest, it’s not always possible. And for such movements in space and time, I decided to purchase something with two wheels. Naturally, remembering the reasons for selling my previous vehicle, I doubted the need to make this purchase for a long time, but the premonition of the feeling of freedom that only a two-wheeled vehicle can give played its role.

Choice of motorcycle:

I didn’t want to spend a lot of money, so I set a limit for myself of 50-60 thousand rubles maximum.

I thought for a long time about what to buy. What this means, first of all, is that the choice was between a motorcycle and a scooter.

The motorcycle has incomparably more advantages:

— larger wheel diameter, and accordingly better cross-country ability and better handling;

— greater strength and reliability of the chassis, correspondingly greater load capacity;

- greater power and engine life compared to CVTs in scooters, etc.

The only advantage of the scooter was: ease of control, and this is what played a decisive role.

I didn’t consider a used one, because... Having paid 25-30 thousand rubles for a more or less acceptable option, there is a (very decent) chance of running into a dead specimen, and I really really didn’t want to spend my free time not on it, but under it.

I chose the scooter solely based on appearance))), because I didn’t see any point in choosing it based on its performance characteristics - China is China, and the Japanese ones cost completely different money. The only thing I thought about was the cubic capacity, namely, take 50 cc. or 150+ cc. The advantage of 50 cubic meters is the lack of interest among traffic police officers, and the advantage of 150+ cubic meters is their power. As a result, after thinking and reasonably reasoning that 150+ is more, and therefore better than 50, and also that the scooter will only be used in the village and, accordingly, meetings with traffic cops are unlikely, I chose a scooter with a volume of 150 cc. Before purchasing, I naturally read many forums and reviews on the issue of choosing, purchasing and operating scooters.

I purchased it from an official dealer on Volokolamsk Highway. A few days in advance I called, checked availability and reserved the model and color I needed. They just received a new batch of motorcycles from the “heavenly Empire” and there were no problems with availability. I came to pick up the scooter on a sunny Saturday in April. Motorcycles arrive in wooden boxes and require large-scale assembly))), so we had to wait (about 2 hours) while the scooter was removed from the box, assembled, started and adjusted. At this time, I made the payment and completed the documents: Purchase and sale agreement, PTS, service book, and also agreed on the delivery of the scooter. After a couple of hours, everything was successfully processed, the scooter was loaded into a trailer and sent, accompanied by me, to its habitat, namely directly to my village.

Cost – 50,000 rubles for the scooter itself + 2,300 rubles for delivery (50 km from the Moscow Ring Road). Contents: 2 simple keys (ignition, glove compartment, gas tank); 2 flip keys with key fobs for the standard alarm system (previously they also installed a remote winding function, but later, according to the dealer, it was abandoned due to a constant problem with the fuses); front disc brakes, rear drums; pseudo leather saddle; corrugation; The package also included a small set of tools, an instruction manual and a branded cover for the scooter.

As a matter of fact, with the beginning of the spring-summer season of 2012. and the exploitation of my Chinese friend began. I use it every weekend spent in the village (during the season, of course) and at the moment the mileage is 1800 km.

Exterior and paintwork.

The scooter looks quite sporty and even aggressive in places. I love. The only thing I had to do immediately after the purchase was to remove the stickers from the fairings of the scooter with the number 150 indicating its cubic capacity, so as not to once again attract the attention of traffic police officers.

Since the scooter is used outside the city, it tends to get dirty quite easily and quickly, which, however, in no way affects the appearance, cleanliness and tidiness of its driver and passengers. With the help of a hose and a brush, the scooter quickly regains its former, clean appearance.

Literally on the very first day of use, after carelessly placing the scooter on the side stand, it fell on its left side, as a result of which the rear brake handle was severely bent. I didn’t straighten it - I’m afraid it will break, and I can’t find a new one in stores. I still drive like this - I’m used to it and it doesn’t cause any inconvenience. No other injuries were found after the fall.

