To push or not to push: starting a motorcycle in an unusual situation

Sometimes the motorcycle simply refuses to start when you turn the key - most often this happens when cold weather sets in or after a long period of parking. Beginners in such a situation often begin to panic, but experienced bikers first check the condition of the vehicle, and then use one of the backup methods of starting the engine. Everyone should know about them, since any equipment is prone to breakdowns and may refuse to start at the least opportune moment. Understanding how to start a motorcycle in an emergency will at least help you get to a specialized service center where you can repair your two-wheeled vehicle.

How to start a motorcycle in winter

For true fans of traveling on two wheels, a motorcycle is not just an ordinary means of transportation, but also the meaning of life, a separate philosophy.
In this regard, it is not surprising that some motorcyclists ride bikes in winter. Many people are familiar with the problem when the bike does not start after a long period of inactivity. Especially in frosty weather. A decrease in temperature adversely affects how the motorcycle engine starts, the clutch and other mechanisms operate. Experts note that the requirements for the quality of motorcycle operation in winter increase significantly. In the summer you can close your eyes to some errors, but in the cold season this is unacceptable. How to start a motorcycle correctly in winter?

Basic requirements for a motorcycle in winter:

  • The engine should start easily in any weather.
  • Since the battery will discharge faster due to cold temperatures, it must be fully charged at least once a week.
  • The oil should be taken more liquid , since under the influence of temperatures, it tends to become thicker. Alternatively, you can dilute the oil with a small amount of kerosene. With the arrival of spring, the oil will need to be replaced with regular oil.
  • The cables must be generously lubricated as they may freeze. It is better to use lubricant with silicone.
  • If the design of the motorcycle provides for the presence of casings for the carburetor, they must be installed in winter. This will reduce the amount of snow that will get into the carburetor, and then melt and freeze in the cold.
  • It has been proven in practice that any serviceable engine starts well at temperatures down to -15°C. With lower temperatures, starting a motorcycle in winter can be quite difficult. In this case, the crankcase should not be heated. It would be better to warm up the candle.
  • For winter, it is better to adjust the engine a little. You can enrich the mixture a little by raising the carburetor needle.
  • You should always have a spare candle with you.

Starting a motorcycle in winter, especially if it has been sitting in the garage for several months, is quite problematic. The problem may lie in the fuel or ignition system. Many people do not drain the gas tank when it is idle, and then wonder why the vehicle does not start. The problem is obvious - gasoline tends to stagnate. Fans of winter trips should play it safe in advance and refill the fuel.

How does starting in the cold happen?

People have to use an iron horse even in the cold season. It doesn't always start. What to do? How to start a scooter in this situation?

To do this, you need to refuel with fresh gasoline and change the oil to synthetic. The latter is distinguished by the fact that it does not thicken in the cold. And it’s better to start your iron horse using a kickstarter rather than an electric starter. How to do this was described in the previous sections of the article.

Also, after the engine starts, you should give a little more gas than usual. The actions taken will ensure that the scooter does not stall. If it still doesn’t start and stalls, you should try heating the oil with a blowtorch.

If all the described conditions are met, the engine should start at a temperature of -19 degrees. After the start, the iron horse needs to warm up for 15 minutes. After that, you can safely go along your route.

How to properly start a motorcycle from a pushrod

Many people have encountered the problem of how to start a motorcycle if the battery is dead, not only in the winter, but also in the main season. Push starting involves pushing the motorcycle forward until the engine with the transmission connected starts automatically.

Before starting the motorcycle this way, you should make sure that the reason is a dead battery or problems with the starter. The fuel indicator must be checked carefully. Perhaps the reason lies in the lack of gasoline in the tank - a banal oversight, but anything can happen.

The bike may not start if the fuel valve is closed , if the side stand is lowered, or if the ignition is turned off. Another reason could be a lack of spark and many other technical failures. If any of the items listed above are present, there is no point in starting the engine using a pushrod. It's a waste of time and effort.

List of steps on how to start a motorcycle from a pusher:

  1. It is necessary to install first or second gear. Most often it is necessary to set it to second gear.
  2. The clutch needs to be depressed. Then you can start pushing the bike. Many instructions indicate that the motorcycle must be accelerated to at least 8 km/h. This requires quite a lot of space. Alternatively, find a descent and slide down. Physical costs with this method are minimal. You just need to control the trajectory of the bike. Management control should be minimal.
  3. Having gained speed, you need to release the clutch and press the gas. After the engine has started, depress the clutch.
  4. To prevent the engine from stalling again, you need to add speed.
  5. The motorcycle is ready to ride. If the cause of the malfunction was a dead battery, it will charge while driving.

It will be easier to start the engine if you push the bike well and engage a higher gear. If using the above method does not help, and you have little experience in performing repair work, it is better not to risk it and send the bike to a specialized workshop.

How to start a motor without a moped | Alpha moped wiring repair | Moped Alpha Replacing the WIRING ON THE MOPEDA

At first glance, this may seem strange, but some owners of scooters and mopeds can use them without a battery. Knowing how to start a scooter without a battery can be very helpful. After all, any owner of such a vehicle may find himself in a situation where it does not start: for example, if the battery is dead and it simply does not have enough energy to turn the starter. We’ll try to figure out whether it’s possible to ride scooters without batteries, and we’ll also learn about ways to start mopeds when the battery is dead.

