Review of the Yamaha Drag Star 1100 motorcycle


The bike is comfortable to ride on spacious trails, where this large motorcycle can easily maneuver at low and medium speeds. In the city, such a vehicle will quickly tire. For example, if you have to turn around somewhere in the yard, then, firstly, it will not be easy, and secondly, it may sometimes end in repairs. After all, the clearance here is small.

Also, if a person rides such a bike in a traffic jam, he will have to periodically prop it up with his foot. And this bike is far from light. If you use such a machine in suitable conditions, it will only bring pleasure. Of course, if the rider is experienced enough to ride such a motorcycle.

Exterior of the XVS 650 Drag Star

Drag Star was not the first attempt by the Japanese to make an American-style motorcycle, and they definitely succeeded. Editorial bike!

There are a lot of chrome-plated parts here, the gas tank is made in the shape of a drop, and the instrument panel is installed directly on it. A long fork protrudes forward strongly, and the steering wheel has a horned shape. The seat has a deep depression, and the motorcyclist literally drowns in it.

Classic mechanical speedometer in a chrome frame. Editorial bike!


The motorcycle is available in three modifications: Silverado, Custom and classic version. In general, all these models are very similar and differ only in technical data, as well as in some other details.

  • The Custom modification has a high backrest for a more comfortable ride. But a windshield is also installed. This model has thin wheels and short fenders.
  • The Silverado trim received side panniers, a seat with a backrest and glass. The chopper is finished in an exclusive style, and there are special leather bags.
  • The classic version is equipped with wide wheels and elongated fenders. The bike differs from other modifications by having a slightly different shape of the steering wheel, and instead of a footrest, a special platform is installed here.

Yamaha XVS650 Drag Star: Review and test from Behind the Wheel magazine

Mid-sized cruisers are not particularly popular among domestic chopper drivers, and they, having saved money, with the words “anything less than a liter is not a chopper,” are switching from their first “four hundred” to “one and a half liters” and more. The middle segment remains the lot of young ladies and “pensioners,” but in vain.

STORY . Yamaha XVS650 Drag Star became the successor to the “honored witch of all Japan” - XV535 Virago in 1997. Unlike its predecessor, the Star was no longer a timid attempt to make a motorcycle in the American style - the Japanese had already accumulated experience in creating this kind of equipment. Low, elongated frame, rear suspension a la “softail” with a monoshock absorber hidden in the depths of the frame, teardrop-shaped tank, stepped saddle, tidy on the tank, a lot of chrome... In general, you can’t complain. But the engine on the “drag” is already familiar: a 75-degree four-valve V-twin from the same “Viraga”, only slightly modernized in appearance and “grown” to 649 “cubes” due to an increase in cylinder diameter by 5 mm and by 4 - piston stroke. With the same compression ratio of 9:1, the updated engine has become more “chopper-like”, that is, less revving, but more torquey. Compared to the Virago, the power even decreased from 42.3 hp. at 7500 rpm up to 40 hp. at 6500 rpm, the torque, on the contrary, increased, and its peak “fell” by as much as “half a tachometer”: from 46 Nm at 6000 rpm to 50.9 Nm at 3000 rpm.

Otherwise, there are no high-tech and modernistic trends alien to cruisers: a disc brake in the front, a drum in the rear, a carburetor power system, which, by the way, has not yet been replaced with injection, and other technical solutions that are simple and reliable as a hammer. The motorcycle created according to this simple “recipe” turned out to be extremely reliable, comfortable, easy to operate and maintain and, of course, got its own piece of the consumer “pie”, which it is still “chewing” to this day. True, this happens mainly not in Russia, but in countries where motorcyclists suffer from “lithromania” in a less advanced form.

FOR WHAT? Conversations about the purpose of any cruiser always end in controversy. Fans extol the comfort and relaxation of the landing; opponents point to the weakness of the engines, the weakness of the chassis and the inconvenience of maneuvering in city traffic. Both are true, but in relation to the Drag Star 650, all arguments are only partially applicable. Although 40 “horses” look rather dull, in fact they “carry” a 225-kilogram motorcycle quite vigorously. The low center of gravity of the motorcycle itself and the rather low saddle (695 mm) make it easy to shift the motorcycle in turns and not only for “big pot-bellied guys,” but also for petite girls to feel confident in the grip of traffic jams. By the way, it is precisely thanks to this feature that in Russia “drag” is so popular among the fair sex. It looks large and “cast iron”, but in reality it is a light and obedient device. It is precisely due to its light weight, low center of gravity and relatively compact dimensions that the 650 feels much more at ease in the city than all kinds of VTX, Boulevard and other “mastodons”. The device is also quite good as a route tool. A relaxed landing, soft suspension and excellent directional stability make long-range driving quite comfortable, although not fast.

WHERE TO LOOK? There are plenty of offers for sale, both from private owners selling devices that have already traveled around Russia, and from companies transporting equipment “from there”. “drag” can be found in almost any salon selling second-hand goods. Unlike most entry-level and mid-level models, the vast majority of dragstars are in fair, and often truly perfect, condition. The reason for this is the reliable design and the almost complete ignorance of the model by beginners. So you shouldn’t avoid vehicles with mileage in Russia. It’s quite difficult to come across blatant trash. Moreover, a device from “Russian” hands can be a more profitable purchase than one freshly imported from Japan or the States. The technical condition may be no worse, and the price may be more attractive. The price range for motorcycles is quite wide. From 170–195 thousand rubles. for copies of the first years of production up to 300–320 thousand rubles. for almost new one-year-old - three-year-old specimens. In part, the price depends on the amount of tuning, but, as a rule, the bulk of the devices have a similar set: panniers, a windshield, arches and various “tchotchkes” that do not affect speed and comfort. So you shouldn’t consider the presence of any of the above as a serious reason for raising the price. There should be no issues with selling a used device. There is always a stable demand for it. Naturally, taking into account cruiser specifics. Unlike enduro or even 400 classics, appearance for a custom car is far from the last thing, so traces of falls, scuffs and scratches on chrome and paint seriously reduce both the marketability of the device and its price. It will be difficult to sell the motorcycle at the end of the season. Potential buyers of the “drag” are most often people of average income and by the end of the season are not burdened with an extra two hundred thousand rubles. And a chopper is not an enduro to buy in winter.


(+) From a technical point of view, the motorcycle can be classified as practically problem-free. There are not many motorcycles without “family diseases”, and the Drag Star is one of them. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the refined design of the engine and transmission, which is based on the Virago power unit, is simple and long ago “cured” of all infantile shortcomings. Secondly, the relative freshness of the model and far from exorbitant popularity. The device very rarely reaches people with crooked hands and a hot head. So all checks when choosing a motorcycle can be reduced to a standard diagnostic list: timing noise, freshness of consumables, tightness of shock absorbers and checking frame geometry. By the way, the system for adjusting timing valve clearances here is a common one - a screw-nut, so there will be no difficulties with adjustment.

(+) Unlike the older model XVS1100 Drag Star, the “six hundred and fifty” is practically not subject to slipping of the starter overrunning clutch, so a slightly different design is used here, but even if the defect does come out, the part costs half as much as the similar one from the 1100.

