Moped Yamasaki Leader-2 Engine. 50 cu. 4 hp Weight 101 kg. (Black)

There is such a wonderful Chinese company in the world called Yamasaki . This is either Yamaha, or Kawasaki, or all at once in one bottle. A funny name is common to many Chinese brands. For example, there is also Kewesekl.

Unfortunately, a cheerful name sometimes makes using the technology no less joyful.

In this article we will look at my history of using a moped or light motorcycle from the Yamasaki company, model FMX.

When I just started getting interested in two-wheeled vehicles and I had some free money, I decided to go to the store and buy myself a real moped. I went there with the goal of buying a ZiD with 50cc or the well-known Stels Trigger with the same 50cc. The latter is somewhat of a legend of the genre. Still would! Where can you find a great two-stroke 50cc enduro bike with decent performance for such a body kit for that kind of money? And, as always happens, the sales consultant advised us to pay attention to Yamasaki products .

Since I was looking for a vehicle capable of calmly plowing dirt roads and kneading mud, and initially I was considering ZiD and Stealth, I was of course interested in the Yamasaki FMX . This was the first and main mistake. At that time, due to my inexperience, I thought that why should I buy Russian equipment if they sell foreign analogues here, and even cheaper by almost 10,000 rubles! The characteristics of the moped were generally close to what was required.

Advantages and disadvantages

Yamasaki FMX has both disadvantages and advantages. Let's put everything together into an easy-to-read format.


  1. You are buying a full-size motorcycle with good aggressive tires and a comfortable riding position
  2. The existing base allows you to ride comfortably on dirt roads and roads with poor surfaces. There is increased cross-country ability. Feels very confident on the roads near Moscow
  3. The passenger can sit comfortably and comfortably, there are legs for him
  4. Can be easily installed on the trunk
  5. Good visibility in the mirrors
  6. After modification it becomes a very decent device


  1. Without the listed modifications it is no good. A child weighing 20 kg can ride, and even then most likely only on asphalt
  2. Very poor quality of the entire motorcycle and all its parts. The motorcycle is falling apart before our eyes. Reliability is almost zero
  3. No compartment under the seat
  4. The assembly is terrible
  5. Very small gas tank. The standard 4 liters are enough for about 100 km. This makes it inconvenient to use for tourism. You have to carry a bottle of gasoline with you.
  6. Huge weight
  7. Rusts even in the garage and with constant care
  8. No tachometer and no gas sensor in the tank
  9. The muffler doesn't muffle anything!

Technical characteristics of the FMX model

At first glance, it’s a good body kit with a comfortable enduro fit, long-travel suspension, a long seat, a four-speed manual transmission and the same 50 cc carburetor engine type 139FMB.

In this case, it was 4 stroke. Disc brakes up front and standard rear drum. Chain transmission. Standard cross face with a rectangular headlight, turn signals, round mirrors and a curved silencer. Convenient trunk, where you can easily place a platform from the trunk. The appearance of the moped was fascinating and was more similar to the well-known YBR. In fact, this is a full-size motorcycle with all its advantages. Also, the motorcycle stood out with its pleasant green plastic.

What's inside the Yamasaki Scorpion?

Despite the fact that this moped was and is produced in different modifications, they are all quite similar to each other. Most often on sale, and on the roads too, you can find the Yamasaki Scorpion 3. Like all other Scorpions, it is extremely simple - a 2-valve air-cooled engine, a carburetor, a 4-speed transmission, a disc brake at the front and a drum brake at the rear. The maximum speed of all Yamasaki Scorpion YM50 8A with 50 cc engines does not exceed 70 km/h, and fuel consumption is approximately 3 liters of AI-92. The 125 cc versions of the Yamasaki Scorpion 4 are more interesting in this regard; they can accelerate to 100 km/h, at least according to the manufacturer. But the overall picture is still spoiled by the 4-speed gearbox. Fifth gear is really very lacking, and even with only four, you have to constantly switch between them. The gearbox does not operate smoothly - knocking, clanging, periodic jamming, but what did you want from an extremely budget and completely secondary budget craft?

