Snow rocket: test drive the Ski-Doo Summit X 850 E-TEC snowmobile

The BRP Ski Do Summit 800 is a high-tech snowmobile for demanding users who need a machine for professional tasks. This snowmobile allows you to overcome any obstacles, be it smooth and well-worn roads, or deep snow with a large number of obstacles, stones and trees. The equipment was developed taking into account modern international standards and norms that are in demand today. Based on this, it can be argued that the Skido Summit 800 BRP is highly relevant at the moment. The developers used a combination of proven technical solutions and innovative technologies in the car, and the result was a technologically advanced and maintainable design. Before us is a machine developed on the proven REV-XP platform. The model is equipped with a powerful power plant, which will be the envy of even the strongest famous competitors of brands such as Yamaha. The manufacturer positions the Skido 800 as one of its flagship snowmobiles with cutting-edge benefits.

The developers paid special attention to organizing the workspace. In particular, the driver's seat, the combination of controls and the arrangement of instruments have undergone a radical redesign. The seat has a two-seater layout and is equipped with backrests for the front and rear passengers, as well as heated handles. Heating is provided in the steering column switches and some controls - for example, the gas trigger. As for the instruments, they do not glare in the sun and display in detail all the information about the condition of the snowmobile. We are talking about readings of engine temperature and oil pressure, as well as speed and current mileage.

Returning to the driving position, note that it can be adjusted in height - however, this feature is also relevant for the adjustable steering column. Thanks to this, the snowmobile can be operated while sitting or standing, which is very important for professional users. The seat can be made into a single seat, and in this case it will be possible to place additional cargo in the rear (instead of the passenger). In addition, another luggage compartment is provided under the driver's seat - it is carefully sealed from moisture and can accommodate various accessories that will be useful on a long journey.


The equipment has successfully passed all stages of factory testing, and its reliability has been confirmed by ordinary users, as well as professionals and athletes. The snowmobile is designed for operation in harsh climatic zones; it is capable of moving on severe off-road conditions. Especially for this, the machine is equipped with a massive chassis. Despite its heavy weight and large dimensions, this snowmobile performs excellently on any road. This is facilitated by the revolutionary tMotion rear suspension with a modern control arm design that is reinforced with articulated joints. The lower part of the suspension, if necessary, tilts two degrees in different directions, in the horizontal direction. In other words, the tilt occurs during sharp maneuvering. In this case, the lateral steering/suspension shift function is activated so that the snowmobile is more willing to corner. To increase directional stability on uneven and slippery roads, the snowmobile was equipped with a special Powder Max II track. Its peculiarity lies in its record lug lug, which is 63 mm. At the same time, we will also add a slip suspension and support rollers, which had to be shifted from the edges to the central part. This arrangement was not chosen by chance, because thanks to it the edge of the track bends when the snowmobile is tilted. The edge of the track does not have stiffeners as standard, but this technology (called Flex-Edge) can be ordered as an option. This technology is especially useful when driving on serious off-road conditions.

Among other features of the chassis of the BRP Skido 800 snowmobile, let us pay attention to its rear part, namely the tracks. They are a massive structure, protruding far back. Because of this, the length of the vehicle increases significantly, but at the same time the cross-country ability significantly increases. The width of the tracks is 410 mm, and the length of the transverse stiffeners reaches 310 mm. For comparison, for conventional tracks this indicator extends across the entire width of the tracks. In this regard, the snowmobile in question looks preferable, and thanks to this length, the deformable zone on each edge of the track does not exceed 50 mm in width. In other words, this feature allows for quick maneuvers, and the machine is able to turn with the ease of a “high-track” snowmobile, without losing the benefits of a wide track. This effect is achieved on any surface - in a deep snowdrift, or on a knurled, flat road. The front chassis, in turn, includes traditional double A-arms, complemented by proprietary HPG Plus shock absorbers with 200 mm of travel.

The ski track width reaches 950 mm, but this figure can be adjusted downward, depending on the characteristics of the road surface. In addition, the developers have ensured ease of movement along steep mountainous terrain and slopes - for this purpose, special teeth are built into the upper suspension arms, thanks to which the driver’s feet cannot slip at the most inopportune moment.