The plastic is hard, but contrary to expectations it turned out to be quite durable, even though I cannot call the use of the scooter gentle. Now there are quite a lot of chips, scratches and abrasions on the plastic body kit. When I bought the moped, the seller immediately noticed the front fender, which was constantly becoming loose and seemed to tip its nose forward, touching the front wheel. Reading other reviews, I also noticed a mention of this. At first I tried to pull it up, but then it stopped helping. Due to the use of the scooter in rural/rough terrain, with not very good roads, approximately 300 km. run, the wing burst near the place where it is attached to the scooter frame. At first I tried to do all kinds of collective farming in order to save the life of the wing and leave it in its place, but after many unsuccessful (over time all the structures lost their functionality) attempts, I completely removed it. The aerodynamics of the scooter were not affected, and the appearance became even better for my taste, more aggressive and interesting.

Salon and trunk.

The ergonomics of the driver's seat are quite well thought out, all instruments and controls are in their place. A driver of average height (I am 177 cm) can fit comfortably in his seat. The seat is very hard and after 15-20 minutes of driving (especially on a bad road), the fifth point begins to go numb.

There is no sound insulation at all. The noise from the tires is not very strong and is completely covered by the engine, the sound of which is partially muffled by the whistling of the wind and other aerodynamic noise. The situation is partially saved by a full-fledged motorcycle helmet with a sufficient level of noise insulation.

The instrument panel contains the following instruments: an analog (with arrow) speedometer marked up to 140 km/h (or 90 mph), an odometer (there is no daily mileage odometer), a fuel level indicator, light sensors for high beams and turn indicators, a digital clock . At night, the instrument panel is illuminated accordingly.

The standard side mirrors are quite small and inconvenient, which makes them much more difficult to adjust. There are no electrically heated or electrically adjusted mirrors.

The trunk located under the seat is small, but can accommodate everything you need. The corrugation located in the back of the scooter is also not very large (a normal motorcycle helmet does not fit there) and, frankly speaking, looks quite fragile and not reliable - I only use it for transporting light and small-sized items.


The suspension is quite rigid, but this does not cause any significant discomfort when moving. When driving together, the behavior of the suspension changes and becomes much softer. The maximum load was about 170 kg. – of course, the dynamics dropped significantly, but this did not affect the scooter’s performance of its main functions.

The small diameter of the wheels greatly affects the comfort of movement - even the most minor irregularities (bumps, holes) of the road surface affect handling and comfort.

The brakes work well. Over time, I got used to it and learned how to dose the pressing force on the front (disc) brake, which, in addition to the rear brake, significantly helps when braking.

Engine and variator.

It always starts without problems, either with an electric starter or with a foot (in the absence of a battery). The first battery lasted only one season - in the fall I took it to Moscow and it stood in the hallway all winter; in the spring, after installing it on the scooter, it turned out to be dead, it also could not be charged - I had to throw it away and buy a new one. It turns out that in order to extend its life and maintain its performance during the period when it was not in use, it had to be periodically discharged and charged. I will try not to repeat such mistakes, especially since I have a memory.

The combination of engine and variator is quite satisfactory. It accelerates (only with a driver) quite briskly - from 0-40 km/h I can do almost all cars, including domestic ones :))).

Maximum speed: driver only – 90 km/h; driver and passenger - 80 km/h (+/- 5-7 km - depending on wind direction and terrain). I read on the forums that the maximum speed can be increased by adjusting the ignition and valves (I have a 4-stroke engine), but I am of the opinion that as long as the iron is working there is no need to interfere with it.


Fuel consumption in the combined forest/primer/asphalt cycle is approximately 3.5-4 l/100 km. If you fry on asphalt for all your money, 5l/100km. Lew AI-92, tried AI-95, but did not feel any difference in dynamics and consumption.

Communication with traffic police.

I didn’t register the scooter as a matter of principle (the title is at home), because... I don’t consider it necessary to do this, in connection with its exploitation exclusively in the village, although “valiant, honest and dear to my heart” periodically comes to us, but solely for the purpose of catching especially malicious violators. In general, I am not of any interest to them and I drove past them several times without noticing their expression of interest in me. Once they actually stopped me, asked for documents and said that I was violating traffic rules. I actually broke the rules: I myself was without a helmet (I gave it to a passenger) and I was transporting a passenger over 7 years old. Naturally, I didn’t give any documents, I said that I didn’t have to provide them with anything, and all the documents were at home and I shouldn’t take them with me. Naturally, he did not know and could not know that the 150 cc scooter was. I didn’t have a passport either, so the traffic police officer didn’t consider it advisable to issue a fine for the mythical Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich))), and in fact, it wasn’t me that he came to catch on a Saturday morning in a workers’ and peasants’ settlement))).

