Motorcycle helmet Predator - a reliable and original helmet for a biker

Safety for vehicle drivers is one of the most important criteria that receives a lot of attention today. Unlike car owners, motorcyclists show special interest in the level of their own protection while driving, using special clothing and auxiliary accessories for this. Properly selected equipment is of great importance in matters of ensuring reliability.

Uniforms are used not only as a means of protection in case of road accidents and from adverse weather conditions, but also as a way of self-expression and emphasizing individuality. The leading role in this process is played by a mandatory attribute - a motorcycle helmet.

DIY motorcycle helmet “Predator” (photo)

Safety for vehicle drivers is one of the most important criteria that receives a lot of attention today.
Unlike car owners, motorcyclists show special interest in the level of their own protection while driving, using special clothing and auxiliary accessories for this. Properly selected equipment is of great importance in matters of ensuring reliability. Uniforms are used not only as a means of protection in case of road accidents and from adverse weather conditions, but also as a way of self-expression and emphasizing individuality. The leading role in this process is played by a mandatory attribute - a motorcycle helmet.

About my next project Mark 12

This is just a mini post about what will happen next. Right now I’m making a new helmet, it will also be made of aluminum, since I’m for light armor. But in order to make it look presentable, it was decided to first make a paper mock-up and properly adjust the dimensions of the future helmet.

But I’ll tell you honestly, I already like how it will look.

This helmet will also have interesting features such as: Bluetooth headset. Opening and closing the helmet. Augmented reality (now I’m putting more emphasis on this function.)

Types of motorcycle helmets

The main types of motorcycle helmets include:

  • The classic integral is a closed type with opening glass and a built-in protective chin bar.
  • Lightweight open type with a face shield that does not completely cover the head.
  • A modular that allows you to fold back the visor and chin bar without completely removing the product from your head.
  • Racing helmet with long visor.

The modular is the most convenient option for a motorcycle helmet. It has good strength and reliably protects the head and chin. In some cases, it may have greater weight and cost than a monolithic integral.

The most budget option would be an open motorcycle helmet, however, it is more often used for driving at low speeds, since the driver’s head is not fully protected. The motocross helmet is comfortable and, among other things, has a long chin bar.

Manufacturer Features

Currently, each manufacturer produces helmets using its own technology. All products are different from each other and have individual characteristics. The general rule for everyone remains reliability, a high degree of security and compliance with quality standards.

In the model range of some manufacturers, there are exceptions among the standard types of motorcycle helmets.

For example, one of these options is a transforming helmet, the main feature of which is changing the position of the jaw protection. The design of the product allows you to remove the chin bar to the back of the head, turning the helmet from a closed one to an open one.

A large number of manufacturers are working abroad on popular equipment and popular equipment, however, among domestic products there are also interesting models that attract close attention, for example, the domestic “Predator” helmet.

Interesting Facts

Archaeological excavations have shown that primitive people began to protect the head. They used tree branches and animal skins for this. The very first images of helmets made of metals (gold and silver) date back to the 3rd millennium BC.

It is impossible to imagine a heavily armed warrior (hoplite) of the Hellenic era without a Corinthian or Boeotian type of helmet.

Helmets were used by the peoples of Asia Minor, and by the warriors of the East, and by European knights, and by knights in Rus'. In principle, this effective head protection has survived to this day, transformed into the helmets of modern soldiers.

Review and general characteristics of the motorcycle helmet

Today, motorcycle lovers express their individuality with the help of equipment, giving preference to new products and exclusive items. Among such interesting and unique models, the domestically produced “Predator” helmet became the subject of general discussion. The model for this product was the image of a monster from the movie of the same name.

The 2010 model is manufactured in Moscow and Tolyatti; the official manufacturers of motorcycle helmets in this bold design are NLO-Moto and Nitrinos. Handicraft production has also been established in other cities of Russia. Many private craftsmen can boast of their skills and offer to make this helmet model to order.

The helmet design is patented and has a lot of possibilities and various removable parts. All these characteristics and the presence of additional options distinguish the manufacturing technology of one motorcycle studio from another. The motorcycle helmet is made manually from composite material with carbon reinforcement, the inner layer of the base is made of standard foam. In each case, the product turns out to be special.

Individual features of the Predator model

Despite differences in production technology, all structural characteristics responsible for the level of safety are observed in each version.

The weight of the Predator helmet in the basic configuration is approximately 1,820 grams.

The kit includes light-colored protective glasses, and it is possible to install a molded protective mask. The space under the helmet is ventilated using a special two-channel system, which significantly increases the level of comfort.

