Why the Honda CBR1000RR-R Fireblade SP is the most amazing sportbike

The best engineers of the company were involved in the development and design of the Honda Fireblade. Based on the RC211V racing prototype, they did their best to adapt the bike to public roads without sacrificing its advantages. It was not easy to adapt the “plastic rocket” to the realities of the DOP, but the Japanese managed it! And they offered motorcyclists one of the best sportbikes in the world, powerful, reliable and at the same time obedient.


When creating this motorcycle, Japanese engineers were guided by the experience gained while working on the Fireblade 954. They tried to improve its strengths and get rid of its shortcomings, and they succeeded, at least in part. The result is worthy of all praise - the Honda CBR1000RR's technical characteristics turned out to be very balanced, which ensured the model's incredible popularity.


During restyling and modifications, the engine of the Honda Fireblade motorcycle was changed and refined several times, coming very close to perfection in 2022, when production of the fifth generation began. The liquid inline four 192 hp on board. and 114 Nm of torque , and its power output exceeds the 1 hp mark. per 1 kg of dry weight. The liter SBR 1000RR accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.95 seconds and reaches a top speed of 286 km/h! With the caveat that “stifled” versions of significantly lower power are sold on the Japanese domestic market.


The 6-speed gearbox on this sportbike works quite smoothly, but you wouldn’t expect anything else from Japan’s most famous motorcycle manufacturer. True, in reviews of Honda Fireblade owners there is information about a “false neutral”, which they sometimes stumble upon while driving. Moreover, some claim that they come across it between 3rd and 4th gears, and some say about 4th and 5th. But most of the owners of this motorcycle have no complaints about the operation of the transmission. A quickshifter was added for 2022 .

Chassis and brakes

Fully customizable suspensions with a wide range of adjustments are always good. In the Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade, however, they remain rigid at any setting and are intended only for roads with good surfaces. The brakes can be called quite good, but nothing more - the feedback of the front brake (320 mm discs with 4-piston calipers) leaves much to be desired. The secondary rear brake (220mm disc with 1-piston caliper) is also mediocre. The situation is corrected by a combined ABS system , which began to be installed in 2009.


The electronics of the Honda Fireblade have been significantly improved in the fifth generation, released in 2022. Selectable Torque Control traction control system was added . But even without it, the motorcycle has enough electronic components, which are extremely difficult to understand without a manual and dealer software.

Weight and dimensions

The curb weight of all generations of the Honda CBR 1000 RR, except the last one, exceeds 200 kg , and this is quite a lot by the standards of the class. But in 2022, the bike has undergone a number of changes, allowing the weight to be reduced to 196 kg , and this is with a full tank and all technical fluids. Subjectively, the motorcycle seems heavy, but you don’t feel it at all while driving, but rolling it around with your feet in a parking lot can be difficult.


The Honda CBR 1000 RR motorcycle handles perfectly, and this is one of its main advantages. It behaves predictably even at high speeds, but that doesn't make it boring. Handling remains at a decent level even at speeds above 200-220 km/h, and this is largely due to good suspensions.

Fuel consumption

The declared fuel consumption per 100 km is about 6 liters . When driving on the track, it increases sharply, and in the combined cycle, according to reviews, it fluctuates around the mark of 7-7.5 liters . Considering the spacious gas tank, 17.7 liters before 2022 and 16 liters after 2022, this is enough for a decent range. The motorcycle prefers high-octane gasoline, and it is advisable to fill it with AI-98.

Hello everyone! I want to share my experience of purchasing and owning a liter Fire 05 because... Our expectations and impressions based on YouTube leave out important details. I will try to be concise, without snot.

Background: I'm 31, I'm 12, first, liter. I took it when I entered motorcycle school, relying solely on the aesthetic orgasm that suddenly arose when viewing advertisements for the sale of two-wheeled vehicles. I’m ready to take into my body a portion of tomatoes from the “first liters.” How I bought it: like a pig in a poke. I sat down, turned the throttle, asked the seller for a ride, agreed on an installment plan (since I didn’t plan to buy the motorcycle before receiving the license) with the condition that until the license was received and the amount was paid, the motorcycle would remain with the seller - for mutual peace of mind. So, essentially: What's good: 1. Beautiful appearance, as far as I can see, it pleases the eye until the girls' handkerchiefs and panties are wet. Soul motorcycle. 2. The motorcycle is “for growth”, as much as I ride it, there’s something new every time, I study it constantly (and it’s always interesting). 3. The technical condition turned out to be normal, with small investments, but still. However, this is an individual thing. 4. Technical capabilities. Power and acceleration are predictable. Contrary to expectations, “I unscrewed the knob by 0.2 mm and ended up in a neighboring city” - I did not find this. The lows are calm, in order to shoot, you need to raise it to 7 rpm. 5. Maneuverable and responsive. I won’t compare it with other classes of motorcycles, sport is sport, but personally, I find it comfortable on special stages and in traffic jams. 6. The driving style is chosen by the pilot. Yes, the motorcycle is a provocateur, but you can ride it 20, 60, and 100 on the highway without any problems, experiencing driving pleasure. True, the engine is adapted for high speeds, so 60 is still the first (if desired, 160 is also). 7. I live in Crimea, here the roads are full of serpentines and climbs, the motorcycle’s power is very good for all these road conditions. 8. Swallows bumps normally. I did not find any critical inconveniences. 9. Pilot landing. I didn’t find any critical inconveniences, even on long-distance trips, but you need to adapt. But the landing of the second number will go to the joints section. 10. For an even amount.

