What is required to transport a motorcycle from Germany?

  • How is customs clearance of a motorcycle from Germany carried out?
  • Cost of customs clearance procedure for a German motorcycle
  • Deadlines for issuing a title for a motorcycle from Germany after customs clearance

Our country is home to a large number of people who cannot imagine their life without motorcycles.
Motorcycles come to our country from different countries of the world. The entire procedure for their customs clearance is usually carried out by companies that sell them. However, there are people who, in a desire to save money, order motorcycles from other countries. In particular, motorcycles from Germany are very popular. They are reliable and do not require much effort to clear them through customs. German-made motorcycles ideally combine cost and high quality. Thanks to this, our country has a considerable number of fans of motorcycles from Germany. To obtain a technical equipment passport for a foreign motorcycle, you must go through customs clearance. It is carried out either by traffic police officers at the nearest office or by customs officers directly upon the vehicle’s arrival on the territory of our country.

There are a number of reasons why customs clearance is needed:

  • issuance of a legal passport for a technical device,
  • independent customs clearance makes it possible to save on the purchase of foreign-made motor vehicles,
  • short deadlines for completing all necessary documents for registering a vehicle from Germany.

Documents for sending a motorcycle from Germany

To send a motorcycle from Germany to Russia, you will need the following documents:

  • PTS;
  • documents confirming the legal purchase of motor vehicles, for example a purchase and sale agreement;
  • receipt for payment of the cost of the vehicle;
  • invoices.

If the sender and the owner of the motorcycle are two different people, you should attach:

  • contract of agency;
  • power of attorney to send cargo.

It is important to make sure that all information about the motorcycle (numbers, engine size, price) is indicated correctly in the documents. Otherwise, there is a high probability of problems arising at the customs clearance stage.

Search for a motorcycle

The best way to find a good motorcycle is to use European websites.

So, the required motorcycle model has been found, the photographs have been studied, and you are completely satisfied with the motorcycle. What's next? Of course, we call the seller. By phone we need to find out as much information as possible about the motorcycle:

• real year of manufacture;

• country of import;

• what documents are there for the motorcycle and other little things.

Why is the price of the motorcycle not included in this list? We'll talk about this below, because we will need this data to calculate the cost of customs clearance.

What vehicles can be used to transport motorcycles?

Special covered vans are used to transport motorcycles over long distances. This vehicle provides reliable protection of cargo from the effects of precipitation and other adverse external factors.

Sometimes minibuses equipped with a ladder and belts for securing cargo are used to transport light motorcycle models.

Motorcycle inspection

You say: “Why should I inspect the motorcycle, after all, I’ve come all this way?”

And now you have to carefully inspect the motorcycle. To do this, you need to have at least basic knowledge of the technical structure of a motorcycle. Remember, you still have to return home on this motorcycle, which is at least 2000 km. No one knows what can happen to a motorcycle over such a long journey, so take the inspection very seriously. Moreover, not all sellers are well versed in technology, and what is “good” for them may turn out to be “bad” for a knowledgeable person. And also remember: the seller can cheat, convincing you that the “iron horse” is in working order in order to buy it! But what is more important to you: the fact of purchase or the purchase of a GOOD motorcycle? After all, the goal of such a trip is to buy a good motorcycle and not spend more than planned.

Note: from our own experience we can say that we do not always buy the first motorcycle we inspect. In this case, have a backup option - a motorcycle in the same budget and the same year of manufacture.

Transportation of motorcycles from Germany

To successfully transport a motorcycle from Germany to Russia, it is necessary to take measures to ensure the safety of the cargo and ensure its fire safety.

How to prepare a motorcycle for transportation

Before shipping, the motorcycle should be prepared as follows:

  1. Disconnect the battery terminals and insulate them with stretch film, tape or bubble wrap.
  2. Empty the tank by draining the fuel so that the indicator is close to 0.
  3. Leave the motorcycle key in the ignition.