In one of the standard versions, such a helmet has a size grid from XS (55-56 cm) to XXL (63-64 cm) and is made in matte black. It is decorated with 22 dreadlocks about 35 cm long and has a visor that must be opened with two hands.

Another manufacturer offers classic models weighing more than 2 kg, with 17-20 rubber or nylon dreadlocks, a double body with the possibility of reinforcement and a visor that can be opened with one hand. Different models of helmets are used as a basis; colors, decor and cost vary.

Base: old newspapers

It is possible to make head protection from scrap material. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • balloon;
  • centimeter;
  • plasticine;
  • Vaseline or hand cream;
  • glue and old newspapers;
  • sponge and mesh fabric;
  • paint – black and silver.

Cost of the Predator protective helmet

The price of the basic professional model of the Predator helmet varies depending on the manufacturer and can range from 20 to 35 thousand rubles.

Additional accessories are not included in the price and can be purchased upon request. All masters and motorcycle studios include personal equipment in the basic and additional package, producing individual and almost unique helmets for each customer. By adding additional options, the product becomes spectacular, but the price increases significantly.

Types of unusual motorcycle helmets

Making unusual motorcycle helmets can be considered a fine art. Skilled craftsmen create unique masterpieces that you want to look at in more detail from all sides. Some talented drivers successfully update old motorcycle equipment and independently breathe new life into tired things.

The external design of a motorcycle helmet can include any drawings, graphics and photographs - images of cartoon and movie characters, a mask of a frightening monster or a world-famous robot. Thus, interesting options include open helmets with images of round objects instead of the driver’s head - a tennis ball, a walnut, a watermelon, a billiard ball and a bowling ball. A bold solution could be an imitation of the brain or skull on a helmet, as well as a monolithic helmet with goggles and a face mask.

Interesting products include the patented Predator helmet. Photos of all kinds of bright motorcycle helmets can be examined in detail in the article and thus gain inspiration, fresh ideas and, possibly, a new hobby.

Making your own Predator helmet

Many motorcyclists are actively interested in how to make a Predator helmet. Is it possible to do this yourself without changing the general template features of the serial product?

Following the instructions, it is quite easy to make a “Predator” helmet with your own hands. But if there are doubts and uncertainty about the safety of the resulting design, it is recommended to use such a helmet for decorative purposes.

A classic helmet is used as the basis. The desired pattern is set using certain materials: paper and plasticine are used to create the mold, and fiberglass and epoxy glue are used for finishing and impregnation. The dry structure must be completed and painted, and then the mask must be secured to the helmet.

Following another technology, it is possible to apply the Predator shape to a basic helmet using suitable plastic and professional equipment. In this case, appropriate protection is guaranteed due to the double layer of the shell and the presence of a full helmet under the structure.

Necessary materials

Fortunately, you don't need anything out of the ordinary for the helmet. All raw materials and tools can be found at home:

  • five-liter plastic bottle;
  • high-quality glue;
  • disposable plastic cup;
  • scissors.

You will only have to spend money on purchasing waterproof paint of silver or gold color.


The steps of making a helmet do not present any difficulty even for a person who has decided to do such work for the first time.

  1. A part of the bottle is cut off so that it fits the volume of the child's head.
  2. A piece of plastic is cut out of the resulting blank so as to reveal the hero’s face.
  3. A long narrow strip is cut out of a disposable glass, which will serve as a nose guard, protecting the knight’s face from the blows of enemy swords.
  4. The helmet elements are fastened together with glue.
  5. The place where the cap is screwed to the bottle is covered with a piece of foil.
  6. Paint is applied to the helmet.

Important! Check to see if there are any nicks left on the cuts. If there are any, so as not to injure the child, cover them with several layers of tape.

The hero's head blow is almost ready. It is necessary to make chain mail that covers the warrior’s neck and shoulders. The basis for the chain mail can be a piece of cardboard, onto which small circles should be drawn with a felt-tip pen, imitating steel links.

An even simpler way out of the situation would be to use an old “string bag” to protect the hero’s neck and shoulders.