Bad things: 1. It heats up at low speeds, you can’t ride in traffic jams. Overheating is critical for the motor. 2. Normal operating mode - arrow in the upper range. After a car in which the upshift occurs at 2.5 t.r.o. It’s very incomprehensible when the engine roars like a victim, but when switching to upshift it doesn’t pull. 3. Pilot landing. After the first long distance it seemed that the motorcycle was riding on me. Then I adapted, learned to hold the tank with my knees and relax my hands. 4. The suffering of the second number. Complete trash on long-distance runs. Later I learned to hold on to the backpack and not the tank - it became easier. 5. Loss of compression is a common problem with these motorcycles. And it’s good if the cause is a dead candle, there are fatal consequences. 6. Difficult to disassemble. To change the spark plugs, you need to disassemble half of the motorcycle and use a special key to get through it in a specially designated place. Everything is very dense and complicated. I only had enough hands to remove the plastic, and for the rest I took it to the experts. 7. Scary. Every time you sit down, it’s really scary every time. 8. The prices for spare parts are outrageous, and it’s dangerous to put China on such a motorcycle. 9. Weight. It's like interest. No weight - no interest. 208 kg, for me the motorcycle with my 70+ kg is really heavy, it is especially felt when turning at low speeds and “riding” the motorcycle on your own because the center of gravity, despite all the descriptions, is high. For comparison, choppers or cruisers with their really low center of gravity are much easier to hold with your hands. Weight is always a problem. But it doesn’t blow away on the highway. All. Let there be 9 jambs.

Who and what is this motorcycle for? 1. For people who have a car for daily trips. 2. For people 30+, cold-blooded, who know how not to be fooled by the provocations of pelvis drivers and drivers. Emotions are not our bro behind the wheel of such a motorcycle. 3. For travel on country roads, preferably straight ones, with a relatively normal level of road surface. Or for the city during low traffic hours. Not for daily use during commuting. 4. Well, the track is clear. 5. For those who can allocate from 25 thousand rubles per year. at least on an iron horse.

What I did after the purchase: I took it to the handy guys, who changed the spark plugs to iridium ones, cleaned the injectors, the engine, replaced the air filter, and changed the rear pads. I also changed the battery because... On the old one it would not start with the fans on. And he also removed the plow so that if he dropped it, it wouldn’t cause much damage.

What to look for when buying: It’s better to take it to a service center to measure compression or take a technician with you. But if this is not possible, then: 1. Inspect the plastic. There are no mistakes, but it will be clear how hard and how often the motorcycle fell. A new one costs from 25 (China) or from 60 tr. (non-Chinese). 2. We look at the wheels, mainly the rear cylinder. It shows how the motorcycle was used. If the center of the tire was worn out, we drove in a straight line; if the worn sides were worn out, we piled it up and laid it down; if the side was worn out mainly on one side, we drove along the track. 3. Look at the tail above the wheel. If you burned rubber, there will be a coating of bitumen, which is extremely difficult to wash off. In general, burning rubber can lead to a broken clutch. 4. Condition of hoses, cables, etc. Oil and consumable fluid levels. 5. Radiator condition. The less bruising the better. 6. Start the engine. It's better to start it cold and listen. Most noise and audio problems go away when it warms up. 7. When warming up, you should wet the exhaust manifolds behind the radiator if some block does not work, there is weak compression, etc. — on this pipe the water will evaporate the worst. The wet spot remains when the remaining pipes “hiss” when wet again. 8. Wait for the fans to start working, turn them off and start them again. If the battery is dead or there is a crack in the block, it will not start or will start with great difficulty. 9. Turn the throttle until it reaches the cutoff point. It won't do anything, it'll just be fun. 10. We also check headlights and other electrical equipment for functionality. Sometimes one supposedly burnt out light bulb can signal a huge hemorrhoid in the electrical system. 11. Make sure there is no direct flow - you will not register it, but will end up with additional problems. 12. I almost forgot. Look at the tidy, speed in kilometers, mileage status - everything should be ok. Also, somewhere there is a connector plug through which the mileage is twisted - you also need to look at it so that it doesn’t look loose. 13. We check the documents - PTS, registration certificate, check the numbers.

