"Winter sleep" of motorcycles: safe and practical options

Unfortunately, motorcycle thefts, especially in urban environments, are quite common.

In fact, under the circumstances, the attackers will not be able to be stopped by either a chain, an installed alarm system, or even the presence of nearby crowded places and random passers-by. In order to understand where to store a motorcycle if there is no garage, you should first decide on the mode of use of the bike. Many motorcyclists use their equipment only during the season, some use it all year round. If you use a motorcycle every day for commuting or for your business activities, it is unlikely that you will be able to spend a lot of time getting to the garage.

Where to store a motorcycle if you don't have a garage?

Many novice motorcyclists, and seasoned ones too, are wondering where to put their horse at night?
Alas, our country is dangerous, they steal everything! Therefore, the option of simply leaving it under the house is clearly not suitable.

I will describe the main places where owners park their motorcycles. But remember that there is such a thing as ingenuity , and you can find your own safe option for storing your bike.

Where to park the motorcycle at night

Garage . The most correct and ideal option. If you don’t have a garage, then you can rent it, moreover, rent it together with someone. I already wrote how to find a garage. But this method has a minus - if there are no garages near the house, then alas. Or waste time on the road to the motorcycle, or ride it only on weekends. Another option is to buy a bicycle and ride a bicycle to the garage, if of course the distance is up to 5 km.

Underground Parking. Second best option. If you have underground parking in your house, you can park your motorcycle there. Moreover, you can rent one parking space for two. In Kyiv, the price per month is approximately 600 UAH per parking space. Those. 300 UAH each. If there is a new building with a parking lot near your house, you can look for parking space rental providers and come to an agreement.

Article on the topic: How to repel mice in the garage

Paid guarded parking. The third most convenient option. If there is a paid parking lot with a guard near the house, then you can leave the bike there. Just make sure the parking is secure. Not far from my house, scooters and motorbikes are parked in a parking lot, and a guard pulls them with a chain over the front wheel. Those. It will be problematic to roll the moto even with the watchman sleeping.

Under the house, under the windows on the alarm system . If you have a first or second floor, then some people place a mot under the windows. In this case, an alarm system + a brake disc lock are required. So, if someone wants to steal a motorcycle at night, you will hear an alarm and you will have time to call the police. A lock on the brake disc is needed to prevent the car from being driven away and will complicate the theft procedure. But there will always be craftsmen who can stuff a motorcycle into a gazelle in 20 seconds, as in the video below:

In a gazelle or van near the house . Quite an original way. If you have a van and it is parked near your house, then you can drag the bike there. The advantage of the van is that it has an alarm that will definitely go off. Well, it’s time to get the spendthrift out of the van.

At home

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