Step-by-step instructions for making a Predator motorcycle helmet with your own hands

  • A classic helmet is selected as the basis. You can buy a budget basic model or use one of the existing options that has become boring or needs restoration.
  • After selecting a donor, it is necessary to clean it of internal fillers, remove foam rubber and other parts.
  • The remaining foam cap is installed on special construction equipment - a slipway platform (taking into account the size of the head).
  • Then you need to give the product the correct shape using a soldering tool.
  • Plasticine is fixed on top of the foam base, the layer is smoothed and evenly distributed using a roller.
  • Having given the form a finished look, a base portion of epoxy resin is applied to a smooth base, and small pieces of fiberglass are distributed on top. Next, the process is repeated to form several layers. Once the fabric is immersed and well saturated with resin, you should wait for the structure to dry completely.
  • The invention is cut down with an angle grinder, then the remaining plasticine is removed using a construction hot air gun.
  • Then, following safety instructions, the mold is sanded. Here a grinder or drill with a special cleaning disk is used.
  • By using automotive putty, the structure is completely smoothed out. The surface must be well prepared to avoid the appearance of unevenness and roughness when painting the product.
  • Next, you need to paint the structure and get the first visible result.
  • Now you need to add dreadlocks to the helmet in the form of tight laces. When threading them through the holes on the top of the head, it is important not to forget to secure each one from the inside.
  • The helmet is decorated with three LED lamps on the right side, batteries and contacts are installed in the jaw area.
  • The strap is secured with rivets of a new design.
  • The internal foam fillers from the previous helmet are adjusted to size and formed into briquettes using fabric, and then glued into various parts of the product.
  • The final step will be the selection and gluing of a visor - a tinted part made of plexiglass.

A protective helmet is a mandatory safety attribute used by motorcyclists around the world. There are many types of motorcycle helmets, but those who want to experiment with design can add brightness to their image using the most unusual options, such as a helmet in the shape of a predator.

Every motorcycle enthusiast has the opportunity to order a similar product from official motorcycle studios, or try to make it with his own hands, following the instructions. The main thing is the decision to change your image and the desire to be special!


The blank blank is ready and you can start decorating.

Maybe your child wants to be like a Norman knight? Don't disappoint him - make some horns and attach them to your helmet. That's all - your child can imagine at the matinee in the image of a medieval knight from Normandy.

You can additionally decorate individual areas of the helmet with colored pencils or felt-tip pens and place them on the child’s head.

DIY predator helmet

We present to your attention the Predator motorcycle helmet, which you can make with your own hands thanks to the author of the Gauranga model and our compatriot Ilya Gladkov , who, in fact, developed it. If ultimately the helmet will be used for its intended purpose, then I advise you to strengthen it with many layers of epoxy + fiberglass mat (fiberglass), preferably with some kind of gasket, while not forgetting about ventilation.

As for the layout of the Predator helmet itself, it takes up 20 pages in pepakura. The model is low poly, so it will be easy to glue. The Predator motorcycle helmet comes out quite large, much larger than the standard head size, but I believe that this was done to allow for reinforcement on the inside. If you don’t need so much extra space, I recommend making the Predator motorcycle helmet smaller.

DIY Predator motorcycle helmet – Motorcycle Predator Helmet papercraft

Thanks to paperbe, we are posting another scan of the Predator’s motorcycle helmet, much more polygonal and streamlined. It is quite easy to assemble, the model is cut well, I think even a beginner could handle it, it takes 13 pages.

Make a Predator Helmet out of paper - Motorcycle Predator Helmet pdo

Thanks to sarutobi obito and the Thai author of the layout himself, we are posting the third version of the Predator helmet model. It looks quite high-tech, so to speak. In pepakura it takes 11 pages. Making this version of a predator motorcycle helmet with your own hands is quite simple.

Download the Predator Motorcycle Helmet scan – Predator casco papercraft

We are glad to present you another wonderful development of the Predator motorcycle helmet from fellow Necrosster . Its visibility is much better than that of the previous two masks, and it looks up to par. Standard sizes. Assembly difficulty is below average. The reamer is cut well, the parts are arranged laconically.

Primaris Helmet part 1

I’ve been wanting to get confused for a long time, I searched long and hard for a scan. And just as I was about to score and start sawing another, I accidentally found

Based on my experience working with scans, with a Daedric helmet in particular, I came to the conclusion that the model, as always, is smaller than necessary, and often significantly, so I enlarged it a bit. Usually, for convenience, I slightly rework the details of the development and place them on the sheet in sections so as not to have to search on all the sheets. But this time it was kind of lazy. That’s why it turned out the way it did—a little bit of an asshole. Since it doesn’t stick to me with regular paper (either the paper has become bad, or the glue, or maybe my hands are out of my ass), I printed it on A3 photo paper. Since the photo paper is thick, it sticks well, up to a certain point (yes, with superglue) , it turned out a little crooked, which is why I had to make an additional frame and coat it with epoxy to level it out

I didn’t take pictures of assembling everything together, I limited myself to the very beginning and the end. Initially, I planned to divide the helmet into a front part and a back part, divided in half, so that, having also made a frame, I would get more or less aligned and strengthened parts, but it didn’t grow together. Yes, and the damned superglue, when working with large parts, for some reason basically glues everything except the parts themselves, and it is no longer possible to use clamps with clamps

So far, what has turned out is a little crooked, but it will still straighten out, and, apparently, I went a little overboard with the scale. For comparison, this is an unfinished previous helmet that was damaged by a cat. It seems the new one is not much larger, but it is much more spacious inside.

