Interesting facts about motorcycles that many fans of this transport do not know about


The motorcycle was invented more than a century ago. The motorcycle's birthday was in 1885. It was developed by an engineer from Germany - Gottlieb Daimler.

The first motorcycle was powered by a gasoline engine and had a frame made of natural wood. Of course, there was no talk of any reliability. Therefore, the motorcycle was subsequently modified. Wooden elements have been replaced with more durable metal ones.

Initially, motorcycles moved at low speed. Only 30 years after the creation of the first motorcycle, a model was developed that could reach speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour.

In 1927, motorcycles began to be equipped with a gear shift, which many are accustomed to seeing on modern vehicles. During this time, the system has not changed much.

5 years later, a telescopic fork was developed. It was installed on BMW motorcycles. However, subsequently other manufacturers began to use it.

Maintenance and repair

For many brands of motorcycles, the break-in period is the first 2000 km.

The motorcycle can only be started to move after the engine has warmed up. During the warm-up process, it is not permissible to operate the engine at a high number of crankshaft revolutions.

During the first 1000 km, driving with the carburetor throttle valve open is permissible only for short distances.

When parts of motorcycles, scooters and mopeds wear out, their interaction may be disrupted, which causes extraneous noise during operation of the motorcycle engine and leads to serious damage to the engine.

The wear of parts located in the crankcase is determined using measuring tools. This will tell you about the necessary repairs to the vehicle.


Today there are many companies producing two-wheelers. But among them there are those that are in great demand. The TOP 5 most popular companies producing these vehicles include:

  1. Honda company. According to researchers from Research & Markets, it is a leader in this field in all respects (sales, characteristics, etc.).
  2. Yamaha Motor Company Limited. Takes 2nd place.
  3. Indian company Hero MotoCorp Limited. Takes 3rd place.
  4. Indian company Bajaj Auto Limited. Takes an honorable 4th place.
  5. Harley-Davidson Inc.

Types of motorcycles

  1. Road motorcycles in motorcycle technology are called universal. They are comfortable when driving on intercity highways and around the city. They develop the correct riding position and develop control skills. In addition, these motorcycle models are often produced with the installation of ABS and TCS, which guarantees stable emergency braking or slipping.
  2. Cruisers are often called choppers. But you should understand that their fork is shorter in comparison with classic-type choppers. Cruisers are suitable for everyday driving. However, due to their own heaviness and low maneuverability, they are not very suitable as a first bike for city conditions.
  3. All-terrain motorcycles are vehicles that will give you an incomparable feeling of freedom when riding. They are equally good both on rocky off-road conditions and on smooth asphalt. This category of motorcycles is characterized by lower speed and slow acceleration.
  4. Sports motorcycles for seasoned motorcycle enthusiasts are about fast power. At the same time, for beginners, a sports bike can be a tragic mistake. Most road accidents occur when riding such motorcycles. But it is sports bikes that are the favorite toy for beginners.
  5. Touring motorcycles are very heavy motorcycles that combine comfort, stability, a large trunk and high suspension. For a beginner, due to its own weight and heavy maneuverability, this type of transport is not considered so convenient.

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Motorcycle on the road: 10 dangers

Motorcyclists disdainfully call drivers of regular cars “box people.” They did not remain in debt and came up with a special term for two-wheeled vehicles - “crunches”. Is there any confrontation on our roads? I think no. The vast majority of motorcyclists also drive a car - they are the same “box people”. But there is still a misunderstanding. A motorcycle gives you more freedom, so not everyone can curb their emotions and behave calmly. Moreover, people take two-wheeled vehicles in order to move quickly and without traffic jams. Therefore, riding in the aisle has become the norm, and a motorcycle standing in a dead traffic jam looks absurd. The author of these lines has three decades behind the wheel of a car and ten years in the saddle of a motorcycle. Therefore, there is an understanding of the psychology of driving a motorcyclist and the dangers that may await an ordinary motorist when a motorcycle appears.

