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Greetings to lovers of extreme sports and adventure. A photo shoot with a girl on a motorcycle - what could be more interesting? Mind-blowing dreams of riding a two-wheeled beast and racing along city avenues, with a tailwind, I think, visited everyone.

Maybe there are some lucky ones who got to experience the legendary vehicle? Or even become the owner of an iron horse? And those who want to purchase a high-speed unit are probably driven by the desire to put their long-awaited acquisition on display, or to the envy of friends and acquaintances.

And of course, hair blowing in the wind, this applies to the fairer sex, however, it is about brave beauties that we will talk today. But the male half can add a little delicious romance in support of his beloved.

This could be an open-air dinner on the hood of your motorbike. Or become an outstanding photographer and, together with your significant other, come up with a cool photoset with a motorcycle.

For this occasion and not only, I have in store for you several original ideas to surprise your companion or, if you are the owner of a two-wheeled friend, to delight you with secret places to take original and daring photographs.

I advise you to grab protective clothing and a camera and rush to unknown places to pose with the two-wheeler.

Mayans (TV series, 2022 – 2021)

Ezekiel Reyes is part of the Mayans MC group that controls the border between Mexico and the United States. The fearless biker comes from a Latin American family that died due to the fault of a drug cartel. Ezekiel is driven by a thirst for revenge, and the guy sets out on the thorny path of brutal violence. The plot of the new movie takes place a couple of years after the finale of the “Sons of Anarchy” series.

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Original title : Mayans MC Genre : Thriller, drama, crime Actors : J.D. Pardo, Clayton Cardenas, Sarah Bolger... Country : Mexico, USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 6.8, IMDb – 7.6 Age restrictions : 16+

Let's take a ride along the highways

I think the time of year for open transport is of course obvious, it is important to check the weather forecast in advance before the trip, but in cloudy weather the photographs will be more exclusive.

I propose to start reviewing available and free places for photo sessions of the fair half. You can take several nice shots without leaving the road at all and without looking at the map in fits and starts.

I think that in every town along the road there will be a landscaped place, with expanses of colorful fields and dense forests. It is in this simple but spectacular location that we will stop and take a few shots against the backdrop of Mother Motherland and let your horse let off some steam.

Your branded motorcycle outfit will become the look for the local ride, especially if you choose a suit in advance according to size and style, since modern stores provide all kinds of options for women’s motorcycle suits and variations of charm helmets.

We turn on our imagination and experiment in every possible way, incorporating naturalness and carefreeness, which the size of the natural studio and its light variety allow us to achieve. I’ll give you a few illustrative examples, and you stand next to me and repeat.

You can use poses wearing a helmet, which will add more mystery and interest to your exceptional person.

A few shots at sunset will add special romance; try to linger for a while so as not to miss the riot of colors of the setting sun.

Or, on the contrary, surprise with openness and use the main female advantage by demonstrating chic hair. Try not to decorate your hair with anything or use curling agents, giving it a natural disheveled look, otherwise the travel zest will disappear.

Harley and the Davidson Brothers (2016 mini-series)

The highly rated motorcycle racing film will tell the story of the creation of the legendary biker brand. At the beginning of the twentieth century, two friends from the small town of Milwaukee assembled an unusual bicycle with a motor in their garage. At the time of the startup, Bill Harley and Arthur Davidson were about 20 years old, but the young people had no doubts about the success of the enterprise. Friends open their own company and decide to take part in races that should glorify the American brand.

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Original title : Harley and the Davidsons Genre : Biography, drama Actors : Michiel Houseman, Bug Hall, Robert Aramayo... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 7.8, IMDb – 8.2 Age restrictions : 16+

On the Road with Norman Reedus (TV series, 2016 – 2021)

The actor and famous biker travels to different countries on his motorcycle in a reality show format. Norman introduces viewers to outstanding motorcyclists and the history of the development of the road subculture. The Walking Dead star chooses actors, singers and musicians as his traveling companions, turning each season of the motorcycle series into an unforgettable TV show.

