7 “Motozima-2018” was held on November 2-4 in Sokolniki

New products from manufacturers

500 EXC-F from the Austrian company KTM:
Honestly, while everyone is waiting for super-new products at the Italian EICMA exhibition, there are no such new products at all at Russian exhibitions.

Many motorcycle manufacturers who previously took part in MotoZima did not appear at the event this year. Of the manufacturers, there was only KTM, which apparently has something to show. Namely, an updated line of off-road equipment for 2022. True, on the first day of the exhibition, no one could tell us more about the new products at the manufacturer’s stand, they said “come back tomorrow”...

Among the exhibitors there were many manufacturers and dealers of tuning, equipment, and equipment care products.

In the very center of the main pavilion there is a large stand “Moscow Transport”. Here are GS cars from BMW equipped for the needs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Motowinter 2018 turned up the heat

Temperatures close to zero, rainy weather, the end of the season - all this is not an obstacle for lovers of speed, freedom and a sense of unity with their two-wheeled horse. A motorcycle is not a way of transportation, it is a lifestyle. And this love unites people of different countries, ages and professions.

From November 2 to 4, many of them met at the annual Motozima 2018 exhibition. The permanent organizer Dmitry Khitrov gathered the most dedicated and loyal representatives of the motorcycle movement at the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center.

What did the 7th international exhibition of equipment for outdoor activities offer visitors this year? More than 100 participants from various fields, united by motorcycle topics, presented their products, services and works. In the pavilions one could see stands of manufacturers of motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, scooters, motorcycle equipment and various spare parts.

A separate pavilion was occupied by representatives of creative fields: photographers, artists, customizers, restorers, leather workers and even tattoo artists working in the motorcycle field. We were able to talk with customizer Alexey, who willingly shared the story of the creation of his third custom “Wasteland Warrior”.

— Alexey, tell us how you created your brainchild? How long have you been participating in exhibitions?

— This is my first time participating in this exhibition. This topic has been around for a very long time, since the early 90s. My two previous works were made in 1996 and 1998. I made my third custom in 9 months, but it has a much longer history. It was conceived in 1999 as an ordinary motorcycle with a car engine: a 6-cylinder from a Ford Scorpio, a Volkswagen Golf 2 gearbox, an absolutely homemade aircraft gearbox was in the project and, in general, unfinished. Every year I postponed its construction due to the birth of children, and literally at the end of 2022 in the fall, while taking my child to school, the thought came to me: “Why not make it electric?” I am involved in alternative energy, these are solar panels, electric generators and everything connected with it. I used this on a battery. Exactly 9 months passed after the idea arose and before the creation of the custom. Of course the concept has completely changed. The frame had to be redesigned and the battery installed vertically, but lithium iron phosphate battery technology allows this.

— What speed does the motorcycle develop?

— According to calculations, this motorcycle was supposed to travel 100 km per hour on one charge. At the moment, the motorcycle travels 70 km on one charge. Many factors influence the speed: two brake discs at the front, Range Rover calipers at the rear.

-What is his weight?

-About 400 kilograms, I didn’t weigh it, I’m just guessing. I use the regenerative brake, it also charges the battery. And this is not an exhibition sample, it is operational. Until yesterday I just drove it, there was no snow.

-How does he behave in this weather?

-Electricity is of course afraid of rain. But if there is no rain, then it is for everyday driving.

-How do people react?

- Like this!

I take a 30 amp charger with me. I charge it from a regular outlet while I drink coffee.

-Yes, it should be very economical.

-I can tell you. Simple arithmetic. I have two cars. Ford Transit and Toyota Prado. I charge a motorcycle for 6 rubles a day, and a Toyota Prado costs about 300-350 rubles. In two months I covered 3000 km on a motorcycle. Moreover, he does not have any documents at all.

— That is, Is it positioned not as a motorcycle, but as special equipment?

— In general, it runs like an electric bicycle with a power of 3 kilowatts. But I never had the opportunity to tell anyone about this, since I was never stopped.

Many stands are dedicated to educational programs. This is very valuable, considering the danger of moving on such equipment. This year alone, the number of motorcyclists on Moscow roads has increased by 40% compared to last year. But at the same time, the total number of accidents involving motorcycles decreased by 23%. This is evidenced by the increased level of driving culture and management literacy, plus the improvement in the quality of drivers’ motorcycle equipment. For those who have not yet discovered category A, the exhibition provided a huge selection of motorcycle schools and the opportunity to communicate with its representatives. A participant in the MotoMoscow exhibition even organized a drawing of certificates for training from the Moto Academy.

Various teams make a huge contribution to the training of motorcyclists. And we managed to talk with the coach from the Red Line Team Oleg Klio.

-We have a racing team “Just Racing” and a racing sports school. We participate in RSBK, and, as far as possible, we train beginners to participate in competitions.

-Are you preparing them specifically for competitions?

-We are preparing for motorsports, of course, including to improve the quality of driving in the city.

— Are your courses similar to extreme driving courses?