The driver and passengers are protected in the event of a collision by the car body. It is no coincidence that the hood is called “one and a half meters of life.” With a motorcyclist, everything is much worse. It is stored only by equipment, which, of course, is less effective than an iron box. Therefore, even with a minor impact, a person gets injured. But the car driver does not remain on the sidelines. If he did not notice the bike, then he may be the culprit of an accident with all the ensuing consequences: administrative, and in case of serious consequences, criminal liability. Let's look at the most common two-wheeler accidents.

Forewarned is forearmed!

Ghost motorcycle

The most common situation. The driver turns left and does not see the oncoming motorcyclist driving straight ahead. Sometimes this happens when leaving an adjacent road. You look at the video and you are simply amazed. Here it is, the bike, perfectly visible! However, the driver stubbornly does not notice him and blocks the path. There are several reasons for this.

— A person driving gets used to the size of cars and does not identify a more compact motorcycle as a danger. In the old days, on Russian roads, low-beam headlights during the day were mandatory only for motorcyclists. They stood out on the road. After the introduction of mandatory use of headlights on all vehicles, bikes got lost in the traffic. However, such accidents are common not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

— A motorcycle can travel at high speed, which again is not always understandable. It seems to be still far away, but after a couple of seconds direct contact occurs.

— On a multi-lane road, a motorcycle can block another vehicle. Another common situation: a bike jumps out from behind a car at high speed on a multi-lane road.

In general, there are many reasons, and often a combination of several factors appears. Not all motorcyclists have sufficient qualifications. They are simply not ready for emergency maneuvering and get stuck in a turning car. At best, they press the brakes and reduce speed as much as possible. Some do even worse: they put the bike on its side and slide on the asphalt. In this case, deceleration is less effective compared to using the brakes. So the impact will be significant. Do not forget that as speed increases, the angle of view narrows. When the bike “goes for all the money,” the person in the saddle controls only his own lane and looks little at the neighboring one. He does not predict the development of the situation.

In such an accident, the driver of the car is clearly to blame: he pays for the damage. If the injuries are serious, then the matter moves into the criminal plane. The high speed of a motorcycle will not be a serious argument for the investigation and the court. There must be a cause-and-effect relationship between the violation and the accident, and the accident occurred because the driver of the car blocked the road.

The only way to protect yourself from such an accident is to maneuver slowly and before turning, look twice in the direction from which danger may appear. And it can occur both in front and behind. Therefore, when turning left, look at both the windshield and the rearview mirror.

Turn especially carefully in heavy traffic. In the video above, the driver of a car was turning in a half-dead traffic jam when everyone around him was standing. A motorcycle flying between the cars appeared quite unexpectedly. Yes, the motorcyclist acted rashly, but the driver of the car will most likely be at fault for this accident.

Lateral spacing

How can you drive into a car driving next to you on an empty road? And just like that, easily! You can't protect yourself from such an accident. Although the principle of the three Ds - Give Way to the Fool - is always relevant. The moral is: never hug the bike, stay away from it if possible.

As already mentioned, the level of driving skills of bikers leaves much to be desired. In motorcycle schools they train you to pass exams, the requirements of which are far from road reality. Suffice it to remember that all maneuvering occurs at low speed. In reality, already at 60 km/h, completely different taxiing methods are required. So people are fighting in vain.

There is an important psychological point. Adrenaline boils in the blood of a motorcyclist, especially a beginner. Even a quiet person begins to show aggression, often unfounded. The car swerved and almost hit the motorcycle? You need to catch up with this one, hit the door, or even break the mirror. The further development of the plot is unpredictable, but most often it is not a fairy tale with a happy ending. Remember, a person who has survived mortal danger is not always adequate. Take care of your nerves and do not conflict, even if your opponent is wrong. If material damage is caused, then try to remember the number, write down eyewitnesses and call the police. The law is on your side in this case.