With the introduction of new categories of driver's licenses and the emergence of an obligation to have a license to drive a scooter, you will have to be more careful.


Several breakdowns occurred over two seasons.

1. The front wing (described above) does not affect the appearance or speed.

2. The battery died (described above) - now I’ll be more careful.

3. One light bulb in the front lights has burned out (there are two of them on the scooter) - it doesn’t affect anything, I won’t bother.

4. The rear brake handle is bent (described above) - I’m used to it and won’t bother for now, although if I see it somewhere I’ll buy it and change it.

5. I changed the rear wheel nut (problem description below).

I believe that these breakdowns are not critical, and although their presence once again confirms the quality of Chinese goods, my impression of owning a Chinese scooter is not spoiled.

Service and overall impressions.

I refused to undergo maintenance at the dealer and, accordingly, the warranty - there is no way to drive the scooter to Moscow. I change the oil in the internal combustion engine and the variator myself, according to the operating instructions. The first time I changed it at a mileage of 300 km, then at a mileage of 1000 km, then according to the regulations every 2000 km. I regularly take out the air filter and clean it.

The main service feature of this scooter is that it is Chinese – I’ll explain in a moment. Everything is generally clear, logical and maintainable, but the quality of the materials from which everything is made is simply ACHTUNG!!! I couldn’t unscrew a single bolt or nut without problems, it felt like they were all made either of plasticine - their edges were torn off even with slight force (as if they were lubricated), or of a very fragile alloy - they burst with little force. As a result, when I caught a self-tapping screw in the rear wheel, I had to fiddle around and swear. To remove the rear wheel you must first remove the muffler and then the wheel itself. When removing the muffler, the bolt securing it to the frame broke, and when removing the wheel, the axle nut had to be cut off with a grinder, because All its edges were torn off when trying to unscrew it.

The optics are lensed, which doesn’t help the situation. The light is very bad, and moving at night at high speed (when the light cannot keep up with the scooter), especially on an unfamiliar road, is not comfortable.

I consider the biggest disadvantage to be road tires (small diameter and practically no tread pattern), which are absolutely unsuitable for driving on rough terrain, and if the surface is wet, then movement is almost impossible. These tires also don’t perform well on asphalt – there were a couple of unpleasant moments. There are signs of aquaplaning.

I consider the main advantage to be ease of control, as they say - sit down and go, but at first you need to get used to the specific stool seating and, accordingly, to some of the control features.

For protection I only use a helmet and simple cotton gardening gloves.

That's all for now. If you have any questions, I’m ready to answer them all.

Sorry if I wrote a lot and in a chaotic way.

Good luck to all!!!

Advantages of the Stealth Vortex 50 scooter

We should talk separately about the engine - the carburetor modification is familiar to domestic technology enthusiasts. Compression ratio – 7.2. There will be no problems with the repair and replacement of some components during the maintenance process - all connections and components are not much different from the standard ones on domestic carburetor models. Therefore, repairs at any service center will not be a serious problem (both for the owner of the scooter and for the mechanic).

A well-thought-out muffler made the scooter extremely quiet. Depending on the configuration and modification, the Stealth Vortex 50 scooter is equipped with exhaust gas neutralizers (one or two). This option makes us praise Chinese specialists - they clearly developed the model, adapting it to European realities, where emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are strictly controlled.

The Stels Vortex 50 scooter was equipped with popular and well-known spark plugs, including brands such as Bosch, Champion and NGK. If a replacement is necessary, it will not be difficult for a motorist to find the required copy and make the replacement himself.