To push or not to push: starting a motorcycle in an unusual situation

Sometimes the motorcycle simply refuses to start when you turn the key - most often this happens when cold weather sets in or after a long period of parking. Beginners in such a situation often begin to panic, but experienced bikers first check the condition of the vehicle, and then use one of the backup methods of starting the engine. Everyone should know about them, since any equipment is prone to breakdowns and may refuse to start at the least opportune moment. Understanding how to start a motorcycle in an emergency will at least help you get to a specialized service center where you can repair your two-wheeled vehicle.

Where is the battery located on a moped and how to connect it?

Now that we know how to start a scooter without a battery, it will be useful to think about where the battery is located on a moped. After all, it’s not worth driving for a long time without it, in any case. It is better to understand this in advance so that in the future you will know how to connect the battery yourself.

If you received a moped without a battery, before purchasing, carefully measure the niche in which the battery should be located. Only then go to the store for a power source. As a last resort, you can start a moped using one of the above methods, come to the store directly on it, and the seller will definitely select the right model for you.

Connecting the battery must be started so that the terminals, when placed in a niche, are located as close as possible to the wires. If the wires come out from the left, install the battery, turning the terminals to the left.

Now take two nuts (they are usually square) and two bolts, which should be included with each battery. The nuts need to be inserted into the terminals and “tightened” with bolts. After that, find the red ones among the wires: one is thin and the other is thick. Their ends are connected to each other by a terminal - this is the positive pole. The green or black wire will definitely be the negative pole.

Connect the wires correctly: minus to minus, and plus to plus. Now check the operation of the moped: if everything is connected correctly, the motor will start.

Preliminary diagnosis

Before using one of the methods for starting the engine in an unusual situation, you should check the serviceability of the motorcycle. The main thing is to check whether there is gasoline in the tank, since the fuel consumption of two-wheeled vehicles can vary greatly depending on the riding style and some bikers do not have time to monitor the availability of fuel. It is useless to look at the sensor, since it often malfunctions. The best way is to unscrew the tank cap and look inside to make sure there is fuel.

To start a motorcycle after a long period of inactivity, you need to make sure that fuel can reach the engine. The fuel system pipes must be in place, the carburetor caps must be closed, and the fuel tap must be open. The ignition must be turned on, since the engine will not be able to start without firing the spark plug. Also remember if there have been any symptoms of engine failure recently - strange knocking noises at high speeds, a sudden stop in fuel supply, and others.

Before starting the engine, perform one more small check:

  • The footrest must be raised;
  • The key is turned to the working position;
  • Neutral gear must be selected.

If everything is normal, you can begin the procedure. Try not to lose control of the motorcycle while starting the engine, as this often leads to disastrous consequences.

Can a car battery be used to charge a motorcycle battery?

Almost all modern automobile and motorcycle transport systems are equipped with a 12-volt operating voltage. Only the battery capacity differs. Experienced motorcyclists believe that it is possible to use a car battery to recharge a motorcycle battery. The capacity of a car battery is usually higher, which means there is more energy reserve. With the same operating voltage, you just need to carry out the procedure correctly and make sure not to burn the starter from prolonged cranking.

If you take the necessary precautions, the procedure itself will not cause any difficulties:

  1. You need to park the car so that the battery cables are long enough for the motorcycle battery.
  2. Before lighting, turn off the car engine by turning off the ignition.
  3. Connect the battery to the motorcycle battery terminals. The wires must not come into contact with parts of the vehicles or with each other!

Usually 20-30 minutes of work is enough to recharge a motorcycle battery in this way.

During charging, gas is released from the battery, so it is forbidden to smoke, adjust clamps, or use a lighter - any spark is explosive!

Motorcyclists are often interested in the question: is it possible to recharge a bike battery from a car battery charger? If the battery capacities of both vehicles are the same, as a rule, no difficulties arise and it is permissible to use one charger.

In the case of different battery capacities, so that the plates do not overheat during the accelerated process, the current power of the charger should be regulated and be at the level of 1/10 of that of a motorcycle battery. This will save the operating life of the latter.

A little effort

The classic way to start the engine when there is no battery charge is with a pusher. It is used by bikers of all ages and nationalities as this method is effective for all manual transmission motorcycles. Unfortunately, the latest technology with semi-automatic and robotic transmissions cannot be started in this way - you can only damage its expensive components.

A motorcycle with a low compression ratio or with an engine capacity of up to 350 cubic centimeters can be started from a pushrod yourself. But modern Japanese sportbikes or choppers with huge engines will require a lot of effort - so you will have to find an assistant. If you are in a remote area where you cannot expect help, try to find a slope at least 100 meters long - this will make solving the problem much easier.

Complex issue

Every motorcyclist can experience such a nuisance as losing the ignition key. It is very easy to solve such a problem using domestic technology. You need to take two nails and solder them together to get a T-shaped handle. The base should be flattened with a hammer or a vice to obtain a thin, wide plate. All that remains is to insert it into the lock to start the two-wheeled vehicle without a key.

However, the problem may not be the loss of the key, but the breakdown of the vehicle. It is necessary to completely remove the ignition switch and directly connect the wires responsible for starting the engine. Which ones exactly depend on the motorcycle model, year of manufacture, as well as the availability of tuning components. In order not to take risks over trifles, review the instructions for the motorcycle in advance and look through the pages of specialized forums on the Internet. Be careful - if you accidentally connect the wrong wires, you will have to change the fuse, which will probably blow.