Keep distance

For any driver, a motorcycle driving ahead already becomes a danger. Don't huddle close to him, keep your distance. In this video, the bike fell completely unexpectedly, and it’s good that the car following it managed to stop.

The problem with accidents involving a motorcyclist is that they often involve not ordinary hardware, but damage to health. So the cost of a driver's error is especially high.

The motorcyclist was driving directly behind the minibus; the stop in front of the pedestrian crossing was completely unexpected for him. It's good that the speeds were low. On top of everything else, the biker was lucky. He fell into the oncoming lane and was saved only by the excellent reaction of the driver, who instantly reacted to a sudden obstacle. It is worth noting that Russian traffic rules in the event of danger only require you to press the brakes. If the driver had acted this way, the biker would likely have suffered serious injuries.

As a rule, the braking distance of a motorcycle is longer than that of a car. Therefore, if a motorcyclist is following you, brake as early and carefully as possible. It is clear that in such a side collision the motorcyclist will be at fault. But do you need the extra hassle?

Along a narrow path

A motorcycle can squeeze between cars, and the left shoulder on the Moscow Ring Road is already called a “motor lane.” Yes, the motorcyclist speeding along it is breaking the rules. The policeman has the right to go to her only by turning on a special signal.

Practice shows that not only the motorist, but also his fellow biker may be unprepared for an unexpected meeting. And for him, a bike rushing between the rows sometimes turns out to be an unpleasant surprise. In general, everyone should maneuver slowly and look twice at the road. The motorcyclists themselves, including.

Turn indicator

How many times have they told the world: before a maneuver, indicate your intentions with a turn signal. But no, “real pros” are confident that they calculate the road situation ten steps ahead. Therefore, they do not turn on the turn in advance, but only at the moment of turning. Or they don’t give signals at all. Some even sincerely argue that turn signals are harmful: they say that a neighbor, seeing a flashing light, will not allow you to change lanes. Yes, such people should be required to take compulsory courses with a psychotherapist. As for turn signals, give them in advance. This could save someone's life...

No safety margin

Some do not give way because of personal ambitions. Others get into accidents due to simple inability. The driver of the car, apparently, simply did not see the bike and smoothly changed lanes. He drove quietly and seemed to be absolutely safe for others. His intentions and trajectory were visible to everyone. Including the biker. The motorcyclist could have slowed down and let him pass. Instead, he made the wrong decision: he stepped on the gas and tried to pass the car on the left. Most likely, the driver of the car will be at fault for the accident. Although, if we ignore the rules, then the motorcyclist is to blame - he miscalculated the maneuver.

Speed ​​difference

Another option is for traffic participants to misunderstand each other due to different dimensions and speeds. Often an accident occurs in the following way: in a sluggish flow, the driver chooses a parking space and, seeing free space, turns. It seemed like I had just looked in the rearview mirror - no one was there. If a motorcycle whistles behind him, the biker simply does not have time to react. In such an accident, absolute speed is not important. The speed difference becomes critical. If a motorcyclist is more than 30 km/h ahead of the flow, expect trouble: any simple but unexpected maneuver by others becomes deadly for the biker. Often a motorcyclist receives serious injuries: he hits the car tangentially, like a billiard ball changes its trajectory and flies into some kind of obstacle - a pole, a standing car, etc. The collision is unexpected, the speed cannot be reduced. The blow is terrible, the consequences are tragic.

When maneuvering at low speed, do not relax and control the situation, look twice in the mirrors before performing the maneuver.

Dangerous places

A motorcycle is less stable than a car - there are only two wheels. In the video, the motorcyclist rode well and felt like the king of the road. He dashed along the oncoming tram tracks, then wedged himself into the traffic. But the rails turned out to be unexpectedly slippery. In addition, it seems that he slowed down a little for them.

