Choose a modern M1nsk motorcycle - D4 125, X250 or SCR 250

RU-MOTO rating
  • Reliability
  • Chassis
  • Appearance
  • Comfort



The motorcycle is not distinguished by any special indicators of power, reliability, or individuality. At the same time, do not forget that the motorcycle has an affordable price. It is a technique suitable for trips to the country, to the forest, or leisurely driving in the city. Great as a first motorcycle.

Minsk D4 125 is a representative of the updated Belarusian model range. The model received an attractive design and a new four-stroke engine. Minsk D4 125 was developed and produced with the assistance of Chinese developers, which left a certain mark on the model - low cost, and, accordingly, mediocre reliability of many components.

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Motorcycle Minsk D4 125

Technical characteristics Minsk D4 125

The motorcycle has the following main technical characteristics:

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  • the weight of the unloaded model is 100 kg;
  • consumption 2.5 liters per 100 km on the highway;
  • engine – four-stroke;
  • the tank holds 12 liters;
  • gearbox – mechanical;
  • starter – electric;
  • brakes – disc/drum;
  • maximum speed 100 kilometers per hour.

The motorcycle reaches a maximum speed of 100 kilometers when carrying one passenger weighing no more than 120 kilograms.

Number of cycles4
Number of cylinders1
Working volume125 cm³
Maximum power10.5 hp at 8000 rpm
Intake typeCarburetor
Recommended fuelAI-92
Cooling systemAir
Starting systemElectric starter, kick starter
Gearbox typeMechanical
Number of gears5
ClutchMulti-disc, oil bath
main gearChain
Dimensions and weight
Length2100 mm
Width770 mm
Height1110 mm
Wheelbase1290 mm
Ground clearance210 mm
Dry weight100 kg
Fuel tank capacity12 l
Chassis and brakes
FrameSteel tubular
FrontTelescopic fork
RearPendulum with two shock absorbers
AheadDisc hydraulic
Performance characteristics
Maximum speed100 km/h
Fuel consumption
Urban cycle2.5 l/100 km
Country of OriginRepublic of Belarus

Advantages and disadvantages


  • High reliability of all main components. Despite the low price of the Minsk D4 125, there are practically no reviews about problems with the gearbox, engine or other important parts.
  • Light weight . The dry weight of the Minsk D4 125 is only 100 kg, and physically handling this bike is very easy.
  • Capacious gas tank of 12 liters . The motorcycle has a power reserve of 300-400 kilometers, depending on riding style and operating conditions.
  • High ground clearance - 21 centimeters. You can safely force obstacles like “collective farm” speed bumps made of asphalt.
  • High quality paintwork . It is not so easy to scratch the varnish and paint on the Minsk D4 125, which, in general, is not very typical for budget motorcycles.
  • Versatility . Thanks to its simple and even “oaky” design, the motorcycle is extremely durable, and it can handle even bad roads, especially if you install suitable tires on it.


  • Weak pendants . Under an overweight rider, the bike immediately sags noticeably.
  • Insufficiently informative and effective rear brake . The situation is partially saved by the very precise operation of the front brakes.
  • Vibrations at high speeds . They are strong enough to be annoying at times.

Spare parts and repairs

Of course, it is difficult to say that the new Minsk has inherited the reliability and unpretentiousness of its two-stroke ancestor, but it cannot be called bad either. The engine, although it is a Chinese design, works properly and, if used correctly, can demonstrate a good service life.

Minsk has long established itself as a national brand, and now it is trying to maintain its name.

Many consumables and spare parts can be easily found on the Internet at an affordable price. As for residents of the Republic of Belarus, there are purchasing options in MotoVelo stores.

The motorcycle has an extremely simple design, so almost any breakdown can be repaired in your own garage.

Similar models

  • Yamaha 125. Japanese, assembled in China, incredibly popular in many countries. Reliable, unpretentious and tenacious. Compared to the Minsk D4, it has only one drawback - a higher price.
  • Irbis GS 150. Inexpensive and popular Russian-Chinese small-capacity aircraft, which deservedly enjoys a good reputation.
  • Racer Triumph RC150 . Another “Chinese”, not particularly remarkable, but, according to reviews, quite good.