(!) The design of the average “drag” is almost identical to the internal Japanese “400” (only the size of the cylinders, gearbox ratios and other minor details differ), so you can extrapolate some of the defects of the “400”. Since there are many more of them in Russia, more extensive statistics have been collected on them. So, sometimes on the XVS400 the driveshaft breaks, the starter overrunning clutch fails, and the voltage regulator relays burn. However, all these defects can be attributed not to the weakness of the design, but to improper operation and lack of timely maintenance of the equipment. In general, if the motorcycle has not been damaged by its previous owners, then with proper care it will work without problems for many years.

WHAT TO BUY? Advising something specific from tuning a cruiser is a thankless task. As they say, all markers are different in taste and color. Numerous aftermarket catalogs offer every imaginable and inconceivable bells and whistles for a dragstar, from caps on wheel nipples to complete exhaust kits, Dinojet kits for carburetors, from gel seats to designer rims. In a word, the tuning possibilities are limited only by a sense of proportion, taste and the thickness of the owner’s wallet. The only things that can be classified as very desirable body kits are crash bars and a windshield, although both are already installed on the vast majority of vehicles sold.

Source: magazine "Behind the Wheel"

Go to Yamaha Drag Star/V-Star 650 (XVS 650)

  • Read review Yamaha Drag Star/V-Star 650 (XVS 650)


  • Review of the Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star motorcycle.
  • A story about the Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star motorcycle.

Yamaha Drag Star (V-Star) 1100

— the motorcycle is already, without exaggeration, legendary. Its reliability, coupled with good characteristics, made it mega-popular among both beginners and experienced motorcyclists. Why does it have two names? It’s just that in the American market it was produced under the name V-Star, and in the rest - Drag Star. There are also two versions of the motorcycle - Classic and Custom. They differ mainly in appearance, and you can read more about their differences from each other here.

So, we will assume that you have already become familiar with the differences between “Classic” and “Custom”. And what do we have in the end? A lot of things, actually. Drag Star 1100 is a strong mid-ranger in all respects, and this is its strength, this is why they love it. It cannot boast of excellent power, excellent handling, or unusual appearance. But the main thing is that it can legitimately boast an excellent combination of all characteristics, and this makes it one of the most balanced motorcycles in the world. This is the secret of his popularity.

The Drag Star (V-Star) series was built based on the development experience of the Virago series, and these motorcycles have one important similarity - the engine. The Drag Star 1100 uses a modified Yamaha Virago 1100 engine with a modified CPG and increased compression compared to the Virago

At the same time, the power characteristics of the engine remained the same - 62 horsepower. It should be noted that the “Viraga” with the same engine was a little faster, since it weighs fifty kg less than the Drag Star. But this engine is more than enough for the Drag Star 1100; 62 horsepower and 80 nM of torque allow this motorcycle to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in five seconds.

The gearbox, traditionally for Yamaha choppers, works hard, engaging with a knock that frightens beginners, but at the same time it is extremely reliable. The engine pulls from the lowest speeds, finally going wild at about 1500-1700 rpm and delivering insane torque. The gears are flexible enough to drive in the city in 3rd, as with an automatic transmission, in the mode from 40 to 90 km/h.

With a height of 170-185 cm, sitting on the Drag Star 1100 will be very comfortable. However, this motorcycle is very friendly to both fragile girls and simply short people - all thanks to the very low center of gravity and low saddle height. The standard seats are quite comfortable, but on long trips, when you have to ride for 5-10 hours, the fifth point still begins to go numb, so if you are planning a trip around the world, it would not be a bad idea to replace them with tuning ones, since the choice of tuning for this bike is amazing scale. The suspensions work flawlessly - just good. It could be better, but a steel frame instead of an alloy frame also makes its contribution.

The volume of the Drag Star 1100 gas tank is 17 liters of gasoline, and consumption starts from 5 - 5.5 liters per hundred kilometers. The motorcycle fits into this figure when driving quietly on the highway at 110-120 km/h, but in the urban cycle the consumption can be 7-8 liters, depending on road conditions and your riding style. However, at high speed the bike’s appetite awakens in any case - for example, at a cruising speed of 140 km/h it already consumes about 8 liters of AI-92. Carburetors, of which there are two on Drag Star, have never been particularly economical.

This motorcycle handles really well, without exaggeration. The author of this article rode two Drag Star 1100s for three years, putting many thousands of kilometers on the wheels, and not once did the bike give reason to complain about handling. As, indeed, for anything in general. The balanced product of Japanese engineers works like a Swiss watch. It’s convenient to drive around the city as well as go on long trips, and it copes with all of this perfectly. It is not for nothing that this motorcycle, now replaced by the Midnight Star series, still has a whole army of fans, in Russia, for example, represented by the Yamaha Star Club owners club. Arguably, the Drag Star 1100 is truly one of the best and most balanced motorcycles ever made.

First trips and impressions

classic is always in fashion

Since I'm not much of a photography enthusiast, I don't have any more detailed photos of Binky in her "purchased" condition. So I’ll please you with the current ones. First, I would like to tell you what changes were made to the motorcycle during pre-season training.

  1. Arcs . I think you will agree that the importance of bars, especially on heavy motorcycles, cannot be overstated. This protects the pilot’s legs from being crushed by his own horse, and protects the shine of the horse’s harness. The arches were made from scratch by one wonderful craftsman. The main goal is to maintain the classic look of the motorcycle. I've seen drags with sofas instead of seats, I've seen drags with betting wings, but guys, why try to make an electric train or gold out of a drag? Draga is beautiful in her performance. Dixi. The arches are shaped like a shield - this is very convenient, as they can be used as distance takeaways. The size was chosen to match the size of the panniers, so that the motorcycle would have the same dimensions along its entire length. It's easier that way, it seems to me.
  2. Back. Like the arcs - the same master, the same criteria. On the one hand, it would be more convenient for long-distance people to install a “sisibar”, but it would spoil all the harmony. So in the end I settled on a small and comfortable backrest for the passenger. The luggage frame is left for later. Firstly, I don’t really like the way it looks on a motorcycle, and secondly, I prefer to go on long-distance trips alone, so things will take up the passenger seat. But maybe one day, a luggage rack will find its way onto Binky too.
  3. Cases. There is nothing special to say here because they are standard. The downside is that they are not very easy to remove. But I think I can live with such a disadvantage.
  4. Exhaust system. In my opinion, the standard one is a little pale visually and loudly. Moreover, let me remind you that when I bought it, there were absolutely ugly, scanty forward flows. As a result, the exhaust system was developed and made, which you can see in the photographs. Two long, straight pipes with overlays emphasize and visually lengthen the already long-wheelbase motorcycle, giving it even greater solidity. The system is not direct-flow, flutes are present, but they can be easily removed if you want to play around. The only thing that confuses me so far is that when closing, the exhaust shoots. But, in theory, this is a standard theme for cruisers. Maybe I’m not used to it yet, or maybe I need to ride it so that all sorts of burrs and other defects burn out and the sound evens out. Let's see.

A couple of photos:

From the global side, that’s probably all for now. Future plans include a chandelier, tidying up the chrome and other shiny surfaces. Work on the wheels. There is work for long rainy evenings.

5 minutes flight is normal

My first drag ride... I was overwhelmed with emotions like a schoolgirl at a Bektsrit Boys concert. Let me remind you that before the dredge I had a 250 cc Zong, and long before that I had Minsks, Urals, etc.