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Original title : Ride with Norman Reedus Genre : Real TV Actors : Norman Reedus, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Melissa Suzanne McBride... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 7.7, IMDb – 8.2 Age restrictions : 16+

Couples in love

Let's go back a little and give your loved one some sincere company. We can take a ride to romantic places and observation platforms, and enjoy beautiful views and cuddle a lot, or simply pay special attention to portrait photography and, of course, the main character, the motorbike.

I advise both of you to think through the looks in advance, but not to get carried away with sorting through your wardrobe in order to spend more time alone. When choosing clothes, keep in mind that changing clothes along the way will most likely be unnecessary, again due to personal preferences, so try to put together outfits like three in one and try to get into the same color scheme with your companion.

At the same time, styles can be completely different, from a romantic girl in a plain dress combined with a road biker, in a specific hard jacket and metal Cossack shorts, to cute, besotted lovers in exactly the same T-shirts, with hearts and teddy bears.

The standard option will again be a simple, and most importantly, roomy and comfortable tourist look, for example, in the form of jeans with sneakers or checkered open shirts. In such a photo shoot, fashionable clothes and even landscape views are not so important. The most important story is your emotions and views.

Undercover (TV series, 2015 – 2016)

Among foreign films about motorcyclists and bikers, a crime drama based on real events stands out. Dealer Charles Falco faces 20 years in prison for drug trafficking, but law enforcement officers offer the criminal a deal. A man becomes an ATF agent and must infiltrate a closed group. The criminal organization is engaged in money laundering, murder and arms trafficking, but the bandits always manage to evade the police.

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Original title : Gangland Undercover Genre : Drama, crime, biography, history Actors : Damon Runyan, Ian Matthews, Ari Cohen... Country : Canada, USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 7.6, IMDb – 8.2 Age restrictions : 16+

Road of Honor (2014)

Indian Robert Wolf finds it difficult to accept the injustice of the authorities who released his mother's killers. The man administers justice himself, and then goes on a bike to a mountain lake. Robert intends to fulfill his mother’s last wish - to scatter her ashes in his small homeland. On the way, Wolfe meets another motorcyclist - the tramp Cash. The new acquaintances travel further together, but the federals following the Indian could overtake Robert and his friend at any moment.

Original title : Road to Paloma Genre : Thriller, drama Actors : Tee Alexander, Henree Alyse, Lisa Bonet... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 6.6, IMDb – 6.1 Age restrictions : 18+

Bikers: Brothers in Arms (TV series 2012)

The feature film about bikers and motorcycles will touch on a real tragedy that occurred in September 1984. The confrontation between two influential Australian gangs, the Comancheros and the Bandidos, escalated into the Milperra massacre. In the 1970s, biker gangs broke the law far more often than criminals, and small internal skirmishes escalated into violent fights for territory.

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Original title : Bikie Wars: Brothers in Arms Genre : Drama Actors : Callan Mulvey, Matthew Nable, Susie Porter... Country : Australia Rating : Kinopoisk – 7.0, IMDb – 7.0 Age restrictions : 16+

Nimble (2011)

The top film about motorcyclists continues with an action comedy film produced in South Korea. Courier Ki-soo is tasked with the most urgent orders, as the guy literally flies on a bike, reaching breakneck speed. One day he is called by a famous singer who is late for filming. As soon as the motorcyclist starts moving, the phone rings. An unknown person tells Ki-soo that his passenger's helmet contains a bomb that will explode when stopped.

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Original title : Kwik Genre : Action, comedy, thriller Actors : Lee Min-gi, Kang Ye-won, Kim In-gwon... Country : South Korea Rating : Kinopoisk – 6.4, IMDb – 5.8 Age restrictions : 16+

Let's grab the accessories

What look can a hat or handbag interfere with? Only in our aspect of the photo shoot will we replace the hat with a helmet, given that in modern versions you can choose not just a protective device with a round shape, but with graceful cat ears or a bright and daring pigtail.