It is also possible to start the vehicle using a kickstarter. You need to make sure that the wires responsible for the ignition are connected to each other, but do not touch the cable that is responsible for automatic starting. After this, the motorcycle starts with a strong blow to the kickstarter pedal - usually 3-5 attempts are enough to get results. However, this option is only suitable for small-capacity vehicles - on motorcycles with an engine capacity of more than 250 cubic centimeters, there is usually no kickstarter.

If you need to start without an ignition switch on modern technology, it is better to go straight to a specialized workshop, since you will have to deal with the electronic immobilizer. However, it is possible to start such a motorcycle, although you will need a special device - an immobilizer bypass. It is installed under the ignition switch or instead of it, depending on the model of the device and the motorcycle. The electronics are turned off, and your only task is to choose the right wires to connect.

Why won't my scooter start with the button?

This situation is also common. If the scooter starts with the kickstarter instead of the button, then the problem is in the main fuse. It is located in the battery compartment. To check its serviceability you need a multimeter.

This device should be set to DC voltage measurement mode. Note the voltage results before and after the fuse. It must remain unchanged. If it drops or increases by a few volts, the fuse will need to be replaced.

The problem may not only be this, but also the engine starting circuit. Here the integrity of the connecting wiring is compromised. In order to deal with this type of problem, you will need an electrical diagram of this circuit. In addition, you need to be able to read it correctly. Therefore, in this case, you should contact an experienced specialist.

When I put the handle to the floor on the footrest, the speed picks up and then, not very quickly, drops and hangs at a certain level. What could it be? Not a carburetor? If you think it's the exhaust pipe, then I have it clean))

It is very easy to lose the key to a scooter or any other motorcycle, and if there is no duplicate, you need to know how to start a scooter without an ignition key and what is needed for this. If you lose the key, for security reasons you will need to replace the ignition switch with a new one, which will come with the keys. In situations where the code is lost on the road and there is still a long journey ahead, the question arises as to how you can start the scooter without an ignition key to reach your destination. Different types of scooters have slightly different ignition switches, so starting methods may vary slightly.

Winter way

Not all owners of two-wheeled vehicles refuse to drive them in the cold season. However, starting an engine with a high compression ratio becomes a real pain at low ambient temperatures. Therefore, experienced motorcyclists advise using a method that has been proven for decades.

To understand how to properly start a motorcycle in winter, you need to choose the appropriate chemical. It is most often sold under the name “Starting Ether” or “Starting Fluid”. The liquid is supplied in spray cans, which make it easier to get it into the desired area of ​​the fuel system. It should be applied directly to the surface of the filter element - it can be located next to the carburetor or under the motorcycle tank. It is not necessary to tighten all the bolts after the first attempt, since this may not be the only one.

After applying ether to the fuel filter, try to start it normally, using the starter, or by accelerating the motorcycle yourself and putting it in gear. To start the engine, you will need 2-3 attempts - if the engine does not show signs of life after the third time, it can be considered faulty with a 99% probability. Be very careful - you are allowed to use ether 1-2 times during the winter season, since its use accelerates engine wear several times. It is much better to pre-warm the motorcycle in a warm garage, starting it at normal fuel and metal components temperature.

If you need to start the motorcycle after a long period of inactivity, you should first drain the gasoline and wash the carburetors. On vehicles with electronic injection control, it is also recommended to clean the injectors, since they may contain remnants of a mixture that has long since become non-flammable. To prevent this from happening, before storing it, you should fill the tank with a special liquid, which is called a fuel stabilizer. Be extremely careful, since a regular bottle is enough for 1-3 full car tanks, and excessive concentration of such a chemical compound in fuel can lead to motorcycle engine damage. It is also worth removing the battery before winter storage, storing it in a warm place and recharging it every 2-3 weeks, so that later the motorcycle has enough charge to start the engine using the starter.

What to do to prevent the battery from draining?

To extend the life of the battery, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary care and storage. A motorcycle battery requires regular recharging. This must be done from time to time, even if the battery is not used and is lying on the rack. Depending on how high the level of self-discharge of the battery is, this procedure on average needs to be carried out at least once every 1.5 months, and sometimes more often.

If your motorcycle battery is draining quickly, there could be several reasons for this. It is possible to start a motorcycle without a battery, but this method does not always work. There are several ways to revive a dead battery, including recharging it from a car battery or charger.

Lighting a cigarette (starting the engine from an external power source) is possible if absolutely necessary and only with a known good but slightly discharged battery. If there is any doubt about the performance of the battery, we recommend replacing it with a new one and fully charging the discharged one. The battery should be charged with a current of 10 percent of the battery capacity. That is, the battery capacity is 20 ampere hours, we charge with a current of no more than 2 amperes for approximately 9-10 hours.

Why can’t you start a motorcycle using its original battery if it’s dead? Let's consider several options - sulfation of the plates, the plates become covered with lead dioxide, the reaction is no longer reversible, capacity is lost and the battery stops charging. — The plates are destroyed and a short circuit may occur between them. - Boiling water. Without an oxidizing environment, the battery stops working - it loses its ability to release and accumulate energy.

The listed symptoms can lead to damage to the motorcycle electronics after starting the engine.

I will tell you more about the design, types and operating principle of motor batteries in the next article.

