Test drive Lightning LS-218: the fastest electric sports bike

It won't be news to you that racing bikes are designed with a focus on high speed. But still, the main task of an ordinary motorcycle is to ensure safety on the road. In the virtual world, it is quite easy to maneuver fast bikes through the streets, but we still do not live in a fictional reality.

Luckily, advances in technology have brought safety features, driver-assistance technology, and real-world reliability together into the very best electric motorcycles. They ensure that you can ride an electric motorcycle safely on city streets, and everything is completely legal.

You are in the right place if you are looking for the best electric motorcycles with specific features. Keep reading to find out which one is best for you.

Tips for choosing the best electric motorcycle

Choosing a powerful motorcycle seems to be a bit of a daunting undertaking. Ultimately, your riding behavior and personal preference are some of the main deciding factors in choosing the best electric motorcycle for you. Despite the variety of models available, there is only one electric motorcycle suitable for each rider.

Follow these tips to find the best electric bike for you.

Decide what you want to use the motorcycle for

For many people, one of the main reasons for choosing an electric motorcycle is to reduce carbon emissions. This is a laudable motivation, but not the only reason why riders are choosing electric bikes these days.

These spirited stallions are designed to give their gas-powered brethren a run for their money when it comes to variety and speed, providing more functionality and a choice of model to suit your specific needs.

Consider whether you need an electric motorcycle for commuting, trekking, backpacking, outback riding or adventure riding. Once you have decided on the purpose of the motorcycle, start selecting specific features that suit your needs.


The range of a motorcycle is the total distance it can travel on a single charge. Pay attention to electric motorcycles with a significant power reserve. But keep in mind that the distance is only an approximate figure. The range specified by the bike may be affected by certain factors, including:

  • Traffic jams;
  • Your riding style;
  • Your weight and height;
  • Type of road;
  • Weather.

Before choosing a motorcycle based on the range that will suit your needs, think about your average daily mileage and typical route. If you ride primarily on rural roads, your needs will be different than those of a highway or city street rider.

Aim for a range of around 100 kilometers on lighter models. If the nature of your route and other factors require a longer travel range, choose heavier models that can provide a range of up to 200+ miles.

Power, torque and speed

Then you need to know what to expect from the motorcycle when you step on the gas. This may seem a little technical and complicated to some, but once you get the basics down, it's extremely easy to understand.

Firstly, the power of an electric motorcycle is calculated in horsepower, and is measured in kilowatts. Multiply kilowatts by 1.34 to determine the motorcycle's horsepower. However, in most cases, power parameters can simply be found in the declared characteristics of the bike. So, if you see a rating of 100 hp, that means you have a hundred live horsepower between your legs!

Torque refers to the acceleration of a machine and is measured in ft-lb. More torque gives more acceleration. And finally, speed. The speed of an electric motorcycle depends on its power and weight.

No matter how stylish and attractive the design of an electric motorcycle is, it is recommended to take your time and familiarize yourself with all the specifications before purchasing.

Battery life

Motorcycles with internal combustion engines wear out over time after driving many kilometers. The same thing happens with the batteries of even the best electric bike. Battery life (not range) is critical for any electric motorcycle.

Lifespan varies greatly from model to model. For example, some Zero motorcycle models have a battery life of 570,000 km, while other models have a standard battery life of 1.5 million km thanks to Tesla's lithium-ion battery technology.

Although most models are equipped with batteries with a decent service life, you, as the owner of the car, can influence its service life.

Charging time

Wondering how quickly you can completely drain your motorcycle battery? Charging time for electric motorcycles depends on the type of charger. Many models come with built-in Level 1 or 2 chargers, and some others have CCS (DC) fast charging capability.

The Level 1 charger uses a 120V connection and charges slowly. Typical charging time with a Level 1 charger is 10 to 13 hours. A Level 2 charger uses a 240V connection and typically charges in less than 3 hours.

The CSS charger provides lightning-fast charging. These types of chargers can boost your bike to 80% in about 45 minutes.

Dimensions and weight of the electric motorcycle

You must pay special attention to the ergonomics of the bike because if you are uncomfortable sitting on it, you will not be able to control it properly.

The seat height should be appropriate for your size and the weight should be comfortable for you. The best models allow you to easily adjust your riding position to suit the terrain. An electric motorcycle should be comfortable at all times, whether you're out on a stop-and-go ride or leaning forward slicing through the dirt.


Electric motorcycle manufacturers provide a warranty that covers the motorcycle parts and frame. Make sure the warranty also covers battery life.

To remain covered by the warranty, you must comply with certain conditions. These conditions include:

  • The correct way to charge the battery.
  • The maximum and minimum temperatures recommended for operating the bike.
  • The level of charge left in the battery if you do not intend to use it for an extended period.


Electric motorcycles have more advanced features like no other before. It's not just fancy tech stuff. Instead, the technology aims to ensure rider safety using advanced technology.