As for the handbag, our same leather jacket will probably do, but it will play in your hands or on the hood of your motorbike. Chains, leather bracelets are an undoubted attribute in a motorcycle session, but still, I repeat, now we are considering more natural and natural images, so I suggest leaving the jingles and rustles for later, we will definitely get to them.

Best Bar in America (2009)

On the list of the best films about bikers is a story about the adventures with a hint of alcohol of one American veteran. Sanders signs a contract with a popular publishing house and travels across America to compile a detailed guide to roadside bars. The man has only a laptop and a bike, and ahead of him there are many different taverns, among which he needs to select the best one.

Original title : The Best Bar in America Genre : Adventure Actors : David Ackroyd, John Ansotegui, Gregory T. Collette... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 7.2, IMDb – 6.9 Age restrictions : 16+

In a studio

Now, extreme young ladies, I’ll tell you about the most unpopular and expensive option for a photo shoot. I will say right away that such luxury is not found in every city, but rather only in advanced capitals, so the beautiful half of the residents of small cities may not stay long.

Probably everyone knows the most famous and accessible subject of photo shoots in studios. And of course, each studio tries to attract the attention of camera lovers with its original ideas and comfortable features.

But not every studio can offer motorcycle-themed photo shoots, but some exceptional studio spaces still capture the hearts of young dreamers with two-wheeled props.

Therefore, this photo shoot will most likely be of interest to those who have not yet decided to break the speed limit or are just planning to become a motorcycle driver, so beauties, prepare your wallets to pay for an hour alone with an exclusive and polished studio superhero.

There is another excellent, and most importantly, budget option to organize a convenient and original photo shoot, especially in pouring rain or winter cold.

If you or your good friend has a free garage, and preferably with a two-wheeled prop, and you will be allowed to use it for several hours, then immediately negotiate with the photographer.

Carefully wash the wheels of your temporary travel companion, and grab an armful of various clothes, since in this secluded and enclosed space you can even take pictures in your underwear.

And in this case, words will be superfluous, because each girl chooses such a frank image individually, according to her special feminine taste, and, as a rule, she is never mistaken.

And of course, a pair of high heels and scarlet lipstick, I think, will also be very useful, since bright makeup and a vulgar image, combined with a garage environment and powerful special equipment, will become the cognac of this photo shoot.

Sons of Anarchy (TV series, 2008 – 2014)

In a provincial town in California, power belongs to a biker group with a dual ideology. Club members maintain order on the streets, clearing them of criminals, but at the same time they themselves sell drugs and weapons from Ireland, and are ready to kill if necessary. The main character of the cult TV show, Jax Teller, balances on the line between crime and business, trying to change the fate of the club, which leads the president of the bikers to personal tragedy and the death of his friends.

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Original title : Sons of Anarchy Genre : Thriller, drama, crime Actors : Charlie Hunnam, Ron Perlman, Katey Sagal... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 8.2, IMDb – 8.5 Age restrictions : 16+

Learning to select images and locations

A photo shoot on a motorcycle for a girl requires a lot of attention and responsibility, especially you need to pay attention to details competently and without fuss, think through the route in advance and not forget the next shoes to match the color of the motorcycle bumper.

It is best to select locations in approximately the same direction of the path. As a rule, after a long and boring route, where we have already taken many photographs, the paths must necessarily lead to specialized or wild recreation areas, where nature and its attractions are revealed to us more openly and deeply.

In this case, turn to the Internet and I hope the navigation will not let you down. Such places are always rich in reservoirs or lakes, which will complement your photographs with comfort and natural integrity.

We continue to assemble looks as we go, changing the mood of the outfits. In the case of our outdoor photo shoot, I do not advise you to specifically select color combinations, but on the contrary, to allow slight negligence in color and style.