How to control a huge heavy machine? What if I do something wrong? But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. The first couple of hundred meters are behind us and the understanding comes that the drag steers better than the Zong... Shock. How can a colossus that rushes like a tank (with a corresponding sound, but about the sounds later) be so easy and responsive to control?! It took very little time to feel confident. And after that comes the buzz. Although not even that. BLISS! Like this. You feel like you're on the move, like the coolest damn son of a bitch in the wild west. Apparently this feeling is transmitted to car drivers and they behave politely, but cut off, and sometimes even give way. Wonderful feeling.

Sounds. They say drag can drive a person with an ear for music crazy. I have no ear for music, but all these sounds that come from the belly of the dredge are perceived as: “Ahhh, I did something wrong and broke the dredge.” The gears are switched with the sound of a clanging shutter (this is pleasant), the gearbox whispers something in response, but something else somewhere knocks, clinks, clinks. The only sound that haunts me is a strange howl when you close the gas. Colleagues, if someone can explain this to me. what a strange “oooooo” (you can compare it from a distance, as if a truck is honking somewhere far behind you - such a deep quiet “oooooo” when you close the gas and slow down), I would be grateful if you calm me down, or tell me where to dig (I suspect this sound is from the gearbox). I wrote about the shooting exhaust, they say it’s a true cruiser style. Let's see, maybe I'll get into it.

I drove about a hundred kilometers in a couple of days and... *drum roll* the speedometer needle stopped moving and sadly rested at zero. I'll watch it tomorrow. The particular comedy of the situation is that a non-working speedometer is my bane. It doesn't work for me on almost every device. It's insulting and funny.

But one feature of the dredge became a small surprise for me, which forced me to test the above-described arcs in action.

A couple of hours ago (it had already gotten dark), I was driving quietly, peacefully, firing the exhaust, vibrating the Vtwin. I’m driving in the traffic, calmly, not bothering anyone. Cool evening air, fresh... Lepota. I pass a section of the road between the park and the stadium, in which the road runs in the shape of a double letter “S”. There is absolutely no desire or even possibility to develop speed in such a section. I'm going with the flow. There's a car ahead. I kept a decent distance, as it seemed to me. The area is poorly lit. I see a pedestrian in the headlights of the car in front, the kind of MacLeod type, you know the kind - they don’t beat trams, and why don’t you see him only when he gets caught in the headlights. The car slows down sharply, and I also begin to slow down. I understand that I need to be stronger, because I can catch up. I press harder on the front and push harder on the back. And then I found out that the rear wheel locks very well =). But to be fair, the bike remains stable. Of course, my ass begins to sway a little from side to side, and already when the motorcycle is almost standing, my ass is thrown a little abruptly and I carefully, like a domino, lay on my side. It’s a shame, it’s a shame, the cars go around, trying to hold on to the motorcycle at the last moment, I turned the gas too much (but didn’t let go of the depressed clutch with my iron grip), I hope a couple of seconds of increased speed in the semi-recumbent position won’t ruin anything. He picked him up, sat down and moved on with his poker face. A couple of scratches on the bottom (not visible unless you look under the motorcycle) are the only consequences.

I would like to draw a conclusion useful not only for myself but also for those who read:

  1. The dredge blocks the rear wheel well.
  2. The dredge blocks the rear wheel very well.
  3. But it is possible to manage.
  4. At the beginning of the season, we are overwhelmed with emotions, but we must not forget about the different types of assholes.

It’s a shame that I didn’t wear a camera; it would have been good material to analyze a typical case. Thank you for your attention. In the near future I will try to overcome my dislike for photography and do a normal photo shoot for Draghi, and maybe even myself for Binky.


  • xvs
  • 1100
  • dragstar
  • drag star
  • v-star
  • impression
  • pedestrians

Advantages of a motorcycle

There aren't many motorcycles out there that don't have a family bug, and the Drag Star is one of them. The secret to the reliability of this model is technical solutions as simple as a hammer. Editorial bike!

The first advantage you should pay attention to is the appearance of the bike. Its laconic, but at the same time attractive design looks very cool on the road.

High reliability is also an advantage

It is simply impossible to overheat the power unit, since it is air cooled. The engine is serviced as simply as possible, since the motorcycle does not use electronics or an injector. But you also don’t have to worry about the quality of gasoline; the cruiser has a good fuel filter.

Incredibly convenient and comfortable due to the soft suspension. You can sit comfortably in the seat and travel for a long time. Wide wheels will allow you to overcome bad and uneven roads without problems, and large fenders will save you from splashes and dirt.

The cruiser is lightweight for its size. It is convenient to move around the city, and in order to stop in traffic jams, you just need to stick your foot out. Many owners claim that when they were drifting on a bike, they tried to make a large angle of inclination at which the motorcycle could fall. But with your leg out, it is very easy to hold it and this is one of the main advantages.

Servicing a motorcycle is a pleasure. There are no such problems as with sports bikes, which need to remove a large number of elements. Spark plugs, oil and oil filter are very easy to change. Difficulty can only arise when replacing the fuel filter. But this is not a drawback, since this consumable changes very rarely, and, for example, it can be replaced at the moment when the carburetor is cleaned.

and disadvantages

Now let's look at what the disadvantages are.

  • The most significant disadvantage is the lack of a fuel level indicator. Any self-respecting motorcyclist simply cannot do without this device. The bike may only have a light on when the system switches to reserve fuel.
  • Before you ride your motorcycle, you need to warm it up properly. It will not run on a cold engine, like an injector. If you try to ride without warming up, the motorcycle will jerk and there will also be dips. It is unlikely that this will bring pleasure while moving.
  • Some motorcyclists may find it insufficient that the transmission has only 5 ranges. Many people believe that in sixth gear, fuel was consumed economically when traveling at high speeds.