As for the suspension, for one “rider” it will be too stiff, but when the second person sits, the hydraulics will demonstrate their capabilities in all their glory. Nobody knows how long she will be able to hold out in Russian realities, but the first impression is simply excellent. A telescopic fork was installed in the front part of the scooter, on which two spring-hydraulic shock absorbers were installed. To create a hydraulic effect, experts chose oil. At the rear, there is only one non-separable shock absorber, and the suspension itself is made according to the pendulum principle.

The 12-inch wheels are practically no different from their “Chinese” counterparts, which, given the average quality of the tires, does not make the scooter attractive. The front tire has the following standard size - 120/70-12, rear - 130/70-12.

The developers did not “conjure” the braking system and presented the general public with a standard Chinese set. Single-piston disc brakes were installed at the front, while drum brakes were installed at the rear. For an average scooter, this configuration is more than normal, especially since this model belongs to the middle price segment.

On average, buying a Stealth Vortex 50 scooter will cost the buyer 1100-1200 dollars (55-65 thousand rubles). The average price is presented, but depending on the geography of the regions of our vast homeland, it will practically not differ. Stels has an extensive dealer network in our country and therefore, purchasing Vortex 50 will not be particularly difficult. The package of the new scooter includes mirrors, a protective cover, a case, and an alarm system.

In principle, the presented Chinese model is worth the money spent on it. Today, buying a scooter from the Middle Kingdom is somewhat similar to a “scam,” but in recent years it has been possible to win in such a scam more and more often. And who knows, maybe you will receive a first-class, high-quality and reliable unit.

Design features

The scooter has a modern, sporty and slightly aggressive design. Interesting technical lines and competent coloring of this model make it more desirable. The engine displacement of 49.8 cc provides the driver with a lot of positive emotions and a rush of adrenaline throughout the entire trip. Thanks to its small size, city traffic jams in the concrete jungle are not at all scary for the Vortex 50. It is also worth noting the high maneuverability and fairly simple steering. Even a child can ride this scooter. A soft ride is guaranteed due to a special suspension system. At the rear of the scooter there is a lever-type pendulum fork with a monoshock absorber. At the front, as on most models of this type of equipment, a telescopic fork is installed; it is based on spring-hydraulic shock absorbers. The braking mechanism consists of a front disc brake and a rear drum brake. The placed headlight accurately and brightly covers the road surface at night. Long trips become pleasant with a soft seat.

Due attention must be given to the body of the scooter, which hides the engine and Vortex 50 frame. It was developed using special technology, the main purpose of which was to produce the most durable plastic

Brand engineers fully succeeded in fulfilling this important mission. As a result, in an emergency or even a fall, only shallow scratches remain on the plastic. It takes a lot of mechanical force for it to start cracking. Having summed up all the pros and cons, we can safely say that purchasing a scooter is a completely reasonable economic move. You should also not forget that no matter how reliable a scooter is, breakdowns cannot be avoided over time. In this case, the market is filled with all the necessary spare parts that may be needed in case of an emergency. You can buy Stealth Vortex 50 throughout Russia.


Orion 100: RUB 26,200
Orion 100: RUB 26,200

The cheapest of the devices we tried, oddly enough, gave us more pleasant minutes than we could have expected. A high-torque engine with a mechanical clutch and a four-speed gearbox allows you to misbehave and perform some elements of stunt riding (for example, wheelies or rolling burnouts). Despite the fact that the scooter accelerates to 80 km/h, the wheels are equipped with weak drum brakes. Yes, on dirty and unpaved roads super-grippy brake mechanisms are not needed, but on good asphalt I do not recommend getting carried away with an aggressive driving style - the brakes quickly overheat and greatly lose their already low efficiency. Perhaps “Orion” will be registered at the dacha as a traveling vehicle. Its utility is confirmed by a strong and large trunk at the rear and a basket-like storage space between the driver's legs. For a complete set, in my opinion, a large basket on the front fender is missing. And 17-inch spoked wheels and energy-intensive suspensions help ensure accurate delivery of groceries from the store on roads with poor or no surfaces. There is only one drawback - the shape of the kickstarter lever, which does not allow you to properly place your right foot on the footrest. But, since the kick is equipped with an electric start, the lever can be removed painlessly.