All Yamasaki Scorpion 1, 2, 3 and 4 are equipped with a kickstarter in addition to the electric starter. The volume of the gas tank varies depending on the model - for example, in Scorpion 3 it is 12 liters, and in Scorpion 4 it is as much as 18, which provides it with a range of up to 500 km without refueling. True, it will not be easy to withstand such a long journey on this moped - the hard seat, not very comfortable seating and the lack of even a hint of dynamics are unlikely to allow you to enjoy the ride. But the manufacturer has provided a windshield! True, it is not clear why, because at the speed that even the “top” Yamasaki Scorpion 4 is capable of reaching, the headwind is still not strong enough to create inconvenience for the driver. But the moped itself copes with this task perfectly!

Yamasaki motorcycles

Motorcycles Motorcycles Yamasaki

If we talk about the quality of Chinese goods, then there is a principle of two extremes: either the quality is at a high level, or there is none at all. The most striking example of this is Chinese electronics.

The countries of Europe and Japan today are distinguished by the production of high-quality models. Everything else is quite successfully copied and duplicated by Chinese manufacturers. But this has its own significant advantage for them. Over the past ten years, they have significantly strengthened the quality parameter and made significant leaps in terms of modern product design.

At the same time, the price for quality products remains quite low. Here, of course, it is worth touching on enterprises that are members of the Union of Chinese Manufacturers. They are supported by the People's Republic of China and have various licenses and quality certificates.

The work of such enterprises is carried out according to international standards. Products are subject to UNECE and have ISO 9000 international type certificates. All these positive characteristics also apply to manufacturers of licensed Yamasaki motorcycle brands.

Why do motorcycles often break down? Most likely, due to the fact that compliance with standards occurs in violation of technical rules and regulations, while products assembled from high-quality components last much longer. If you are planning to buy a Yamasaki motorcycle, it is a good idea to ask your dealer about the manufacturer and company that created your motorcycle.

The Yamasaki company has taken the direction of the “Japanese way”. This means that they successfully use component materials produced in Japan, which have earned a reputation of being of fairly high quality and modern. And the reviews about these motorcycles are positive, and the number of breakdowns often depends on improper use by the owners.

Large-scale production of Yamasaki motorcycles began in the early nineties.

Certain types of models are assembled on equipped modern conveyors.

At the present stage, the Yamasaki plant is equipped with a large-scale diagnostic and research base and is a “giant” of motorcycle production in China.

Today, basically all Yamasaki products are equipped with a four-stroke engine.

This aspect is primarily related to environmental standards.

The four-stroke engine complies with the Euro 4 environmental requirements. Many companies are developing environmentally friendly two-stroke engines, but mass production has not yet been seen. Therefore, the four-stroke engine takes the leadership position without much effort.

The collision of theory with life

During operation, the first impression was shattered, as if an old raft breaks on rocks during a storm. I liked the motorcycle in every way. But from the very first day, technical problems began. After driving the first hundred (on a flat road), all the elements became loose: the mirrors came loose, the plastic came loose, the headlight began to shine somewhere in the sky, and the front hydraulic brake handle began to sag with confidence. It was immediately clear about the brake - it needed re-pumping. I was also able to tighten the plastic and so on without much difficulty.

The main disappointment came when I got used to this pleasant device and tried to squeeze out of it everything that it was capable of. But the paradox was that those same 30 km/h were almost his ceiling! Those. the first time I drove at almost all its power. Adding fuel to the fire were attempts to ride on a dirt road (exactly where he was supposed to ride well), on which there was still snow in some places. It turns out that the magnificent device called Yamasaki FMX was not as powerful as it seemed in the store. The engine ruined everything. The standard 50cc were simply not capable of pulling a heavy motorcycle with a decent dead weight. Of course, the device has not yet been tested, but the power failure was felt almost immediately.

As a result, it was almost impossible to drive through the field with mud. On the road, the device drove at an average speed of 40-45 km/h, which was not enough for a moped. At the same time, it was possible to drive in fourth gear only during serious acceleration or downhill. It was impossible to carry a passenger with a standard engine even after running it in. With a total mass of the passenger and driver of 120 kg (which corresponds to the moped’s passport), the moped could not drive up the hill even in first gear! As a result, we had to push with our feet.

Then there were technical problems. The moped stopped starting for an unknown reason. To start with a cold engine it was necessary to spend a considerable amount of time. All the plastic became loose again and fell off in many places. The plastic itself turned out to be of wildly poor quality and cracked in many places. The wings became loose and rattled on every bump. The frame managed to rust for three months to the state of an old piece of iron from the trash heap. The headlight was shining into the sky from the very beginning, and it was shining now. But now I drove along the highway at night, and realized that with such light it was not far from an accident.