Snow rocket: test drive the Ski-Doo Summit X 850 E-TEC snowmobile

For the 2016-2017 snowmobiling season, the Canadian company BRP has prepared a real holiday for fans of mountain snowmobiling! For the first time in almost ten years, the company has released a completely new flagship of the line of mountain models – the Summit 850. Let me remind you that the previous iteration of the “summits” was produced on the REV-XM platform with virtually no changes since 2008. Except that in 2011, the carburetor engine was replaced by a unit with an E-TEC fuel injection system. Since then, only the colors of the plastic have changed radically - the rest of the development has followed an exclusively evolutionary path.

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And finally, in the spring of last year (yes, snowmobile models are presented in the spring of the previous year), spy photos of a new car from Canada began to appear on the Internet. There were rumors that the engine would be “inflated” to 850 cc, and the outlines of a promising snowmobile in poor quality photographs gave only hints that the design would also change. Everyone was waiting for another “old new” Summit with a larger engine. What else can be invented in a “gornik”, besides increased power? It seems that everything was invented a long time ago: just speed up your engine, change aluminum to composite, welding to glue, light bulbs to diodes - reduce weight, increase power-to-weight ratio... but no. BRP has once again made a splash in the market and put all competitors in deep catch-up position with the release of the new Summit 850.


All that remains of the old snowmobile in the new Summit is the name. Even the platform, or in normal terms, the frame, has changed. The aluminum tunnel remains at the base - there is no escape from the “winged metal”. However, he also “got it”. Instead of a rectangular U-shaped “box,” the tunnel received a pyramidal shape at the top. It turned out that with the same track width of 408 mm, it was possible to make the tunnel narrower - and therefore more ergonomic - in the place where the pilot’s legs clasp it. Now the sloping profile of the seat sides seems to continue with a tunnel, and its edges do not rest against the shins. Standing on the footpegs with this frame shape has become noticeably more comfortable, although, of course, the width at the bottom remains the same.

The running boards themselves also did not escape the same fate and became 16 mm narrower, and the hood body narrowed by as much as 10 centimeters - it became noticeably less “pot-bellied”. All this allowed the vehicle to “anchor” less in the snow when moving traverse along steep slopes in powdery snow. It has become more “hydrodynamic”, if, of course, this term can be applied to movement among snow rather than water.

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In addition, the engine of the new machine was shifted to the center, and now it is placed symmetrically to the longitudinal axis of the snowmobile, which eliminated the imbalance. Not to say that the last Summit burdened the pilot with an excess of weight on one side (in any case, for many years of riding it I never felt it), but now, as the manufacturers say, it has become noticeably better in terms of balance. Well, let's take their word for it.

But what we can really say a huge thank you to the ergonomist engineers is that they were able to “extend” the footrests forward by almost 7 cm! This may seem insignificant, but these centimeters were sometimes not enough to easily pull the car on one ski, for example, on a steep descent. The closer the pilot is to the engine and skis, the easier it is to pull the snowmobile into a stance. On the Summit 850 this has become much easier.

Subjectivity of kilograms

It seems that the engineers made a deal with someone from the other world - otherwise it is impossible to make a snowmobile with an almost constant mass so much lighter in sensations using traditional methods! Subjectively, with the same weight as its predecessor, 197 kg (versus 207 for the Summit 800), the device feels almost one and a half times lighter. Bringing him into a stance on one ski and holding him in this position is so easy and not labor-intensive that you are amazed!

Of course, this is partly due to the ski base narrowed to an extreme 895 mm (at the previous Summit it was 907 mm). However, of course, this is due to all the changes listed above. The total amount of energy spent while riding was reduced by almost a third. You can drive without stopping for a very long time. Even from the photo you can see that riding in a “corner” does not require any effort: you can stand on the “wrong leg” without straining at all, and only adjust the course of the snowmobile along the slope. No wonder the main slogan of the new model was the word “Agility” - lightness, dexterity, agility.

From wheels to skis

The previous generation Summit was not particularly stable on straightaways. The soft suspension and rather sharp geometry, coupled with the narrow base of the skis, made straight-line movement a very tiring task. It was to be expected that with the reduction in the base of the skis, things would go downhill on the straights, but the Summit 850 proved to be exceptionally stable on straights and hard surfaces. But how?