Basically, that’s all I can say about the war in Vietnam, my experience in the above problems. In order not to overload the post, I will not write the legal details of the transaction, how not to be deceived with the contract and be able to prove the case in court, how to register a motorcycle without problems - all this in separate posts. For now, that's it.

Don’t write that it’s a bayan-babayan, everything is based on real events. If you have anything to add, write, I’ll be happy to read it.

Repair and tuning

The more complex and modern a motorcycle is, the more difficult and expensive it is to maintain and maintain - this is an axiom. The first generation Honda Fireblade can be serviced and repaired in a garage, but fresh examples will require dealer equipment, which even the most thrifty biker is unlikely to have.


The Honda Fireblade does not have frequent breakdowns or childhood problems. With timely maintenance, the motorcycle will ride for years, and the only problem may be the gradually increasing oil consumption . It is impossible to cope with it on your own; the only option is to replace the CPG with a new one. The Honda company also announced a recall for free clutch repairs due to a defect in this unit on motorcycles 2017+ model years, and this operation will be done for free at any dealership, but no one has yet heard of a failure due to this clutch.

Spare parts

Thanks to the extensive dealer network, there are no problems with spare parts for the Honda Fireblade, but anything more serious than consumables and small parts will have to wait, since large components are usually not available. Prices are sometimes steep, plastic is expensive, but there are inexpensive alternatives from our Chinese friends.


Most often, the brake system - most owners find it insufficiently effective. On the first generations of the CBR 1000 RR, the steering damper is sometimes changed , but for new copies, where a modern electronic damper is already installed in stock, this is no longer relevant.

Advantages and disadvantages of a motorcycle

Among the advantages of the CBR1000 RR model, the following qualities should be noted:

  • Reliable braking system.
  • Dimensions standard for a sportbike.
  • Quite powerful 4-stroke engine.
  • High top speed.
  • Stylish, modern and unique design.
  • Easy to read dashboard with many adjustment functions.
  • Good dynamic qualities.
  • Possibility of tuning.
  • Availability of parts.

The obvious disadvantages of the model were:

  • The suspension is sensitive even to small road irregularities.
  • High cost (400–600 thousand rubles depending on mileage and year of manufacture).
  • Not suitable as a first motorcycle.

Some motorcyclists choose inexpensive equipment with average performance and quality. Others are willing to spend several hundred thousand to purchase exclusive and powerful equipment that will attract the attention of others. Are you ready to spend more than half a million to buy a Honda CBR1000 RR?

Motorcycle modifications

The Honda Fireblade comes in two versions, regular and SP . The latter is more focused on the track, as well as better technical equipment. More advanced suspensions from Öhlins, a retuned engine and stronger brakes with a combined ABS system hint that the bike is not designed for boring driving in traffic jams, but for squeezing adrenaline on the track. The Honda CBR 1000 RR SP version has been produced since 2014 in parallel with the regular modification, and costs slightly more.

Advantages and disadvantages

Strengths and weaknesses are usually directly related to the concept of the motorcycle. Honda Fireblade is a sportbike, powerful and dynamic , with all the advantages and disadvantages characteristic of racing motorcycles. It has one really serious drawback - it can be dangerous for inexperienced motorcyclists, and it can only be recommended to experienced bikers.


  • Excellent handling . The Honda Fireblade handles better than most of its analogues. All owners unanimously praise the predictability of the motorcycle’s behavior on the road.
  • Excellent wind protection . The headwind does not bother you even at a speed of 200 km/h.
  • Accelerating dynamics . How many motorcycles do you know that can reach 100 km/h in less than 3 seconds?
  • Comfortable fit . Despite the fact that the liter Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade is in no way related to sports tourists, it is comfortable enough for long trips and even travel.
  • Gorgeous pendants . A full set of adjustments is included (valid for models released in 2011 or later).


  • The brakes are insufficiently effective compared to the main competitors . Owners of the Honda CBR 1000 RR can be recommended to replace the front brake calipers with more powerful ones, especially if they like aggressive driving.
  • Oily appetite . The CBR 1000 RR engine heats up noticeably, and when it overheats, scuff marks begin to appear on the cylinder walls, since the quality of the nickel-silver coating leaves much to be desired. As a result, most vehicles with a mileage of 30-40 thousand kilometers already have more or less noticeable consumption of engine oil.
  • Difficult maintenance . Some operations will require scattering half a motorcycle around the garage, and even replacing an ordinary oil filter turns into an epic.

Owner reviews

The motorcycle is definitely not for beginners; if you get on this rocket without experience, it can really become disposable, as in the old joke. Honda Fireblade is not some kind of seabird, this fiend of the devil gets on the rear wheel in third gear and at a speed of about 200, and accelerates so that the clip-ons are torn out of your hands. The liter Siberian is a chic spendthrift, no doubt about it, but very demanding of experience and skills. Honda has really created a real two-wheeled demon. Anatoly, Omsk, Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade '2005.