The brakes worked very poorly. Only the rear brake worked, the front was completely leaking again.

The next point is the strong stretching of the chain. As a result, the chain constantly fell off, especially on bumps. Later, I even learned to predict when the chain would come off. Moreover, the gear on the engine shaft became so loose during the unfortunate 500 km that it could slip. It was impossible to attract her.

Then the first gear began to fly out. This was already quite the “edge”.

In fact, the new device without modifications from the store was just a bunch of garbage. Before FMX he was like the moon =). The moped could slowly trudge along the asphalt in the right lane, ride on rolled, flat ground, and that’s where all its advantages ended. In order to drive the moped up the mountain, you had to get off it and push it up in gear with the engine running.

Modernization, where without it

The situation, of course, was upsetting. However, the Yamasaki FMX had the most important thing - it was a full-size comfortable model, on the basis of which it was possible to build a good enduro unit. All items were in stock. Long-travel suspension, off-road tires and a comfortable fit. This is exactly what I decided to do.

It was very disappointing that stores allow themselves to sell such non-mopeds. After all, the store was far from small. There was a service maintenance, but of course, everything was done to prevent it from being used. Moreover, they advise an inexperienced user to use obviously poor technology.

First of all, it was necessary to solve the catastrophic problem with engine power so that this monster would finally move. A tuning kit was purchased - a piston and a carburetor, as a result of which the engine became 2.5 times more powerful. This made the device more alive. But it was not possible to obtain decent power.

During the repair, the entire fuel system was cleaned. As a result, the moped started the first time. With the new engine, the moped confidently pulled two riders uphill at a speed of about 20 km/h. Those. you could drive along the road and not worry that a hill with a traffic light would roll you back down. He also rode much better on dirt. All dirt roads became passable and it was even possible to get out of deep muddy puddles. The main problem has been solved.

The next step is to repair the brake system. I had to completely replace the Chinese no-name front brake with a similar one from YBR. The drum was disassembled, washed and re-strung.

Now we had to work with lighting. I threw the standard muzzle into the trash along with the stylized headlight, and in its place I fitted a headlight from Kamaz. The round headlight shone quite well, and together with the halogen bulb, it confidently illuminated the road even in unlit areas.

During this time, the standard battery died and was replaced with a new, similar one.

I just threw away most of the plastic. I left only the most necessary parts. From the resemblance of a motocross motorcycle, the result was something more reminiscent of the Voskhod motorcycle.

The chain was replaced with a similar Japanese one. Fortunately, all standard sizes were used, so finding an analogue was not so difficult.

I also threw out the front fender. This is another miracle creation that looks like a motorcycle fender, but does not protect the user from anything. In its place was a sunrise wing.

All oil was changed and all systems were flushed.

As a result, the moped acquired a new life and allowed me to realize all my ideas. It walked well off-road, drove well on asphalt, carried a passenger, and stopped falling apart while driving. All rattling noises were cured and forgotten. For all this we had to spend another 50,000 rubles and about a month of work!

First impression

Of course, after the purchase, happiness knew no bounds! The moped rode confidently on the spring wet road, held all turns perfectly and was very soft and comfortable. However, it was not possible to test the full power of the engine, because due to unfamiliarity, I had to crawl in the outer row at 25 km/h. The specific landing after the Honda lead did not allow me to fully feel the device and I was driving very slowly. And the road was covered with ice, because it was the first days of spring. That is why the purchase seemed simply great and I could not find any problems.

Pros and cons of Yamasaki Skorion


  • Abundance of tuning. For example, the 50cc Yamasaki Scorpion YM50 8A, like its 125cc brother, can be easily converted into a 150cc bike. This, of course, will not turn them into a rocket, but their agility will noticeably increase.
  • Low price. It won’t be easy to find something cheaper, but a used Scorpio can even be purchased for several tens of thousands of rubles.
  • Versatility of spare parts and consumables. Almost everything you need can be picked up in any store that sells spare parts for Chinese scooters and motorcycles.
  • Weight. Yamasaki Scoprion 3 or 4 weighs only about 100 kg, like their previous modifications. Physically, handling a moped is very easy.