Suspension travel:

Rear - 239 mm

Front - 215 mm

Engineers looked for a solution in the world of motorcycles and cars. For the former, the “rake” is responsible for maintaining linear motion - the distance between the projection points of the fork axis and the contact of the wheel with the asphalt. The second has castor: the longitudinal angle of inclination of the wheel's turning axis. Here, too, so to speak, the “castor” has been increased. Now, even with a narrower ski track, the snowmobile behaves less nervously on straight, “trodden” roads - and without loss of controllability and ease of taxiing in “powder” and on a slope. The new suspension was called RAS 3, and the suspension travel also increased, albeit slightly - from 200 to 215 mm.

The tMotion rear suspension with a programmed helical bend and two gas-filled shock absorbers remained practically unchanged ideologically, but its travel increased radically - from 239 mm to 381 mm! Almost one and a half times! Jumping on hard snow has always been the mountaineer's Achilles heel. Now we can assume that the snowmobile will handle encounters with hard snow and ice more resiliently.

Instead of a heart


849 cm³

Before the advent of the 850, the Summit was considered among mountain snowmobilers to be the softest and “plushest” machine of the entire “breed.” After all, the 800 cc engine (not to mention the 600) had very soft and smooth settings: linear response to the gas trigger, no explosive reactions, soft suspension, obedient steering... Without saying a word, it was considered the best tool for training beginners and the optimal choice girls. With the advent of the 850, everything changed radically. Say goodbye to the “teddy bunny”! Now Summit is perhaps the most evil of the entire galaxy of “mountainers”. Even the eccentric and hysterical Polaris PRO RMK 800 against the backdrop of the new Summit begins to resemble a graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens! Without a doubt, the 850cc E-TEC set a new benchmark for snowmobile performance.

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Ski type:

Pilot™ DS 3

The engine was not just “sawed” into fifty cubes. In addition to the main pair of direct fuel injection nozzles, there is an additional pair that turns on and adds fuel at the moment the gas opens - exactly when a burst of power is needed. With them, trigger reactions became simply lightning fast and incredibly powerful!

A snowmobile on 164 track lifts skis off the snow at almost any speed! Needless to say, on the base 154-inch track the device is generally constantly busy trying to lift its muzzle into the sky. It’s just that every time you open the gas, you rise slightly above the ground, because the snowmobile inevitably “goats up.” Maybe this character will seem too twitchy to some, but once you get used to this behavior (and you get used to it instantly), you get an incredible thrill from this subservient power!

Of course, now even in the deepest powder and in heavy spring snow soaked in water, the Summit has enough initial impulse and traction to ride stably on any slopes. Previously, I must admit, in especially ambush places the power of an 800 cc engine was not enough - this was the price to pay for the “plushness”. Now everything is different - and although in fact the engine power has not increased much, from 147 to 165 hp, the power curve has risen to the top of the graph entirely, and now the engine produces noticeably more power at any speed, which means it needs to be turned less to drive “the same” as before.

By the way, we worked not only on power indicators. New lubrication system – a revolution in two-stroke bikes! In principle, the previous E-TEC system with direct fuel injection and electronic oil supply control was very clean and smoked no more than other four-stroke engines, but now the situation has been radically improved!

Ski-Doo Summit X 850 E-TEC Snowmobile

Brief technical specifications:

Cost: from 1,399,000 rubles Engine: Rotax® 850 E-TEC® Power: 165 hp Track, mm: 406 x 3,923 Width/length, mm: 1,057 / 3,422 Weight: 197 kg

The engine received a new reinforced crankshaft with a pressure lubrication system for the main and lower connecting rod journals, as in four-stroke engines. This made it possible to reduce the amount of oil injected into the fuel by 40%! And before, E-TEC oil literally “sniffed” it, but now, you see, it will completely forget its taste. A snowmobile now travels almost one and a half thousand kilometers on one tank of oil - other four-stroke engines use more oil to waste!

But that's not all...

A new variator was also developed for the new engine: the unit was called P.Drive. Its main difference from its predecessor is an improved response to changes in engine speed, that is, transmission of torque occurs more quickly and accurately, which is important. In addition, the variator received six settings for the degree of reaction - from “sick on the flat, saving fuel” to “sharp, like a rocket man” to accelerate on the slopes. Moreover, to change the settings, a standard hex wrench and five minutes of time right “in the field” are enough.