If you dig deep into the depths of this bike and conduct a small comparative analysis, you will find that it is assembled from the same spare parts as dozens of other similar models produced in China. At the same time, all the main components are quite reliable, since they were copied many years ago from outdated Japanese models, and since then they have been produced on an industrial scale without any changes.


Take the most primitive 2-stroke engine from the last century and get the power unit installed on the Stels Tactic. Its resource is short, but it is more powerful than 4-stroke engines of comparable cubic capacity - as much as 4.9 hp. and 3.6 Nm, with peak torque already at around 4000 rpm. The engine is very torquey, so the scooter quickly picks up a maximum speed of 65-70 km/h.


Like other similar bikes, an ordinary stepless variator is installed here. It is quite reliable, but does not operate smoothly, so when the gas is opened sharply, nothing happens for a split second, and then a jerk follows. Perhaps this feature is partly due to imperfect operation of the carburetor.

Chassis and brakes

The entire structure described above is located in the depths of a tubular steel frame, which does not differ in significant strength and resistance to high loads. But Chinese engineers were generous with a disc brake for the front wheel, installing a 220 mm disc with a single-piston caliper. The rear wheel has a conventional drum mechanism. The suspensions are rigid and short-travel, extremely budget-friendly and devoid of adjustments - a monoshock absorber with a pendulum at the rear and a telescopic fork at the front. The wheels are 12-inch, standard width for scooters, 120 mm and 130 mm front and rear, respectively.


What kind of electronic stuffing can we talk about when we have before us a scooter that is cheap in all respects and has a production cost of several hundred dollars? A compact battery, a headlight comparable in power to a flashlight, a bundle of wires – that’s all. But the likelihood of malfunctions with electronics tends to a minimum, and if something happens, everything can be repaired easily and quickly.

Weight and dimensions

The dry weight of the scooter is only 94 kg, and the curb weight is 5 kg more, according to the manufacturer. The Stels Tactic 50 seems very light; if desired, a couple of average men could easily lift it with outstretched arms. Its compact dimensions make it not very convenient for tall drivers, and those with long legs may even have a specific problem - the steering wheel rests on their knees when turning.


Any small scooter is very easy to steer, and Stealth Tactic 50 only confirms this rule. And how else can a bike weighing less than one hundredweight and with a wheelbase of 1275 mm be controlled? Its turning radius is comparable to that of a baby stroller, and it easily darts between cars even in dense traffic jams. All this makes the Chinese scooter an excellent choice for urban conditions.

Fuel consumption

Fuel consumption averages about 2.5 liters per 100 km, although it largely depends on driving style. This is not the smallest figure for a 50 cc moped, but the archaic two-stroke engine is not particularly economical. For models with a larger piston engine, gasoline consumption also increases to approximately 3 liters per 100 km.


Trigger ON Road/OFF Road: RUB 50–60,500.
Trigger ON Road/OFF Road: RUB 50–60,500.

Two identical motorcycles, designed in enduro and supermoto formats. The only differences are the wheels and the front brake. But the engine is so weak at low and medium speeds that driving on public roads is not fun at all. It will be possible to move quickly on the “Trigger” only if the crankshaft speed is at least two-thirds of the maximum. If you turn the engine, the “switch”, of course, does not begin to “tear and throw”, but the ride begins to be noticeably more fun. You can’t lift it onto the rear wheel, but you still manage to roller-burnout. However, you won’t be able to climb a one and a half meter 45-degree slope from a standstill on this enduro - only on the move. Otherwise, “Triggers” is very good. Lightweight and maneuverable, they allow you to play around on dirt paths, clearings and asphalt areas. If it weren't for the motor! But the chassis can easily withstand an engine with more power. By investing two thousand dollars, you can remove 25-27 hp from this engine. won't be difficult. And then you can get adrenaline in buckets! In terms of comfort, the devices are close to real enduro and supermoto. From the narrow and hard seat, the “fifth point” begins to beg for mercy after half an hour of driving. Due to the low handlebars, riding in a standing position is not very comfortable. But don’t forget that “Triggers” is aimed at teenagers, and the seat and steering wheel will be just right for them.