Next, the frames will be filed down and covered with epoxy in order to slightly level them and give a more correct geometry, although in the photo the helmet for some reason turns out to be more elongated than it actually is. But this will be in the next part. Some day.

A spectacular helmet for a motorcyclist - the Predator motorcycle helmet

Unlike motorists, whose safety is given great importance even at the design stage of a car, a motorcyclist does not feel this support and is forced to resolve issues of his safety on his own for an additional fee.

And this safety is ensured by the motorcycle rider’s equipment, which serves not only to protect in case of a road accident, but also protects the owner from natural disasters.

And now, when the biker movement has reached unprecedented proportions, equipment has also become a means of self-expression. The clear favorite in performing all these functions is the motorcycle helmet, which is a mandatory means of passive safety for motorcyclists in many countries around the world. On the modern market, the choice of motorcycle helmets is very wide, but there are not too many representatives of the domestic industry in this range.

The “Predator” motorcycle helmet has deservedly become one of the brightest representatives of domestic motorcycle helmets . Produced by Russian motorcycle studios NLO Moto (Nlo-Moto) from Moscow and Nitrinos (Nitrinos) from Tolyatti, as well as some folk craftsmen.

Helmets from all manufacturers differ in structure and technology. The helmet is widely popular not only among domestic bikers, but also among foreign ones.

Hero costume

As such, the special production of an epic hero’s outfit will not cause difficulties. Any wardrobe will contain:

  • pants and shirt;
  • toy sword and shield;
  • belt and boots.

Instead of a cloak, you can throw on a piece of bright fabric, secure it with a sash and a brooch, that’s the whole outfit of a medieval warrior.

If the boy does not have a sword and shield, it is very easy to cut them out of cardboard, color them and give them to the defender of the Fatherland from enemies and mythical villains.

If there are no problems with the suit and conventional “weapons,” then making a helmet will require some effort. But even here, there is no need for any supernatural actions, special skills or the acquisition of special materials and tools.

Helmet review

The Predator motorcycle helmet was developed in 2010 and officially patented by state patent No. 136302 dated April 23, 2013. The production of motorcycle helmets is organized on the basis of the Nitrinos motorcycle studio itself.

The helmet is handmade and has many options, allowing each helmet released by the studio to be almost unique.

The design of the helmet is an original design of a composite shell with carbon fiber reinforcement. The layer of damping materials is standard and consists of a foam base and removable internal parts.

The helmet is equipped with various types of visors (protective glasses). Unfortunately, the visor cannot be opened on the go, since it is opened with both hands. To increase rider comfort, it is equipped with a two-channel adjustable under-helmet ventilation system. The weight of the basic version of the motorcycle helmet is 1820 grams.

The Predator offers a slightly different helmet design. The design also has patent No. 143626 dated May 15, 2014 and is made on the basis of a standard motorcycle helmet with a cast “Predator” protective mask, welded into a standard helmet and not violating its safety characteristics.

An unusual helmet looks good on drivers of sports motorcycles, like the Yamaha R6, the technical characteristics of which you can find out in our article.

Can't decide which motorcycle to buy at the very beginning of learning a motorcycle? Read our article, in it we solve this problem.

Varieties of the Predator helmet

The basis for the “Predator” line of motorcycle helmets from the Nitrinos studio is its basic version, which is characterized by the following indicators:

  • Sizes : XS 53-54 cm.
  • S 55-56 cm.
  • M 57-58 cm.
  • L 59-60 cm.
  • XL 61-62 cm.
  • XXL 63-64 cm.
  • Color : matte black.
  • Visor : light.
  • Dreadlocks : 22 pcs., length 34 cm.
  • Weight : 1820 g

The basic version can be given an almost unique look with the help of additional upgrades.

Additional options include:

LED module . It consists of three red LEDs built into the helmet body on the right side. Switching on is done by a button located at the bottom of the helmet. Connects to two AAA batteries.

Laser module . It consists of three red lasers in a single housing, built into the helmet body on the right side. Switching on is done by a button located at the bottom of the helmet. Powered by two AAA batteries.

Painting with one color . Additionally, the motorcycle helmet is painted in any color at the request of the customer.

Additional dark visor . In addition to the light one, you can order a replaceable dark visor for sun protection.