Snow hook height:

76.2 mm

When Ski-Doo Summit introduced the T3 version with a three-inch snow hook height a couple of years ago, everyone's mouths dropped. No one had such “shovels” at that time. Now everyone has a three-inch hold, which means it’s time to set new records. The new Summit has an extreme track with 3.5-inch lugs. But the three-inch caterpillar, which, by the way, has become the base one, has noticeably lost weight. We achieved this due to the fact that the hooks are located more sparingly - that is, there are fewer of them, which means the mass has become lower. At the same time, in practice, the snowmobile “drove” even better: the powerful motor does not dig a hole under itself as actively, and the more sparsely spaced hooks “hold on” to the snow more diligently due to the increased load on each of them.


With one new snowmobile, the creators of Summit killed so many birds with one stone that they cannot be counted. The device has become lighter and more manageable, more powerful, but more obedient. Narrower, but more stable on the straights, yet fantastically lighter on the slopes. The caterpillar also became lighter, but began to “row” noticeably better. Cost-effectiveness, range, ease of settings - literally everything has become a cut above.

Rear suspension shock absorbers (front/rear):

HPG™ Plus

Even though we weren’t very lucky with the snow this time, and in the usually very snowy Sheregesh, where the test took place, there wasn’t much “powder”, but for two test days I didn’t want to get off the new Summit 850 at all! Let my physical form leave much to be desired, but if before after a day of skiing my body demanded to lie down and not move, then the new machine left only a slight pleasant fatigue in the muscles, and in my head - delight at how easy and simple it is to control the heavy-duty device on any slope and in any snow, from loose, freshly fallen powder to compacted crust and heavy snow soaked in water on the southern slopes. Ski-Doo has once again created an incredible car that all competitors will now have to grow to match. But this is exceptionally better for us - after all, new technical masterpieces are born in a competitive “fight”. And the skating only gets better!


  1. Engine – petrol, 800R Power TEK
  2. Working volume/cylinders, pcs. – 0.8 liters/2 cylinders
  3. Power – 150 horsepower
  4. Tact - tact
  5. Fuel system - two TM-40 carburetors
  6. Basic options: electric starter, functions for heating the passenger and driver handles, as well as the gas trigger; speedometer, fuel level and current mileage indicators, high windshield.
  7. Platform – REV-XP
  8. Color range – blue/white
  9. Cooling system – liquid
  10. Gearbox/drive/driven pulley – variator/TRA 7/QRS
  11. Reverse – yes
  12. Dry weight – 195 kg
  13. Dimensions of the snowmobile in width and length, mm, respectively: 1240/3310 mm
  14. Height to windshield – 1000 mm
  15. Caterpillar dimensions, mm: Length – 3923, Width – 406
  16. The height of the grouser is 57.2 mm
  17. Skis – Pilot 6.9
  18. Ski base – 1080 mm
  19. Fuel/oil tank volume – 40/3.7 liters
  20. Ski width – 175 mm
  21. Seat – REV-XP racing
  22. Front suspension/shocks: Dual A-arm/HPG Clicker, aluminum
  23. Front suspension travel – 230 mm
  24. Rear suspension – SC-5M
  25. Rear shock absorbers – HPG T/A, aluminum
  26. Rear suspension travel is 380 mm.


The BRP Skido Summit 800 snowmobile is equipped with an 80R Power TEK gasoline power unit, which is used in the more technologically advanced Ski Doo Summit X 800R model, which differs only in minor modifications. With a displacement of 0.8 liters, the engine develops 150 horsepower. The developers managed to achieve a high degree of boost without reducing engine life. The engine demonstrates endurance and stable operation in any speed range. To maintain engine reliability at a high level, BRP specialists equipped the internal combustion engine with a fuel system consisting of two TM-40 carburetors. Thanks to its compact two-cylinder design, the 800R Power TEK two-stroke engine is lightweight and compact. Due to this, it was possible to reduce the weight of the snowmobile and increase maneuverability. Also responsible for the reliability of the internal combustion engine is the liquid cooling system, a feature of which is the effective prevention of overheating of all internal combustion engine components at relatively high temperatures. There is also a preheater and an electric starter. These components ensure uninterrupted engine starting at any low temperature.