The bike can fall completely unexpectedly, slipping on gravel, tram tracks (especially when turning on them), or fallen leaves. In this case, the motorcyclist does not suffer any particular injuries, but there is a danger of being hit from behind. So once again we remember the need to keep our distance.

Opening doors

Another classic motorcycle accident is a door suddenly opening. This happens especially often in traffic jams. Everything stands still, the driver picks his nose or fiddles with his smartphone. I looked in the rearview mirror more than once or twice. The sense of danger is completely repulsed. The driver is relaxed and opens the door without looking. Sometimes passengers can do the same. The guilt of the one who opened the door is clear, but nevertheless there are those who disagree. They claim that the motorcyclist did not maintain a safe interval and is himself to blame for the incident. However, there is no clear concept of a safe interval. Therefore, traffic regulations do not prohibit two vehicles from moving in the same lane in parallel. The main thing is not to cross the solid marking line.

The moral is simple: look in your mirrors before opening the door and lock all doors when moving. This will protect both from thieves and from rash actions of passengers.

Counter strike

Here's another accident involving a novice biker. He entered the turn at a completely acceptable speed. But he was afraid, convulsively squeezed the steering wheel and looked at the car driving towards him. He drove into it! He was not taught at motorcycle school the simple truth: always look at the road, your eyes should rest on the exit of the turn! Both the car and the motorcycle always go where the driver is looking. By the way, this algorithm of actions is relevant not only on the road, but also in business, and in life in general. Always look your way, don't be afraid and don't get distracted. Then everything will work out!

The motorcyclist is, of course, at fault for this accident. The driver of the car had no way to escape. Sometimes a driver with a good reaction manages to avoid a sudden obstacle, but we still remember that clause 10.1 of the traffic rules recommends “if a danger to traffic arises, which the driver is able to detect, he must take possible measures to reduce the speed until the vehicle stops.” . If he turns the steering wheel and hits someone, he will definitely be at fault. Therefore, lawyers still recommend braking without changing lanes - in this case there should be no claims against the driver of the car.

Motorcyclists don't live long

Over the past ten years, technology has greatly advanced, and in order to drop a motorcycle, if you have the necessary skills acquired during study, and some instinct of self-preservation, you still need to try. For a reasonable person, a motorcycle is a source of endless pleasure, and only for an unbalanced person incapable of self-control - constant trouble.

Natasha, 31 years old: “I decided that I’m done being an asshole”

Will come in handy on the road

I recently learned how to weld, which I am very proud of, and I also know how to tighten, clean chains, tighten various screws

But the most important thing is that I learned how to refuel the bike myself. My friend tried to do it alone, but realized she didn't know which side the tank was on

Things that are not easy to talk about

My maximum speed I drove was 250 km/h in a BMW. This is a very strange feeling! Tunnel vision forms, and you see nothing except the point in front. After 200 km/h you get the feeling of flying. It's like you're lifted off the ground and soaring in the air. We, just like surfers, catch our air wave.

About some pranks on the road

To be honest, during the first seasons I was a bit of a hooligan. It maneuvered between rows even at narrow distances and hit other vehicles. Sometimes I started chattering or could get pinched. For example, last year I almost flew under a KamAZ truck. At the moment of the incident, you pull yourself together, but time passes and tears come to your eyes from the realization that just an hour ago you could have said goodbye to life.

About the most memorable

I had several cases that I will remember for a long time. Apart from that time with KamAZ, there was a time when I drove on hard tires and constantly flew through red lights - I could not stop in time. Once I flew straight past the traffic police officers: they stopped at the traffic light, and I flew spectacularly. I glide like a ship on the sea...

And of course, tackles from the opposite sex always surprise with their originality. One day a guy took a photo of me on Vorobyovy Gory and posted it on VKontakte, hoping to find me. I’m not a free girl and I didn’t hide it, he was upset, but I’ll remember the incident for a long time.