I’ve already ridden the Fire 1000 for two seasons, before that I had a Fire 954. The bike is interesting, but not without its weak points - the suspension is stiff, purely for the track or asphalt standards, the stock front brakes are weak, the same R1 has at least 6-piston Brembos . The motor heats up like hell, especially if you push it hard; installing two fans instead of one only partially solved the problem. The oil burner is indeed present, but not critical, the main thing is to monitor the level. As far as I know, in the last generation all these jambs were eliminated, but I have Fire from the first year of production, that is, it is still damp. Dmitry, Moscow, Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade '2004.

Horse fire! I bought it new from a dealership in 2016, I drive it a little, and in three seasons I have driven a total of 12k km. I go to work by car, IMHO, in such a brutal sport, throwing up in traffic jams in a full outfit is below average pleasure, so my moto is purely for the weekend and for the track. In order to ride on business, it is better to take something quieter. Mikhail, St. Petersburg, Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade '2016.


Some call it the best-handling, friendliest sportbike in existence. This cannot be said to be one hundred percent true. At a minimum, this is one of the most, but not the most. For example, some bikers feel that the tank rises too steeply in relation to the saddle.

An important feature is that this sportbike is easier to predict in its dynamics. Therefore, it is easier to manage. At high speeds, understanding how the motorcycle will behave in a turn, slightly or heavily leaned, is especially important. So this is perhaps the main advantage of the model both in terms of comfort and safety.

Similar models

  • Kawasaki ZX-10R . Top sportbike from an evergreen manufacturer. Top-end, because the Ninja H2 is more suitable for sports tourists.
  • Yamaha YZF- . The most famous “liter” in the world, and that says it all.
  • Suzuki GSX-R1000 . A reliable motorcycle that has been developing and modernizing over many decades.


  • A liter Fireblade goes 300 km/h? Without tuning - no. Do you need it?
  • I drive a 954RR, does it make sense to change it to a 1000RR? If the budget allows, of course. The Honda CBR1000RR has noticeably better technical specifications and looks much more modern.
  • Is it possible to ride such a bike with a couple of seasons of experience? I drove them to a Honda CB400 . Anything is possible, but it is better to make a choice towards a motorcycle that is less provocative of cosmic speeds.

Honda CBR line

CBRs are good sportbikes for the road, with a torquey engine at medium speeds and acceptable ergonomics, but at the same time, on the track, for which the Honda CBR1000RR seems to be made, it is not impressive.

The last time a production Honda bike really got the crowd excited at a race was when Colin Edwards won World Superbike riding an RC51. This was about 20 years ago, and it wasn’t even a CBR, but a VTR. Yes, some may not know, but the RC51 is a VTR1000 SP1 (for some unknown reason, Americans know it as the RVT1000R). A couple of years later, James Toseland took the championship on a Honda CBR1000RR, but it's unlikely that any racing fan dreamed of the CBR as much as the RC51.

For more than ten years, the CBR line was not very popular. For a brand that made its name at the highest level of racing, this was unacceptable. And it's time for another R.


The Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade is perhaps the best sportbike from one of the best motorcycle manufacturers in the world . It is capable of competing on equal terms with such recognized track leaders as the Yamaha R1 and Kawasaki ZX-10R and the liter Jixer. Designed to win races, this bike has been very well adapted for public roads , and on city streets it feels like a duck to water, although its element is the race track. And be warned - the Honda CBR1000RR's performance is so good that it's hard to resist the temptation to see what it can do. The bike provokes aggressive riding, and while driving, you should not give in to momentary emotions.


Maximum engine power:192.0 hp (141.0 kW) at 13000 rpm (2017+), Honda Selectable Torque Control (HSTC) – 2017+ HP
Torque:114.0 Nm (11.5 kg*m) at 11000 rpm (2017+) Nm
Working volume:998 cm3
Motor type (cylinder arrangement, number of strokes):4-cylinder, 4-stroke, in-line
Number of cylinders:4
Number of valves:
Intake type (Injector / Carburetor):
Bore and stroke:
Starting system (Electric starter, kick starter):
Maximum speed in km/h:286 km/h
Cooling system:Liquid
Transmission (gearbox):6-speed
Clutch (Dry / Wet):
Drive unit:Chain
Suspension (front/rear travel):
Brakes (Front/Rear):
Wheels / Tires / Rubber:
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions (Length / Width):
Seat height:
Ground clearance:
Curb weight:
Wheelbase:1410 mm (2008-2016) mm
Weight:196 kg
Fuel tank capacity:17.7 l.
Battery capacity:
Year of release:
Country of Origin:
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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