Differences between the brp ski doo summit model range

Improvements to the basic version of brp summit 154 made it possible to create the first designs that were available to ordinary consumers. The new models have a removable LinQ system for towing riders and mounts that allow you to take a snowboard or skis with poles. Another distinctive feature of the Summit 800 snowmobiles is the presence of a unique double seat. It appeared as a result of lengthening the REV-XM mountain seat, and for the convenience of the second rider it is equipped with a special tightening belt.

The structures are equipped with standard 120-154-inch tracks, adjustable suspensions, reliable 800-1200 m3 Rotax "ETEC" four-stroke engines and HPG high-pressure gas shock absorbers. There are several options for crossovers:

  • mountain brp summit X 800 and summit SP, allowing you to get to places inaccessible to other equipment;
  • sports brp summit X-RS and MXZ, with powerful engines and indestructible suspensions;
  • high-speed, having several operating modes and an electronic drive for the engine damper;
  • tourist, characterized by maneuverability, large trunk and efficiency;
  • utilitarian - for various operating conditions.


  • Leonid, St. Petersburg. The Summit 800 model pleased with its lively 150-horsepower engine, which allows you to unleash the full potential of the snowmobile, and its sports chassis. The handling and dynamics are in perfect order, but I can’t say the same about reliability. Since the load falls mainly on the chassis, it causes the most trouble. I already had to change the tracks once (complete set assembled). Skis are quite fragile and don’t last long – they crack in the cold. Alternatively, you can install more durable skis, but they are very expensive. The car already cost me more than a million rubles, and at the same time it still annoys me with problems. There is a shortage of spare parts; they are not always in stock; they must be ordered. Looking at the secondary market is not an option; there are only parts from old domestic cars. And yet, I am not going to sell the snowmobile, because for the sake of such controllability I am ready to put up with a capricious suspension. In such a car it is better to drive on smooth and well-worn roads - in such conditions I get more pleasure from driving than off-road.
  • Nail, Sakhalin region. A decent snowmobile for professional needs, for fishing and hunting. The car drives well on flat and icy roads - for example, on a frozen lake. Off-road is a little more difficult, since here you have to be more careful so as not to bump into a stone or crash into a tree. In general, I try to stay away from the wilderness, since I do not have professional management skills. This is my first snowmobile, and I have been using it for six months, and during this time there has not been a single breakdown. I liked the comfortable driver's seat that doesn't slip. If necessary, you can ride together, fortunately there is also a rear passenger backrest for this purpose. There are also heated grips for me and the passenger, so frostbite has not been a problem yet. Fuel consumption is perhaps the only drawback. The car is quite powerful, and therefore consumes more than 25 liters per 100 km. In addition, you need to buy high-quality gasoline, preferably AI-95. Due to the small fuel tank, you have to carry a canister with you if you travel long distances.
  • Igor, Leningrad region. I have been using this machine for about a year, and this was enough for me to study all the pros and cons of the BRP Skido Summit 800 snowmobile. First of all, I will note the well-thought-out ergonomics - the instruments are easy to read and do not glare in the sun thanks to the massive visor, and the high windshield prevents snow from entering , and the headwind doesn’t hit you in the face. But for safety reasons, you still need to wear a helmet, especially if you drive very fast - after all, this device is designed for active driving. And here the car pleased me - the maximum speed of more than 100 km/h is picked up quite quickly, and such intense acceleration seems to shake out the whole soul. If you push hard, then the engine makes a lot of noise, and the vibrations from it are noticeably transferred to the steering column. Such shaking is sometimes annoying, and you have to slow down. Although you can be patient for the sake of getting a dose of adrenaline. The car as a whole consumes little fuel when compared with similar engines of the same power. And the engine is demanding on the quality of gasoline; it must be filled with 95-grade fuel. The build quality is excellent, like other branded snowmobiles like Yamaha. The car did not disappoint at all in terms of reliability. It is fast and at the same time practical. I will recommend her to my friends.