About biker communities

At one time I wanted to enter the community of BMW motorcycle lovers. They have good support for those who have been involved in an accident. They provide any help, sponsor, that is, this is truly a big family. They were the ones who put me through the first season, taught me, told me a lot of necessary things: for that I also thank them very much!

By the way, about a month ago, motto-training and I organized a Security Day and timed it to coincide with the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg. After that, I was invited to Vesti FM, which was also an interesting experience.

Lady out of the way

I work as deputy director of the operations department at an insurance company, and the employees react funny when they find out that I drive. Many people only see me in a business attire, in stiletto heels, so when I go out in full gear and approach the motorcycle, so much surprise immediately appears on their faces! Especially male colleagues often ask for a ride. And they are far from small, and I answer them: “You will crush us!” (laughs)

A secret between girls

I believe that the ideal man should understand: motorcycle girls love freedom. They must understand that prohibitions will only repel. Personally, support from a loved one is very important to me. So this can be considered my advice: do not try to limit your significant other from some kind of self-development. -On the contrary, try something new together. Only after meeting me my man decided to try riding a motorcycle!


Statuses for motorcyclists are a way to show disregard for danger and lack of fear of risk.

  1. All people are mortal. I’d rather die on the highway than as an old man, disappointed in life and surrounded by relatives greedy for inheritance.
  2. Only by constantly taking risks can you truly love your life.
  3. I can't be afraid. After all, there are friends nearby, and above me is the sky. And my faithful steel friend, carrying me forward and helping me overtake the wind.
  4. Carelessness? No, it's a worthwhile risk. I am ready to pay any price for the feeling of my own freedom.
  5. Only by riding the iron horse can you become free. And it's worth any risk.
  6. We are criticized for risking our lives for no reason. But is the feeling of this speed, the ability to outrun the wind, the overflowing freedom not sufficient reasons?
  7. We take risks every day. Why not do it beautifully?
  8. Peace? Safety? Measured life? Sorry, but all this is not for me. I made my choice when I bought the motorcycle.
  9. A motorcycle is a strange thing. On the one hand, you are constantly risking your life, because every trip is fraught with danger. On the other hand, you begin to appreciate life even more.
  10. I want to feel like a comet, and not a stone lying at the bottom of a river. I want to be a bird, not an amoeba. I want to take risks every day, and not live like a simple man in the street. Are you judging me? You've just never ridden a motorcycle!
  11. How can I show that you trust me? I'm just suggesting going on a motorcycle ride together. And if you agree, then we have a lot in common.

VK statuses about motorcycles are the best way to show your true values. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts with others. Of course, someone won't understand. But others will become even more interested in you and want to know as much as possible about your hobby!

Interesting facts about motorcycles: did you know about this?