Usually three or four images change for one or two locations. Let's take a closer look at the specifics of dressing up. Clothing should be different in style, but at the same time be compatible with each other. You definitely don’t need to take ten pairs of shoes, one or, at most, two options is enough, taking into account the outfit you arrived in.

For example, sports sneakers go well with a leather biker jacket, and heeled shoes will look extravagant when paired with it.

The upper part should be easily replaceable, for example, under the jacket you arrived in, there could be a sports T-shirt, which will undoubtedly go with a simple look along with jeans and high heels.

And of course, leather leggings would go a long way, but almost all versions of T-shirts and jackets and any colors would look good with them, not to mention boots.

Hell Ride (2008)

A film about cool motorcycles and bikers - the story of the brutal business of three friends. Death is on the heels of Pistolero, Comanche and Gent, but the friends look into the face of the old woman with the scythe without fear. The guys want to take revenge on a rival gang for the murder of a faithful comrade and resort to gangster methods. Every new day turns into a chase, adventure and shootout for friends.

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Original title : Hell Ride Genre : Action, thriller, drama Actors : Larry Bishop, Michael Madsen, Eric Balfour, Vinnie Jones... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 5.0, IMDb – 5.1 Age restrictions : 18+

Tamara and I go as a couple

I think every self-respecting girl is obliged to set aside a certain day and even a specific time to meet her best friend. This ritual will be more important than any date.

Traditionally, girls' get-togethers end with hilarious shopping, but I propose to change the usual route a little and have a star-studded bachelorette party with splashes of champagne and photo flashes, on a fantastic two-wheeled convertible.

Believe me, it will be a fun time and fabulous photos, but girls, this photo shoot will cost you a lot of time and lost heels.

As for the motorbike itself, if you do not have personal high-speed transport, then I advise you to rent a motor scooter or, as they jokingly call it, a minihuller, it is much smaller and lighter than a motorcycle, and the little one looks much more feminine and definitely evokes admiration.

And the most important thing is that you don’t need a license or powerful life jackets, which will allow you and your friend not only to film, but also, with great desire and passion, to ride around the city like a breeze.

And if you don’t want to get behind the wheel of a two-wheeler at all, then you can arrange your own photo shoot at the rental place, without changing clothes. Clothes should fully reflect the creative approach, so bright images in the style of dudes or a simple city day out, but not too elegant look will suit both.

Try to spend more time in front of the mirror, but don’t go heavy on blush and palettes, after all, this is a bachelorette party, and you should suit this image and your handsome hero for the official photo shoot.

For daring beauties who love the smell of gasoline, I suggest returning to the same friend’s garage, or if you are at full speed, stop by the nearest garage cooperative and arrange an unwomanly serious and bold photo shoot. After such a strong photoset, the local mafia will definitely give you a wide berth.

One Week (2008)

Ben Tyler teaches English at school and is preparing for a wedding with his girlfriend. The plans are dashed by a gloomy diagnosis - doctors leave the guy no chance of survival. Ben decides not to waste precious time fighting the tumor, since the prognosis after the course of therapy is disappointing. The guy goes on a trip on a bike to breathe life to the fullest.

Original title : One Week Genre : Drama, adventure Actors : Joshua Jackson, Liane Balaban, Campbell Scott... Country : Canada Rating : Kinopoisk – 7.1, IMDb – 7.0 Age restrictions : 16+

Long-haul without brakes (2008)

The premise of the British film about motorcyclists is the task of a crime boss. A weed lover instructs a biker to deal with the owner of an underground farm in Wales, cut the hemp and bring it to him. The executor of the assignment invites two of his old friends to join him. Before the trip, the trio in leather jackets fuel up on strong drinks and weed, and eat wild hallucinogenic mushrooms along the way.

Original title : Freebird Genre : Comedy Actors : Alun ap Brinley, Geoff Bell, Peter Bowles... Country : UK Rating : Kinopoisk – 5.3, IMDb – 5.5 Age restrictions : 16+

Urban bustle

For those who don’t like long rides or who are really short on time, I can suggest spending your lunch break with benefit and interest by stopping for a cup of coffee on the terrace of a city cafe, where you can drink an aromatic drink and put your iron pride next to it and imagine a little in front of visitors .