Motorcycles, like other equipment (cars, ATVs, buggies, motor boats) must be powered from batteries, boosters or wired jumpers that match the rated voltage of the on-board network. For example, the on-board voltage is 12 volts, so we use a 12 volt booster to help start.

In systems designed to work with a battery, disconnecting the battery during operation or starting with a faulty battery is not permissible. In such systems, the battery acts as a surge protector, equalizing and stabilizing the voltage. While the motor is running, the voltage should fluctuate from 12.5 to 14.5 volts. If you disconnect the terminals from the battery while the motorcycle is running, there will be a sharp increase in voltage to 16 volts or higher, which can lead to failure of the electronic control systems (engine control unit, relay regulator, electronic instrument panel, ABS unit, and so on).

Many customers ask the question: is it possible to light a motorcycle from a car?

Yes. It is possible, but you must remember that starting the engine from an external power source is done at your own peril and risk. Used in extreme cases.

The connection must be made in parallel, that is, we connect the wires “+” to plus, “-” to minus. To avoid sudden power surges, we make the connection with the ignition of the car and motorcycle turned off (if possible, turn off the entire load). When the wires are connected, start the car for 10-15 minutes to recharge the motorcycle battery. We start the motorcycle engine with the car turned off, using the energy of the car battery. In this case, we protected ourselves as much as possible from possible problems.

The motorcycle engine has started and returned to normal operation; the wires should not be disconnected for some time. The voltage on a discharged battery may not be enough to maintain stable engine operation. In this case, the engine will stall.

This lighting technology is used for all types of equipment: motorcycles, ATVs (quad bikes), buggies, cars, jet skis….

If, after charging the battery or connecting an external power source, the starter turns well, but the engine still does not start. So it’s not just a matter of lack of energy! You can find the fault on your own, some of the methods are described in the article “How to start a motorcycle after a long stay ,” or contact us for help .

I want to buy a motorcycle battery to put in the trunk as a spare. I'm considering AGM because... resistant to tipping and leakage.

The idea is that if the main one dies (let’s say you forgot to turn something off and it ran out of charge overnight, far in the forest), then connect a spare one in parallel and start the car. All I found on this topic: “according to the battery workers, the starter will turn 10-12 times.”

The problem is that there are many different types of batteries for motorcycles. For example, we liked the price of Delta batteries. There are from 50A / 1.5kg to 300A / 9.5kg. Given the weight of the latter, it’s easier to carry a full-fledged car. But I don’t think the easiest thing is enough. The question is, how much is enough? What is the optimal combination of weight and inrush current for this situation?

Choosing the right method

You can start a motorcycle using various methods, but it is worth remembering that all of them, from starting at speed to using starting ether, harm the engine. If we talk about removing the ignition switch and independently connecting the wires to each other, then in this case there is a very high probability of a short circuit with dire consequences for electrical and electronics. Therefore, you should first find out if there are other options, for example, recharging the battery, taking a spare key, or contacting a specialized workshop. It is also not recommended to install various devices that bypass the motorcycle security system or move wires outside. If you can use them, then the motorcycle will be easily stolen by criminals who always target such easy prey.

The motorcycle does not start and the muffler shoots

This also happens: the bike completely refuses to start and makes “shooting” sounds. This result is caused by improper care of the ignition system, the use of low-quality gasoline, breakdown of the electronics that regulate the supply of gasoline, and fuel accumulation in the muffler. And this is not just about the aesthetic impression of your car. If you drive for a long time with a dirty carburetor or on bad gasoline, the compression of the engine cylinders will be disrupted, which will lead to engine failure.

  • We check whether the pipes and exhaust tract are sealed (air enters the system through the cracks).
  • We clean the air filters and carburetor.
  • We look at the candles and, if necessary, dry them or replace them with new ones.
  • Let's find out if the fuel supply is obstructed.

If you have a rev limiter, part of the fuel-air mixture enters the exhaust system, where it ignites from the hot metal. This effect is used by the creators of shows in which bikes have flames flying out of the exhaust pipe.

To prevent problems with starting the engine, check the level of oil, brake fluid, and antifreeze before driving. Leaky connections can allow moisture to get inside, which is the main cause of rust. Store the bike with a full tank of fuel, otherwise it will cause condensation. Before long-term storage, remove the battery and leave it charged in a cool place at above-zero temperatures. And remember, most often the reason for the engine’s reluctance to start is the inattention of its owner.

How to learn to ride a motorcycle from scratch?

Nowadays, the motorcycle is not inferior in popularity, and in some ways it has even surpassed the car. Men and women want to have this light, fast, elegant means of transportation, and the romance of free roads along which you can rush into the sunset excites even staunch hearts. But to drive the motorcycle of your dreams, you need to have certain skills and abilities. We'll talk about them.

Motorcycle control. Basic moments

In order to ride a motorcycle safely, you first need to learn how to sit on it correctly. Typically, this is done by adjusting the steering wheel so that the body leans slightly forward and the knees squeeze the fuel tank. Despite the fact that it seems more correct, sitting with a straight back is unsafe due to the unevenness of the road.

It is better for novice motorcycle drivers to start driving without starting the engine and choose an open area to accelerate. In order to start moving you need:

  1. Press the clutch lever;
  2. Activate transfer;
  3. Turn the throttle control, slightly release the clutch lever and add gas.

During acceleration training, it is recommended to master hill acceleration as a last resort. Learn to accelerate gradually, increasingly reducing clutch slip.