To ensure the safety and integrity of the transported motorcycle equipment, it is recommended to use a number of useful tips:

  1. Do not place the motorcycle in a lying position on its side. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the housing and engine components.
  2. Take measures to firmly secure the motorcycle. It is recommended to install tightening straps on each wheel to ensure complete immobility of the load. Make sure that all belts have the same tension. It is recommended to use special stands to prevent the motorcycle from rolling away. You can use wheel traps - structures that are screwed to the floor of a van or minibus. The simplest type of these devices has the shape of a curved pipe. The wheel is placed inside the structure and securely fixed. But when using a trap, there is a risk of damaging the brake discs. To securely fasten the case and not damage it, it is recommended to use special soft hinges. Another reliable means of securing equipment is strong cables.
  3. When loading, it is recommended that the motorcycle enter the van independently using a special attached or folding ramp. Unlike large, heavy vehicles, motor vehicles do not need to select a specific angle of inclination of the loading structure. In this case, it is necessary to comply with all safety regulations established regarding rigging work.

To ensure maximum fixation of the motorcycle, it is recommended to combine different devices, for example, traps and cables, stands and belts, etc. The position of the equipment should be monitored throughout the entire journey, periodically stopping and checking its immobility. It is recommended to maintain a low speed limit on the road.

Motorcycle packaging

To transport a motorcycle over long distances, it is important to take care of its packaging. It is recommended to use a lathing system, which will protect expensive equipment from external damage.

This packaging method requires the following steps:

  1. Wrap the vehicle with stretch film.
  2. Attach the motorcycle to the base with strap tape and spacers.
  3. Form a protective wooden frame that prevents the influence of external factors on the transported equipment.

We're getting ready for a long journey

Take with you:

-a foreign passport with a valid visa of the country you are traveling to, or a Schengen visa;


-money for a motorcycle and all related expenses (preferably dollars, since this is the most easily convertible currency);

-driver's license;

-a mobile phone with installed maps of Europe and a translator (connect roaming and put more money into your account so that you definitely have enough);

-motorcycle equipment;

Hello Europe! So, there you are. Of course, the seller must be notified in advance of your arrival. Maintain constant contact with the owner and inform him of your location and arrival date. So, the owner welcomed you with open arms, but don’t delude yourself, because the most important part of the purchase is ahead.

How to clear a motorcycle through customs. Features of the procedure

Customs clearance of motorcycles has a number of features and is associated with the need to know the requirements and nuances of the current legislation.

Customs clearance procedure

To carry out customs clearance of a motorcycle, you need:

  1. Contact the customs service at the place of registration of the new owner of the vehicle. Provide the institution’s employees with a package of necessary documents: passport, receipts for payment of the cost of equipment, purchase and sale agreement.
  2. Make a deposit in the amount of 41.6% of the cost of the equipment to the customs service account. This amount guarantees that the citizen has the ability to pay subsequent customs duties and complete the motorcycle documentation procedure.
  3. After making the deposit, receive a receipt and a guarantee certificate, which will allow you to import the vehicle into the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. When transporting equipment to Russia, provide the customs officer with a declaration, warranty certificate and other necessary documents.
  5. Wait for the results of checking the documents for their authenticity and correctness.
  6. Pay customs duties.

The PTS is issued to the motorcycle owner within a month.

Amount of customs payments for individuals and legal entities

The amount of customs payment depends on the following factors:

  • motorcycle cost;
  • payer status (individual or legal entity);
  • engine size and power;
  • weight and year of manufacture of the motorcycle;
  • engine's type.

If a motorcycle is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation by a resident of the country for personal use, the amount of customs duty is calculated at a rate of 30% of the declared value of the equipment.

If the vehicle was purchased for commercial purposes, for example for its subsequent resale, when determining the amount of payments, the rates provided for legal entities are applied. They consist of the following components:

  • customs duty – 18% of the cost of equipment;
  • VAT – 18%;
  • excise tax – 332 rubles. for 1 l. With. (if the engine power exceeds 150 hp).

Both individuals and legal entities are charged a fee for customs clearance of a vehicle in the amount of 250 rubles.

Cost confirmation

In order to confirm the cost of a motorcycle, receipts for payment for the purchase of the vehicle indicating its price are used. If customs officers consider these documents insufficient, they have the right to determine the cost of the equipment themselves based on data from foreign catalogues, for example Schwackeliste ZWEIRAD.