Sensational discovery at the Chateau-Gaillard castle In May 2008, archaeologists from the University of Bristol, conducting excavations on the territory of the Chateau-Gaillard castle (France), made a sensational discovery. At a depth of two and a half meters, a complex of iron objects was discovered that made up the warrior’s protective armor. Nearby, archaeologists discovered a second burial, a well-preserved skeleton of a horse. Also found in the excavation were denier tournois coins, a French type of denarius minted by Philip II Augustus (1180-1223), as well as coins from the Duchy of Aquitaine with the name of Richard, suggesting that the armor found belongs to the reign of Richard I the Lionheart (1189-1199). Chateau Gaillard was King Richard's favorite castle. He spared no money or effort on it. They say that the king personally chose the place for its construction and actively participated in the development of the project. According to Richard's plan, Chateau-Gaillard was supposed to defend English possessions in the northwestern part of France, since Richard the Lionheart, being the English king, also bore the title of Duke of Normandy. “On a chalk cliff, shaped like a spur, at the foot of which lies the town of Petit Andely, the castle of Chateau Gaillard rises, dominating the entire Upper Normandy. It is precisely at this point that the Seine, among the rich meadows, forms a wide bend, and Chateau-Gaillard, like a guard, surveys the surface of its waters ten leagues down and upstream. By order of King Richard the Lionheart, it was built within two years, bypassing treaties and with the aim of threatening the King of France from here. Seeing his brainchild, erected on a cliff, sparkling with the whiteness of fresh stonework, surrounded by a double ring of fortress walls, gates, drainage grates, embrasures, with thirteen turrets and a main two-story tower, Richard exclaimed: “What a fun castle!” - hence the name Chateau-Gaillard (Chateau-Gaillard - “jolly castle” (French))” - this is how Maurice Druon describes the castle in “The Prisoner of Chateau-Gaillard” [1] “My soldiers will take this castle, even if its walls “will be made of iron,” predicted the French king Philip II Augustus. “My soldiers will defend it, even if its walls are made of butter,” King Richard the Lionheart answered him boldly. Ten years later, Philip II Augustus, along with other Norman lands, took his beloved fortress from Richard. Since then, Chateau-Gaillard ceased to be a military fortress, it was turned into a royal prison. Important state criminals were imprisoned here. The one behind whom the Château-Gaillard drawbridge was removed was never destined to see the world again.” In 1314, the castle served as the place of imprisonment for two daughters-in-law of the French king Philip IV the Fair, Margaret and Blanche. During the Hundred Years' War, Gaillard Castle was subjected to repeated sieges. In 1417 it passed into the hands of the British after a sixteen-month siege. Joan of Arc's companion captures it in 1429. But already in 1430 the fortress again fell under the rule of the British. In 1449, Charles VII the Winner returned it to his possession. At the end of the last siege, Henry of Navarre issued a royal decree ordering the destruction of the fortifications. The believers of Andelis, the "Capusins" in 1603 and the "Penitents" in 1610, receive permission to destroy the castle. The collapse of the walls stopped in 1611, when the “Kapusins” decided that they already had enough destroyed walls to cover the demand for stone. In 1852, the ruins of the Gaillard castle were recognized as a historical monument of France.

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Speed ​​of life

Statuses about motorcycles and speed are the best expression of your love for adrenaline!

  1. Only by pressing the pedal do I feel like a true master of my life.
  2. Yes, it's risky. But it's worth it. I can fly, and I don't want to crawl on the ground anymore.
  3. A prestigious expensive car will never give you that feeling of speed and flight that you can get from riding a motorcycle.
  4. You say that you love speed, but have never sat on an “iron horse”? I feel sorry for you!
  5. Life flies by in an instant. But we are free to fill it with indescribable experiences and the feeling of fast flight. When there is no starting point, no end point, no destination: only speed, only adrenaline.
  6. It didn't work out to become an astronaut. It turned out even better: I bought my “iron friend”!
  7. What is happiness? This is speed. What is speed? It's a motorcycle!
  8. You can feel the feeling of flight only by riding along an endless track on an “iron horse.”
  9. What is my life filled with? Freedom, the sweet aroma of the road and gasoline, risk and adrenaline. I won't settle for anything less.
  10. Movement is the meaning of my life. I can fly, and I wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything.
  11. They say that people do not fly like birds. I believe that whoever says that has simply never ridden a motorcycle!

A motorcycle is very expensive

A new, rideable, small-capacity motorcycle from continental Asia costs from 100,000 rubles. Prices for relatively functional second-hand goods from regions more respected in the motorcycle world start at approximately the same figure. A new motorcycle from a manufacturer with a decent capacity, enough for several years of trouble-free riding - from 400,000 rubles. Not so expensive compared to cars.

Riding a motorcycle is something like a drug; you try it once and you won’t get off for the rest of your life.

And this is no longer entirely a myth. As they say, four wheels carry the body, two wheels carry the soul. Of the common types of land transport, the motorcycle is the most emotional. And besides, the times when a motorcycle was a rare, risky and expensive entertainment are gradually passing away; now more and more people are riding on two wheels, since it is cheaper and faster than jostling in traffic jams and looking for parking by car.

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