A short review of my Yamaha DragStar 650. I briefly described all the pros and cons based on my operating experience. Pros: + Awesome appearance in Indian style. Nothing superfluous, complete lines, not pretentious. The Softail rear suspension looks great. + Comfort. The wide wheels are great for our uneven roads, and the long fenders are not only beautiful, but also a good saver when driving through puddles. The soft suspension is a pleasure. The seat is very comfortable, and the seating position in general. Actually, I made the decision to buy it after I sat down and drove it. + Reliability. Cardan, air that cannot be overheated, lack of newfangled injectors and electronics. There is a gas filter in stock, which allows you not to be afraid of our gasoline. There are no problems with the overrunning clutch, as on the Litrodrag, there are no problems with the injector, as on the Volusia, there are no any small Vulcan jambs. Everything is extremely simple. This leads to the next plus + Ease of maintenance. Unlike a liter dredge, you don’t have to remove the exhaust tract to replace the oil filter, and unlike a rower, you don’t have to disassemble half the motorcycle to clean the spark plugs. The gas filter is more difficult to change, but it is rarely changed and can be combined with cleaning the carburetors. No hassles with the chain, because... she's not there. + Low, long, a real cruiser. It is convenient to expose your legs when stopping, which is very pleasant in city traffic. You don’t get tired on the road, you sit comfortably. Low center of gravity. Hard to drop. I tried to drift on gravel and when both wheels came off and you were almost falling, you put your foot out and easily held it, despite the decent weight. I repeated it several times until I was sure that I could hold it from a very large angle of inclination easily. + Not too heavy like their larger brothers. He has enough strength to push up a small hill backwards without outside help. I fell a couple of times at the gymkhana - once a girl crashed into me, driving across the track when I was going through a turn, the second time I crashed with too much gas at the exit of the hairpin. Both times on the right side, both times on the leg. There are no arcs, I escaped with a couple of bruises and a broken turn signal in the first case. He was wearing jeans with simple knee pads and Icon1000 motorcycle boots. What I mean is that if the motorcycle were heavier, it would no longer be possible without the arches; your leg would be crushed. And I also consider the fact that when the motorcycle falls, nothing breaks/creases/flies off/scratched, it’s a huge plus. Cons: — Heavy for its 40 hp. I’m not talking about the fact that I don’t have enough of them, it’s normal power (not to mention torque from the bottom) and normal volume, but that the designers didn’t save weight, although they could have made this motorcycle much lighter. The oil filter cover alone is worth something - in fact, it is a decorative piece of metal under which there is another one of the same different shape and the second one is already a cover. It feels like the weights were specially attached. In a parking lot, I turn around without pleasure, and the low center of gravity, which is a huge plus in statics, interferes with steering in dynamics (you simply mix it left and right together with the front wheel to set the wheel, whereas for a high center of gravity, it almost remains in place and steering is effortless), especially at low speeds. Hence the next disadvantage - In the aisles you have to let lighter motorcycles forward, because It’s easier for their owners to steer with a high center of gravity in cramped conditions, and the dredge’s steering wheel is wide. Although maybe this is because I’m not in a hurry and the motorcycle is ideal for this. — There is no gasoline level indicator, instead there is a reserve. And if, when refueling, you forgot to switch the tap back from reserve, then the gas will run out at the most inopportune moment. I had to push uphill at night on the highway in order to roll out to a lighted place and vote for gasoline. — There is no sixth gear. It’s not that I want to accelerate over 160, at which the engine hits the limiter, but it would be possible to go 110 at much lower speeds and with significant fuel savings. But alas, this is the case with all my classmates, this is one of the reasons to look towards larger choppers. — Requires at least minimal warming up, unlike injectors, which go straight to cold without failures. You have to start it first, and only then unfasten it, hang up your backpack, put on a helmet and gloves, roll it out... If there are forward flows, it can cause problems near residential buildings. Luckily I have normal mufflers.

But overall I really like the motorcycle. I like to look at it when I open the door to the garage, I like the sound when I start the engine, I like to sit on the tail of the sport at the gymkhana and not let go, scaring random spectators with the sound of platforms creeping along the asphalt, I like to arrange a fun slalom for scooters in the left aisle and wink at the sad chopper riders stuck on overliters in the crush of traffic jams. And my wife likes to ride with me, especially leisurely along winding, picturesque roads. To complete the picture, you can read how I bought it in its description in my garage.


Far from modern in the very essence of its design, this bike is beautiful in its masculine simplicity. The Yamaha Drag Star 1100 has perfectly balanced technical characteristics in all respects, and this is one of the main advantages of the famous Japanese cruiser, along with recognized reliability.


The power unit used was the proven air-cooled V-twin from the XV1100 Virago, whose roots go back to the early 80s, but modified to take into account modern realities. It is powered by two carburetors, producing 62 hp. and 85 Nm of torque, respectively, with all the torque available at 2500 rpm. The engine has tractor-like thrust, as befits a cruiser, and it is capable of accelerating the bike from 0 to 100 km/h in 5.2 seconds. The maximum speed is 180 km/h, but in such conditions fuel consumption will increase catastrophically.


The extremely reliable 5-speed gearbox has one peculiarity - it works very roughly and clumsily, although it is easy to get used to. But when the gear is engaged, a powerful blow is heard from somewhere in the depths of the transmission, making you think that there is a little gnome sitting there with a hammer and anvil, and the bike itself shudders so much that it is visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the transmission life of the Yamaha Drag Star 1100 Classic is enormous; this unit is capable of running hundreds of thousands of kilometers without requiring any attention.

Chassis and brakes

A steel frame, a telescopic fork without adjustments, a pendulum and a monoshock absorber with preload adjustment - that’s the whole chassis. The wheels are either spoked or light alloy, depending on the modification. “Cast” is usually found on V-Star, US market versions. The brakes are good, but nothing more than that: the front wheel has two 298 mm discs with 2-piston calipers, and the rear wheel has one 282 mm disc with the same caliper. There is no ABS, even as an optional extra. Torque is transmitted to the rear wheel using a cardan drive.


There are no auxiliary systems, so the electronics are very simple. All wires converge into a switch located under the saddle, which acts as a primitive “brain”. But the European and Japanese versions differ from the American ones; the latter do not have an “emergency light”, a “blink distant” button and a standard immobilizer.

Weight and dimensions

The curb weight of the Drag Star 1100 is 275-285 kg, depending on the modification, but the additional body kit increases this figure. Subjectively, it does not seem heavy due to the center of mass shifted downwards, and the seat height of about 70 cm allows everyone to confidently reach the ground with both feet. The bike is relatively compact and very comfortable to sit on, but tall and long-legged riders may experience numbness in their legs on long trips. There is a solution - installing roll bars with extensions on them, on which you can stretch your legs while driving on the highway.


The Drag Star steers approximately as you would expect from a structurally simple and fairly heavy chopper. By the standards of the class, its handling is excellent, but it would be inappropriate to compare it with some kind of sportbike or “road bike”. Let's just say that it has enough maneuverability to perform well in any conditions.

Fuel consumption

On the highway at a speed of 110-120 km/h, fuel consumption is about 5.5-6 liters, depending on the quality of the fuel and the technical condition of your bike. At 140 km/h it already increases to 7.5 liters, and in the city it rarely drops below this mark, especially if you like aggressive driving. The engine, created in the 80s, digests AI-92 perfectly, but AI-95 burns better, which reduces consumption by about 0.5 liters per 100 km. On long trips, this helps to slightly increase the range, which is very important, since the gas tank volume is small - 17 liters.

Test: Confrontation - Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star Classic

Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star Classic: 1063 cc, 62 hp, 251 kg, $9,000

The 80s of the last century were marked by the confrontation between the American and Japanese schools of custom construction. And it should be noted that initially the balance of power was clearly not on the side of the founders of this style. The massive expansion of Harley clones from four motorcycle manufacturers from the Land of the Rising Sun was aimed not only at conquering the European market, but even the American one. Moreover, if at the beginning Japanese choppers looked only like a parody of the Legend, then by the climax of this confrontation, in the 90s, the situation changed radically. Japanese companies have been able to fully compete with Harley-Davidson and others like them only since the release of the new generation of custom bikes. Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star Classic is one of the brightest representatives of this tribe.

The well-known series of Yamaha Virago choppers, in fact, was the vanguard of the company, which was tasked with seizing a bridgehead and holding it until the arrival of the main forces. But, despite their rather exotic appearance (from the point of view of true fans of the custom style), these “fighters” not only strengthened themselves in the captured territory, but also managed to push back the enemy. The fact that the pace at which the machines in this series have been improved since the mid-80s suggests that the game was going to be a serious one. However, in the 90s, the purely Japanese trick that a chopper can be not only stylish, but also comfortable - ready for everyday driving - no longer had such a strong influence on consumer priorities. By that time, all manufacturers began to move away from the universality of their developments towards individuality and a narrow focus. The sharp decline in sales of Virago series machines by the mid-90s forced Yamaha to take a more sober look at things. It was decided to develop our own Harley, just as stylish and solid, but much more reliable and technically advanced. Thus, in the fall of 1995, the first car of the new family debuted - the XVS650 Drag Star (a 400 cc modification on the Japanese market), and at the end of 1998, Yamaha first showed a 1100 cc version in dragster style. A year later, a purely American version was born - a la the classic of the 50s - Drag Star Classic.

