Test drive Harley-Davidson Sportster Custom XL 883C

Test drive Harley-Davidson Sportster Custom XL 883C

I, as a motorcyclist of a purely rational type, who is absolutely alien to more or less “show-off”, have always been tormented by the question: “What is so attractive about Harley-Davidson motorcycles?” Only by its legend and “cool” image? Or is there still some kind of rational element in them? I had the opportunity to get answers to at least some of the questions of this kind after getting acquainted with the anniversary version of H.-D. Sportster 883 Custom, released in 2003 for the brand's centenary.

Well, what can we say about this exclusive specimen, which, by the will of fate, wandered into the territory of “Ridnaya Nenka” straight from the vastness of the state of Wisconsin?

It easily reveals the features of a classic bobber: a short rear, a small straight tank free of instruments, as well as a straight and narrow steering wheel. A significant and also somewhat outstanding (both literally and figuratively) element of the motorcycle is the engine-gearbox powertrain. Its significance lies in the fact that the dimensions of the power unit relative to the entire motorcycle are very impressive, and this circumstance plays into the hands of the motorcycle: with a relatively modest volume (the “engine” is 883 cm3 - the “junior” in the range), the engine looks very “grown-up”. But the separate, rather large gearbox traditionally protrudes to the side. A separate speedometer cylinder and a round headlight complete the laconic appearance of this “celebrator.” The seating position is also a classic style: straight, with legs pointed forward. The driver sits in a very comfortable seat, but the passenger will have to be content with a more modest version of the “butt cushion.” It should be noted that the right profile of this Harley is significantly richer than the left. Here, the two exhaust pipes and the oval air filter cover attract the eye with their brilliance, but on the left, the “picture” is spoiled by the black rectangle of the battery.

But overall, everything is very good: both the wolves are well-fed and the sheep are safe. That is, the canons of style are respected, and the functionality is not greatly affected. It's time to try the "celebrator" on the go.

You won't have to look for the key for long - it sticks out of the ignition switch, located on the right side of the frame, between the headlight and the gas tank. In addition, this key, except for the ignition, is not responsible for anything else. That is, it does not block the steering wheel when parked. To do this, “caring” Americans suggest... blocking it with a padlock, threading its bow through the corresponding loops!!! One can (and should) argue with the functionality of such a solution, but the originality of H.-D. It's hard to refuse!

The starter buzzes briefly, and immediately from the two exhausts comes that guttural sound of a “real” V-twin, which probably plays the role of “Nils’ pipe” for the fans walking in the wake of the H.-D.

This is a vibrating massager!!! Even with poor eyesight, you can easily see how the front wheel of the bike bounces when the engine is idling, and if you give it a little gas, you can jump a little along with the motorcycle, tasting the unique “Harley” vibrations. Yeees…

So far everything is unique and unrepeatable, let's see what happens next.

“I squeeze the moderately tight clutch lever and engage first gear.” No, this sounds too ordinary, it would be more accurate to describe the process like this: “You have to press on the gearbox foot with noticeable force, and... oh, tremble, Japanese! In response, I receive not some kind of inaudible and inaudible “clack!”, but a juicy “Hr-r-r-clack!” that echoes the surroundings. “That’s it, you can go.”

The thrust of the engine is very decent, you can imagine how the older brother, with a volume of 1200 cm3, will “rip” off the ground! But getting up to speed is half the battle. Although they say that “brakes were invented by cowards,” I don’t see any “brave” people around, everyone slows down. The Sportster can do this too. Moreover, the rear brake, as it should be in the class, is “not for furniture”, but works very effectively. I would rate the efficiency of the front one as sufficient.

I'm approaching the turn... What is this!? No “correct” body movements work on the “legend of the American motorcycle industry”; he doesn’t want to bend over at all, trying to go straight through! Only a significant turn of the steering wheel and forced “dragging” of this obstinate one into the desired trajectory produce results. You won't get bored! You can forget about “fast” turns. For Harley they simply do not exist. I have the opinion that when boarding the H.-D., you should generally forget about the rush and fuss. Without exception, everything should happen smoothly and sedately - style obliges! After all that has been said, it’s somehow awkward to talk about the performance of the suspension or general comfort, but... the section obliges. Surprisingly, the Sportster did not seem “oaky” to me. Yes, the rear is somewhat stiff, but no more than that of any other Japanese classmate. The fork also copes with its duties quite well, absorbing even visible bumps and does not “walk” at all, but this still will not allow you to move freely between rows of cars.

It was scary, but on a long straight we managed to accelerate the motorcycle to a speed of 170 km/h, although after 130 the oncoming traffic becomes so harsh and unpleasant that further opening of the throttle valves is only possible through an effort of will.

You probably need to love Harley-Davidson very much, its history, traditions, and also believe in its exclusivity and legend in order to buy and ride its classic motorcycles every day (I won’t say anything about modern, I haven’t tried it). From my rational point of view, this is equal to a feat.

Well, that's all. And although we parted with Sir Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 custom without regret for each other, but, I hope, with mutual respect. I - to his pedigree and straightforward character, and he - to my persistence to comprehend him.