Price for a motorcycle helmet

The cost of the basic version of the Predator motorcycle helmet from the Nitrinos studio starts from 18,500 rubles. Additional options are purchased separately.

The cost of “Predator” motorcycle helmets is as follows:

  • Predator Berserk from RUR 31,900
  • Predator 3 from 25900 rub.
  • Predator 4 from 28,000 rub.

Companies that produce motorcycle helmets in the form of the Predator offer customers a large selection of additional options that allow them to make each helmet unique. For clarity, we have made a summary table of the offered options.

DIY Predator helmet

On the Internet I found a cool work by a guy (unfortunately, only his name is known about the author - Andrey) - a do-it-yourself predator helmet. I liked it and decided to share it with you:

“It all started with the phrase “nooo, it’s impossible to do this yourself.” I'm pleased with the result, it seems to have turned out well) "

The basis for the helmet was some kind of Chinese trash. They tore out all of its foam-rubber insides from the donor. They will still be useful to us.

Inside the helmet there was this foam “helmet”. We adjust it to the size of our head and fix it on the slipway.

Using a soldering iron, we begin to give it the desired shape + add the missing parts.

We go to the stationery store and buy 2 briquettes of art plasticine and apply it on top of the foam form.

Having given the plasticine the shape we need, we try to smooth the surface as much as possible, for this we use a wet roller. When the surface becomes smooth, you can begin the most complex process.

Application of fiberglass! We do it this way: we cut the fiberglass into small pieces, prepare a small portion of epoxy resin, apply the resin over the plasticine and apply a piece of fabric. There's more resin on top.

In this way we form several layers of fiberglass.

After the layers have dried, we cut down our structure with a grinder.

We take out the remains of the slipway. Using an industrial hairdryer we melt plasticine from everywhere.

Next, we clean the surface using a grinding wheel attached to a drill. Attention. During this process, thousands of glass needles appear in the air - so protect all exposed areas of the body, especially the nose, mouth, and eyes.

The next stage is preparation and painting. Using automotive putty, we bring the surface to a perfectly smooth state (to make it look better than in the photo: when painting, all the “sides” may come out).

Well, now you can start painting.

Next, according to the plan, you need to add “dreadlocks”. We buy laces (the thickest ones you can find). We drill holes in the back of the helmet and thread the laces through them. We fuse washers inside so that our dreadlocks don’t get pulled out.

What's a predator's helmet without a sight? 3 LEDs are mounted in a special cavity. The crown battery and the key are brought out into the jaw.

We remove the strap from the donor's helmet and attach it to ours, using rivets.

Now the interior finishing. We take the remains of the previous helmet - cut it off and cover the foam inserts with soft fabric. Here's what happens:

There are 7 such plates in total, all of them are of different shapes, for different parts of the head. We glue the elements with “Moment”.

Well, the robot’s final touch is the visor. Made of tinted plexiglass. Glued tightly. Yes, it’s a little inconvenient, but it’s a formal helmet, not for every day. Here's what happens:

In general, the robot is quite cool and interesting. If you think carefully, you can still make some modifications (applies to some parts and the visor)…..the impossible does not happen.)))

Continuation of the post “Primaris Helmet part 1”

Part 2, not the last

Everything here, thanks to Covid and the backlog at work, everything has been somewhat delayed, and in the end there is still a lot of things to finish, so the finale will be devoted not only to finishing small elements and painting

After completing the assembly and strengthening of the paper model, the longest (and dirtiest) part of the work begins - strengthening with fiberglass. Since my hands were covered in hardening epoxy, and I was tired of my gloves at work, I only took a photo of the final

But then, most likely, I will add a little more. Since I rarely used fiberglass in models of this type, I was a bit handicapped at this point - practice has shown that it is better to dilute the resin, prepare a piece of fiberglass, then wait until the resin begins to thicken and cover the fiberglass with it. Again, after waiting a little until the resin on the fabric becomes very thick, start cutting off pieces of fiberglass and gluing the model - in this case, the model will be glued with a minimum of bubbles, the fabric will not shrink and drip. And this also very well reduces the overall weight of the helmet (2 times lighter than the neighbor from the previous post). Next, the most dreary part begins - cleaning the paper frame

And further giving the correct shapes with epoxy.

At this crucial moment, I ran out of resin and went to the office where I usually buy resin and consumables. In the process, I bought something called FAST PAST, something like liquid plastic or polyurethane for molds. It adheres surprisingly well to epoxy, sands well, albeit with bubbles (which can be corrected by additional epoxy coating), and most importantly, it hardens within a couple of minutes to a workable state.

Well, in the process I also decided to try out Citadel paint, just for fun.

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