Drag Stars replaced the Virago choppers, inheriting all the advantages of the machines of this series. The air-cooled power units remained structurally the same, but the chassis and chassis were radically redesigned. Let's start with the fact that the designers managed to skillfully execute the rear suspension unit. Visually, it is rigid, like on the first choppers, but in fact it is the most modern: the swing axes are located in the lower corner of the suspension triangles, and in the upper corner there is a shock absorber hidden under the seat - like on Harleys of the Softail and Touring lines. At the front there are powerful “telescopes” (the Classic version has a casing on the feathers). They didn't skimp on the braking systems either. Not every “liter” custom can boast of such a size - there are two 298 mm discs in front!

Our ward is the image of a purebred Japanese Harley. All detailing and finishing scrupulously copy the attributes and features of the style. There are “thick” (180/90–16, 170/80–15) tires, deep fenders, platforms instead of footpegs, original light optics, an instrument panel on the gas tank, and even special blackening of the cylinders. From the moment of its debut to the present day, the model has not survived a single restyling, much less modernization. Only by the 2001 season, following the requirements of environmentalists, an air supply system was installed in the exhaust tract. Actually, this far-fetched archaism (air-cooled engine, carburetor power system) played a cruel joke on Drag Star. Since 2004, cars in the series are no longer supplied to Europe. But the US market (even a special brand Star Motorcycles has been developed) and Russia accepts them with open arms. Both new and used devices are imported to us in considerable quantities. Why is there such a stable demand for these models?

Alexander Astapov, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Motor Review Height – 182 cm, driving experience – 15 years, drives an Italjet Dragster XX Hmmm, “what else is needed to calmly meet old age?” Motorcycle fashion 5-10 years ago suggested just such a cruiser design: with the “look” of a bulging huge headlight, a size 60 saddle under the ass, plump tires and deep, very deep fenders. Just to harmonize with the belly, well-fed “stern” and puffy cheeks of the average burgher! For me, the appearance of the “Dragstar” without the “classic” prefix is ​​much prettier.

And the age of the engine is also noticeable. The engine builders were clearly guided by the habits of the then 1340 cc Harley Evo and, I must say, surpassed the “prototype”. At least some semblance of “tops” is present here. But compared to the current Twin Cam 88, it’s a sluggish sneeze and puff, sleepy to the point of impossibility. True, even if there was even a reference Yamaha Warrior engine here, it’s unlikely that the devil would dare me to “unscrew the handle” in the city. If on the “regular” XVS1100 you can still click the “switch”, then the double-arm pedal in combination with platforms, and not footrests, nip in the bud any possibility of “aggressiveness”. Against this background, you don’t even notice how sickly it is – the maxiscooter has even less! – unsprung mass at the rear in combination with a short-travel (and therefore rigid) rear shock absorber. I think, put a spacer instead of a shock absorber (as Japanese tuners like to do) - the situation is unlikely to change!

Well, to hell with “active driving”! I’m not on a test drive, but just decided to go for a ride on the weekend (I think it’s clear that there’s nothing to catch on such a cow during rush hour). So I'll swing. Having lit a cigarette at a traffic light (should I have put on an open helmet in vain?), I quietly drive into the alleys of old Moscow (the same ones - Trubnaya, Chistye and Sretenka, sung by Gilyarovsky) - fortunately, not all of them have yet been completely ruined by Luzhkov’s remake. I stick the fourth one in, and there, uphill and downhill, the Dragstar gets everything in one place. 20, 40, 50, no more. And it’s possible more if you need to drive through the dying green light. The elasticity of the engine is like that of the MTZ-80! And it responds to the “handle” better than I expected - if it weren’t for the reactive moment from the cardan, everything would have been awesome.

But the most fun thing is that the device steers incomparably in these conditions! The center of gravity, of course, cannot be called particularly low - despite the increased cylinder camber angle compared to the Harley and the relatively modest weight. But the geometry of the fork is quite classic, the handlebar itself is wide, and the saddle is not so low. So you can live. Under the leisurely farting of the V-twin, we roll out onto the boulevards, then onto Kutuzovsky... There’s already a fifth one - but it’s also stuck tightly. Why bother if you can drive at one speed: start from second, then with three presses in a row get to fifth, and at least the grass won’t grow there! Speed? Why do we need to look at the speedometer? There is no desire to accelerate to levels punishable by deprivation of “rights”, and the fairly dense flow, despite Sunday, will not allow driving very slowly.

Did I like it in the shoes of an old fart? Otherwise! But I wouldn’t want to look 50. So, at a minimum, you would have to change the headlight (for example, to a double or “complex” one from the Vespa GTS), a saddle and an exhaust - well, it’s no good driving a cruiser with such mufflers! Moreover, with the “native” system, the rustling of the timing chain is too clearly audible, giving away the “remake”. Still, the cruiser must have a lower shaft. But the fact that the engine is “air” is five points. For the crackling of cooling cylinders is a correct sound and pleasing to the soul. Would I want a car like this if I had some extra money, an incentive to stay sober on the weekends, and some extra parking space? Maybe. And I would consider the best choice to be Drag Star 1100. But - “normal”, without the Classic prefix and the accompanying entourage from the “Hello, Retirement” series!

Vladimir Zdorov, Motor Review expert Height - 193 cm, driving experience - 14 years, drives a BMW K1200 R Well, what is it, they will drive some kind of consumptive scooter under the "Sight", the very sight of which begins to make you feel sick, otherwise Chopper will be imprisoned! Definitely, the coincidence of what is desired and what is actually happening for the most part only happens in the movies. However, having ridden even more monstrous chopper-shaped ones in my time, I was no longer so hopeless about the size and weight of the Drag Star 1100. After all, you should never renounce and (mind me, but still) look, one unremarkable day I suddenly I will be inflamed with a passionate love for this type of motorcycles...

The liter “Drag” left a very pleasant impression. The main thing this motorcycle has is a sense of proportion, which its creators did not refuse, and which is sometimes lacking in other motorcycles of this type. That is, all the signs of the genre are present here, including the gynecological driving position of the pilot, the horned steering wheel, and short-travel suspensions. But all this is not elevated to a grotesque form and does not create inconvenience for the pilot.

Growling gutturally, in general, not the most impressive engine by modern standards, the Yamaha surprisingly cheerfully begins to move me in space and time. However, I really did not expect such dynamics from the “aircraft” design from the times of the conquest of the Wild West! According to the speedometer, this action looks like this. The motorcycle quickly reaches 160 km/h, and if you show some patience (since it blows away mercilessly at this moment), you can enjoy a decent 180 km/h! I suspect, however, that in fact this will be an “honest” 160 km/h, but for this type of motorcycle these are not at all the main indicators. It is important that vibrations hardly bother you in almost any mode, and the sound of the engine does not threaten to split your head in the first two minutes of the trip, but at the same time it makes it clear to others that you have a very impressive male lurking between your legs. Stylish chrome mirrors are not analogous to Christmas tree decorations; in other words, they do not try to flatter the owner by showing various parts of his body instead of the road. Gears, as expected, are switched with a characteristic “gun” sound, but without overkill, as, say, on the Honda VTX1800, where with each gear change a whole audio performance takes place, forcing especially impressionable passers-by to cowardly pull their heads into their shoulders.

