How to drive an ATV: step-by-step instructions, driving features

Any wheeled vehicle - from a bicycle to a multi-ton truck - has a transmission in its design: a system that transmits rotation from the engine to the wheels. The operation of the transmission - and therefore the driving speed - can be controlled by changing gears.

In each type of transport, gear shifting is organized differently. In the article below we will tell you exactly how to change gears on ATVs, and what gearboxes are found on such equipment.


The law states that driving an ATV requires category A1 license. Many here may be indignant and say that they have heard that it is possible to drive an ATV with category “B1”, but not with category “A1”. This is not correct, it is confusing because the "B1" category is for driving quadricycles and tricycles, not quad bikes. One letter - and such a big difference! If the ATV has a small engine (the volume of the power plant is less than fifty cubic centimeters), then the “M” license category is sufficient.

To completely dispel the confusion, let’s answer the question: which ATV can be driven with category “B”? Let’s say right away that the license category is not “B”, but “B1”, and not for an ATV, but for a quadricycle and a tricycle. Now is the time to decipher these concepts. A quadricycle is the same ATV, only with a different seating position (not a motorcycle type, but a car type). And a quadricycle has a car-type steering wheel, while an ATV has a motorcycle-type steering wheel.

Correct load distribution

It is important to distribute the load correctly. If the ATV is overloaded or carried improperly, it may cause the control system to malfunction, causing you to lose control of the ATV, and may also cause brake failure. When transporting cargo, be sure to follow safety precautions. Before you get behind the wheel of an ATV, you must know the basic rules of driving an ATV. In this article we will tell you basic information about driving an ATV that may be useful to you.

Each ATV is designed to carry or tow a certain weight and amount of cargo. Always read the weight distribution labels carefully and never exceed the stated weight. Place the load as low as possible. If you have to cross hilly terrain, you need to reduce your speed on turns and bumps to maintain control stability.


  1. Try to always place the load closer to the front.
  2. Be careful not to lose balance and control when transporting or towing loads.
  3. Always reduce your speed.

Basics of management

In order to control an ATV, it is enough to know how to drive a car or motorcycle. The analogy is clear. In fact, there is nothing complicated or special about operating such equipment. And the answer to the question of how to drive an ATV is quite simple.

First, you should learn to start moving and stop. After this, you can master turns and turns. The problem is that ATVs are typically driven over rough terrain, and you not only have to keep your eyes on the road, but you also have to try to stay in the saddle.

How is the exam going?

There are two ways to register for the exam:

  • Contact the State Technical Supervision Authority at your place of registration or residence in person.
  • Submit an online application through the State Services portal.

In the latter case, a receipt for payment of the fee and an invitation to the exam are sent to the user’s personal account. Even before the exam, you must provide the inspection with original documents and 2 photographs.

The exam takes place in accordance with the pre-approved schedule. Within the prescribed period, the applicant brings a passport and a certificate of medical examination.


The exam for obtaining a license to drive an ATV takes place in two stages: theoretical and practical. At the first stage, it is checked how the candidate has mastered the theory, namely:

  • basics of safe vehicle control;
  • Traffic Laws;
  • the influence of factors (risks) that provoke emergency situations, as well as their consequences and ways to prevent them;
  • design features of self-propelled vehicles;
  • rules for providing first aid in cases of road accidents;
  • types of administrative, criminal and other liability for traffic violations.

The exam card contains 28 questions. Of these, 8 questions relate to the topic “Basics of operating a self-propelled vehicle,” the remaining 20 to traffic rules, first aid and the design of an all-terrain vehicle. You are allowed to make one mistake in the first part and no more than two in the second. Moreover, if you fail the exam, you are allowed to retake it no earlier than 2 weeks later.

If the candidate has a valid driver's license, there is no need to take the theory test. An unsatisfactory grade in the theoretical part does not allow the candidate to take the internship.

The practical part of the exam to obtain a driving license is sometimes carried out in two stages. First at the training ground, then in real traffic conditions. The candidate must consistently follow all the instructor’s commands and demonstrate to him the skills of maneuvering, reversing, climbing, braking and “snake”.