- Well, I don’t usually say that this is extreme driving. It is generally accepted that sport driving is very different and generally not applicable in the city. Although in fact these are the same techniques, and they are perfectly applicable when driving anywhere. Due to the fact that you have developed a skill to a certain level, you are able to brake as well as your motorcycle can, and not as you want. And if you are driving around the city and have never braked extremely hard in your life, then naturally, when a difficult situation arises, instead of braking, you will simply go into a stupor. Driving on the track works on braking to the maximum. And this skill has been brought to automaticity. Therefore, you maintain composure in any situation. And if something happens, you won’t get confused and do what you do every day in training. Also, training in a motorcycle school helps you understand the behavior of a motorcycle, suspension, wheels, how to position it correctly, where you can lean, where you shouldn’t.

— You present both sports and road motorcycles.

-Yes. But it’s more convenient to practice this on a sports motorcycle on the track. You won't be able to tilt a road bike to the desired angle and will quickly start to push against either the engine or the pegs. Therefore, it is better to train on a sportbike. It is clear that everything depends on the degree of involvement. And if you get carried away, then good for you.

-How long have you been interested in motorcycle racing?

-I have been studying for 6 years.

— And, in fact, a hobby has already become a profession?

-Initially, yes, it was just a hobby. I came to the karting track to ride. And then I suddenly discovered that I skated no worse than anyone else.

— And then it turned out that it was better?

- Yes. And so, gradually, first I took part in some competitions, then in others.

— What were your first competitions and where were they held?

— In 2016, I participated in XBikes. Before this, there were competitions not for Victory, but for riding. But the first full-fledged competition is still XBikes. Last season and this season we already participated in RSBK.

— What do you do in the winter?

— Now we’ll ride pit bikes, because we can’t give up training. You need to study constantly. In winter it is more difficult; you need a covered, warm area. There are quite a lot of regular motorcycles, but with pit bikes you need to cooperate with someone. There are people who are directly involved in them, and together with them we will conduct classes in the winter.

— Do you meet them at such events?

- No. We have known each other for a long time. The same faces for many years. In fact, not many people do this. Now new people are coming, athletes or just someone who wants to learn how to ride. At the beginning of the season, our students still didn’t know how to do anything, but by the end of the season they were already starting to claim prizes. I remember from myself that it took me much longer to reach this level. Because there were no schools in those days, and there was no one to turn to.

-It’s very cool that modern techniques have now appeared that you pass on to your students.

-Yes Yes. Now everything happens much easier. Our school is certainly not the only one. The approach to training is generally similar and the only difference is in the details. And I would like to say that some kind of general technology was developed based on teaching, which did not exist at all.

— Is the perception of motorsports in general changing in people’s minds?

- Yes, we have moved to a new level. And in principle, it is both safe and interesting. Because driving around the city is, by and large, hooliganism. And in the race you get amazing emotions. When 30 people start, it’s a very unusual feeling and it’s simply impossible to get it when you’re racing between cars. And, of course, participating in motorcycle racing is much safer. And the injury rate is quite low. This year I haven’t even heard about serious injuries.

Motorcycle trips over short distances and long distances are an opportunity to be alone with yourself, sort out your thoughts. Plus a feeling of wind, freedom and speed. What could be more tempting? At the exhibition, anyone will find a company of like-minded people for local communication and long-distance travel. Dmitry, a world traveler, shared his impressions of his round the world tour.

— In 10 years, I traveled 250,000 kilometers, visited 150 countries, all continents. But the point has not been reached yet.

-Where else do you want to go?

-I have two places: the North and South Pole. You need to put special tracks on the motorcycle and get to them. And then I will put a major end to my travels.

-How do you plan to check in at these points? And how did you start your travels?

-I have two flags. Russian flag and Kazakhstan flag. I have been living in Kazakhstan since 1999. And he started traveling from a young age. At first it was trips on simple domestic motorcycles, a hobby, so to speak, but gradually it turned into a profession.

— What difficulties arise during such travels?

— In Africa, for example, I was in prison, and in Indonesia I was caught in an earthquake. There was Hurricane Katrina in America in 2005, and Hurricane Sandy also happened. It’s interesting, but I still always return to my homeland.

There are people with whom it is a great pleasure to communicate. People who are in love with their work and show by personal example that nothing is impossible. Such a person is Anton Volkov, who has been attending Motozima for several years, and is a multiple winner of stunt riding championships, a participant in various motorcycle shows, and also professionally trains beginners at a motorcycle school. Recently, Anton became interested in a new sport - sports car racing. He competes in the Russian Shortcut racing car, developed by DK Racing Academy using domestic components.

—Anton, tell us how you switched from a motorcycle to a racing car?

— In general, initially I was more involved with cars. I have had my own car since I was 15 years old. I ran around on it very cheerfully, despite the fact that it was a Zaporozhets. And then at the age of 16 I took a ride on a motorcycle and I became interested in motorcycles.

-And now you’ve returned to cars anyway?

-Not that he came back. It’s just that my guys, who have known me for a long time, bought the project and made a team. The head of all this called me with the words: “We would like a pilot.”

- What is more interesting and closer to you now?