The suspensions, as expected, gently handle every little detail on the road. But as soon as even slightly larger irregularities appear, the springs immediately declare their complete unsuitability for moving on such, so to speak, roads. The Yamaha begins to gallop like a hare, from bump to bump, losing its trajectory, and the spine at such moments strives to “fold” into panties in each of its departments. In general, it is logical that for Caesar what is Caesar’s, and for the big beautiful chopper there are corresponding good roads. But have you seen a lot of them here? So the typical habitat of this chopper-like representative is the streets of a big city, where it will feel most natural. You can also go on a trip on it, only immediately after its completion you will need to “surrender” to the doctor... But overall it’s very good, in general it’s a pass.

Nikolay Bogomolov, Motor Review expert Height - 183 cm, driving experience - 8 years, drives a Honda CRF450R Cruisers, choppers and other vehicles suffering from excess chrome and excess weight with a lack of driving performance have always been beyond my understanding. Even when my classmates were plastering their rooms with “Harleys” cut out from scarce imported magazines, I collected photographs of enduro and sportbikes. But this year I had to open the asphalt season at Dragstar, so the prospect of a 250-kilometer run did not evoke negative emotions.

Having sat on the motorcycle, I put my left foot in its rightful place and discovered that the footrest had gone down and clicked suspiciously. It turned out that the lower limbs are placed on forward platforms, and the upward gears are switched with the heel.

In the first traffic jam, it was discovered that the motorcycle, which was close in width to a small-sized car, stubbornly refused to fit into sufficiently wide cracks. Even the “motorcycle lane” on the Moscow Ring Road was not always passable. Humiliated and insulted, I spent an hour breathing in the stinking smoke of trucks standing nearby.

Finally, there are fewer cars. It turned out that a heavy motorcycle can maneuver quite nimbly in traffic, including at high speeds. This is not a typo: “Dragstar”, unlike most of its classmates, confidently accelerates to 160 km/h, and if you wait a minute or two after that, you can see the arrow on the o. True, the driver’s posture poisons life. Theoretically, the concept of “cruiser” implies a comfortable landing. A person of my quite standard build has to bend his back in the shape of a question mark to reach the steering wheel. As you might guess, this position contradicts all the laws of aerodynamics, especially considering the absence of a windshield. The chest forms a kind of sail directed against the wind. To keep this sail in the saddle, you have to hold on to the steering wheel with superhuman strength. At times there were even fears that the “horns” would bend even more. In addition, the driver of the Dragstar can feel like a woman in a gynecological chair: the headwind tries to push her legs apart even wider. However, all this is relevant at speeds above 140. They say that there is no need to ride faster on such motorcycles.

When the highway was completely empty, I decided that my time had come: after all, a cruiser’s element is long, straight highways with minimal load. But their highways are no match for ours: even on small bumps the suspension “breaks through”, but there’s nothing to say about large ones. Only the heavy weight saves the motorcycle from a severe “sausage”. But the driver’s body suffers: every bulge reverberates in the curved thoracic spine. Well, when on large mounds the fifth point flies up 20 centimeters into the air and falls on the seat, it seems that the vertebrae are crumbling into your underpants. So if you can handle the wind and go all out, the podiatrist's nightmare position will quickly force you to hold your horses. However, time was running out, and I, gritting my teeth, still squeezed all the juice out of the unfortunate cruiser. Literally. The 17-liter tank was filled to the top and after driving only 160 kilometers, I was surprised to find that it was time to turn on the reserve. Unlike imported highways, on ours gasoline is not sold at every corner, so I drove up to a gas station in the far corner of the Tver region on a half-stalled motorcycle. There was no further gas station. To get to the goal, I drove on like a real chopper driver: 120 on the speedometer, relaxed landing and the glass of my helmet spit on from impotent anger. The negativity smoothed out a little at the finish line. In the parking lot of the holiday home, caretakers helped park BMW motorcycles, each costing two five-year-old Dragstars. As soon as I appeared, one shouted to the other: “Give it up... Then the Harley arrived.”

Mikhail Lapshin, deputy editor-in-chief of “Motoreview” Height – 193 cm, driving experience – 13 years, rides a Yamaha TDM900 and Yamaha YBR125 Those people who have an equal attitude towards a particular model can best and, most importantly, impartially evaluate it . I admit that customs in all their shining mass have never awakened any feelings in me, but I can understand those who dote on them. There is a lot to love about “The Horned Ones”. Over the years I have ridden many representatives of chrome, and the “big” Drag Stars – most of all. And the impression from the piloting was always only positive. So this time, when they decided to skate the “classic” version, I was just happy. It's spring outside, the sun is warming, the soul is singing - it's time to give her a shining toy called a Japanese custom.

If I were a real biker, I would probably prefer a Yamaha to a Harley. This is based on the image. But I’m a motorcyclist, and what’s more important to me is not the advertised charisma, but reliability and convenience, which are backed up by not bad appearance. From afar or in traffic, only professionals will be able to immediately tell what kind of fruit it is. The appearance of Drag Star Classic is excellent, every curve, every shape is carefully adjusted. You plop down into the wide and soft saddle and are immediately imbued with the thought - this is a real motorcycle!

Visually, the model is very similar to the Harley Softail Classic, but in reality the “Japanese” is completely different. Yes, the landing is chopper - feet first - but still, due to the considerable (for this class) seat height, the geometry of the footpegs and the low steering wheel, you are positioned at the “wheel” more traditionally, almost like on the classics. In my opinion, this is only a plus - better control over the car and visibility.

The weight of under 300 kg is not particularly felt, and all thanks to the fact that the car’s center of gravity is somewhere very low. With a base of 1640 mm and a relatively modest fork offset, you can be sure that this device will take turns like a pattern. Air V-twin, cardan drive, duplex frame, carburetors... The Japanese are having fun! It was hard for them to reinvent the wheel. Loudly clicking the gear, I started powerfully. Then I immediately stuck the “fourth” in, and the engine pulled me forward without any dissatisfaction. Now that's elasticity! No vibrations on the steering wheel and especially on the seat. The engine runs smoothly and confidently, as they say, rushing and rushing.

It would be strange to say that the motorcycle does not stand well on the track. He rides as if on a rail. At the same time, it responds quite predictably to steering movements. Not every custom can afford to slalom between cars. Of course, this is a little annoying, but not because the motorcycle gives up at some points, but mainly due to the ingrained stereotype - you need to ride choppers calmly and impressively. But the Drag Star Classic, compared to other representatives of this tribe, has a very cool feature - an almost instantaneous response to turning the gas. Not slow and lazy, like on a Harley, but lively and playful. No, it’s not for nothing that the designers installed a throttle position sensor in the carburetor, the signal of which is used in the operation of the ignition system.

The model's pendants are surprisingly assembled and not prone to breakdown. As a result, dynamic lane changes in traffic and cornering to the point of the grinding of the pegs go off with a bang. Excellent brakes also suit this rhythm of movement. The designers did not skimp on them.

As before, I didn’t like the location of the “tidy” - Harley-style on the gas tank, in one block. And although the speedometer is made very large, it is not very convenient to look at it at speed, and especially in heavy traffic. You “switch off” for a couple of seconds, and it’s not for me to tell you what can happen during this time. So, my verdict is as follows. It didn’t disappoint me again, the Drag Star Classic is a great motorcycle and a wonderful custom, swanky and stylish, which is definitely worth the money. Moreover, in terms of handling and its capabilities, this chopper can compete with some road builders. Perhaps this is not important for true fans of the style, but it’s nice to realize this fact and keep it in storage.