You don’t need to invent anything with the images, let’s go back to the simplicity of denim again, or we’ll choose a bright sports suit to suit your figure, but add a little accessories in the form of fashionable seasonal glasses and a trendy watch, in the style of the steering wheel of your motorbike.

Or, according to the classics, we’ll throw a leather biker jacket over our fragile shoulders and thoughtfully admire the city avenues from the pedestal of your motorcycle carrier.

You can get confused with your hair and go to the nearest hairdresser and add some curls and shine to your hair, if of course you have time before the shoot.

Ghost Rider (2007)

To save the life of his beloved father, Johnny Blaze makes a deal with dark forces. The guy, without a shadow of a doubt, sells his soul to the devil, but he cleverly outsmarts the young naive racer. My father was indeed cured of cancer, but died during another performance. Despite Mephistopheles' deception, Johnny is obliged to fulfill his part of the contract, protecting his master and his power.

Original title : Ghost Rider Genre : Fantasy, action, thriller Actors : Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Wes Bentley... Country : USA, Australia Rating : Kinopoisk – 6.3, IMDb – 5.3 Age restrictions : 16+

Real Boars (2007)

The motorcycle adventure comedy film brings together the old Hollywood guard. Four best friends decide to trade comfort and tranquility for bikes and adventure. The friends organize a motorcycle race across the United States, where a lot of unpredictable events await them. The finale of the trip is a serious clash with a gang of bikers, but the “Real Hogs” are always ready to prove their superiority.

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Original title : Wild Hogs Genre : Action, Comedy, Adventure Actors : Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, William H. Macy... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 6.6, IMDb – 5.8 Age restrictions : 12+

Fastest Indian (2005)

In the top rating films is a biographical drama about a motorcycle racer, which received the best reviews from viewers among sports biopics. New Zealander Bert Monroe has dreamed of setting a speed record since a young age, so he is constantly improving his old motorcycle. The man manages to change the performance from a maximum of 58 to 200 miles per hour, and a responsible race awaits the almost 70-year-old owner of a unique racing car.

Original title : The World's Fastest Indian Genre : Drama, biography Actors : Anthony Hopkins, Aaron Murphy, Chris Williams... Country : New Zealand, Japan, USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 8.0, IMDb – 7.8 Age restrictions : 12+

Bikers (2003)

The plot of the film about biker gangs centers on street competitions in which Smoke has no equal. The man has long held the title of "King of Cali", but young racer Kid is ready to challenge the city's legend. The guy has personal scores with Smoke, who is indirectly responsible for the death of his father. Kid wants to dethrone the champion from his pedestal, dedicating the victory to a loved one, but the rivalry story takes an unexpected turn.

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Original title : Biker Boyz Genre : Action, drama Actors : Laurence Fishburne, Derek Luke, Orlando Jones... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 6.3, IMDb – 4.7 Age restrictions : 16+

Torque (2003)

After a long absence, Keri Ford returns to his hometown, where he falls into a dangerous trap. A murder case is fabricated against the guy, and the biker becomes a target for FBI agents. The victim's brother is obsessed with revenge - and Keri finds himself between two fires. Ford begins his own investigation to restore his good name and not die at the hands of the feds.

Original title : Torque Genre : Action, Comedy Actors : John Ashker, Max Beasley, Dane Cook... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 5.8, IMDb – 4.1 Age restrictions : 16+

Natural locations

After admiring the local beauties for a bit and taking a break from unbiased photography, we take our travel companion with us, a photographer in one person, and move further along the route, and we will approach the photo shoot as planned and prepare the images in advance.

Considering the nature of a road trip, you can easily diversify the picture by replacing a motorcycle suit with a helmet for flowing dresses that gently harmonize with dusty rubber wheels.