- Yes, everything is interesting to me. Racing, of course, is more interesting now, since stunt riding is already too clear for me, and yet I’m not a little bit of a stunt rider, but more of a show performer. And I’ve been showing the show for 10 years now and now I want to make some kind of symbiosis with the car. Racing is a whole new world for me.

Every sport has its problems if you dig a little deeper. We discussed with Anton the problems of popularizing racing with Russian cars in our country.

— Unfortunately, racing with Russian cars is not covered in any way and is not very popular. For example, in the pavilion there is a motorcycle of the first world champion, of the whole world - and this is our motorcycle, which was chosen from 1,500 motorcycles, and people don’t even know about it. The sports car is produced in Russia. But, unfortunately, people in our country often think only about show-off, and not about the technical characteristics of the car. According to the pilot, she is very fast and passes many cars that cost 10 million. And this car costs 1 million. And, imagine, for 1 million you can buy a car that goes faster than a car that costs 10 million, and which is cheaper to maintain . I’m not interested in show-offs, I’m interested in the process, and when everyone has a real opportunity to participate in it. You can buy this sports car disassembled and assemble it yourself in the garage. It seems to me that every boy has been collecting toys since childhood, and this is an adult toy that you can also race with. And it is assembled on the basis of components that are available.

I really want to believe that the prestige of Russian sports cars will increase in the near future. And Anton will delight us with his achievements and victories more than once again.

Such exhibitions help us to comprehensively evaluate current trends in the development of motorcycle and automotive equipment. After “Motowinter 2018” has passed, all that remains is to preserve your motorcycles, review videos and photos from motorcycle festivals, remember the people you met on motorcycle trips and look forward to “MotoSpring 2019”.

We previously wrote about the exhibition “Blade-2018”.

Text: Queen Irina

Photo: Komarov Alexander

Read on Yandex Zen.

Retro technology

View from the second floor of the historical exhibition.
The historical exhibition of “Motozima” turned out to be really strong. This year, some of the exhibits were provided by the Moscow Polytechnic Museum. At the exhibition you can see truly rare examples of pre-revolutionary motorcycle equipment!

Here, for example, is a tricycle, according to one version belonging to the family of Nicholas II:

This 1899 tricycle has a 239 cc engine with 1.75 hp.

To get this specimen into its collection, the Polytechnic Museum spent a long time negotiating with the owner in the 60s. He asked for a brand new Moskvich for a tricycle. As a result, representatives of one of the Soviet film studios were the first to buy the tricycle in order to use the device in their film about the revolution. According to the scenario, the tricycle flew off the bridge and exploded. But then the director decided that the device was too unsightly for cinema. Without knowing it himself, he saved the exhibit, which he later managed to buy back to the Polytechnic Museum.

What do you think of this headlight with rhinestones? :)

And these are Soviet-made racing vehicles - “Vostoks”, which were piloted by our racers:

Produced in the city of Serpukhov in 1965

What is important is that specialists from the Polytechnic Museum work at the exhibition, who can tell you a lot of really interesting things about the exhibits on display.

A motorcycle produced in Riga at the Rossiya factory based on a German engine - this is a mixture of technologies

And this is more modern technology - the famous Soviet Urals:

Automobile magazine, together with the Motozima exhibition, is holding a ticket draw

To receive 2 tickets to the exhibition, you must share this page on the VKontakte social network, be sure to add the hashtag #MotozimaAutomobiles Magazine
The page must be in the public domain.

On October 31, at 12 o'clock Moscow time, 5 winners will be randomly selected, each of whom will receive 2 tickets to the exhibition. The winners will be determined by a random number generator on random.org. Based on the numbers drawn, the numbers of posts with the competition hashtag on VKontakte will be determined, which will receive prizes.


It seemed to us that most of all at the exhibition were custom ones - beautiful, unique, one-off pieces.

In customizing, the main thing is not how it drives, but how the equipment looks!

And the specimen in the photo below is not just beautiful. Even the most fierce customization experts recognized its coolness. The author of this work, Dmitry Golubchikov, with the Zillers Garage workshop took first place in the AMD customizer competition in the freestyle category!

The motorcycle was called Insomnia - insomnia. The championship cup is with him. The victorious custom is made on the basis of a Yamaha SR400 with a volume of 399 cc.

There were also many less famous, but no less beautiful motorcycles.

By the way, a pre-screening of the film about Russian customization “BIARRITZ: Russian custom in Europe” took place at Motozima. The film was produced by a Russian team together with the Discovery Channel. The premiere will take place on November 12 at 22.00.

Travel and art

Most of the second floor of one of the pavilions was occupied by travelers of all stripes and sizes. Everyone is happy to talk about their experience, show photos and invite you to join.

Artists are also located here, showing their works, and also creating new masterpieces dedicated to motorcycling right at the exhibition.

You can get stuck on such things for a long time. The guys are incredibly talented, many of the works are really cool!

In general, despite the fact that we personally expected something completely different from the exhibition, it was really not boring. Lots of nice, sincere people, beautiful motorcycles and interesting little things.

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