Alexander Dmitriev, editor-in-chief of Motor Review Height - 183 cm, driving experience - 17 years, drives a BMW R1200RT Chopper - a strange thing. On the one hand, it’s comfortable – the seating position, the position of the hands, the controls, but on the other hand, it’s terribly uncomfortable. Well, tell me, how do you drive when your legs are stretched forward and the rear suspension is short-travel? These are the usual thoughts that appear in my head when I take a chopper for a test... First of all, it is customary to receive aesthetic satisfaction from an American-style motorcycle. Now I haven't received it. The black silhouette did not evoke any emotions. Which was immediately upsetting. I don’t want to ride on a device that claims to be pretentious, adhering to the principle “Don’t drink water from its face.” But work is work, and I decided not to test the car in the metropolitan crowd, but sent the Dragstar to visit a friend in the near Moscow region.

It’s immediately captivating to see how the device starts moving. It seems that even a motorcycle school cadet will not stall on it after the first lesson. And in general, “Dragstar” is driver-friendly - and this is a good bonus for those who want to start motorcycle practice with a “liter”. I sat down and drove off. Then you have fun. Not every large-scale custom is capable of winning such favor. However, “Dragstar” already hardly fits into the segment of “large motorcycles” operating with volumes of 1500 cm3 and above. Rather, it is a real middle peasant.

An ordinary Friday evening, the usual heat, threatening to turn into pouring rain, traffic jams. From the first meters the motorcycle began to rehabilitate itself, going well at slow speeds. Literally without any “gas”: you release the clutch and it goes. The negativity disappeared with every kilometer: I immediately forgot that the motorcycle’s capacity was more than a liter - it seemed that it was a modification of the “650”. But with all this, it is also dynamic. As soon as the opportunity arose, I immediately accelerated to 120 km/h. Acceptable handling reminded us of the Virago - these first-wave vehicles are still in demand precisely because of their ability to obey the steering wheel. Here is the junction on the Moscow Ring Road: the right lane is occupied by cars, the left is free - I tumbled into the turn quite easily, almost like in a classic. Tell me, why make such a fuss? It’s true, I don’t want to rush to the Dragstar at all - not so much because of the concept of the motorcycle, but because of the large double-shouldered gearshift lever and its not the most precise operation. In principle, the high-torque V-twin allows you to drive in fifth gear from 60 km/h without any negative reaction. Without twitching, it smoothly accelerates the motorcycle. And this, in general, is enough for a confident ride.

When I reached my goal, which was no less than 80 km, I was almost not tired. Perhaps due to a reluctance to find out the maximum speed, but most likely for a different reason. It's just that the Dragstar doesn't really ask much from the driver. In return, it gives a fairly comfortable ride. If only he had more pathos!

Yamaha drag star 400 modifications

Two modifications of the Yamaha drag star 400 appeared on the market at the same time: custom and classic. Motorcycles have different seats, fork covers, fenders and headlights. In addition, the classic modification has a larger rear wheel than the Custom modification.

Yamaha drag star 400 classic

Owners claim that the Yamaha drag star 400 classic has a higher level of comfort due to its wide and comfortable seat. In addition, the wing of the classic modification protects from water and dirt flying from under the wheels.

Yamaha Drag Star Classic. 400 cu.m. Profile photo

Yamaha drag star 400 custom

Yamaha drag star 400 custom for aggressive riding. This modification is lighter in weight and has a narrower steering wheel. This model is faster, but the stability is worse than the classic one.

Yamaha drag star 400 custom. Profile photo

Appearance, motorcycle versions

As already mentioned, the XVS1100 Drag Star is a “cruiser” and is made in the American style.

This means a large number of chrome elements, a significantly protruding front fork, a teardrop-shaped tank with an instrument panel located on it, and a wide “horned” steering wheel.

As well as a stepped seat with an overall low driver position and deep fenders.

This motorcycle was produced in three versions: Classic, Custom, Silverado, although the differences between them are minimal and come down to differences in external equipment.

Thus, the Classic was not equipped with anything additional, the Custom had a front windshield and a backrest for a passenger, and the Silverado, in addition to glass and a backrest, also had side panniers.


ModelYamaha XVS400 Drag Star
Motorcycle typecruiser
Year of issue1996-2017
Framesteel duplex
engine's type2-cylinder, 4-stroke, V-shaped
Working volume399 cm³
Bore/Stroke68.0 x 55.0 mm
Compression ratio9.7:1
Number of valves per cylinderSOHC, 2 valves per cylinder
Fuel supply systemcarburetor, 2x Mikuni BDS28 – XVS400 (1996-2009)
injector – XVS400 (2010-2017)
Ignition typetransistor TCI
Maximum power33.0 hp
(24.3 kW) at 7500 rpm - XVS400 (1996-2009) 30.0 hp (22.0 kW) at 7500 rpm – XVS400 (2010-2017)
Maximum torque32.0 Nm (3.3 kg-m) at 6000 rpm - XVS400 (1996-2009)
31.0 Nm (3.2 kg-m) at 6250 rpm - XVS400 (2010-2017)
ClutchMulti-disc in oil bath, cable drive
type of drivecardan
Front tire size100/90-19M/C 57S – Drag Star 400
130/90-16M/C 67S – Drag Star 400 Classic
Rear tire size170/80-15M/C 77S
Front brakes1 disc, 298 mm, 2-piston caliper
Rear brakesdrum
Front suspensiontelescopic fork, stroke – 140 mm
Rear suspensionprogressive pendulum with monoshock absorber (preload adjustment), stroke – 86 mm
Motorcycle length2340 mm – Drag Star 400
2450 mm – Drag Star 400 Classic
Motorcycle width845 mm – Drag Star 400 (1996-1999)
840 mm – Drag Star 400 (2000-2017)

930 mm – Drag Star 400 Classic

Motorcycle height1045 mm – Drag Star 400 (1996-1999)
1060 mm – Drag Star 400 (2000-2006)

1065 mm – Drag Star 400 (2007-2017)

1105 mm – Drag Star 400 Classic (1998-2006)

1110 mm – Drag Star 400 Classic (2007-2017)

Wheelbase1610 mm – Drag Star 400
1625 mm – Drag Star 400 Classic
Seat height660 mm – Drag Star 400
710 mm – Drag Star 400 Classic (1998-1999, 2003-2017)

712 mm – Drag Star 400 Classic (2000-2002)

Minimum ground clearance (clearance)140 mm – Drag Star 400
145 mm – Drag Star 400 Classic
Acceleration to 100 km/h11.2 sec
Maximum speed135 km/h
Gas tank capacity15.0 l
Motorcycle weight (dry)204 kg – Drag Star 400 (1996-1999)
209 kg – Drag Star 400 (2000-2008)

222 kg – Drag Star 400 Classic (1998-1999)

224 kg – Drag Star 400 Classic (2000-2008)

Motorcycle weight (curb)220 kg – Drag Star 400 (1996-1999)
225 kg – Drag Star 400 (2000-2008)

234 kg – Drag Star 400 (2009-2017)

238 kg – Drag Star 400 Classic (1998-1999)

240 kg – Drag Star 400 Classic (2000-2008)

247 kg – Drag Star 400 Classic (2009-2017)

Dimensions and weight

This bike is average in size in its class. Larger than any representative of road motorcycles, it is nevertheless inferior to many cruisers. For example, models released at the beginning of this century are larger than motorcycles.