The motorcycle is not distinguished by any special indicators of power, reliability, or individuality. At the same time, do not forget that the motorcycle has an affordable price. It is a technique suitable for trips to the country, to the forest, or leisurely driving in the city. Great as a first motorcycle.

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Heart Minsk D4 125

Pet Minsk D4 125


took the right path, using the name of a well-known brand and being seriously concerned about quality control. Despite its Chinese origin, the Minsk D4 125 motorcycle is really reliable in operation, and with proper care there are no problems with it. It is also not difficult to find spare parts and consumables for it, since the manufacturer actively supports all produced motorcycles. So if you are looking for your first motorcycle, budget and simple in design, the Minsk D4 125 is worth taking a closer look at. This is not to say that it is better than all other 125 cc competitors, but it is better than many, that’s for sure, and reviews about it are mostly positive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The model has a lot of advantages, so it’s worth listing the main ones:

  • Low price (up to 45 thousand rubles depending on mileage and region of sale);
  • Good dynamic performance, among which it is worth noting power and maneuverability;
  • Stylish appearance, as well as the absence of the impression of a “budget” motorcycle;
  • Low fuel consumption with a large tank;
  • Comfortable fit;
  • Anti-slip seats;
  • Reliability of assembly;
  • Possibility of purchasing parts in almost all stores.

The model also has disadvantages, namely:

  • Passenger footrests welded to the swingarm;
  • Fuel sensor readings are inaccurate;
  • Lack of tachometer;
  • Poor place to store a set of tools;
  • On some individual motorcycles, the odometer does not work (the reason is poor quality assembly);
  • Sometimes minor problems with the carburetor are detected.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that repairs and tuning of the D4 125 model will cost the owners inexpensively, which is also an advantage of the motorcycle.

M1NSK D4 125: I have long wanted to kill him

Last season, the editorial team used the two-wheeled “horse” M1NSK C4 250, and by the middle of this season we received a new product for a long test - M1NSK D4 125. Dmitry Novitsky rode about 700 km on it, the running-in is almost completed - it’s time to sum up the interim results.

The family called the previous “horse” “horse” - they hadn’t seen the D4 125 yet! Compared to the Varadero and Transalp, the new M1NSK looks like a pony against the background of a bityug, but our Minsk trotters will also be, since the difference in price is colossal. 12 million 990 thousand rubles, and at some dealers you can find it a little cheaper. Total $1,260 for a new device with a one-year warranty. For that kind of money, what does the buyer get?

The main thing is that he gets a full-fledged motorcycle. The branded equivalent of the Yamaha YBR 125 costs about $3,000, so the price difference is obvious.

On the forums, many wrote that the appearance of the D4 125 is too outdated, this is the 21st century, the motorcycle should look more modern. For me - why? You still won’t get a sportbike for that kind of money. The “dashka” reminds me of the devices from childhood, which the three of us rode to a rural disco, nostalgia, everything is fine. At the same time, if you look closely: disc brake, electric engine start, fuel level sensor, lockable gas tank. A peppy four-stroke engine - from a technical point of view, the D4 125 is head and shoulders above the old “Makaca”.

Many people put D4 125 in devices for the village. This is not so: just look at the thin fork stays, the miniature rear shock absorbers and the thin frame, and the desire to ride three with a sack of potatoes instantly disappears. For the village, the Minsk range includes classics. By the way, the classic Minsk with a four-stroke engine costs more than a cheap car. It simply contains more iron, a greater safety margin, and is more expensive to produce. Therefore, for the village - “classics”, and for the city - “dashki”.

Well, okay, to hell with theoretical reasoning, let's move on to the driving program. Briefly, my break-in of the motorcycle can be described as follows: I have long wanted to kill it. If last year I carefully ran in the C4 250, shook over it, did not exceed the speed, then this year I did not give a damn about all the rules and regulations and gave full throttle from the first kilometer. So, I’ll check the quality of Chinese engines.

