Review of the Kawasaki ZXR 400 motorcycle (ZX400H, ZX400L, ZX400J, ZX400M)

It is a known fact that many people name their cars, motorcycles, scooters and even computers, laptops, smartphones, etc. And this is no coincidence. If a person loves his car, computer or other object, then by giving it a name, the energy-informational connection with this object becomes closer.

Many people have noticed that when a car likes the name , it lasts longer and breaks down less. And there are even cases when a car saves the life of its owner. For example, in an accident, a car is smashed to pieces, and the owner gets away with only scratches and bruises. Or the car saves the owner from an accident, for example, the braking distance suddenly becomes shorter than normal. Or there are times when the owner needs to go somewhere, but the car won’t start. And after some time, a serious accident occurs on the road where the person was supposed to be driving. There are a lot of similar situations in different people's lives.

A laptop with a name can last twice as long. The same applies to vacuum cleaners, TVs and other equipment.

Therefore, knowing the principle, which is expressed in the fact that if something is given a name, then this object serves better and longer - you can consciously choose a name for your technique .

This way you can surround your life with friends. Constantly being in the human field, the object is gradually saturated with the energy of the owner and turns from inanimate into an animate object, that is, in fact, it already has living energy and can feel, react, and help.

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