Cost of shipping a motorcycle from Germany

The main expenses incurred by the owner of a motorcycle during the delivery of equipment from Germany to Russia are payment:

  • customs duties;
  • brokerage services;
  • services for loading and transportation of equipment;
  • insurance policy.

The final cost of transportation is often equal to the price of the vehicle itself. This is especially true for new motorcycles with high-power engines.

To reduce costs, it is recommended to use the services of a company specializing in the delivery of goods from Germany. A qualified specialist will help to significantly reduce costs. Sometimes the savings are up to 50%.

Calculation of the cost of customs clearance of a motorcycle and making a deposit

In order to import a motorcycle into the Russian Federation, it is necessary to undergo “customs clearance”. This is a procedure for completing the necessary formalities that all cargo and vehicles crossing the customs border of the Russian Federation undergo. The procedure includes customs services, clearance and payment of duties. The provision of these services is carried out by a customs broker.

To find out the cost of customs clearance, you need to contact a customs broker for an estimate. As a rule, such brokers are located on the territory of the excise customs office in your region. To make the calculation, you will need the motorcycle data that you obtained from the seller. The cost of customs clearance of a motorcycle is calculated according to a special Schwacke catalog, which indicates its price in accordance with the year of manufacture. From this price, 44% is taken to pay customs duties. You will also need to pay for brokerage services, on average 18-25 thousand rubles. Don’t forget about the costs of crossing the border and pay for a temporary storage warehouse (temporary storage warehouse) - about 10 thousand rubles.

Note: if you purchased a motorcycle for 1000 euros, and the price in the catalog is 3000 euros, then customs clearance will be calculated from the catalog price, that is, from 3000 euros.

To go pick up a motorcycle, you first need to deposit money with the customs authority - this is the amount of customs clearance of your motorcycle, that same 44% of the catalog price.


Having successfully reached the border with Russia, you need to be patient - there is a long process of processing documents to cross the border ahead. You can figure out this process yourself, but it is better to contact customs declarants who, for an additional fee, will fill out all the necessary documents for you.

Note: to cross the border you need a foreign passport, a civil passport, documents confirming payment of the deposit, documents for a motorcycle, including insurance.

Excise customs

Having received all the necessary documents at the border, you can go home, where you will continue customs clearance of your motorcycle.

Here, at the temporary storage warehouse, the final stage of customs clearance awaits you, after which you will receive a PTS (vehicle passport). Thanks to the help of your customs broker, the customs clearance process will take 1-5 days. It is worth mentioning that parking your equipment at a temporary storage warehouse is paid - about $50 per day. And the money previously deposited will be used to pay customs duties. After completing the customs clearance procedure, you will receive the long-awaited PTS.

Note: in most cases, customs officers in the process of processing documents increase the cost of “customs clearance” and require an additional payment. Customs brokers are called upon to combat this, but they rarely succeed.

Is the game worth the candle?

Yes, definitely. But only on the condition that you perfectly understand what you are getting into and are ready for everything described above. If you have about two weeks of free time, then buying a motorcycle in Europe on your own will be an excellent opportunity for future “front-line tales” over a glass of beer among like-minded motorcyclists.

But remember that at the initial stage of planning a budget for a trip, you must immediately set aside an additional $1000-2000 for unforeseen expenses, for example, fines, incorrectly filled out documents, increased customs duties, etc.

So it’s up to you to decide: entrust the complex purchasing process (selection of a motorcycle, its diagnostics, customs clearance and delivery to your city) to professionals in this field, or... Take a risk and check everything from your own experience.

Let's hit the road!

The transaction was successful, the motorcycle suited you, everything was in order with the documents, and during the negotiations you managed to bring down the price? Great, then let's go! But remember that “Europe is not Russia.” Fines for trivial violations are not small at all. For example, the fine for driving with fog lights on in clear weather will be $50. What can we say about speeding?! Therefore, do not violate traffic rules, and your money will remain safe and sound.

It is also worth noting that in order to move around the European Union while driving, you must have transit insurance for a motorcycle.

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