“Do not exceed the speed of 50 km/h, do not ride with a passenger...” - etc. and so on. I drove at full throttle around the city, drove along the roundabout at a maximum of 100 km/h, and with a run of 260 km, I sat down the other half and drove to the “Friendship” festival in the Chablis farm. It's almost two hours there, and the same time back. With full throttle and a speed of 85-95 km/h, depending on the terrain and wind strength.

To be honest, any Soviet engine could be thrown away after such a run-in: in my childhood there were a lot of Soviet bikes, and a rare engine could withstand long rides at maximum speed at +30°C with a passenger.

Chinese - no problem, just the exhaust pipe turned blue, that's all.

Consumption in the “heat, passenger and full throttle” mode was an unpleasant surprise: it turned out to be about 5 liters per 100 km. When I drive alone around the city, even in racing mode I get no more than 3 liters.

Therefore, the element of the “dashka” is the city, this bike has nothing special to do on the highway. I feel very comfortable in the city with the D4 125; I don’t need a larger bike. There will be more power - I’ll start driving “on the brow”, “accelerating”, this and that, but the ending is obvious. Immediately you roll and roll, the engine is enough to leave the traffic light first - and okay. Moreover, the motor is peppy: it spins willingly and pulls well. In terms of dynamics, it can be compared with a well-regulated Voskhod or an average killing IZH, and the “maximum speed” is reached very quickly: once and that’s it, already 100 km/h, the rev limit, the speed no longer increases.

Yes, I forgot to add: I also don’t go over speed bumps, but jump over them - the motorcycle is not mine, it’s a public one, why feel sorry for it? Let's see what happens next, but for now only the blue pipe reminds us of the operating mode.

Other problems? There were no problems. On the Internet, on forums, I constantly read that someone’s light bulbs have gone out, the contacts have come loose, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, but in this particular instance everything is fine. And the motorcycle was not assembled specifically for - it was sent to the editor with two “jambs”. Firstly, the speedometer cable was not secured - it fell out of the instrument panel after the very first kilometers. Secondly, the fastening of the front fork to the frame was pinched - the motorcycle could barely turn, it was impossible to ride. The cable was fixed, the fork was “released”.

So far these are all problems, otherwise everything works.

I changed the oil after the first 500 km. The instruction manual advises doing this after 300 km, but I drove a little extra. I poured out a liter of natural shit, very black. Therefore, I recommend to all owners the first oil change after 100-200 km - it will be healthier for the engine.

In the process of changing the oil, I was glad about the cost of maintenance: a liter of oil for 80,000 rubles - that’s all for now. At 1000 km we will do a full maintenance, take it apart and see what’s going on where.

So far I can say that after running 500-600 km the motorcycle rode better. Gear shifts are clearer, smoother, the engine picks up speed faster, etc. and so on. — I advise all M1NSK buyers to first test the equipment and then give ratings. The behavior before and after running in is strikingly different.

And I have fun driving around the city. Sorry for the “motor shorts” and “motor shirt” - I was not prepared for a photo shoot according to all the rules in my equipment. At +30°C I sometimes drive around the city like this. It's hot, hot, hot in motorcycle pants and a jacket. Sorry.

What can I say after several weeks in the saddle? The optimal city bike. What can you buy for this money? A “killed” branded scooter or an overly Chinese bike. The M1NSK is also not assembled from English spare parts, but our brand, our assembly, and the factory address is known. Therefore, the “buyer-seller-dashka” relationship will be an excellent replacement for a scooter. At the same time, there is no need to huddle behind trolleybuses as a powerful replacement.

Yes, and the D4 125 is harmonious. I rode a lot on Indian bikes a la Bajaj, many of them were “clumsy”: it seemed to work, but there was no pleasure. The D4 125 is balanced: driver friendly, rides like it looks. Therefore, it is very good as a school desk for a beginner. Or for a man with a family and children, whose wife simply will not allow him to buy a powerful device.