Sit on the motorcycle so that your right foot is planted on the ground while your left foot remains free to change gears. Then determine the clutch engagement point; this is done by slowly lowering the lever. You will feel the moment when the bike is ready to accelerate, and next time lower the lever to that point.

Now is the time to turn up the throttle by a third and, as the bike starts to move, slowly release the clutch. Now you can speed up and enjoy the ride.

Switching gears

Up is a high gear, down is a lower gear.

  1. Shift into top gear, reduce the speed, thereby lowering the engine speed, and depress the clutch, then engage another gear and release pressure on the clutch. Immediately add gas and increase engine speed. When changing gears, the cycle repeats.
  2. To shift down, you first need to slow down, press the clutch, engage a lower gear and add gas again. If desired, the motorcycle can even be stopped before switching.

To stop, you need to gradually slow down, shifting gears to first, squeezing the clutch. Use the rear brake, but don't think that using it is enough. Start stopping there, then move to the front one. It is also important to calculate the braking so that the braking distance is not too long.

Some safety measures when riding a motorcycle are simply necessary:

  • Don't drive. Driving slowly will allow you to become more familiar with the controls.
  • Train in large, uninhabited areas.
  • When entering a busy highway, be aware of other traffic.
  • It is better not to drive in dangerous weather.
  • Keep your distance from cars ahead.

Tags: battery, battery

Comments 37

I have the opposite situation, my car has a motorcycle 18 A/h in a box on the roof, I throw all possible consumers at it. When it is discharged, there is a reason to start the car, the relay is immediately activated and power comes from the main battery and from the generator, that is, a small battery is charged in an hour (although I have never run it down to zero, because I use an LED carrier for the night There is only enough light near the tent) And this is why it’s good, a large Akum costs 8000 rubles, a small one is free from the fire system power supply. After 4-5 deep discharges, the main battery will no longer start in the winter, and if the small one dies, you can always replace it (for me, of course, for free, but it also costs 1500)

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if it is 18 A/h, from the fire and costs 1500, then it is not a motorcycle, or the motorcycle is not a starter one (does not like high currents)

So it doesn’t produce large currents, if you need to tuck in the compressor (or something else), I always start the car, of course it eats its toll, but somehow it’s not a pity.) Regarding the fact that this is not a motorcycle, you’re right, they’re similar only in size, but so it is maintenance-free and looks very Chinese.)

I have the opposite situation, my car has a motorcycle 18 A/h in a box on the roof, I throw all possible consumers at it. When it is discharged, there is a reason to start the car, the relay is immediately activated and power comes from the main battery and from the generator, that is, a small battery is charged in an hour (although I have never run it down to zero, because I use an LED carrier for the night There is only enough light near the tent) And this is why it’s good, a large Akum costs 8000 rubles, a small one is free from the fire system power supply. After 4-5 deep discharges, the main battery will no longer start in the winter, and if the small one dies, you can always replace it (for me, of course, for free, but it also costs 1500)

You save the resource of the main battery. I don't have such overnight consumers. I just want to protect myself in case of an accidental discharge. In general, your idea is not bad, but I don’t want to redo the wiring right now.

And you don’t need to do anything with standard wiring, you just supply power to the small battery through the ignition relay.

You save the resource of the main battery. I don't have such overnight consumers. I just want to protect myself in case of an accidental discharge. In general, your idea is not bad, but I don’t want to redo the wiring right now.

As for the rest, you need to replace all the internal combustion light bulbs with LED ones, dimensions and interior lighting, then the main one will definitely not go off, even if you forget to turn off the light bulb in the cabin.) in this regard, in foreign cars, of course, it’s done well, turning off the ignition, nothing works, nothing mafon, light bulbs.)

It’s clear about connecting the battery. But changing all the light bulbs and turning off consumers is a different story. Maybe I'll do it later

As for the rest, you need to replace all the internal combustion light bulbs with LED ones, dimensions and interior lighting, then the main one will definitely not go off, even if you forget to turn off the light bulb in the cabin.) in this regard, in foreign cars, of course, it’s done well, turning off the ignition, nothing works, nothing mafon, light bulbs.)

+1. I also replaced all interior + dimensions + turns with LED ones. but this does not exclude force majeure, for example, with a car refrigerator on Kola left turned on at night))

Chirkan - I also thought about taking the second one as an emergency reserve. At first I thought about a full-size one - in order to be able to weld with electric arc welding on-site from two batteries. but because on the road, rarely in one car, more often than not, two or three - in principle, there is almost always a second battery for both welding and lighting, in addition, the main disadvantage is the huge weight and space taken up. Taking into account the fact that free space in the SNG is a BIG problem, in general the disadvantages outweighed, then I thought in the direction of reducing weight and size - i.e. take motorcycle ones. I’ve already tried it on and agreed to try starting it with him... but! in the winter, when there was a problem with starting the puzoter, sleeping under the house on the street, I was looking for how to solve the problem with starting it in the morning... and even bought a spare battery, but literally by chance the following device caught my eye: 1 - theoretically, it can start the car even without a battery (at least the Ketai puzoterki in the cabin start, judging by the video - although they are probably warmed up there)) - in parallel if you put it in parallel with the main discharged one (and the instructions say that this is the only way to do it) - then it starts completely without problems - it was also tested in Kola when the main battery was discharged due to an oversight and after that it started it several times locally - a natural power bank - i.e. In addition to the starting 12V, it also supplies 5 and 12V for other consumers. those. charging mobile phones, radio stations while traveling, powering laptops, car refrigerators, etc. - SIZE! It fits easily into a backpack and weighs nothing. - can be charged both from 220V and from the cigarette lighter - i.e. the ability to charge in the field, which won’t work with a motorcycle or car without additional dances with a tambourine - they write that it can start the car 10-15 times in exactly the same way. Honestly, I haven’t tried it, but we’ll probably try it sometime with a discharged main disadvantage: - fairly high self-discharge rate - in two weeks the charge on it can sag, i.e. you need to periodically recharge on the road so that there is maximum possible charging and efficiency

STANDART 44.4 Wh I remember cost 3500 rubles

Is this crap lithium? Otherwise, one cannot believe in such a capacity at such a size.