Convenience and comfort

As for the model’s suspension, it is ideally selected so as not to feel the holes and depressions on the roads. Thanks to this, trips become more comfortable.

The Vorsex scooter has the ability to take a passenger. Riding comfort is ensured by the presence of footrests on the passenger seat. It is also worth assessing the possibility of traveling long distances together, which will not affect either the driver’s comfort or the dynamics of the vehicle.

In addition to the positive technical characteristics of the Vorvex models, it should also be noted the high comfort when moving. A very spacious trunk allows you to load everything you need. Thanks to the durable seats and steel frame, you don’t have to worry about the wear and tear of the vehicle.


The basic configuration of Stels Vortex models includes an alarm system with remote command transmission, as well as remote engine starting and a notification function for incoming phone calls. The design of the model is designed in a futuristic style, which gives it an aggressive, predatory look, similar to sports bikes.

The scooter received special sympathy from buyers thanks to its elegant twin headlights. The turn signals are located under the steering wheel in a common housing, which protects them from wind loads and mechanical damage. As for the rear turn signals, the designers placed them so that they covered the side of the body. This makes the vehicle more visible at night. The optics have excellent power thanks to advanced technological solutions.

What is a scooter?

Vehicles such as scooters became in demand in the middle of the last century. Back in the Soviet Union, mopeds such as “Karpaty” and “Verkhovyna” were in great demand. These two-wheeled vehicles are quite economical, compact, convenient and fast. They can easily navigate city roads without requiring high maintenance costs.

Over time, mopeds have been improved. Managing them became more and more comfortable and easier. These vehicles have become lighter, and refueling lasts from 150 to 200 km. They have also become more reliable and safer. Today they are easy to use and inexpensive means of transportation.

The market is crowded with different models of mopeds. You can choose a vehicle to suit every taste

Among them, the Chinese-made Stels Vortex scooters attract special attention.


Outlander 150: RUB 69,300.
Outlander 150: RUB 69,300.

In my opinion, the most successful model in the company’s production range. It is an exact copy of the Keeway Outlook 150 scooter, which, in turn, is based on the Honda 125SH. The “stranger” has disc brakes on both 16-inch wheels, a comfortable soft seat, and plenty of legroom. All this makes it one of the most comfortable in its class, including for big guys like me. It is impossible not to note the engine, which makes the Outlander probably the most dynamic and fastest scooter in the Stels production range. The engine starts to pull from the very bottom, which is indispensable in dense city traffic. The brakes work at a solid “four” and guarantee predictable and rapid deceleration from any available speeds, up to 105 km/h. If it weren’t for the microscopic size of the underseat luggage capacity, then the “out” would make an ideal scooter for short trips. And so all hope is in the trunk, a lockable glove compartment in the front shield and a flat floor where you can put a package or a small bag.

Advantages and disadvantages

When evaluating extremely budget motorcycles, you should not expect any impressive qualities or characteristics from them. But even the most inexpensive bike can be built well, with a well-thought-out design and no weak points, although more often the opposite is true. Stealth Vortex falls somewhere in the middle.


  • Stylish appearance with sporty features;
  • Undemanding to the quality of gasoline;
  • Low cost of maintenance;
  • Good performance of the front disc brake.


  • High fuel consumption for a 50cc engine;
  • Small gas tank and modest range;
  • Fragile plastic with large gaps between elements;
  • Hard and ineffective suspensions.


Velvet 150: 69,000 rub.
Velvet 150: 69,000 rub.

Perhaps the most “large-sized” of those presented. But small wheels, a large tunnel and a high-stepped seat make it less comfortable than the Outlander 150. There are also complaints about the brakes. The scooter slows down quite well, only the rear brake is for some reason noticeably more effective than the front. The advantages of the scooter include a fairly peppy engine, a trunk under the seat, a timeless design, a Mikuni carburetor and a windshield as standard.

History of the company's creation

In recent years, more and more two-wheelers have appeared on the roads. And among all the motorcycles on city roads, leadership is given to the manufacturers of the Stealth trademark, which belongs to the Russian company.