The dimensions of the Yamaha XVS 650 Drag Star are as follows:

  • curb weight – 227 kg;
  • seat height – 695 mm;
  • ground clearance - 155 mm;
  • wheelbase – 1610 mm;
  • height – 1065 mm;
  • width – 880 mm;
  • length – 2295 mm;
  • tank volume – 16 l.

Considering the average size of the bike, the tank volume is sufficient. Of course, such a car is not suitable for traveling outside civilization. Moreover, given the minimum ground clearance and the class itself, driving on rough terrain is not a suitable option.

Design of Yamaha Drag Star XVS1100

The motorcycle is all covered with chrome parts, since it was created in the American style.

Model 1100 (the numbers are engine size) is still in production, but the new car cannot be found on the markets of Europe and Russia.

The main supply is for the USA, some remains for the domestic Japanese market. Since 2011, production has been divided into two models. The only difference is engine size. The code name is unchanged. More powerful - Yamaha XVS1300 Drag Star., weaker - Yamaha XVS950 Drag Star.


  • The rear shock absorber is located under the saddle and has a mono-swing suspension.

    The rear shock absorber is hidden under the seat.

  • There is a telescopic fork at the front, and the front guards are fitted by default.
  • Depending on the modification, the protection is complemented by extended or standard wings.


  • Gas tank capacity - 17 liters. It is located in the front part and has a teardrop shape characteristic of “American” motorcycles. At the user's request, a reserve tank of 5 liters can be installed.

    Fuel tank with mechanical speedometer.

  • There is a speedometer on the top panel of the tank.
    There are no other instruments - all the indicators are built directly into it. Speedometer with warning lights.
  • The windshield is not present on all versions. At the front of the fork there is a small round headlight - below it are the direction indicators.

    Option with windshield and additional headlights.

  • The high horned steering wheel, reminiscent in its shape of a similar part from Harley-Davidson, is made this way for a reason - a direct hint that the Japanese version can compete with its American competitor.

    Visually, the motorcycle strongly resembles a Harley.

Rear end

The rear part has a brake light located on the lower edge of the fender. Location - unlike purely Japanese models, the wings on the Drag Star are most reminiscent of the metal counterparts on a bicycle, the same low landing and tight fit to the wheels.

When going on a long trip, you can attach panniers to the sides of the motorcycle.

Rear turn signals are missing in the stock version; only one modification is equipped with them.

Both seats are quite comfortable.

Additional driver's backrest.

What do the owners say?

This is not the cheapest motorcycle, but it is still more affordable than many when compared to current options. And, judging by the reviews of the owners, this is important for many. However, many bikers believe that it is better to purchase a more expensive, but more reliable bike.

However, opinions on this matter vary. And there is a reason for this. On the one hand, the car is still in production, and therefore there are no problems with spare parts and maintenance. On the other hand, the bike has a drum as a brake at the rear, an outdated solution that is considered dangerous by today's standards.

One owner review shows the car to handle medium speeds just fine. However, there is not a word about braking. When buying such a bike or any other with a drum brake, you should first make sure that the brake is working properly.

This technique, as described by many owners, is not bad for short pleasure trips. However, this cruiser is still not suitable for the role of a motorcycle for long distances. Maybe in videos and photos this car looks reliable, but in practice there are much more worthy representatives of the class in this regard.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Yamaha XVS 650 Drag Star is a bike that is primarily suitable for connoisseurs of old representatives of this class. Others are unlikely to be interested in him. It is better for a beginner not to ride such a vehicle at all, since this bike will not be easy even for those who are accustomed to cruisers, but modern ones.

Brief history of the model


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 (Europe).
Factory designation
: 4VR2, 4XP1, 4XP2, 4XR1, 4XR2.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650, Yamaha Drag Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 4VR3, 4VR4, 4VR5, 4VR6, 4XP3, 4XP4, 4XR3, 4XR4, 4XR5, 4XR6, 5BN1, 5BN2, 5BN3, 5BN4, 5BN5, 5BN8, 5BN9, 5FB1, 5FB2, 5FB3, 5FB6.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650, Yamaha Drag Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 4RX8, 4VR7, 4VR8, 4VR9, 4VRA, 4XR7, 4XR8, 4XR9, 4XRA, 5BNA, 5BNB, 5BNC, 5BND, 5BNE, 5BNF, 5BNG, 5FB7, 5FB8, 5FB9.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650, Yamaha Drag Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 4VRB, 4VRC, 4XRB, 4XRC, 5BNJ, 5BNK, 5BNL, 5BNM, 5BNN, 5BNP, 5BNR, 5FBA, 5FBB, 5FBC.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650, Yamaha Drag Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 4VRD, 4XRD, 5BNT, 5BNU, 5BNV, 5BNW, 5BNX, 5FBD, 5FBE, 5FBF.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650, Yamaha Drag Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 4VRE, 4XRE, 5FBG, 5FBH, 5FBJ, 5SC1, 5SC2, 5SC3, 5SC5, 5SC6.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Silverado (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 5FBK, 5FBL, 5FBM, 5SC7, 5SC8, 5SC9, 5SCB, 5SCC, 5SCD.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Silverado (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 5FBN, 5FBP, 5FBR, 5SCE, 5SCF, 5SCG, 5SCJ, 5SCK, 5SCL, 5SCM.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha Drag Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom (+ Midnight), Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Silverado (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 3B61, 3B62, 3B63, 5FBS, 5FBT, 5FBU, 5SCN, 5SCP, 5SCR, 5SCT, 5SCU, 5SCV, 5SCW, 5SCX.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha Drag Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom (+ Midnight), Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Silverado (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 3B64, 3B65, 3B66, 4C51, 4C52, 4C54, 4C55, 4C56, 4C57, 4C58, 5FBV, 5FBW, 5FBX, 5SCY.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom (+ Midnight), Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Silverado (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 3B67, 3B68, 3B69, 4C59, 4C5A, 4C5B, 4C5D, 4C5E, 4C5F, 5FBY, 5S11, 5S12, XVS65AW-B, XVS65AWC-B.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom (+ Midnight), Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Silverado (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 3B6A, 3B6B, 3B6C, 4C5G, 4C5H, 4C5J, 4C5L, 4C5M, 4C5N, 4C5P, 4C5R, 5S13/ 5S14, 5S15.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom (+ Midnight), Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Silverado (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 3B6D, 3B6E, 3B6F, 4C5S, 4C5T, 4C5U, 4C5V, 4C5W, 4C5X, 5S16, 5S17, 5S18.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom (+ Midnight), Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic, Yamaha V-Star 650 Silverado (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 1BF1, 1BF2, 1BF3, 1BG1, 1BG2, 1BG3, 3B6G, 3B6H, 3B6J, 5S19, 5S1A, 5S1B.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 1BF5, 1BG4, 3B6K, 3B6L, 3B6M.


: Yamaha Drag Star 650 Silverado, Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Europe, North America).
Factory designation
: 1BFA, 1BG6, 3B6S, 3B6T, 3B6U.


: Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (North America).
Factory designation
: 1BFC, 3B6V, 3B6W, 3B6X.


: Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom (North America).
Factory designation
: 3B7D, 3B7E.


: Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Canada, Australia).


: Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Canada, Australia).


: Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Canada, Australia).


: Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom, Yamaha V-Star 650 Classic (Canada, Australia).

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