In cold weather there will most likely be problems. lithium freezes in winter and loses capacity.

so storage is at home, not in the car in winter)

like, if it didn’t start in the morning, did you take it out of the house and light it? How about fishing somewhere?

a) yes, I left the house and lit the car under the windows - and in my hands you carry a light case with wires and crocodiles, and not dragging a full-fledged battery with further manipulation of the wires for lighting b) when fishing, the case is also in the car, and not over the sides - and it’s warm there. in case of long periods of inactivity, I additionally hid the case in a regular winter hat, but also kept it in the car; c) I didn’t conduct any tests, but I think it won’t run out of charge within 24 hours. although maybe I’ll experiment in the winter d) the Internet is already full of Russian tests of these devices, not only from the Chinese d) this KARKU office, as I understand from the pictures from the competition, is one of the sponsors of such events, and I think if there was complete g... but, then “fame” among SUVs would quickly spread through the websites))

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Chirkan - I also thought about taking the second one as an emergency reserve. At first I thought about a full-size one - in order to be able to weld with electric arc welding on-site from two batteries. but because on the road, rarely in one car, more often than not, two or three - in principle, there is almost always a second battery for both welding and lighting, in addition, the main disadvantage is the huge weight and space taken up. Taking into account the fact that free space in the SNG is a BIG problem, in general the disadvantages outweighed, then I thought in the direction of reducing weight and size - i.e. take motorcycle ones. I’ve already tried it on and agreed to try starting it with him... but! in the winter, when there was a problem with starting the puzoter, sleeping under the house on the street, I was looking for how to solve the problem with starting it in the morning... and even bought a spare battery, but literally by chance the following device caught my eye: 1 - theoretically, it can start the car even without a battery (at least the Ketai puzoterki in the cabin start, judging by the video - although they are probably warmed up there)) - in parallel if you put it in parallel with the main discharged one (and the instructions say that this is the only way to do it) - then it starts completely without problems - it was also tested in Kola when the main battery was discharged due to an oversight and after that it started it several times locally - a natural power bank - i.e. In addition to the starting 12V, it also supplies 5 and 12V for other consumers. those. charging mobile phones, radio stations while traveling, powering laptops, car refrigerators, etc. - SIZE! It fits easily into a backpack and weighs nothing. - can be charged both from 220V and from the cigarette lighter - i.e. the ability to charge in the field, which won’t work with a motorcycle or car without additional dances with a tambourine - they write that it can start the car 10-15 times in exactly the same way. Honestly, I haven’t tried it, but we’ll probably try it sometime with a discharged main disadvantage: - fairly high self-discharge rate - in two weeks the charge on it can sag, i.e. you need to periodically recharge on the road so that there is maximum possible charging and efficiency

STANDART 44.4 Wh I remember cost 3500 rubles

Interesting option. I'll think about it this way. But I think this is a less reliable method.

Maximum reliability - second AGM battery. but I can’t afford such luxury in terms of space in the car) and I use this weight due to its versatility

agree. I feel sorry for the place too

Chirkan - I also thought about taking the second one as an emergency reserve. At first I thought about a full-size one - in order to be able to weld with electric arc welding on-site from two batteries. but because on the road, rarely in one car, more often than not, two or three - in principle, there is almost always a second battery for both welding and lighting, in addition, the main disadvantage is the huge weight and space taken up. Taking into account the fact that free space in the SNG is a BIG problem, in general the disadvantages outweighed, then I thought in the direction of reducing weight and size - i.e. take motorcycle ones. I’ve already tried it on and agreed to try starting it with him... but! in the winter, when there was a problem with starting the puzoter, sleeping under the house on the street, I was looking for how to solve the problem with starting it in the morning... and even bought a spare battery, but literally by chance the following device caught my eye: 1 - theoretically, it can start the car even without a battery (at least the Ketai puzoterki in the cabin start, judging by the video - although they are probably warmed up there)) - in parallel if you put it in parallel with the main discharged one (and the instructions say that this is the only way to do it) - then it starts completely without problems - it was also tested in Kola when the main battery was discharged due to an oversight and after that it started it several times locally - a natural power bank - i.e. In addition to the starting 12V, it also supplies 5 and 12V for other consumers. those. charging mobile phones, radio stations while traveling, powering laptops, car refrigerators, etc. - SIZE! It fits easily into a backpack and weighs nothing. - can be charged both from 220V and from the cigarette lighter - i.e. the ability to charge in the field, which won’t work with a motorcycle or car without additional dances with a tambourine - they write that it can start the car 10-15 times in exactly the same way. Honestly, I haven’t tried it, but we’ll probably try it sometime with a discharged main disadvantage: - fairly high self-discharge rate - in two weeks the charge on it can sag, i.e. you need to periodically recharge on the road so that there is maximum possible charging and efficiency

STANDART 44.4 Wh I remember cost 3500 rubles

Did I understand correctly that you never played with motorcycle ones?