  • Build quality. There are the most complaints about it - even on new mopeds, something regularly unscrews and falls off. To be fair, we note that this depends on the integrity of the particular dealer. Some of them still fine-tune the equipment before handing it over to the buyer.
  • Too archaic transmission. KPP-4 in the 21st century - are you serious?
  • Weak brakes. There is nothing to say about the rear “drum”, but even the front disc brake is of little use.
  • Uncomfortable landing. The moped is clearly designed for compact Chinese, and not for physically larger Europeans.
  • Extremely weak light from the headlight. On unlit roads at night you feel extremely insecure on the Yamasaki Scorpion, because the power of the headlight is comparable to that of a flashlight.

Buy moped Yamasaki Blade Yamasaki Blade price characteristics spare parts delivery tuning

Yamasaki Blade 50cc moped The Yamasaki Blade 50cc moped is another product of a Chinese-Japanese company that has proven itself well in the domestic market. The Yamasaki Blade 50cc moped, which was developed in Tokyo and assembled in Shanghai, has proven itself to be an excellent, convenient and moderately voracious motor unit, best suited to Russian road conditions. The first emotion you experience even after a quick glance at the Yamasaki Blade 50cc moped is wild delight. Look at these streamlined shapes, matte plastic shields, elongated seat, chrome muffler, listen to the rich growl that the engine makes, and call this magnificence a moped. The tongue doesn't turn, right? The Honda engine, modestly hidden under the plastic shields of the Yamasaki Blade 50cc moped, is reliable and accurate, like a mechanical watch. 50 cc and a power of 4 l/s make any uphill climb a breeze, and the air filter of the motor unit is mounted quite high precisely to make off-road travel possible. Fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only 3 liters. In addition to the electric starter, the Yamasaki Blade 50cc moped also has a kickstarter, the pedal of which has an unusual curved shape so as not to touch the brake pedal during use. The foot brake and footpegs, by the way, are located slightly behind – in the best traditions of sportbikes. The design of the Yamasaki Blade 50cc moped is very comfortable for both the driver and the passenger thanks to the elongated seat cushion. And in general, the design is pleasant and moderately shocking. The swingarm and frame of the Yamasaki Blade 50cc are made of durable steel, the discs are cast. Looking at it, it’s hard to believe that this moped weighs only 95 kilograms. And this with an almost “adult” load capacity of 145 kg. Users of the Yamasaki Blade 50cc always respond positively to the performance of the moped's fork, which has excellent range and hydraulics, and a powerful spring rear shock absorber. In addition, the Yamasaki Blade 50cc is significantly narrower than any scooter, which you will undoubtedly appreciate, easily maneuvering even in the most seemingly hopeless traffic jams.

engine's type4 stroke
IgnitionElectronic CDI
Engine startingelectric starter+kickstarter
Cooling systemair
Working volume (cm. cubic meters)49.9
Engine power (hp)4
Torque (Nm)3
Performance indicators
Fuel supplycarburetor
Fuel tank volume4
Fuel consumption (L./KM):3
Number of gears4
Extra options
Number of seats2
Dimensions and Weight
Weight, kg)81
Dimensions (L x W x H, mm)1 840 / 660 / 1 025
Front suspensionTelescopic fork
Rear suspensionMono shock absorber
Brake system
Front brakeDisk
Rear brakeDisk
Luggage compartment under the seat
Wheel disksAluminum
Transported weight (kg)120
General characteristics
Year of manufacture (year)2016
Country of OriginChina
Maximum speed (km/h)60
Tact*4 stroke
Engine volume, cm3.*====
Engine power, l/s.====
Supply system*Carburetor
Tank volume, l.4
Cooling system*Air
Starting system*====
Length, mm.1840
Width, mm.660
Handlebar height, mm.1025
Weight, kg.98
Max. load, kg. 140
Max. speed, km/h. ====
Model featuresMirrors

First, I’ll tell you specifically about leader 2, then about other models. leader 2

Real characteristics:

Engine Type: Four-stroke Cooling: Air Volume: 49.9cc (installed from the factory, a 72cc kit is included) Starting system: Electric starter/kickstarter Maximum power: 3.8hp (49cc) / 5hp (72cc) 7500 rpm .min. Transmission: Mechanical / 4-speed / chain Chassis Front suspension: Telescopic fork Rear suspension: Pendulum, with two shock absorbers Brakes (front / rear): disc / drum Wheel size (front / rear): 2.5-17 / 2, 75-17 Main parameters Overall length/width/height: 1840*660*1025 mm Weight: 102 kg Tank capacity: 19 l Fuel consumption: 2-3 l/100 km


- What are the tires ? — The rear tires are suitable from Sunrise , the front tires from Minsk ! With such a kit you can safely drive both along the road and on the country road.