The shooting location will practically not change, except that you can drive a little further away from the noisy highway and curious headlights, burrowing into forest paths, calmly and slowly changing thoughtful images.

Before you transform into a forest fairy, you can snap a casual look that includes regular denim shorts and a sweatshirt or a comfortable T-shirt, which will give your photos a casual, leisurely look.

The Last Chapter (miniseries, 2002)

Films about bikers tell not only about motorcycle travel, but also about the ruthless world of street racing. Here it’s every man for himself, and yesterday’s friend can turn into his worst competitor. Business is built on blood and there is an uncompromising struggle for territory. The series will show the unique hierarchy of biker society, where friends find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades.

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Original title : Le dernier chapitre Genre : Action, thriller, drama Actors : Roy Dupuis, Dan Bigras, Celine Bonnier... Country : Canada Rating : Kinopoisk – 6.9, IMDb – 8.3 Age restrictions : 16+

Details will dilute the atmosphere

Of course, the most important prop in our photo shoot is the luxurious washed iron horse itself, but nature gives its natural fruits, and for example, compositions of blooming dandelions or tulips will decorate not only the photographs, but also the mood of the beloved.

It gets cool in the evening, and after a dusty road you want to warm up and refresh yourself. A small blanket and a thermos with aromatic tea are the key to an experienced traveler and a pleasant, warm evening, and in our case, it’s also a wonderful prop in the background of a tired motorbike.

Beyond the Law (1993)

Principled police officer Daniel Saxon is tasked with infiltrating a local biker gang that deals in drugs. The group is led by the antisocial criminal Blood, who does not disdain murders and robberies for the sake of quick profit. Daniel takes an alias and wins the trust of the leader, but for the final infiltration the operative will have to go through all the circles of hell.

Original title : Beyond the Law Genre : Drama, crime Actors : Charlie Sheen, Linda Fiorentino, Michael Madsen... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 7.6, IMDb – 6.5 Age restrictions : 18+

Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (1991)

Two old friends learn that their old friend is in trouble. Giles owns a small bar in the Los Angeles suburbs, but now must sell his biker friends' favorite spot for next to nothing due to skyrocketing rent costs. Harley and Robert want to help save the bar, but they don't have that much money. Adventurers organize a daring bank robbery - and a surprise awaits them in the cash-in-transit vehicle.

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Original title : Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man Genre : Action, thriller, drama, crime Actors : Mickey Rourke, Don Johnson, Chelsea Field... Country : USA Rating : Kinopoisk – 7.6, IMDb – 6.1 Age restrictions : 18+

Abandoned places

Now let's move to more formal and at the same time unique places. Surely, as a child, you loved to find adventures to the fifth point and always found old abandoned buildings and did not return home until you had explored all the old and frightening buildings.

Now we will go with you to the exciting places of your happy childhood. You will have to try hard with the images. In places like this, you can’t go overboard with simplicity.

Considering that in addition to painted bricks or crumbling historical castles, you also have road transport, you need to very delicately dilute it with clothes of an ideological nature.

For example, use a fairy-tale image of a princess or, on the contrary, a witch. Such outfits will not be so easy to transport, since they are usually fluffy and heavy, and most importantly, they are often not yours.

And just in this photo shoot you can conjure simple hairstyles. Dear girls, you will have a lot of preparation and help from several hands, in addition to the photographer.

Take care in advance and rent the right dress or ask a friend, if such personal outfits are available, and be sure to take with you a friend or comrade who would transport your fairy-tale fantasies safe and sound on four wheels.

There is another option to negotiate with a photographer who can follow you with all the superiority and lighting equipment, because in such places, especially in bad weather, it can be gloomy and the photo shoot may simply fail.

And Google will help you, because you won’t find places of childhood just by driving around the city, especially if you have privileges in the architecture of the buildings themselves.

So ladies and gentlemen, dare to have a magical adventure, but only thoughtfully and organized in advance.

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