When you go over bumps on an ATV, you need to constantly change your body position. Before an obstacle, you should move your body back (to soften the impact of the wheels on the obstacle), then when driving over a bump, you should move your body back forward (to prevent the front wheels from lifting too much off the ground). After this, when the rear wheels are already trying to get off the ground, you need to move back again (this will also protect you from flying out of the saddle). You can already begin to understand that there is nothing particularly difficult about the question of how to control an ATV. There are just nuances, but they are present everywhere.

Advantages of ATVs from the Canadian company BRP

The Canadian company Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) specializes in the production of snowmobiles and ATVs.
In the history of the company, which began in 1942, attempts were made to launch the production of SUVs, but the main direction was the development of modern mobile vehicles designed for atypical operating conditions. The popularity of BRP off-road equipment is explained by the following criteria:

  • high reliability of ATVs, which is confirmed by a long service life;
  • exceptional quality of all parts;
  • an impressive range of all-terrain vehicles, including various types of equipment: sports, utilitarian and touring;
  • all BRP equipment is equipped with modern technological systems;
  • The company's design engineers are constantly developing and implementing new concepts and technological solutions, creating mobile vehicles with unique parameters, appearance and technical characteristics.

The main difference between the company and other manufacturers is the desire to create more technologically advanced equipment that differs from others in appearance and technical parameters.

Driving stands

There are three main riding positions that ATV riders use. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • The B-pillar is used for driving on straight roads. The center of gravity of the body is located evenly on the ATV. The driver's legs are slightly bent at the knees, the back and arms are relaxed. The arms are slightly spread to the sides.
  • A-pillar (displaced center of gravity of the body towards the steering wheel). Such a rack is needed during sharp acceleration, when climbing mountains, and also to load the front wheels when necessary.
  • When braking, the rear strut is used. It is also needed for descending from mountains and for loading the rear axle.

Often you have to combine racks and quickly change them. This is especially necessary when the speed is high and the terrain is not entirely level. For such “rides” it is advisable to already have good experience in driving such equipment.


Descents should be carried out in the rear rack. In this case, your arms must be extended and slightly bent at the elbows. There is no emphasis on your hands; you can even let go of them, holding on with your feet. The steeper the descent, the more the driver must move the body back. The lower photos show the consequences of descending into an incorrect landing. The main mistakes are that the driver shifted his weight forward and pressed his hands to the body.


Is it difficult to control an ATV? If you know all the details, then no. Well, experience comes with practice, there is no escape from this rule. When you're traveling in a straight line at less than 40 km/h, you can really relax.

If the speed is higher or you are going through turns, then you cannot relax your body, you should move extremely actively while driving. The short wheelbase of the ATV and its high center of gravity, coupled with the small width of the vehicle, do not add stability to either you or the ATV itself.

It is also worth remembering that in most cases, when the ATV falls, it tends to cover the driver. You shouldn’t check the veracity of this rule on yourself; it’s all already been tested and proven before you.


If the driver moves his torso to the outside of the turn, centrifugal forces will pull him to the outer radius, and he will need to grip the handlebars tightly to stay in the saddle. The ATV will definitely try to roll over. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, you must always remember a simple rule - move the body only in the direction of rotation. Those. if we turn left, then we shift the body to the left side, and vice versa.

Laws of physics

When you corner on an ATV, you need to use your own weight to combat centrifugal force. After all, you won’t be able to tilt an ATV like you would a motorcycle. Your task is to shift the center of gravity of your body towards (inside) the turn. This is necessary when cornering at serious speeds. If you are moving slowly, then simply turning the steering wheel is enough.

The same rule applies when moving along any slopes. You should move your body's center of gravity away from the slope to prevent both you and the ATV from falling. If the bevel is serious, then you will even have to stand up from the seat in order to move your body as much as possible in the opposite direction.

Also, do not forget about the laws of physics both during acceleration and braking. When you accelerate, the ATV will try to jump forward from under you. When braking, it will try to throw you forward over the steering wheel. It is worth knowing about this and you need to be prepared for such situations.


When moving along a slope, it is necessary to move the body in the direction opposite to the slope. On the steepest sections, you need to use full suspension, such as when cornering at speed.
  • Top picture. Incorrect position - the driver shifted his weight in the direction of possible overturning of the ATV.
  • Bottom picture. Incorrect body position - only the driver’s shoulders are shifted towards the slope. This does not cause the weight to shift at all.


