Test drive DucatiHyperMotard 1100, KTM950 Supermoto R

Our communication with KTM is over. The end of November squeezed out the cold, and it was winter here. After just three months and 11,004 miles, the great Adventure was stuck in the garage, waiting for mercy from a sky that did not open and did not want to open to shine the warm sun on our patch of land. We'll still ride, but common sense dictates that riding through snow and ice with just two bikes isn't the best option.

To reach the desired 15,000 kilometers (this was our pious goal, although we knew we would be close due to time and weather), we had run out of, say, two warm weeks.

But despite the fact that this was not a full-fledged super test, we got to know our KTM well over three months and for the first time we will give an opinion that only a motorcycle owner can give. Of the fourteen days in which a typical test lasts the longest, there is a big difference in the image the bike shows when you ride with it as many kilometers as the average Slovenian motorcyclist travels in one season.

When we leafed through the diary and read the comments of all the types of drivers who changed behind the wheel, the most noticeable and frequent comment was the following: as in "field"... "

Indeed, KTM has proven itself in all respects, and what bothered us is trivial.

We still had the most reviews for our headquarters. This one is a little tall (something that those under 180cm complain about) and a little too hard. Of course, such a problem can be successfully solved, since KTM has an extensive offer in its accessories catalog, and the height of the rear end can be reduced slightly by adjusting the shock absorber. But we didn't do that because the different riders kept changing and we wanted to keep the bike with the standard settings. We were also bothered by the large roundabout, which makes it a bit difficult to turn in town or on narrow roads. When riding very fast, we also noticed that the rear shock absorber does its job hard when the rear wheel goes over successive short and sharp bumps (asphalt, undulating gravel), but nothing like this, so we can say that this is why it is dangerous to ride with. Previously, one could say that it was a little less comfortable.

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