— what engine can be installed without modifications? — Any engine from a pit bike and analogues! i.e. horizontal up to 190cc with markings 152/153/154fmi, etc.

(this applies to the entire model range)

- What are shock absorbers ? — from Minsk/vozvod . It's much more enjoyable to drive with them!

— how to improve the light ? — it’s easy to improve - install optics from a VAZ 2101 + halogen, xenon, led, etc. of your choice!

— what are the rear pads ? - from motorcycles such as yamaha ybr 125, stels delta 200, etc.

My opinion about this “motorcycle”

Many compare it to the ill-fated Alpha, but only the engines and origins are the same. Otherwise, the leader cannot be called a moped! In size it is not inferior to sv400. Soft, fairly energy-intensive suspension (but IMHO it’s better to replace the rear shock absorbers!) Classic seating, a large tank, a comfortable, wide seat for both the driver and the passenger make one think about long journeys. The quality is quite good for China! The moped does not immediately fall apart, and if you take care of it, the owner will be happy for 10 and 20 thousand km. If you install an engine of 125 cc or more, it can be considered competitors to such models as: yamaha ybr 125, sym xs 125, stels delta 200, etc. At the moment, it makes sense to buy such a moped for those who do not know whether they need a motorcycle or not, because any open category is enough, it is not necessary to pass A1, A, etc., it will also teach banal maintenance of 2-wheeled vehicles . You can also note the cheap price of spare parts, ease of operation and good appearance (IMHO)

all models

the engine in all yamasaki mopeds is 139fmb, which means that the spare parts are suitable from alpha and the like!
You can put a maximum of 120cc in the original crankcase, but it’s cheaper and more profitable to buy the entire engine assembled at once! — valve clearances should be 0.05.

- ratio of stars for 72cc - leading 15 for 110cc - leading 16 (on the leader I set the driven at 41, leading 15 - two and 16 - one)

Here are the most popular models of this company:

yamasaki skorpion yamasaki cobra yamasaki leader 1/2

"Philosophical" questions

-Which model to choose? -all mopeds from this company come with the same engines, i.e. speed and acceleration + are the same, it all depends on taste!

— how long does it take? — 49.9cc travels 60-65 km/h with pedestrian dynamics. 72cc rides much more vigorously, maximum speed is 75-80 km/h. - “yesterday the three of us 120 We were walking through the forest” is it true or a myth? — With an engine, even a 72cc maximum speed does not exceed 85 km/h! Where does 120 come from? -The original speedometer is lying shamelessly!

- Does it break often? — it breaks down no more often than other equipment, it all depends on the owner!

- How long can you start driving? do you need rights? — You can drive from 16 years old, a license is required (Cat M)

— Is it possible to ride a moped far? - Yes, you can! Of course, this motorcycle is light and can be blown away by the wind, yes, it is slow, but you can ride far on any vehicle! the main desire. ps I traveled quite far! I drove 10 times for 150-170 km, and once I freaked out and drove almost 400 km at a time)

The post will be gradually updated!

Thank you! to everyone who read.

What's the end result?

As a result, we have a model that, in the form we see it in the store, is not suitable for use. After modifications, the Yamasaki FMX turns out to be a good and well-passed moped. But most standard components require replacement. It's expensive and time-consuming. In addition, there is never any certainty that another component will not break. For example, on the Internet I came across photographs of torn off steering columns from this moped. I think there is no need to explain the possible consequences of this breakdown.

The moped confidently holds the road even with poor surfaces and allows you to ride on the ground. A good base with long-travel suspension allows you to comfortably move over bumps and forests.

Don't buy into the nice appearance of this moped. Before purchasing, you need to evaluate all the problems described and think about whether you need such a headache. Most users praise this moped for its appearance.

However, after spending time and careful repairs, the motorcycle brought me quite a lot of benefit. I rode it to the dacha, rode through fields and forests, went mushroom picking and got quite a lot of pleasant emotions. Therefore, if time allows, you can tinker and achieve quite decent quality of work. In the end, I got tired of putting up with the constant risk of being left 100 km from home with a broken moped and decided to sell it.

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