The corporation began production in 1996. She started with the production of small wholesale batches of bicycles. At the moment, the Velomotors holding is the largest domestic manufacturer that produces bicycles, mopeds and ATVs, and also maintains partnerships with Asian companies, supplying their goods to the domestic market.

Sales and modernization of manufacturer's equipment in China Qianjiang Group is one of the branches of activity. The company produces annually about 1.2 million units of motorcycles for many countries around the world. Products are supplied to the Russian market under the well-known Stealth brand. It has proven itself on the positive side, thanks to its excellent quality, which has stood the test of time. The affordable price of the product also remains attractive to the buyer.

The company has released two versions of Stels Vortex. One model has an engine capacity of 50 cc, and the second – 150 cm³.

Technical characteristics of Vortex 150

The lightweight and compact Stels Vortex 150 scooter with a four-stroke engine (carburetor) has a volume of 149 cm³ and a power of 9 hp. With. It is capable of reaching speeds of almost 100 km/h. It is immediately clear that such a unit should not be classified as a teenage model. The dynamic performance of the device significantly exceeds the capabilities of its twin with a volume of 50 cm³.

The chassis of the scooter also deserves attention. The scooter copes well with jumps on the road, thanks to its suspension. It has disc brake pads on the front, which gives you confidence when maneuvering on the road. The rear brake pads are drum, which is not very good for a model with this engine size. Although, according to the manufacturer, the combined braking system increases the safety of the vehicle. Gasoline consumption is moderate - 3.5 liters per 100 km. The tank is spacious - 11.5 liters, which allows you to travel long distances.

The unit itself is quite massive, but this does not prevent it from maintaining stability and stability when driving on the road. Based on the listed characteristics, we can say with confidence that this vehicle is suitable for both city roads and rough terrain.


Alpha 50 Benelli: RUB 47,450
Alpha 50 Benelli: RUB 47,450

An urban scooter model with a classic design. In Europe it is known as the Benelli Pepe 50. It differs from the “Europeans” in its “stripped” steering wheel, separate seat and metal trunk. In my opinion, this is one of the most convenient “fifty dollars”. Despite its very modest dimensions, it allowed even me, who is 184 cm tall, to sit comfortably behind the wheel. The low floor and high steering wheel allow you to sit almost cross-legged. Everything here is done to make moving around the city as comfortable as possible. A decent steering angle allows you to turn, as they say, around the scooter itself. 16-inch wheels, coupled with soft suspension, “eat up” almost any unevenness. For the sake of experimentation, I even went to a field where I quite calmly accelerated to 40 km/h without a significant loss in comfort. By the way, Alpha is one of the fastest fifty-kopeck Stels. The Alfa's underseat capacity is narrow and deep - the integral won't fit, but it will fit a lot of things. The kit also includes a trunk (which, by the way, withstood jumps across the fields) plus a small lockable glove box in the front panel for small items.

Repair and tuning

Maintainability and low cost of spare parts are characteristic of almost all Chinese motorcycles. In addition, it is a good place to practice your first repair skills, which may come in handy sooner or later. It’s better to practice on something budget-friendly, and the hero of our review is perfect for this role.


Anyone can repair the Tactic 50 themselves. If you've seen the inside of at least one budget scooter, then you've seen them all, because they have minimal differences. Forget about special tools and so on, for any service and repair operations, a standard set of tools will be enough for you, the most complex of which will be a regular torque wrench with adjustable torque. And then only if you get into the depths of the engine.

Spare parts

This model, like many others, was assembled from components used by various Chinese motorcycle manufacturers. Therefore, there are no problems with spare parts, and there is no need to contact dealer stores - everything you need can be picked up from other scooters. Spare parts are cheap, and you can buy everything you need, even a new engine or a complete set of plastic. The prices will definitely please budget-conscious bikers.


Usually, all tuning of cheap Chinese bikes comes down to minor decoration, but the popularity of the model has made its own adjustments here. Since all the components from which the Stels Tactic 50 is assembled are used on other models, they are widely used. Therefore, a lot of things are suitable for this scooter, and many owners change the piston by installing a larger-volume CPG. You can even buy such tuning on Aliexpress, and many dealers at one time sold bikes with a new piston, although according to the documents they remained 50 cc.

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