An alternative to the X T3 mountain model is the SP T3 from Ski Doo

Recently, well-known automakers have switched to the production of premium segment models. For example, Ford introduced the updated F-150 Limited pickup truck in the 2016 season. It cannot be said that the driving characteristics and power of the model have improved significantly; we are talking rather about additional comfort and “bells and whistles” - after all, we all like “beautiful toys”. Guided by this idea, snowmobile manufacturers decided to keep up with global trends and presented their versions of premium sleds: Arctic Cat M8000 Limited, Ski Doo XM Summit X T3, Yamaha M-TX LE and Polaris Pro RMK. Also, these four industry leaders have released high-end “slightly less premium” models: Yamaha M-TX SE, Arctic Cat M8000 Sno Pro, Polaris SKS and Ski Doo XM Summit SP T3.

A combination of grace and danger, the 2016 XM Summit SP T3 is a slightly less aggressive version of the Summit X T3. The new SP T3 comes fully equipped with tMotion, FlexEdge, RAS2 and Pilot DS 3 skis.

Demand creates supply. Snowmobile manufacturers wouldn't release a luxury model if consumer demand was low, but they know that many snowsports enthusiasts are willing to spend a little more to stroke their egos, even though a similar "non-premium" model may fully satisfy their needs. 1st year microeconomics program on a mountain slope! In this review we will look at the Ski Doo XM Summit SP T3.

We would classify this sled as a mid-premium model. Of course, they differ from the “X” series, but, nevertheless, they have all the necessary characteristics of a miner. Ski Doo does not forget that some of us are not ready to spend a lot, but at the same time we still want to have a powerful mountain sled and conquer snowy peaks.

The Ski Doo Sammit SP T3 comes standard with a 154-inch track, but 163- and 174-inch options are available at an additional cost. I'm glad that the SP T3, like the X T3, features FlexEdge technology.

Featuring a powerful PowderMax II track with FlexEdge technology, the Summit SP T3 excels in deep snow.

The model features the same clutch as the Summit X T3 - TRA VII with QRS CVT and is perfectly calibrated for altitudes from 5,000 to 8,000 feet.

The engine is, you guessed it, the same as the Model X T3. The 800 R E-Tec produces 164 hp. As a reminder, a two-stroke engine loses about 3 percent of its power for every 1,000 feet of elevation gain, so a motor with high sea-level power, efficient electronic fuel injection and exhaust valves, such as the 800 R E-Tec, is excellent at dealing with thin air problems. . In addition, the lighter the snowmobile, the better the engine performs.

The 800 R E-Tec engine will not let you down at any altitude.

Continuing with that theme, the Summit SP T3 154 weighs 464 lbs (210 kg), making it 7 lbs (3 kg) heavier than the X T3. The difference is not that big. By the way, it remains the same in models with track lengths of 163 and 174 inches. In general, the SP T3 can be classified as a lightweight sled, and this is exactly the feeling behind the wheel.

Let's return to the comparison of the Summit SP and Summit X snowmobiles. The models are equipped with different shock absorbers for the front and rear suspensions. The SP T3 comes with a standard HPG kit, while the X T3 comes with the lightweight HPG Plus. The SP T3 track is equipped with scrapers that scrape off snow and ice, throwing it onto the track, cooling the slides and radiator.

The Summit SP T3 snowmobile has excellent maneuverability. It is easy and convenient to control regardless of the rider's position.

The Summit SP T3 comes with the lightweight Summit XM seat, multi-function instrument panel and Rotax Electronic Revers (RER). However, unlike the Model X, the lightweight, comfortable aluminum handlebar is not included.

At the front, the Ski Doo Summit SP T3 is equipped with RAS2 suspension and Pilot TD 3 skis, which are what make the snowmobile so maneuverable. Also, the model is equipped with a flat dashboard and a box for storing gloves. Below you can see the running boards with an “aggressive” design. Conveniently located miniature lever switches are responsible for adjusting the heating and lighting. The distance between skis can be changed from 35.7 inches (90 cm) to 37.4 inches (95 cm).

The RAS-2 front suspension helps the Ski Doo Summit SP conquer mountain slopes with ease.

Overall, the differences between the XM Summit SP T3 and the XM Summit X T3 are minor. Once again, the Pilot DS 3 skis handle sharp turns on the slope, the spacious footboards provide reliable protection from snow, and the narrow XM profile allows the snowmobile to climb up the slope with ease. So, the Ski Doo XM Summit SP T3 mountain snowmobile is a worthy alternative to the X T3.

The 2016 Ski Doo XM Summit SP T3 is ready to take on the slopes this winter.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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