Operation continues! And with family struggle and dialogue:

— Maybe we should buy one for the family?

- For what? They let you ride anyway...

But soon I will give up my place in the saddle to Alexei Khvoshchinsky. He will ride a D4 125 to pass the category “A” test, and at the same time he will tell you what it’s like to become an “official” motorcyclist.


Notes in the margins

The D4 125 has two steps: side and central. The central one is not clear why it is needed - in all cases the side one is enough. But the fact of its presence is pleasant.

For its class and price, the motorcycle is well equipped: a daily mileage counter, a separate button to “blink” the high beams, and a fuel level sensor in the tank.

The gas tank is locked with a key - also a big plus.

The front disc brake compared to the “drum” of the old Minsk is like heaven and earth. There are no complaints about the effectiveness of deceleration, because the motorcycle does not accelerate to super speeds.

I really like the tires with the classic Soviet pattern: they are made in Serbia, they hold the asphalt well, and most importantly, they don’t succumb to sand. A universal protector, no need to change to something better.

The front mudguard needs to be raised. The distance between it and the wheel is measured in millimeters; there will be problems in the mud. Therefore, the plant needs to finalize this unit first. And there is no protection from splashes and dirt - everything flies to your feet.

The front fork is rather weak: the stays are thin and it “falls through” under heavy braking. But the ride is smooth, and thank you for that.

Another minus is that the low beam is rather weak. Outside the city at night I drive with a distant driver: sorry, colleagues, but it’s scary on a nearby one.

On the plus side, there is a kickstarter. We checked: it’s easy to start the motorcycle with your foot.

There is some kind of trunk at the back. But a case is very welcome here, fortunately dealers have them for sale.

On the Internet, some people wonder why the rear pegs are screwed to the swingarm, they say, it’s inconvenient. My passenger didn’t say anything about the inconvenience, although we drive off good roads.

The rear suspension is not suitable for overload: on the highway, when two people are driving, there is swaying, but what happens if there are three passengers?

An open chain also hints at urban use: either replace it with an expensive and high-quality one, or don’t drive in mud

A sight glass is a good idea for monitoring the oil level. The window is duplicated with a plastic probe.

The carburetor says: Standard of Japan.

Vin number is Belarusian, Minsk, ours.

M1nsk X 250

The most popular motorcycle today from the Belarusian manufacturer-assembler is the M1nsk X 250. An aggressive-looking light enduro with a 250 cc engine, as they often write about the volume.
In this class, the motorcycle is distinguished by its low price and stylish design; the only direct competitor of the model is the ZiD-250, which, by the way, costs a little less.

Externally, the M1nsk X 250 looks modern, but technically it is a bike from the 1980s. By the way, aggressive appearance often plays bad jokes on new owners. They start jumping from hills and jumps, using the Belarusian Chinese as a full-fledged enduro.

M1nsk X 250 is a light version of an SUV. It is suitable for trips in the forest, field, etc., but on special enduro trails it will not last long.

The engine here is single-cylinder. The working volume is 223 cubic centimeters, so the model was proudly called “X 250”. The motor is a copy of an old Honda engine from the 1970s and 80s. Almost all Chinese motorcycles are equipped with such units. Power 16.3 l. With. speed 110 km/h.

A few stickers and the look has changed! Photo:

The five-speed gearbox works smoothly, although loudly. The fork is no different in rigidity; you at least need to change the oil in it. Ideally, install a unit from a Japanese bike if you plan to actively ride off-road.

The chain here is traditional for Chinese motorcycles - “plasticine”, so it’s better to install a high-quality one if you don’t want to tighten it every 1,000 km and change it after 5. Disc brakes front and rear, not to say that they are powerful, but for a small-sized vehicle they are enough . I would like to note the LED optics and the USB port.

The official fuel consumption of the M1nsk X 250 is stated at 3 liters per 100 km. In fact, it is larger - about 4.5-5 liters. off-road. In the city you can actually fit in 3.5 liters.

The main advantages of the motorcycle:

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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