"Suzuki SV 400": characteristics, comparison with competitors and reviews

Japanese motorcyclesSuzuki motorcycles

Thanks to the special attitude of Japanese engineers to the technology they design, they manage to bring novelty to even the most classic things.

Another confirmation of this was the SV400 motorcycle from Suzuki, which first rolled off the assembly line in 1999 .

This model, while maintaining the external image of its predecessors, incorporated the most modern trends in the construction of motorcycles of its time.

A distinctive feature of the bike was that it was intended exclusively for the Japanese market. In other countries, the model was called SV650.

There are some differences between the version intended for Japanese consumers and the one sold throughout the rest of the world (in terms of dimensions, weight, etc.). However, they are almost invisible when viewed from the outside.

SV Series

Model Suzuki SV400.

Model Suzuki SV650.

Model Suzuki SV1000.

As is customary, the lineup includes three bikes, differing in engine sizes:

  • Suzuki SV 400 . The “younger” sister, production began with her. Planned for domestic Japanese markets only;
  • Suzuki SV 650 launched a year later. This bike was exported to Europe, America, and Australia.
  • Suzuki SV 1000 . Production of the older one opened in 2003 . The liter was also exported and was offered to experienced bikers for whom 650 was no longer enough.

Each model was divided into several modifications, but the main features of all bikes remained unchanged.

This is a naked car , a classic fit, a full set of lighting + mirrors, no standard trunk, and the presence of a title .

Model 400 existed on the assembly line for 8 years . During the entire production period, I received only minor cosmetic changes; the filling was not touched. The last bike rolled off the assembly line in 2006 .

Travel → Perm-Peter 2011: there and back with adventures. (part 1)

The other day I found memories of a motorcycle trip recorded in 2011. I wrote it out of emotion after returning (as an accompanying text to the photo report), but then I never posted it anywhere. Now I’m attacked by nostalgia for that motorcycle season, motorcycle toxicosis has set in, and I decided to get those notes out of the dusty archive. I share with you that summer

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