No, I didn’t have time to conduct any real tests.

It's clear. Well, if I take it, I’ll write a report. I still need to decide what to get

I’m not campaigning, I’m telling it like it is) when we arrived, I had the navigator’s eye in my garage, in two weeks his dead battery went to zero. They started it easily) Another disadvantage is the high cost of the device

I understand. I know the capabilities of powerful lithium batteries. I think for now what’s best for myself. The price basically corresponds to a mid-power motorcycle battery from a famous company

Starting a cold motorcycle engine with a carburetor or injection.

We will talk about Japanese motorcycles or European motorcycles ; on Russian-made motorcycles the starting devices are very outdated; it no longer makes sense to describe the starting principle, and most motorcyclists in Russia still make the right choice in favor of Japanese motorcycles , which are distinguished by their reliability and workmanship.

Starting a carburetor or injection motorcycle engine.

If there is a rotary control on the fuel valve, the lever must be turned to the On or Res position. Next, you need to fully pull out the choke , which is also the enricher or in English “choke”; in the Russian manner, motorcyclists call it “choke” or “ check ” (if it is present, for example on modern motorcycles of 2004-2007, there is no enrichment as such, in The enrichment system itself, of course, remains, but the motorcycle electronically regulates the position of the damper).

And so, having pulled the enrichment lever all the way, by pressing and holding the “Start” button for several seconds on the right remote control (most often located on the right) - start the engine.

After the motorcycle engine starts working, it is necessary to maintain the engine speed within the range of no more than 2-3 thousand using a “choke-enricher”.

As the motorcycle engine warms up, we remove the choke. Twisting the throttle while the motorcycle engine is warming up is highly not recommended. The choke-enricher usually looks like a lever or pull button on the steering wheel. For example, on a Honda VFR 400 NC 30 motorcycle, the “choke” is located on the left side near the engine, behind the plastic. On the Honda CBR 400 motorcycle, the choke is located on the steering wheel. If the motorcycle engine , after rotating the starter for 3-5 seconds, does not start with the choke-enricher fully extended, you need to try again, but not earlier than after 1-2 minutes. If the motorcycle starter rotates vigorously, i.e. the starter has enough voltage received from the motorcycle battery , but the engine still cannot be started, you need to stop trying, wait 5 minutes and try again. Under no circumstances should you try to start the motorcycle engine by constantly holding the starter button; such handling can lead to failure of the starter components and complete discharge of the motorcycle battery . If the starter rotation is weak from the very beginning, you need to recharge the motorcycle battery with a special charger and try to start the engine again.

If, after short-term attempts to start the motorcycle engine with timeouts of 5 minutes, the engine cannot be started, you can try to remove the enrichment choke by half and try to start it, or you can try to start the motorcycle without using the enrichment choke at all.

If your motorcycle battery begins to lose charge but the engine still cannot be started, there may be a problem with the fuel, its delivery, or its quality. If the gasoline is “not fresh” or of questionable quality, it certainly needs to be replaced, for example, after winter storage of a motorcycle , it is recommended to change the gasoline.

By the way, one more piece of advice: before preserving, fill the motorcycle’s gas tank with fuel with an octane rating of 98, even if you are a fan of fuel with an octane rating of 92, it would be better to fill it with 98-octane gasoline. It contains more additives and over the winter the octane number will drop to the level of 95-92, starting the engine will be easier, and gasoline will not need to be drained. For winter storage, it is necessary to completely fill the motorcycle's with fuel, thereby preventing corrosion of the inside of the gas tank.

There is also another way to start a carburetor or injection motorcycle engine if all the previous methods did not help. Having pulled out the enrichment lever completely, unscrew the throttle as much as possible and, without releasing the gas, press the starter button; as soon as the engine starts, we immediately release the gas. You may need to slightly maintain the motorcycle's engine idle speed using the throttle until the engine warms up. You can also try starting the motorcycle without enrichment.

Is it possible to drive without a battery?

Experienced owners of scooters and mopeds can start them in any way - from kickstarter to using the most ordinary drill. There are amateurs who even write about this on their forums: “I’ve been driving without a battery for a month now and don’t bother about it.”

However, the consequences of constantly driving without a battery can be very disastrous for a moped. First of all, this concerns lighting devices: the bulbs in the turn signals burn out, the headlights do not burn well, the backlight begins to act up.

Why does this happen? Let's find out the reason.

If the moped has a battery, it is regularly recharged from the generator. But when it is not there, the current generated by the generator begins to flow into all devices: it simply cannot evaporate or dissolve in the air. As the driving speed increases, the voltage begins to increase, and the entire lighting system of the moped can “fly” at any moment. And the lamps themselves, in the absence of a battery, work much worse, because they simply do not have enough energy. They can shine dimly, blink, or even burn out due to uneven distribution of energy.

Based on this, we can conclude: driving for a long time without a battery can lead to the failure of all lighting. And not only him. For example, in this situation the generator is also forced to work in increased mode, which leads to its breakdown. You should think carefully before constantly driving in this manner.