Author: Valera DRIVE

Photo: author

Article review of the Harley Davidson Sportster 883 motorcycle

Harley Davidson Sportster 883 is a real demo version for everyone who at least somehow wants to touch the Harley culture and immerse themselves in its atmosphere. Finally, you can understand who these Harley Davidson fans are. After all, from an ordinary point of view, these are strange people who can spend a huge amount on some part for their motorcycle friend, and because of this, starve for the whole month, but at the same time be satisfied and happy. They can prove with foam at the mouth that the Sportster will tear apart any Yamaha R1 right at the start (and this is actually true).

Another distinctive feature of Harley lovers is that they have an extremely negative attitude towards any criticism of their motorcycles. But, in fact, the same Sportster is an overpayment for equipment with technical characteristics much worse than you could buy.

By the way, despite the beautiful name (it’s hard to say why the manufacturers called this model that way), this bike is in no way connected with sports. This is evidenced by the characteristics of the engine - a peppy 883 cc air-cooled V-twin that produces only 53 hp. by 251 kg of weight. In a word, for a decent amount of money you buy a motorcycle that the manufacturers only required to be this motorcycle. There are no complicated cruise controls, just two wheels, a motor, a tank, a seat and a steering wheel. We sat down, drove off and nothing else happened. There are practically no changes in it (and what is there to change - one carburetor, two exhaust pipes, identical wheels, identical engines) - this is a true classic of the genre. Therefore, this model will give only primary skills and an approximate tactile feeling of what you will get from the next versions of Harley Davidson. In general, fans of this brand have a very negative attitude towards all innovations that do not meet the standards of “old school” H.-D. For example, when the company first introduced liquid radiators, people almost with flags protested about it at the doors of the plant. It seems like the company is trying to innovate smoothly and subtly at the same time so as not to offend fans and still remain competitive with other brands. For example, first H.-D. They can introduce some kind of update to the carburetor and then switch to an injector. First a mono-injector, then a double injector, then lambda probes and so on.

The Sportster 883 motorcycle has a 5-speed gearbox, a good strong front brake and a slightly weak rear brake, and a separate belt drive. By the way, you need to stop at the belt. Harley Davidson has such high quality that even some Japanese models adopt it. The Sportster's controls differ from its peers. The handle is a whole cast block with a front brake machine. On the right remote control there is an on/off button, a starter, a right turn signal (the actual correspondence of the turn signals to the sides is the main difference). Left control panel - turn signal, horn and low/high beam switching. The key is “old school”, without any electronics. A separate topic is sound. Harley Davidson spent a lot of time precisely on bringing out its signature brutal roar and because of this it is worth buying it. The engine fluctuates wildly when starting up, causing the entire exhaust system to “sausage.” The design even has a special rod that stabilizes the motorcycle from this vibration. You won’t find this on other Japanese choppers (everything is neat and comfortable there). But vibration is not a miscalculation of the manufacturers, but rather a conscious assumption that gives the bike the true charisma of a Harley Davidson. The Sportster has a separate oil drum. There is no crankcase as such, and the oil is taken from the barrel. The gearbox here is separate from the engine, so any oil (car or motorcycle) can be poured here. Also, the motorcycle eats any fuel (92 or 95 gasoline). Although Harley Davidson has models with injection, which are already more demanding. This motorcycle is an archaic dinosaur that doesn't nitpick and will last forever. Even if oil and fuel flow from all sides, it will still never let you down. Harley Davidson generally knows how to make killer and timeless things. For example, this model has a very high quality design. Most parts are cast, there is practically no welding, and if there is, it is not visible. The Sportster is a monumental and reliable chopper. He will take you anywhere. We should also say something about tuning. Here it is possible in the most varied way. Today there are a great many different studios dedicated specifically to Harley Davidson. The masters do everything however they want, whenever they want, to suit even the most perverted taste. They rearrange the engines from sportbikes, boost them, chrome them, paint them in all the colors of the rainbow and even pink with flowers. It even gets to the point that the model becomes so individual that it is difficult to say what it was like when purchased. In a word, in winter, owners have something to do and something to spend money on. You can tune Harleys as much as you like and you will never get tired of it.

In terms of dynamic characteristics, the motorcycle has nothing outstanding. It is heavy, the engine pulls, but there are not enough horses, good torque (70 N•m at 3750 rpm). Therefore, it starts normally from a traffic light, but after a while it gradually calms down. This motorcycle is suitable for a beginner because it is large, solid and reliable, you can drop it without any serious consequences, and the tactile sensations will let you know what to expect from this brand in the future. The landing is “classic Harley”. There are regular footrests and remote rest pegs - this is an ideal option for both the track and the city. The front brake is sufficient here and gives confidence in the city. Convenient footrest that automatically retracts if you forget to lift it. This is know-how that the company constantly advertises.

There is a lot of vibration on the road, but the controls are quite comfortable. The turn signals, like those of a car, turn off on their own. Therefore, people who are used to the Sportster on other motorcycles may often forget about them. The bike seems twisted, unassembled and loose, but this is an illusion that will dissipate after the first ride. It is very stable on the road, while walking quite smoothly. Although the Sportster “swallows” many bumps not with the suspension, but with the saddle. The bottom line is this – this chopper meets all the requirements of a novice motorcyclist. This is also a good base for tuning, and for those who like to dig deeper into their motorcycle friend and figure out how it works.

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