If you do not have a sports ATV, then it is better to avoid jumping. First, it can damage the ATV. Secondly, for jumping in ATVs, the motors must have traction and instant response to the accelerator handle.

If for some reason you cannot avoid jumping on a non-sport ATV, then you need to prepare for it. It is worth landing in a middle stance, but at the same time be ready to move to the back. When the ATV wheels touch the ground, you need to gradually add gas. It is advisable not to jump into all-wheel drive.

Remember that the right to operate an ATV does not give you the ability to perform any tricks on it (the ATV). Experience will come with time, just practice and everything will work out. If you have questions about how to operate an ATV, the instructions we present to you should help with this.

Full turn on a slope

Try to avoid climbing steep mountains or slopes (maximum angle of ascent - 25°). If your ATV stalls while going up a hill, don't let it roll down! To do this, use a reversal.

  1. Stop and shift the gear into park mode, sit up.
  2. Turn off the engine.
  3. Get off the ATV on the side facing up. If the ATV is facing up in a straight line, then to the left of it.
  4. Stand at the top of the ATV and turn the steering wheel to the left.
  5. While holding the brake lever, shift into first gear and let the ATV circle to your right until it is straight across the slope.
  6. Shift into park mode and ride the ATV on the upside again.
  7. Then start the engine while holding the brake lever and at the same time shift the gear into first gear.
  8. Release the brake and drive slowly, controlling your speed until the ATV is on more or less level ground.

Driver's view

When riding an ATV, you need to train yourself to look into the distance. This is necessary to develop the habit of assessing the trajectory of movement in advance. Novice drivers often do not have time to track their path, and sometimes find themselves in difficult situations that can result in collisions with objects or falls.

The easiest way is to start riding simple routes and take your time. It will be great if a more experienced driver drives ahead of you on some route. You will be able to focus on it and try to repeat its maneuvers if necessary.

Basic manipulations

There are many brands and models of ATVs . But most of them are managed according to a similar scheme:

  • Starting the engine (with electric starter). Place the key in the ignition switch to the ON position, press the brake and activate the green starter button, holding it for 5 s;
  • Gear shift . Does not require additional manipulations, it is carried out automatically. The gearbox is used to activate high, low, reverse or neutral gears, as well as to select the parking method;
  • Pulling away and increasing speed . Press the gas lever with your right hand while keeping your middle finger on the front brake. Your left hand should be placed on the rear brake. In this case, the gearbox should be set to position H or L.

There are buttons on the steering wheel of the ATV that allow you to perform the following manipulations :

  • Enable all-wheel drive . Needed to move on slippery road surfaces, off-road, transport cargo, and tow.
  • Lock the differential . The locking ensures the synchronized movement of the wheels necessary to get out of the mud.

The possibility of activating all-wheel drive and differential locking, as well as the speed parameters for these manipulations for each ATV model are determined individually and indicated in the vehicle operating manual.


Is it possible to operate an ATV with little experience? Yes, but you shouldn’t make yourself a riding virtuoso. An ATV is a technique that forgives minor errors at low speeds, but is very strict on the driver when the speed increases. Learn to ride an ATV gradually, preferably under the supervision of experienced drivers.

Immediately after purchasing your first ATV, you should not try to drive it through the mountains and forests at maximum speeds. This won't end well. Hone your driving skills at minimum speed and somewhere on the plains. It's safe for you and your ATV. And then, when you start to feel confident, go conquer more difficult routes and do it a little faster. Experience will come to you with the kilometers you travel. There is no other way, just take your time - and everything will work out for you.


A correct stance is characterized by slightly bent knees, elbows out to the side, and a slightly arched and relaxed back. Why shouldn’t you stand on straight legs or keep your back straight and tense? Because bent knees allow you to absorb shocks coming from uneven terrain. By the way, the force of these blows is sometimes quite enough to knock the driver out of the saddle. A straight, tense back under such conditions can lead to injury to the intervertebral discs and even a compression fracture of the spine. And the internal organs will have a hard time if they are not seated correctly.

To actively ride an ATV you must be in good physical shape. Thus, in quadrupole schools the duration of the lesson does not exceed an hour, and at the end of the lesson the students can literally be squeezed. And driving an ATV off-road is also an activity worthy of training in the gym.

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