It is best to purchase a suitable battery for your scooter - despite the fact that for some lovers of “trouble-free” riding, caring for the battery seems cumbersome. However, it is precisely to such people that we owe the fact that we now have at least several ways to start a moped without a battery in an emergency.

How to ride a motorcycle? How to drive a motorcycle?

Perhaps you already know what type of motorcycle you are interested in and would like to learn how to ride this particular type of motorcycle. Here we can please you - almost all of these types are the same in management. Or perhaps you have already spotted the most interesting device to buy. In any case, below you can read the basics on how to ride a motorcycle, and remember that there is no substitute for practice - you can't teach how to ride a motorcycle with just an article - it's like trying to teach a child to ride a bicycle by telling him about the physics of riding on two wheels. However, you need to be able to ride at least a bicycle to learn how to ride a motorcycle, and we can only note that the technique of riding a motorcycle is very similar to riding a bicycle, with the only differences being that the former is much heavier, and therefore feel It's not just about feeling your own weight, but when cornering you need to make much more body movements to tilt the motorcycle.

In addition, no matter how well you know how to drive a motorcycle, if you neglect safety - sooner or later it can still end in failure - always remember this, even when it seems to you that you have become a real pro! In addition, when you trust your life to a motorcycle, you will probably want to make sure that it is in good working order and safe to ride.

So how to ride a motorcycle? Let's look at this question step by step!

Don't skimp on equipment

Falling on a motorcycle is always painful; even when parked at a speed of less than 10 km/h, you can seriously injure yourself. Make sure you are protected by wearing as much protective equipment as possible, including:

  • gloves,
  • “shell” (corpus clothing on the torso),
  • comfortable (or special motorcycle) boots,
  • helmet (it is required by law in our country, and you have no right to drive a motorcycle without it).

Get on the bike and get to know it better

Depending on your height and the height of the motorcycle, throwing your leg over it can be a rather awkward maneuver. Remove the motorcycle from the stand, stand on the left side of the motorcycle if you are right-handed (and vice versa for left-handers), stabilize your balance by resting your hands on the handlebars of the motorcycle. Stand with all your weight on your left leg, lift your right leg up and throw it over the bike. Be careful not to touch the motorcycle with your right foot, otherwise you may lose your balance (similar to kicking) and fall along with the motorcycle. Once you have mounted the bike, you can relax on the seat and get an idea of ​​the ergonomics of the motorcycle. This is a good time to make sure the mirrors on it are adjustable. Familiarize yourself with the position of the running boards and the location of the turn signal, horn and headlight switches. Every bike is different in this regard and you need to take the time to familiarize yourself at this stage - it's much safer than doing it while riding it fast.

Learn how to control the gas and brakes on a motorcycle

The right hand is usually responsible for two key functions on a motorcycle: acceleration and braking. When you turn the right handlebar toward you (when your wrist moves down), you open the engine throttle and accelerate the motorcycle. Keep in mind that you are generally dealing with a very good power-to-weight ratio of the machine, so be gentle with this control as sudden increases in engine speed can cause you to try to accelerate too quickly, which in turn will cause to instability of the motorcycle or even accidental separation of the front wheel due to sudden acceleration (everyone is driven by a motorcycle on the rear wheel).

The right hand also controls the front wheel brake. The pull lever applies to the front brakes, and smoothness and precision are also critical here: If you pull the lever too hard, the front brakes can lock up, causing the bike to skid, most likely resulting in a fall. Although most bikers only need two fingers to press the brake lever (as you can see in the photo above, and this is considered the most correct technique), some, especially the fair sex, require the strength of their entire hand to wrap around the lever.

The right foot controls the rear brake (pictured in the bottom half of the split photo), but keep in mind that when the front brakes are in use, the rear brakes become less effective (as the weight of the bike tends to move forward during braking). Rear braking is more useful during low-traction situations and low-speed maneuvering, and while rear brakes are sometimes more effective on cruising types of motorcycles (choppers, touring bikes - because they carry more of their weight on the rear wheels), front brakes are like rule is the most effective way to stop a motorcycle.

How to operate the clutch on a motorcycle?

The clutch lever is similar to the front brake lever, but is located in front of the left handlebar of the motorcycle. Most sportbikes only require two fingers to operate this lever (pictured above), while touring, cruiser and other types of bikes often require your entire hand to grasp the lever (bottom of photo).

The way a clutch works on a motorcycle differs from how it works on a car. Think of the clutch as a way to connect and disconnect the engine from the gears—like neutral gear. When you press the clutch lever, you put the motorcycle into neutral (even if the shift lever is in gear). When you release the clutch, you allow the engine to rotate the transmission and rear wheel.

How to choose a battery for a scooter?

Let's briefly talk about which battery is better for a scooter, liquid acid or gel, because such questions arise often. “Acid batteries” are usually cheaper, charging them does not cause the owner any trouble (by the way, they are sold dry-charged), unlike more “capricious” gel batteries. The latter are very sensitive to the slightest voltage drops both in the vehicle’s on-board network and during the charging process.

However, the undoubted advantages of gel batteries are that they do not require maintenance and are safer. Especially when it comes to driving fast and making sharp turns. But if you are not lazy and regularly take care of the liquid-acid battery, adding distilled water to it on time, it will serve for a long time and will fully justify the owner’s attention to it. Gel, on the other hand, costs much more and requires that the on-board transport system be at the highest level, which will also be associated with additional financial costs.

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