A preference for models with advanced warning systems, Bluetooth connectivity to mobile apps, GPS tracking and more is the norm.

Lightning LS-218 electric sports bike test

Gizmaz tested the Lightning LS-218 electric sports bike, which turned out to be capable of producing 200 horsepower on one wheel, which is 70% more than the similar Zero SR bike.

With an output of 200 horsepower, you won’t surprise anyone today, taking into account the release of such hyperbikes as the Ducati 1299 Panigale, Aprilia RSAV4 Factory and KawasakiNinja H2R. But, the “Lightning” torque output is two hundred and twenty-seven Nm at 10,000 rpm. “Lightning LS-218” is not only a very powerful, but also a fast motorcycle (the fastest) with an electric motor. At all tests in Bonn Viel, the bike set a new speed record, accelerating to 351 kilometers per hour, which is impossible with a 200-horsepower regular gasoline bike "KawasakiNinja H2R", in Qatar it showed a maximum speed of 357 kilometers per hour. All production superbikes cannot exceed speeds above 180 mph.

The appearance of the Lightning LS-218 is good in every way. Because it was created by Glenn Kerr, he is a well-known critic in the most fashionable design publications.

Although the LIGHTNING LS-218 is a motorcycle that is produced in small series. The 150 bikes produced have a carbon fiber cladding painted a pleasant blue, and the headlights (eight) integrated into the cladding look chic.

The bike that was tested was equipped with a telemetry acquisition system with an “AIM MXL” panel; this is a demo version. The bike has one gear, however, the light comes on if you accelerate to 160 km/h. For safety reasons, the superbike was equipped with two buttons to turn off the central ignition: one button is located on the left clip-on, and the second on the right side; the bike runs only if both are turned on.

From the Lightning LS-218 control panel you can switch between modes, like all similar electric bikes. But the motorcycle on which the test took place had only one mode (for racing).

The president of Lightning Co said that only a few riders could handle such a motorcycle, and all of them were experienced pilots.

The chassis has roots in Superbike racing. The frame is made of thin blocks of aluminum.

All suspension is ?hlins FGRT (with NIX30 racing cartridges) and adjustable shock absorber ?hlins TTX36, Brembo brake pads (GP4-RX with 320mm discs up front and 200mm discs at the rear).

The most expensive thing on the bike are batteries based on rare metals. Perhaps in the near future the whole situation will change very much, and maybe radically. Now all the best minds, including representatives of Tesla, are working to create small and very capacious batteries with a price of no more than $200 per kilowatt. If Elon Musk and his “Gigafactory” manage to do this, then we will have a battery designed for 300 km. for $4,000, which will reduce the price of the bike by half and help change the entire production in general.”

“Lightning” provides “LS-218” in 3 models: with battery blocks of 12, 15 and 20 kWh, they are designed for 160, 210 and 250 kilometers with a voltage of at least 380 volts. To fully charge in “speed mode” it takes about 30 minutes. It's not much time. For example, you were driving very fast for about two and a half hours, and then you stopped for gas, had a snack and a cup of coffee, and spent about 20-30 minutes on everything. This is usually what happens.

Where to charge?

The LS-218 has a J1772 or CHAdeMO connector (can be installed if the buyer wants it). Charging points for such connectors are now available at almost all gas stations. But you can use a connector with a small and quite affordable cost, which is powered using an electrical network with a power of one hundred twenty-seven to two hundred and forty volts.

PS American Jay Leno bought “LIGHTNING LS-218” for a large collection, which consists of very rare cars and bikes.

Why should you buy an electric motorcycle?

Still not on board with electric motorcycles? Let's answer why these bikes are worth it.


With electric motorcycles there is literally no liquid to worry about - fuel, oil, etc. no need to worry. You don't have to become a skilled home mechanic to own any of these beauties—they won't break down anytime soon, anyway.

Sure, some components require periodic maintenance, but you definitely won't be fixing leaking gaskets or changing the oil.


Whatever one may say, charging an electric motorcycle is much cheaper than filling up with gas or buying gasoline.

Lightning Strike Carbon Edition

Well, for the most demanding fans of the brand, there is a top-end version of the Lightning Strike Carbon Edition, equipped with a 20 kW battery, which not only increases the range up to 320 km, but also raises the power to 117 hp. In addition, the top version is already equipped with a 6.6 kW charger, capable of replenishing 50% of the charge in 20 minutes. Of course, you have to pay for everything... Despite the carbon tail, the Lightning Strike Carbon Edition will weigh 219 kg. and cost another $3,000 more.

Lightning Strike Carbon Edition – $19,998

The new Lightning Strike electric bike will begin selling in the United States in July of this year, but the company plans to open dealership centers in Europe, so there is a possibility that there will be an enthusiast who wants to supply them to the Russian market, but the “Strike” will cost then it’s completely different money...

Lightning news Sportbike Electric bikes

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